The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, July 28, 1950, Image 4

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Elizabeth Dierolf, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Dierolf, Shaver-
‘town, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Roushey at Canton N.Y.
Ozonia Lodge.
William Dierolf,
Shavertown is
recovering at his home after a
three weeks illness with a virus
Mr. and Mrs, William Dierolf will
celebrate their thirty-first wedding
anniversary this Sunday. No fes-
tivities have been planned.
Invitations have been issued for
the marriage of Miss Lucille Dis-
que, daughter of Mrs. Sarah Dis-
que of Ashley, formerly of Dallas,
to George Bittenbender, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Bittenbender Sat-
urday, August 19 at 2 pm. in
Dallas Methodist Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reilly of
Idetown had as weekend guests
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Rice and family and
Miss Marilyn Reilly and Frederick
Packard of Jersey Shore.
Tommy Johnson of Wilkes-Barre
has been spending a few, days with
his grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. Ed-
ward T. Line of Main Street.
Mrs. Eugenie Barbot and Mr. and
Mrs. Veron Barbot of Scarsdale, N.
Y. spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry W. Peterson.
Miss Jean Louise Williams, Nor-
ton Avenue, will sail August 2nd
from New York on the S. S. Am-
- erica for an automobile tour of
England, Scotland and Wales. She
will be accompanied by Miss Cath-
erine Hathaway of New Port News,
Va. They will return September
Joe Peterson with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Peterson of Shamokin have
returned after visiting Grandma
Peterson in Quincy, Mass. for 10
. days.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moyer of
Lehman avenue had as guest last
week the latter’s sister, Mrs. Harry
Geary of White Plains. Bobby Moy-
er returned with her to be. her
guest for the next couple weeks.
Wednesday night Mrs. Moyer’s
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Brotherton of Huston, Texas, were
dinner guests at the Moyer home.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Risley,
Huntsville road, spent the weekend
at Lancaster and the Pennsylvania
Dutch country.
- Mr. and Mrs. T. M. B. Hicks,
Demunds road, will move next
week to the Hugh Murray house on
Pioneer avenue which they have
Sheldon Evans of Shavertown and
Arlie Bowman of Wilkes-Barre
spent Friday of last week in Phil-
Miss Helen Williamson of Phil-
adelphia is spending the week vis-
iting old friends and relatives Back
of the Mountain.
: Miss Jennie Webster, aunt of
Rev. Robert Webster, is staying at
the Methodist parsonage in Trucks-
ville while Rev. Webster is vaca-
tioning at the home of his parents
at Bethany, Pa. and in the New
England States.
Miss Frances Dorrance of Hunts-
ville and a former classmate at
Vassar College, Mrs. Howard Tay-
lor of Philadelphia will leave next
week for Mt. Desert, Maine, to
spend a month.
Dick Ide who submited to an op-
eration in Presbyterian Hospital a
couple weeks ago is home now and
able to use his legs which will be
in a cast for several months.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Richards of De-
troit, Mich., are visiting the for-
mer’s brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Hayden Richards of Leh-
man avenue.
Mrs. Clyde Cooper and Dougie
who are vacationing at Lake Carey
spent Monday at their home on
Lehman avenue.
Mrs. Herbert Dreher has returned
to her home on Park street after
being a patient under observation
at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lacy of Pio-
neer avenue will leave next week
for Stockholm, Sweden on a busi-
ness and pleasure trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Rees of the
Bahama Islands who are visiting
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Henry at Shickshinny spent
the weekend as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. D. T. Scott of Huntsville road.
. Miss Miriam Lathrop and her
aunt, Miss Emily Avery of Spring-
ville drove to Stonington, Conn.
over the weekend. They took Mrs.
Neighborhood No
Mildred Lyons Is
Honored At Shower
Miss Mildred Lyons, bride-elect,
was guest of honor at a personal
shower given by Mrs. James Skam-
eritz, Division street, Wilkes-Barre,
Tuesday night. Present were Mrs.
James Busch, Mrs. George Mahon,
Mrs. Dan Sawka, Mrs. Henry Bet-
cher, Mrs. Anthony Broody, Mrs.
George Broody, Mrs. Jacob Broody,
Mrs. Arch Busch, Mrs. Edward
Prutzman, Jane and Joan Betcher,
Roberta Busch, Jean Broody,
Sophia Canchur, Mildred McNeel,
the guest of honor and the hostess.
Entertain For Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henney of
Kunkle entertained over the week-
end Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henney
and daughters, Barbara, Carol and
Diane of Dayton, Ohio. Sunday
they had a picnic for their guests.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Henney, George Henney of Wilkes-
Barre, Robert Henney, New Jersey
and Raymond Kuhnert Jr. Over-
brook road.
Have New Baby Girl
Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, Shav-
er avenue, Shavertown, have an-
nounced the birth of a daughter in
General Hospital Tuesday, July 18.
Sterling Eyre who has been guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scureman
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scureman
of Huntsville road spent the week-
end at the summer home of Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas McWilliam near Sha-
mokin. Murray and Doug were for-
mer classmates at Princeton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Malkemes
and Fred Jr. and Peggy of Shaver-
town visited the Lincoln Caverns
at Huntingdon, Pa. over the week-
Mrs. Emmett Hoover and child-
ren, Kenneth and Jean, Mrs. Rob-
ert Hoover and Iva of Outlet vis-
ited Mrs. Lynn Thomas at Hall-
stead and Betty and Clara Sutton,
Johnson City, N.Y. on Friday.
Mrs. Robert Hoover, Paul and
Iva Hoover of Outlet and Miss Vera
Rogers of Lehman spent Sunday at
the Pinebrook Bible Conference at
Thomas A. Eipper who has been
a patient at General Hospital for
many weeks is now living at the
Frantz Convalescent Home at
Mr. and Mrs, William Richards
| and children, Karen and Kieth of
Pougkeepsie, N.Y. are spending
their vacation with Mrs. Richards’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jack-
son of Harveys Lake and Mr. Rich-
ards’ mother, Mrs. Ann Richards of
Beaumont. Monday night Mrs. Stel-
lla Isages and Mrs. Fred Dodson
and Jackie and Mrs. Edith Shoe-
maker and Rohanna were callers
at the home of Mrs. Richards.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunckle of
Norwich, N.Y. are guests of Attor-
ney and Mrs. Robert Fleming and
family of Kunkle.
John Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hughes, Lehman Avenue is
paying a two-week visit to his par-
ents at their cottage at Lake Nu-
angola. John is associated with
American Chain and Cable in the
Chicago office. He was graduated
from Columbia in 1948 and affil-
iated almost immediately with the
present organization.
Miss Mary Reedy and Miss Eliz-
abeth Setse will return next week
to Atlanta, Ga., after spending the
summer months with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Reede of Center Hill road.
Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Bartley, Dov-
er, Del, were last weekend guests
of Miss Louise Frantz of Machell
avenue. Dr. Bartley is president of
Wesley Junior College where Miss
Frantz is a member of the faculty.
Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Shaver and
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shaver and
{ daughter who have been summer-
ing at North Lake spent several
days this week at their Idetown
homes and attended the Country
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Updyke
and children, Bradley and Bonnie
Lee of Church street are on a trip
to Canada.
Dallas, Pa.
Donald O'Conner
Patricia Mednia
Cartoon and News
Loaded Pistols”
Starring Gene Autry and
: Barbara Britten
Cartoon, Comedy and Sports
“Paid in Full”
“Young Man With a
3 Horn”
Kirk Douglass
_ in trucolor
Rod Cameron, Adrean Booth
“The Damned Don’t
Herdman Family Enjoys
Family Dinner Party
For the second time within a
month the Herdman family has
enjoyed a family dinner and re-
union. The first occasion was
July 2 when Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Sweezy and their youngest dau-
ghter, Barbara were visiting here
from Canfield, Ohio. Mrs. Sweezy
is the former Vivian Herdman and
has been residing in Ohio for the
past eight years.
The second occasicn was July 16
.when the family enjoyed a dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Doll at Evans Falls in honor of Mrs.
Herbert R. Gessell of Garden City,
L. I. Mrs. Gessell is the former
Doris Herdman and has been
teaching on Long Island ever since
her graduation from Mansfield
State Teachers’ College in 1924.
At present she is teaching negroes.
She is now enroute to the National
Convention of Education at St.
Louis, Mo.
Present at the dinner were Mr.
and Mrs. Harry, Doll and James
Casterline of Evans Falls; Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Jacobs of ‘Harrisburg;
Mr. and Mrs. George Landon, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Hilbert and Keith,
Janice, Larry and Sheila, Mr. and
Mrs. Cragg Herdman, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Parks, Butchie Parks, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Patton of Kunkle;
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Pitts-
ton; and the guest of honor.
Second Birthday Party
Mrs, Harold Gebler of Harveys
Lake entertained last Wednesday
in honor of her daughter, Linda,
who celebrated her second birth-
day anniversary. Lunch was served
to Lillian and Jerry Traver, Flora,
Larry and Leon West, Bradley
Rauch, Charles Conden, Paul,
Janet and Nancy Gebler.
Joan Kear Is Seventeen;
Has Luncheon at Club
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kear of Lake
road entertained at a luncheon at
Irem Country Club last Thursday
honoring their daughter, Joan who
celebrated her seventeenth birthday
anniversary. Present were Ethel
Evans, Alon Gorman, Helen Smith,
Kathleen Ferenbach, Beverly Dunn,
Carol Popky, Esther Flannery,
Sherry Howell, Claire Lois Evans
and Joan.
Miss Shirley Scott Is
Bride of Wayne Denmon
Sunday morning at 8 o'clock,
Miss Shirley Scott, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Scott of Loyalville,
became the bride of Wayne Den-
mon, son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Denmon of Beaumont. Rev.
Carl Brandon performed the cere-
mony in the parsonage of the Cen-
termoreland Baptist Church.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Scott, parents of the bride.
The bride wore white ankle
length dress and wreath of white
flowers in her hair. Her shoulder
bouquet was of red rose buds. Mrs.
Scott selected green street length
dress and red roses.
Mr. Denmon is a stone mason
associated with John Denmon.
Grace N. Ferry, E. L. Truitt of
Philadelphia, Mrs. John Edwards of
Edwardsville and Mrs. Francis Lew-
is ‘of Lehman have returned home
after touring the .New England
States. They also took the boat trip
to Nantucket where they visited
Betty Lewis and Mary Edwards who
are nurses at the Nantucket Cottage
Hospital. 3
Invitations have been issued for
the marriage of Miss Mildred Jean
Lyons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Prutzman, Maplewood av-
enue, to Robert Broody, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Broody of Main
road, Dallas. Rev. Nicholas Husson
will perform the ceremony in St.
Mary’s Orthodox Syrian Church,
Sunday, July 30 at 2 p.m. :
Maid of honor will be Mildred
McNeel, and bridesmaids, Polly Lou
Cooper, Sophia Canchur and
Jane and Joan Betcher. Junior
bridesmaids will be Jean Broody,
sister of the bridegroom, and Bar-
bara Williams. Carol Jean Broody,
cousin of the bridegroom and Joyce
Kerwicki will be flower girls.
Following the ceremony,
of the Broody home.
at the Broody home,
George Broody will be his
brother's best man and William
Hart, Joe Dunham and Joe Le-
Grand and Leonard Stover, ushers.
a re-
ception will be held on the lawn
Miss Lyons is a graduate of Dal-
las Borough High School and has
been employed at the Acme Store
The couple will reside temporarily
Marilyn Reilly, Engaged
To Jersey Shore Man
Announcement has been made
of the engagement of Miss Marilyn
Pettebone Reilly, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Reilly of Idetown
to Pvt. Frederick Packard, son of
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Danley of Jer-
sey Shore.
The wedding will take place in
Jersey Shore Methodist Church
Saturday, August 12. A reception
for members of the family and a
few friends will be held at the
in Dallas. Mr. Broody was also|home of the bride’s sister and
graduated from Dallas Borough | brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
High School and is associated with | Rice, immediately following the
his father in Broody’s Floral Shop, | ceremony.
Miss Reilly is a graduate of Forty
Fort High School, class of 1948
and has been making her home
with the Rices. Mr. Packard was
At a very quiet wedding, Miss
Dolores Cragle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Cragle of Sweet
Valley, became the bride of Earl
Kittle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Kittle of Sweet Valley in the par-
sonage of Muhlenburg Methodist
Church Saturday afternoon at 3
o'clock. Rev. Oscar W. Saxe per-
formed the double ring ceremony.
Attendants were Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Goff of Sweet Valley.
The bride wore street length
dress of white nylon and small
white hat trimmed with lilies of the
valley. Her shoulder bouquet was
Miss Dolores Cragle Becomes
Bride of Earl Kittle Saturday
graduated from Jersey Shore High
School, class of 1948, and is serv-
ing with the U.S. Army at Fort
Monmouth, N. J.
The couple
will reside at Fort.
tes And News Of Local Church Doings
Miss Mildred Jean Lyons To Wed | :
Robert Broody Sunday, July 30
® When illness strikes,
your first thought is to
strike back—but quick. So,
when your doctor writes
a prescription, bring it
directly to this pharmacy
We are organized to make
the most of minutes. In an
emergency, we’ll call for
prescriptions and deliver
the medicines. Your val-
ued patronage is always
sincerely appreciated.
Earl’s Drug Store
Main Highway
Trucksville, Pa.
Telephone 110
of white carnations. Mrs. Goff selec-
ted pink nylon with matching ac-
cessories and shoulder bouquet of
pink carnations.
Following the ceremony the
couple left for a trip to Philadel-
Mrs. Kittle is a graduate of
Huntington Mills High School and
ley Frocks Inc. Mr. Kittle is em-
ployed as stone crusher with the B.
G. Coon Construction Company.
The couple will reside tempor-
arily with the. bride's parents at
Sweet Valley.
Miss Eleanor Stash,
Honored At Shower
Mrs. Andrew Stash, Overbrook
road, entertained at a variety show-
er Sunday honoring her daughter,
Eleanor who will marry Emery
Shady of Swoyerville Saturday,
August 5.
The party table was attractive
with centerpiece of mixed summer
flowers and parasols for favors.
Supper was served followed by mu-
slo :
Eleanor received lovely gifts.
Present were Mrs, Joseph Buazas,
Mrs. Andrew Domashinski, Mrs.
Frank Domashinski, Mrs. John
Shady, Eleanor Domashinski, Mary
Ann Buzas, Mrs. Susan Remetz,
Mrs. Walter Prokopchak, Mrs. An-
drew Yedinak, -Swoyerville; Mrs.
Michael Mitura, Rita Mitura, Mrs.
Joseph Rich, Carol, Mrs. Robert
Schlosser, Mrs. George Sialeck,
Mrs. Elmer McDavitt, Delores Soley,
Larksville; Mrs. Michael Silic, Sha-
vertown; Mrs. Michael Chukinas,
Mrs. Paul Stoner, Mrs. Edward
Zaboski, Mrs. Frank Michels, Ber-
nadine, Mrs. Joseph Polacky, Mrs.
Anna Sebolka, Mrs. Joseph Laux,
Mrs. Edward Estock, Mrs. Andrew
Ondish, Mrs. Betty Patton, Mrs.
John Elencik, Mrs. Hanford Eck-
man, Mrs. Frank Sedler, Mrs. John
Tibus, Mrs. Maude Wesley, Jean,
Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert, Mrs. Mary
Kamor, Mrs. Howard Yeager, Mrs.
Paul Mulcey, Mrs. Robert Dolbear,
Mrs. Anthony Hudak, Jr., Mrs. Jo-
seph Hudak, Mrs. Anthony Hudak,
Sr., Josephine, Rosine and Pauline
Kozemchak, Mrs. Arnold Yeust,
Dallas; Mrs. Andrew Sebolka, Ger-
aldine, Mrs. Leland Moss, Trucks-
ville; Mrs. Arthur Ward, Louisiana;
Dorothy and Lorraine Stash, the
guest of honor and the hostess.
Read the Classified Column
Next to Airport—Route 309
July 28-29
Abbott and Costello in
“Keep ’Em Flying”
Plus News and 3 Cartoons
July 30-31
“One Sunday
with Dennis Morgan and
Do. Malone
Also Cartoon and Technicolor
August 1
with Humphrey Bogart
“Flashing Guns”
with Johnny Mack Brown
Added News
August 2-3
“Black Arrow”
with Louis Hayward and
Janet Blair
Sandy Beach
“Angels with Dirty
Starring James Cagney,
Pat O’Brien, Humphrey Bogart
and the Dead End Kids
cartoon and news
Kiss in the Dark”
David Niven, Jane Wyman and
Broderick Crawford, winner of
the 1950 Oscar
Hopalong Cassidy
_ “Hoppy’s Holiday”
with Andy Clyde
Hundred to one odds against
him but Hoppy gets his man.
fiStork Bites Man”
Jackie Cooper
Also Cartoon
“Road House”
starring Ida Lupino,
Cornell Wilde, Celeste Holmes
and Richard Widmark
Two Shows Nightly
8:45 and 10:45
Children under Twelve
Meeker Ladies, Guests
Of Alderson W. S.C. S.
The Alderson W.S.C.S. enter-
tained members of the Meeker
W.S.C.S. at a covered dish lunch-
eon at the church on Thursday,
July 20th. The Meeker ladies pre-
sented Alderson with a lovely
birthday cake, to celebrate their
tenth anniversary as the W.S.C.S.
The business meeting, worship ser-
vice, and program followed the
luncheon. Those attending were
Mesdames Letha Wolfe, L. W. Kar-
schner, Wayne King, Eugene Rob-
ison, Gorden James, Minnie
Hoover, C. Lamoreaux, J. A. Hilde-
brant, W. L. Drabick, Walter D.
Wolfe, Helen Van Buskirk, Lillie
Connelly, Florence Beardsley, Na-
omi Scholz, Elvira Wolfe, Addie
Kyttle, Mary King, Raymond Gar-
inger, William Deets, Richard Wil-
liams, Howard Higgins.
Mesdames Robert Avery, Kate
Shultz, Morrison Witter, Alfred
Rogers, Herman Garinger, Joseph
Rauch, Albert Armitage, Harry Al-
len Sr., George Taylor, Warren
Dennis, Henry Butler, Giles Com-
stock, Gilbert Carpenter, Harvey
Kitchen, Fred Swanson, Alan Kist-
ler, Wilson B. Reynolds, Sterling
Jones, John Bennett, John Daug-
herty, J. West, Carol Ann Lamor-
eaux, and Rev. Ruth Underwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis en-
tertained the following guests at
their home last evening: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs.
Elbert Lemon of Kingston and Mr.
and Mrs. Willard Saxe of Newark,
“Forever Amber”
in technicolor
starring Linda Darnell,
Cornell Wilde
Richard Green, George Sanders
““‘Scudda Hoo Scudda
H ay”
with June Haver and
Lon McCallister
Al Jolson says: “You ain’t seen
nothin’ till you see
Dan Dailey in
“Give My Regards to
in technicolor
starring Charles Winninger,
Nancy Guild, Charles Ruggles
and Fay Bainter
‘Mr. Belvedere Goes to
starring Clifton Webb and
Shirley Temple
The most screamingly funny
thing to happen to the screen
in years.
“Fighting Man of the
My rd by Cinecolor
Starring Randolph Scott
Two Shows Nightly
Starting at Dusk
has been employed at Sweet Val-| |
A Warrant
by hand or with a
spreader as it comes
from the package.
Jr. Spreader $5.95
C1 /D
Ask for *‘SCUTTLE"”
i This newest development of Scotts
Lawn Research cleans out ugly
Crabgrass slick as a whistle without harm
to desirable grasses, persons or pets.
Take action now to destroy Crabgrass
(Watergrass, Fall Grass, Wiregrass) be-
fore it crowds out desirable grasses.
400 sq ft Box-95¢
1250 sq ft Box—$1.95
5500 sq ft Bag-$6.85
Phone Dallas 520-R-7
Scots LAWN CARE Produce
Air Conditioned
Newest Fabrics
PAJAMAS Nationally
J advertised
Bathing Suit bi
g Suis Panties
Reduced up to
39¢—3 for $1.00
59¢—2 for $1.00
Values to $7.99
$5.99 each
2 for $11.00
: 3 / Admitted Free Refreshments
Elizabeth Scott, Robert Cumming Cry Also News and Cartoon Carnival Picnic Tables Free Playground—XKiddie Area 100
: Cartoon Starring Joan Crawford Two Shows, Starting at Dusk Enjoy the beach before the Children under twelve Main Street
aa show. admitted free. Luzerne 7-6318