‘ . : . . x $ Woman's Club Bake Sale Dallas Woman's Club will hold a bake sale at Boyd White's Appli- ance Store tomorrow, Saturday, June 17. All women whose names start with letter G. through P. are doing the baking. Mrs. Lloyd Kear is general chairman assisted by Mrs. Ralph Hallock, Mrs. Burt Lew- is, Mrs. Nesbitt Garinger, Mrs. Wes- ley Himmler and Mrs. Ralph Gar- rahan. Read The Classified Column Miss Lois Sickler Is Hostess At Shower Miss Lois Sickler, Carverton, en- tertained at a variety shower hon- oring Miss Helen Ann Scureman, bride-elect, May 26. Present were: Mrs. Dana Sickler, Mrs. Richard Prynn, Mrs. Leighton Fish, Mrs. William Valentine, Mrs. Alfred Scureman, Miss Lois Sickler, Miss Peggy Greenwood, Miss Mary Por- ter, Miss Nancy Valentine, Miss Mary Eicke, Miss Phyllis Sutton, the guest of honor and the hostess. / {only 49c for both ® dries speedily further “tor Budget-Wise Householders for a limited time Rhy Moore's IMPERVO ENAMEL ‘and a paint brush! Fi in the coupon below to take advantage immediately of this special combination offer. You get a half pint of IMPERVO ENAMEL . . . the one-coat enamel that goes further and wears longer . , . and a quality paint brush at this special price. impervo Enamel Quick Drying = For Exterior or Interior Use ® spreads easily and goes ® covers completely with one coat ® gives a brilliant glossy finish to scrubbing, weather and hard wear Date of Sale OPPORTUNITY DAYS Pint of ® stands up BOYD R. MAIN STREET IOI. ss ee nares Hope sni snr See ke soa E Rar os + Boy Sie oars . Incidreas le i Y visirairk Bring this coupon to rere WHITE DALLAS ...to replace the old-fashioned sink BY MULLINS ® No-splash bowl ® Space for all utensils ® Easy installation refrigerator) Kitchenaider 54” DeLuxe Dishwashing’s a breeze with this big, sparkling beauty. Storage space galore, with five drawers, two compartments. Loads of work surface—handy sliding shelf, removable cutting board. And so easy to own! Fifteen Points to Perfection ® One-piece, acid-resisting, porcelain-enamel top ® 4-inch backsplash prevents wall splashing ® Special “crumb cup” strainer eliminates dishpan /® Swinging faucet and automatic, flexible rinse spray ® Spacious, easy sliding drawers ® Sliding shelf, removable cutting board ® Doors and drawers sound-deadened ® High-quality chrome hardware ® All steel, all welded, no sharp corners ® Recessed base allows room for toes and knees ® Cutlery drawer with compartments ® Storage capacity 14.25 cubic feet (more than average 'REBENNACK & COVERT 267 WYOMING AVE. Open Friday Evenings easy terms Rare Pieces In Antique Stock Mustache Cup For Man With Moustache Items already rounded up by the Antique Committee of the Library Auction include a rare picture painted on glass in a gold-leaf frame, a love seat, a good selection of antique colored glass, and a moustache cup, towel rack, flax wheel, child’s high-chair, some ma- jolica pieces. And for horse-lovers, in anticipation of the Easter Pa- rade, a genuine surrey with the fringe on top. There 1s also a set of half-back chairs, six of them, beautifully dec- orated, suitable for either a classic or a ranch-house setting. Each member of the antique committee is responsible for dona- tion of one treasured antique, and for five others dredged up from friends or neighbors. There are twenty-two members of the an- tique committee. 22 x 5 equals 110 antiques as a back-log for the auction, in addition to all donations. Mrs. Fred B. Howell, Mrs. D A. Hutchison, and Mrs. Howard Risley are co-chairmen of antiques. Mem- bers are: Mesdames H. W. Smith, A. J. Rutherford, Murray Scureman, R. M. Scott, T. M. B. Hicks, George Schallenberger, William Lamb, George Gregson, John Doane, Nor- wood Brader, H. R. Weaver, Ray Shiber, J. C. Langdon, Paul Gross, John Ferguson, J. A. Brooks, Dwight Fisher, Miss Mary Gates, Miss Miriam Lathrop, librarian. Garden Party Planned June 22 Kings Daughters Say It In Rhyme Busses for transportation of King's Daughters and guests to Old Orchard, home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeWees, and the 16th an- nual garden party, will leave Trucksville Fire Hall at 1 p.m; Martins’ Gas Station, Trucksville, 1:05; Ike Brace's Gas Station, Sha- vertown, 1:10; Shavertown Metho- dist Church, 1:15; Lake Street, Dal- las, across the tracks, 1:25. A brass ensemble composed of Howard Allen, Floyd Gallup, Jerry J. Faust, and Wayne Madden, will entertain before the reading by Mrs. Conrad. In a charming country garden, Midst the loveliest array Of sweet and fragrant blossoms, So delightful, bright and gay. "Neath the cool and shading branches Of “Old Orchards” lovely trees, The King’s Daughters Class will greet you At the home of Charles DeWees. Amidst this gorgeous setting In “Old Orchards” sylvan dell, You'll relax as Mrs. Conrad Will a favorite story tell. So get your tickets promptly, ‘Cause you'll surely want to be On June the twenty-second, At DeWees' for “The Tea”. —Dorothy B. Anderson Sandy Beach Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Randoplh Scott “Fighting Men of the Plains” in technicolor Bill Williams Cartoon and News SUNDAY and MONDAY “Pitfall” Lizabeth Scott DRAMA SUSPENSE-PACKED Cartoon and News TUESDAY ONLY “Two Yanks in Trinidad” Starring Pat O’Brien Brian Donlevy Jannette Blair Watch these dashing hotheads give each other a hot foot. Cartoon Sing a Song of Six Pants WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “The Miracle of The Bells” starring Fred MacMurray Valli and Frank Sinatra Beach now open for swimming. The safest beach in eastern Pa. Merchandise Party Every night and Sunday afternoon Picnic Tables Free Two Shows Nightly Starting At Dusk Don’t Forget The Farmer Dances Saturday Night Children under Twelve THE POST, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1950 Shoe Repair Shop Thirty Children “Attend Classes St. Paul's School Closes June 25 Thirty boys and girls have been attending Daliy Vacation Bible School at St. Paul's Church, Shav- ertown. The following courses are being taught: Beginners: ‘Learning About Je- sus”’—Mrs. David Robertson. Primary: “The God Shepherd’— Mrs. Frederick Eck and Mrs. Ray- mond Malkemes. Junior: “Looking Up”—Mrs, The- odore Woolbert. Intermediate: “The Spreading Light”"—Mrs. Newton Ness and Mrs. William Thomas. The school is sponsored by the Dorcas Society of the Church, and the leader is the pastor, The Rev- erend F. W. Moock, Jr. Devotions in the church begin each morn- ing’s session at 9:30. A large tent has been pitched on church proper- ty in the use of which the classes alternate. Next week the school will again be in session Monday through Fri- day. On Sunday, June 25, closing exercises will be conducted at the 11 a.m. service. Those attending are: Charlotte Roberts, Fred Roberts, Allan Rob- ertson, Fred Anderson, Jr. Bev- erly Eck, Fred Malkemes, Jr., Dor- othy Eck, Frank Fischer, James Malkemes, William Hartman, Nancy George, Spencer Holmgren, Judy Woolbert, William Thomas, Jr. Linda Woolbert, Robert Ash, Dee Dee Werkheiser, Flora Sue Ander- son, Charles Malkemes, David Ell, Brenda Clause, Alice Louise Thom- as, Donald Werkheiser, Jack Eck, Marilyn Eck, Pauline Moock, Rich- ard Rudy, David Roberts, Raymond Malkemes, Robert Nicely, Carol Lee Thomas, Beatrice Ell, Carol Rudy. RICH TRUCK FARM TOP SOIL RED ASH CINDERS FILL Berti & Sons Dallas 277-R-2 RS GATE PRIZE A PONY Show Starts at 10:15 13 Changes Hands Joe Tavoglione Has 21 years Experience Dallas Shoe Repair Shop has changed hands. The present own- er has had twenty-one years ex- perience in expert shoe-mending, and also specializes in luggage repair and zipper work. Joe Tavoglione of Pittston has been repairing and making shoes ever since he was 19 years old. He is new to this territory, hopes to locate here with his family if business warrants. He has four boys, the oldest twelve, @® Structural Steel ® Woven Wire Windo @® Steel Stairs 4 pas : @® Interior & Exterior ire Escapes Iron Railings @ Steel Stacks @® Coal Bunkers @® Stoker Hoppers @® Conveyor Flights @® Truck Frame Reinforcing @® Truck Sides @® Cab Protectors @® Machine Guards ® Sidewalk Doors ® Wickwire Spencer Chain Link Fence @® Steel Tanks @® Steel Plate Fabrication '® Wire Enclosures Wilkes-Barre Iron & Wire Works Inc. 408 Bennett Bldg. Ely and Bennett Sts. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Luzerne, Pa. Dial 3-6104 Dial 7-6311 = Complete Dinner $1.50 OUR MENU IS VARIED WITH FAVORITE FOODS, ALL DELICIOUSLY PREPARED, FAULTLESSLY SERVED. Children half price DOLLY MADISON ICE CREAM Buy it in the half gallon pkg. only $1.30 MAIN STREET Bowman’s Restaurant Sixth Annual a - BIG EVENTS - Delicious HOT ROAST BEEF «= COUNTRY DINNER Serving starts at 11:15 BAND CONCERT ON SCHOOL CAMPUS BACK MOUNTAIN Fa lm LEHMAN SCHOOL GROUNDS JULY 4th. 1950 SPONSORED BY LEHMAN VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY 13 $1.25 Admitted Free 43 j ~ BOX SEAT DIAGRAM NO Come Spend the Day at Lehman for a Safe, Sane and Restful Fourth of July FREE PLAY GROUND FOR CHILDREN .. W OPEN - CALL DALLAS 565-R-2 (PLEASE POST) gia iia Gs