it. PAGESIX Dry Cleaning Our Specialty + Eh Your Wardrobe i Is Safe il When Sent To HECKS ih H.L. 4256 Prompt Delivery Service Men’s Shirts Laundered |Harvey’s Lake Miss Shirley Alexander and George Smith Jr. of Lewistown spent the weekend with George Smith Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen have returned after spending a week in Philadelphia. Mr. Kitchen had tests and was under observa- tion at the Philadelphia hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rauch of West Pittston, visited Mrs. Harriet Rauch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Garinger entertained on Sunday for their granddaughter, Jessie Armitage, who celebrated her 15th birthday. Arnold Garinger was Jessie's guest for supper. She received lovely gifts. Beaumont The “Little Leaguers” did a big league job in taking Factoryville 8-6 by clouting two homers in the last inning. Joan Cowan of Sterling Farms was selected by her fifth and sixth grade classmates as the ‘Best Citizen”of the group. One of the most disappointed boys of the town is Ronald Good- win who was rejected by the Air Corps because of flat feet! “Mark’s Own” by Sara Atherton is an enjoyable historical novel of Wyoming Valley—so go to Kozak’s to choose a book of your own de- sire from the Wyoming County Library. A safe and sane Fourth at home! Then enjoy the day at the’ school grounds helping to make the Hon- or Roll permanent by participating in ball games, bingo, and races. The I. O. O. F. is sponsoring the project with the help of the Lend- A-Hand Club who will sell home made pies, hot dogs, and soda. Capt. and Mrs. Hillman Dress of Fort Benning, Ga., are with the Captain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dress enroute to Quebec. All of us express our sympathy to the Kozak family at the loss of their father, Thomas Kozak, age eighty-three. The town team found it easy going by leisurely winning from Falls 10-6 last weekend. The Lend-A-Hand Club plans to hold its annual picnic at Harveys Lake July the thirteenth. Idetown The Daily Vacation Bible School of Idetown Church will begin on June 19 and continue for two weeks. Rev. Frank Abbott, pastor of the Lehman charge will be the dean. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen spent last week in. Philadelphia where Mr. Kitchen was a patient at the Benjamin Franklin Clinic of the Pennsylvania Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huff and Jackie Paul of Kingston moved to their cottage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wright and sons Dale and Willard Jr. of Kings- ton are spending the summer at their Dale-Wood Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Griffiths and sons Daniel and Richard of Syracuse, N.Y. spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. Claire McKenna. Mrs. Lila Felt of Washington, D. C. has returned home after spend- Calamine Lotion Sc : 4 oz. 21¢ $1.00 Jergen’s Lotion | Th Epsom Salts 49¢ Jergen’s Cr. Shampoo t Both for 89¢ { 13¢ 69¢ ot fel 60c McKesson’s Tooth Powder 86¢ 1b. : 50c Dr. West Tooth Brush Ronson Lighters Both for 89¢ $6.00 up 1 Peroxide All popular brand cigarettes— 3 1%c pint Camels, Luckies, Chesterfields 3 Antiseptic Mouth Wash $1.96 carton : 29c pint Kodak Cameras 250 Aspirin Tablets it y. Mineral Oil 35¢ Double Danderine Hl 69¢ Quart 2 for 47c plus tax is “5¢ Doan’s Pills $1.00 Lustre Cream Shampoo ii 45¢ $1.00 Lustre Cream Hair Dressing 2 Witch Hazel Both for $1.00 { 29¢ pint Reg. 50c Douche Powder | 5% DDT 2p & : pint size 19¢ Old Spice Shampoo Kodak All-weather Film 120 or 620 38¢ Prince Albert, Half & Half, Velvet Dial Soap—19c¢ i BERT & CO. CUT RATE STORES EW ”m’—s;m"y SRR cs HEQ cose DRUGS oR h ) $2.75 up ” NOW!! 100% GABARDINE DRESS VCP VPP POT YY aaa a oo oe a a a a a a og TROUSERS —QNLY— ‘3.99 $12.50 Value If Perfect VO PV VIP IPI POOP Pw 79 MAIN STREET Vv eee VV VV Vv VV VV VY VY VY YY ve Bath hhh Guaranteed !! Quantities Limited FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS amature VY TT VV Vv ve Vv VV VV eee eee Super Value! Ideal for all year round 100% pure gabardine dress wear. Genuine trousers, expertly tail- ored, vat dyed colors, zipper fly, pleated. Sizes 28 to 42 Blues, Greys, Tans, Browns, Greens No Alterations No Phone Orders No C.0.D’s "THE POST, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1950 THESE WOMEN! “Can he do that to me—go to jail instead of paying alimony?” ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. Mrs. Willard Cropp and children Peggy, Gary, Ruth Anne of Shaver- town spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meade. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Reilly have returned to their home after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Pau! Rice of Jersey Shore. Sherwood McKenna and Claude Lapp Jr, of Washington, D. C., spent the weekend with relatives and friends in the Back Mountain Area. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Casterline and daughter Mary Lou and Mrs. Lewis Schultz spent Sunday at Mehoopany. Mrs. Kenneth Bonning is a pa- tient at the Nesbitt Hospital. Kim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Calkins is spending some time with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Calkins of Forty Fort. Mrs. John Miller of Kingston spent Saturday with Mrs. Della Parrish. Vacation Bible School Will Start On Monday Starting Monday morning, June 19 at 9:30 a.m. Daily Vacation Bible School will be held at Alder- son Methodist Church every day for two hours for the next two weeks. Courses include Bible study, hymn training, handicraft and recreational periods. Teachers will be Mrs. Giles Com- stock, Mrs. Ruth Butler, Mrs. Al- bert Armitage, Miss Bethia Allen, Mrs. Raymond Garinger and Mrs. William Deets. Rev. Ruth Under- wood will be pastoral adviser. All children from kindergarten age to fourteen years are cordially invited. The Bookworm (Continued from Page Two) ume containing beautiful photographs of exteriors and in- teriors of historic houses from Charleston to New England, taking in landmarks in Virginia, the Eastern Shore, and Delaware. Be- cause of its value and its size, the librarian, Miss Miriam Lathrop, plans to limit circulation to adults; and to use in the library. This Is Where We Lived (Continued from Page Two) color odist Church, written for the Cen- tennial Celebration, 1944. 5. Clipping W. B.Record, October 17, 1941. 6. Holcomb, Althea Information given verbally to the writer by Mrs. Althea Holcomb. 7. Clipping Sunday Independent. June 30, 1940. 8. Billings, Walter Information given verbally to the writer. 9. Anderson, Mrs. Grover Information given verbally to the writer. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 Don’t sell your antiques be- fore calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Fur- niture, Glass, Silver, and | Coins. Entire Estates Bought. Pottonalped : House Signs to sul your hobby, business, pets, etc. Dullblack finish on durable aluminum . $3.50 to $1500 Your name on both sides in Ne-Lum letters at JO setter PHONE, DALLAS 549-R-15 Malet Sly 72 MAPLE ST. Shavertown , Pa. uiuatibeaiathabeaite ri diddy sulbuiidddtfiiadbedididudiuiiiedimddl Fold dd Bl isbn didodnd J. P. Monko 2-WEEK ORPHAN CRUELLY ABANDONED AT LIBRARY FINDS WELCOMING HOME To all small girls who have hopefully invaded the Library in quest of the advertised kit- tens, and to all who may be still making arrangements at home for harboring kittens, the Library is now going on record as stating that no more kittens are available. Hardly had the Dallas Post gone to press last week when the mother cat returned to her abandoned litter, selected the lustier of the two kittens, and went off with it, pausing brief- ly to feed the black and white orphan as a parting gesture, then washing her paws of further maternal obligation. The black and white kitten spent the night in a box in Miriam Lathrop's apartment, and was given away the fol- lowing day to Mrs. William Kelly who lives across Main street from the Library. Mrs. Kelly likes kittens, and as her cat population had been re- cently reduced to one, she was willing and anxious to adopt the orphan. Made Notary Public Mrs. Frances E, Meeker of Kunkle has been commissioned a notary public. BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS—SIDEWALKS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS, ETC. ROAD GRADING DALE PARRY DALLAS 417-R-3 Gate Of Heaven Sponsors Picnic July 4th Family Day At Block Party Gate Of Heaven Block Party, grounds for three days over the holidays, July 3, 4, and 5, will cater to a family picnic on the Fourth of July. A picnic menu, served cafeteria style from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. will include cold boiled ham, potato salad, cole-slaw, home baked beans, a beverage, and des- sert. Franks and hamburgs will also be available at the refresh- ment booth. Mrs. Guy Dunham, Dallas, is chairman of refreshments. A special prize for closing day, July 5, is announced as a portrait executed by ‘Alice Uhl from a photograph of the lucky winner. Basis for selection of prize-winner will be announced later. to be held on St. Therese’s Church | Peter Clark, Jr. Gets Princeton Degree Peter D. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Clark of Baldwin street, Dallas, was among the 1,134 persons who received bachelor and advanced degrees at the 203rd an- nual commencement at Princeton University on Tuesday. He received the A. B. degree. More than sixty percent of those graduating had seen service in the Armed Forces. Strawberry Social At Orange, June 23 Cheerio Class, Orange Methodist Church, is planning a strawberry social at the church hall Friday, June 23, 8 p.m. Home-made ice- cream and home-grown straw- berries will be served. Receipts will augment the fund for remodel- ling and redecoration of the church basement. Mrs. George Dymond is . . chairman. | KNOCK! WATCH. LOOK IN KNOCK! WHO KNOCKS?? "tis Opportunity All Jewelry Drastically Reduced Except Fair Trade Items For Teen-Agers—For Teen-Oldsters For Eighteen—For Eighty A Chance of a Lifetime To show our appreciation for your patronage we offer you this rare opportunity. We give each customer who comes into our store an equal chance to win a nationally advertised SPEIDEL BAND, DESIGNED and FITTED to your STOP IN THIS GRAND OFFER HENRY’S Jewelry Store ‘ MAIN STREET DELIGHT IN DALLAS Hand Mirrors Hair Brushes Baby Books Bath Powder Sun Glasses Photo Albums Falcon Camera Double Danderine KUEHN'S DRUG STORE Witch Hazel .......oi.cie iis pn uy gk os gt. 49c ZL Mouth I WaBR | 1b. isirllig nmin Sa pt. 47c Hinkles Cascara Comp.:Pills' i Boda is 100’s 21c Rexall Thaver Pills i... ih nts 100’s 25c¢ FIrst Ald Rit oc et mnths ir tore meni benoit obs eh 49c Saccharin Tals, A ir oi 1/4 gr. 100’s 19¢ * ASPIRIN ASPIRIN 100’s 33¢ 250’s 69¢ | Extra seeciaL | Regular $1.19— .69 i 89— 49 "% 1.98—1.29 “« 279-179 «0 0 49 “| 8.08-225 el AY ¥ ~