FARMER DANCES MODERN and POLKA SANDY BEACH PAVILION Harvey's Lake, Pa. Every Saturday Night At 9 P. M. Under the Management of SHERRY NULTON Featuring—BOB SCOTT'S ORCHESTRA WAYNE WEAVER, Singing Caller Door Prizes Watch Out If You (including Tax) Admission 60c YOUR SHOE REPAIR . Now Under New Management ONLY THE BEST GRADES OF LEATHER AND FINEST WORKSMANSHIP USED. “YOU CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE” YOUR SHOES ARE GUARANTEED TO LOOK LIKE NEW OR YOUR MONEY BACK. WE REPAIR ANYTHING IN LEATHER. FISH- ING BOOTS, LUGGAGE, ZIPPERS, GOLF SHOES, GRIP SOLES FOR FARMERS. DALLAS SHOE REPAIR Quick Service While You Wait n Acme Is Headquarters For Fine Teas § -. Try These For Delicious Iced Tea 8 IDEAL Bex i TEA BALLS 2s 43c Ideal Orange Pekoe Tea “m2 None Better For Body and Flaver Oscar Mayer WEI | ERS Be SUNSHINE HYDROX COCKIES cello bag NEDICK’S Tasty Concentrate For ORANGE .. 1 9c {Jc DRINK jou PETER PAN CHUN KING Subgum Chicken Chow Mein Peanut Butter With a Can of Chun King jar : CHOW MEIN both DASH STERLING DOG FOOD TABLE SALT 1b. 24-o0z. 26-0z. cans square round pkg. pkg. Procter & Gamble Hot-W eather Favorites IVORY SOAP Medium Size Large Size 3-23c:225¢ mg 4. 19 Camay Toilet Soap Regular 9 1» 290 w 21c Bath Size IVORY FLAKES ee 26¢ IVORY SNOW we 200 Dives, Fg Yor 26¢ 3 «2c 2 oe 45¢ LAVA SOAP P&G LAUNDRY SOAP SPIC and SPAN... sorece. TIDE, DREFT, DUZ or 0XYDOL Giant Size 69c Large Package ~ 26¢ Have a Farm Pond Technicians assisting the Sus- quehanna County Soil Conservation District are receiving frequent in- quiries about owners’ rights and liabilities when a pond exists on the farm, and J. H. Schooley, assis- tant District Conservationist has re- plied as follows: When State hatchery fish have been furnished a pond owner, the owner is not permitted to post his pond against fishing. When Federal hatchery fish have been furnished for stocking a pond, the owner can post his land against trespas- sers and by so doing can prevent fishing in his pond. Trespass signs or fenced-off ponds do not protect the owner against liabiilty that might arise in case of FERNBROOK BUILDERS SUPPLY @ Bricks @ Insulation @ Roofing @® Sewer Pipes @ Masonry Supplies @ Plastering Supplies @® Fire Place Units ® Cement @ Paint ® Sand Gravel @® Drain Tile @ Fuel Lines PHONE 124-R-2 Just off Fernbrook Corners G. R. Cuppels DALLAS A. C. TRIMS VERNON Dallas AC jumped on the victory wagon again with a narrow 4-2 win over Vernon Sunday on Dallas Township Memorial Field. The game was strictly a pitcher’s show all the way with Jack Fiske, Dallas hurler, coming out on top, only six hits, fanned four, and with al- two teams. Warren Sutton went | most perfect control didn’t allow the route for East Dallas and was|a walk until two men were the victim of a 13-hit Orange attack |out in the ninth inning. Harding, while he fanned: six and walked |the Vernon pitcher, was nicked for four. J. Smith, Gardner and L. Ev-|seven hits, two of them doubles, ans handled the mound duties for | walked two, hit two batesman, and Orange. East Dallas amassed a to- {struck out two. tal of 19 hits and two walks against Glen Roberts returned to his the three Orange hurlers. hitting stride batting in three runs Orange scored its winning runs |With a double and a single. Harry in the last of the ninth with the | Grose also with a double and a score 11-9, East Dallas’ favor. Bel- | Single and scoring twice, and Ken las and Kunkle started the inning | Grose, with two singles, shared with two straight singles, Evans | the Dallas spotlight with Roberts. flied out, following this Larry Brace | Dick Wallace had the remaining evened the score by driving in Bel- las and Kunkle on his hit. Brace = Orange Rally Wins in Ninth Defeats E. Dallas 12-11 In Slugfest Orange took the measure of East Dallas 12-11 Sunday in an old- fashioned slugfest which saw a to- tal of 32 hits banged out by the then scored the winning run on DALLAS—4 Gardner's hit, the fourth of the ave. ab. inning. Orange scored six of its 12 | H. Brobst, cf 381 runs in the eighth and ninth in- |K. Grose, 2b 445 nings on six hits and four errors!H. Grose, rf .400 as the laxness of the East Dallas |J. Knecht, 3b 473 defensive play paved the way for | Roberts, If 262 Orange's victory. A. Knecht, 1b 150 Brace led the Orange batters | Wallace, c -333 with three hits with Bellas, Kunkle, | Pavlick, ss -000 and Gardner getting two apiece, | Fiske, p 271 Reese, (x) S70 East Dallas had seven players with two or more hits with Russ Much- ler, Art Bellas, Harry Hughey, and Tex Wilson knocking out three each. Howard Garbutt, Stanton and Wilson had the extra base hits for East Dallas, while Evans had the lone double for Orange. C. Brobst, (xx) .000 V’'derbr’k, ss (xxx) .570 a | COO0OO0OOCOOOONHKNR | COO0COOHONONNOY to 8 | COOHNNWWRWWN VERNON—2 » OO WN a OF Searfoss, ss Gula, If T. Wyda, 1b Kuzma, 2b A. Wyda, 3b Moticho, ¢ Harding, p Faux, cf Kaskas, rf Good Fishing at Reservoir Many sportsmen are making fine catches of bullheads and perch at Huntsville Reservoir. Some of the bullheads taken have weighed from four to five pounds. Fishing is permitted from sunup to sundown on the Dallas side. Permits must be obtained from the water com- pany. . Frequently there are as many as a hundred fishermen along the shores during early evening. COOH OHOOON COHMHDODWOO MND 27-2 6 Doubles—H. Grose, Roberts, Kuz- ma. RBI—J. Knecht, Roberts 3, Moticho, Harding. Strikeouts— Fiske 4, Harding 2. Walks—Fiske 1, Harding 2. Winner—Fiske. Loser ~ | —Harding. SCORES FOR DALLAS KIWANIS BASEBALL LEAGUE June 9 death due to drowning, It does not make any difference whether per- mission to swim was given by the VALUE Simplicity NEW 2 H.P. Model *'L” Twin to the “M’’ designed for lighter work. 4 Speed Drive. Briggs & Stratton Model N engine. Patented *‘Quick-Hitch” Many other Simplicity designed features. Memorial Highway FREE DEMONSTRATION — STOP IN TODAY Garinger Machine Service Proprietor owner or not. Landowners having Fernbrook 7, Shawertown, ‘4; ponds may protect themselves by Trucksville, idle making sure their liability insur- 4 : ance covers their ponds. June 13 Fernbrook 10, Trucksville, 0; re Shavertown, 9 Dallas Town- AMERICA’S Qi 1 ] icit ship, 0; Dallas Borough, idle. BIGGEST [av AL EN ATE | GARDEN : TRACTOR Burke's Bar-B-Cue SUNSET HARVEY'S LAKE at the sien of the flashing pig DeLncious BARBECUES FisH and CHips The home of the Ranchburger Telephone H. L. 3756 Open All Year 'Round $154.00 Implements Extra Defensively it was" all Dallas hit. Ken Grose, who handled twelve chances in the field flawlessly with only one error on a throw in an attempted double play. Aided by a heavily blowing wind which held the ball back, Grose repeatedly went into short center and right to pull down what appeared to be certain hits. Kuzma was the only Vernon bat- ter to solve Fiske’s offérings as he PAGE ELEVEN | had a double and two singles in four trips to the plate. Vernon's outfield turned in spectacular work with Gula robbing Jim Knecht of extra bases on a well tagged down the left field line in the second; Faux hauling down a drive to the center field fence by Fiske in the sixth ‘and Kaskas making a beauti- ful one-handed running stab and somersault on Ken Grose’s Texas Leaguer in the seventh. XING FLORAL LD. ¢ Branch Store JOHN MATTERN, Owner LUZERNE DALLAS HIGHWAY [ near Old Toll Gate SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEKEND ® Philodendron Vines bushy plants 15¢ each or 3 for $2.00 ® Violet Plants : $1.29 regular price—§$1.50 Pink, blue and white d A ~ “ S. Quality Dry Cleaning and Dyeing on all your SPRING COATS, SUITS and DRESSES MASTER GARMENT CLEANERS DRIVE-IN STORE On Luzerne-Dallas Highway Across from Luzerne Lumber Company Office and Plant 880-886 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston The best dry cleaning ever! Dallas 416-R-10 Telephone 409-R-7 - FOR THE BEST IN BATHROOM FIXTURES, AUTOMATIC HEATING PLANTS, BOTTLED GAS and APPLIANCES See iii siimiiaine Harold Ash PLUMBING—HEATING—BOTTLED GAS Shavertown, Pa. RAISE FANCY PULLETS Feed TI-O-GA Grower, meal or pellets, TI1-O-GA Scratch Grains and Poultry Fitting Ration. A Sound Feeding Program to Follow. ASK ing Shelvador features! US. DEVENS MILLING COMPANY Twice as much food where you want it in front—in sight—in reach It’s the big convenient door in your Shelvador* Refrigerator that doubles the “front-row” space. Come in and let us show you all the amaz- *® Buy Your Appliances From Your Service Man After The Sale It's The Service That Counts ALL APPLIANCES INSTALLED FREE 12'.” Television Installed from $295.00 up TRUCKSVILLE RADIO SERVICE TERMS AS 'TRUCKSVILLE A. C. DEVENS, Owner Phone 337-R-49 Phone 200 KUNKLE, PA. DALLAS, PA. | MAIN ROAD