The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 09, 1950, Image 4

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~ parents,
FN broad Notes A d News = Of L Local Church Doings
Mrs. Cora A. Finn and son,
Jimmie are visiting her sister,
Mrs. H. D. Latimer and her brother,
Lt. Howard H. Carey at Fort Camp-
bell, Ky.
Mrs. Florence Phillips enter-
tained membersof her bridge club
at her home on Norton avenue
Monday evening.
James Huston has completed his
sophomore year at Brown Uni-
versity and is spending the sum-
mer months at his home at Har-
veys Lake. &
Andrew Thomas of Noxen is a
patient at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kester, De-
munds, had as recent guests Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Green of Arlington,
Mrs. Weldon Carle and Mrs. Ira
Frantz recently entertained mem-
bers of the Harmony Club of De-
Munds at a chicken dinner at the
Frantz home.
Mrs. Percy Love Jr., of Claude
street entertained at a surprise
birthday party honoring her hus-
band Saturday evening.
Cards have been received from
Miss Bess Klinetob who is caring
for her sister-in-law at Afton, N.Y.
saying her patient is getting along
nicely and is able to move her
hand and foot now.
Joe LeGrand student at Millers-
ville State Teachers’ College, is
spending the vacation with his
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Le-
Grand of Baldwin street.
Bob Jewel, student at Blooms-
burg State Teachers’ College, is
spending the summer with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jewell
of Parrish street.
Bob Morgan, student at North
Carolina State College is spend-
ing the summer with his parents
at Shavertown.
Charles Cook, student at Car-
negie Tech, is spending the sum-
mer vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Cook of Fern-
Clinton Brobst and Jack Young-
blood, students at Stroudsburg State
Teachers’ College are spending the
summer at their homes Back of
the Mountain.
- * * *
James Fink of Shavertown has
returned from Mansfield State
Teachers’ College where he com-
pleted his sophomore year. John
just finished his second year at
Wilkes College.
Mr. and Mrs.Dan Evans and
Jean Ann Evans of Danville spent
Wednesday with Dan’s father, Wil-
liam Evans, and attended the wed-
ding of Lois MacAvoy and Paul
Mary Beth Keast has been in |
for the past six weeks at her home
on Harris Hill road, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Richardson
of Terrace street and Mr. and Mrs.
David Jenkins of Parrish street
spent the weekend in New York
James Besecker, student at Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania is spend-
ing several days between exams
with his parents on Norton avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kistler, Har-
veys Lake, had as weekend guest
Albert L. Adams of Welch, W. Va.
Mrs. H. H. Zeiser returned to
her home on Huntsville road Wed-
nesday after spending two weeks
visiting her son, Bruce in Provi-
dence, R.I. and her daughter, Mrs.
Leighton R. Scott at Easton.
Ralph Rood has been ill at his
home on Lehman avenue this
Mr. and Mrs. Max Dreher and
son, Herbert, Park street drove to
State College Sunday and brought
Max home for a week's vacation
before graduation.
Mrs. Gerald Dettmore, Lehman
avenue, has returned from a
week’s visit with her sister, Mrs.
Robert Crawford, in Detroit.
Mrs. Elizabeth’ Andrews, Ter-
race street, Shavertown, was taken
to the General oHspital, with a
heart attack on Sunday. Mrs.
Andrews is the mother of Tommy
Andrews who operates the Rab-
bitry in Shavertown.
Miss Georgena Weidner, the
Misses Burgess and Theodore Las-
kowski, Kingston Township teach-
ers, attended the Home coming
exercises at Bloomsburg State
Teachers’ College.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Laskow-
ski, Jackson Township, had as re-
cent guests, Mr. and Mrs. William
Anderson of Manchester, Conn.
‘Twelve 0’Clock High’
Gregory Peck, Hugh Marlowe
“Home of The Brave”
Douglas Dick, Steve Brodie
Cartoon and Comedy
“Red Light”
Virginia Mayo, George Raft
Cartoon and Comedy
Miss June Kistler Is
Honored At Shower
Miss June Kistler, bride-elect,
was guest of honor at a variety
shower given by Mrs. Gerald
Mulderig at her home on Price
street, Kingston, Thursday eve-
ning. She received a number of
lovely gifts. Present were: Miss
Fern VanSant, Mrs. Walter Moore,
Miss Edith Howell, Mrs. H. Lane
Glidden, Miss Margaret Kane, Miss
Mary O'Neill, the guest of honor
and the hostess.
Albert Armitages Are
Married Sixteen Years
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage
celebrated their sixteenth wedding
anniversary at their home at Har-
veys Lake Sunday. They were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Rauch and in the afternoon
the following folks stopped in to
congratulate them; Mr. and Mrs.
George Brodi and son, Francis,
Mrs. Frank Magalski of Larksville
and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ryder and
daughter, Susan of Kingston.
Carol Jane Kistler
Mr. and Mrs. William Kistler,
Barney street, Wilkes-Barre, have
announced the birth of an eight
pound, six ounce baby girl, Carol
Jane at General Hospital, June 2.
The Kistlers have another child,
Billie, aged ‘two and a half. Mrs.
Kistler is the former Jane Bishop,
Carol Jane ‘is the first grand-
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Kistler, Harvey's Lake.
Mr. and’ Mrs. Anthony Izbicki
and sons of Glen Lyon spent Me-
morial Day as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Laskowski of Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miller,
Carverton road, Trucksville, are
guests of their daughter, Mrs.
James Fahey at Chicago, Ill.
Announcement has been made
of the birth of a baby girl at
Kingston Hospital, Brooklyn, to Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Klein of Brook-
lyn, N.Y. Mrs. Klein is the form-
er Mary Lou Trimble of Fern-
“Buz” Chamberlain, Goss Manor
and Darrell Harding, Center More-
land, students at Miami University
will arrive home shortly for their
summer vacations.
David Parsons of Kunkle has
been awarded a Navy scholarship
and will leave Wilkes College next
year to study at Idaho University.
"A number of local people are
completing a year at Wilkes Col-
lege this week: David Whitney,
Homer Middleton, Dianne Llewel-
lyn, Beryl Colwell, Jack and Bill
Nelson, Carl Dewitt, Bill Morgan,
Mary Porter, Gwen Clifford, Mer-
ritt Wagner, Bill Hart and Alice
Mrs. Herbert A. Smith, Jr. is a
patient at Woman's Medical Hos-
pital, Philadelphia.
Mrs. John Johnson and family,
Terrace Drive, Shavertown, are
leaving next week for Lake Placid,
to spend the summer with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davies.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Parrish
have moved from their home on
Main Street, Dallas to their new
home on the Heights.
Mrs. Marcus F. Ludt, Shaver-
town, returned last week from a
trip to Pittsburgh, bringing home
with her her hostess, Mrs. F. O.
Reed for a visit in Shavertown.
Mrs. Ludt was accompanied on her
drive’ by her two sisters, Mrs.
Harry C. Fulton, Lancaster, and
Mrs. S. H. Radue, Audubon, N.J.
The sisters met at Lancaster and
followed the Turnpike to Pitts-
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus F. Ludt
have as house guest this week their
daughter, Mrs. George F. Baker,
Mrs. Maggie Hildebrant and
daughter, Mrs. Thomas Robinson
have returned from Swarthmore
where they attended the high
school graduation of Mrs. Hilde-
brant’s grandson, Karl Thomas.
Last year Mrs. Hildebrant saw her
grandson, Billy, graduate from the
same school, but it will be four
years before she sees another, Dav-
id Allen, graduate in 1954.
Dallas, Pa.
“Key to the City”
Clark Gable and Loretta Young
Cartoon and News
“We Were
Jenifer Jones, John Garfield
Richard Basehart, Audry Totter
Junior Women Are
Hostesses to Brides
Dinner honoring four brides was
given by Dallas Junior Women's
Club at Irem Temple Country Club
Tuesday night. Mrs. Richard Phil-
lips, Mrs. Carleton Roberts, Mrs.
Edwin Lumley and Mrs, Edward
Thompson, brides of the year, were
given corsages of white carnations
and red roses mounted on silver
At the business meeting follow-
ing dinner, it was voted to give
fifty dollars to purchase of needed
equipment at the Baby Clinic spon-
sored by Dallas Juniors at Shaver-
town Hose House on Thursdays
from 2 to 4 p.m. A doctor and reg-
istered nurse are in attendance,
and clerical work and transporta-
tion are handled by volunteers
from the club.
Dallas Juniors voted to support
union of Dallas Borough and Dal-
las Township schools.
Mrs. Edwin Lumley and Mrs.
Edward Thompson were appointed
chairman and co-chairman of a
party project for this summer for
entertainment of husbands and
A Tom Thumb Wedding is on the
agenda for October, with Mrs. Nel-
son Garinger and Mrs, William
Hanna co-chairmen.
The rummage sale is announced
for September.
Mrs. Russell Parsons reported on
County Convention of Woman's
Clubs held at Hotel Sterling in
May. Mrs. Roger Owens and Mrs.
Janet Oliver were also delegates.
Mrs. Sherman Harter reported on
Legislation, Mrs. Allen Montross on
Club-of-the-month from Pennsyl-
vania Clubwoman.
It was voted to admit new mem-
bers at any club ‘meeting, but to
hold only one formal initiation
ceremony during the year.
Mass Chest X-ray for Dallas and
Dallas Township, July 17-21 and
24-28, will have volunteer help
from Dallas Juniors: Mrs. Roger
Owens, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs.
Howard Jackson, Mrs. Richard
Phillips, Mrs. Edwin Roth, Mrs.
William Baker Jr., Mrs. Harold
Brobst, Mrs. Alva Eggleston.
The following have volunteered
to entertain at card parties or teas
serving eight or more guests dur-
ing the summer months for the
benefit of the club treasury: Mrs.
Robert Williams, Mrs, John Rich-
ards,” Mrs. William Hanna, Mrs. H.
G. Gallagher, Mrs. Edward Keller,
Mrs. Lewis LeGrand, Jr., Mrs.
Harry C. Clark, Mrs. Allen Mont-
ross, Mrs, Howard Jackson, Mrs.
James A. Oliver, Mrs. Harold
Brobst, Mrs. Robert Garris, Mrs.
Robert Moore, Mrs. William Stew-
art, Mrs, Robert Lewis, Mrs. Ro-
ger Owens, Mrs. Ralph Garris,
Mrs. Sherman Harter, Mrs. Russell
Parsons, Mrs. Alva Eggleston.
Appointed to Finance Commit-
tee are: Mrs. Robert Brown, Mrs.
Wm. Stewart, Mrs. Harry Clark,
Mrs. Robert Garris, Mrs. Sherman
Harter, Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Mrs.
Harold Brobst, Mrs. Ralph Garris,
Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs, James A.
Oliver, Mrs. Russell Parsons, Mrs.
Roger Owens, Mrs.’ Wilson Garing-
er, Mrs. Robert Fleming, Mrs. Pat-
rick Reithoffer, Mrs. Howard Jack-
son, Mrs. Edward Keller.
Entertainment was a reading, “It
Gives Me Great Pleasure”, by Nath-
alie Neyhart, Wilkes-Barre, fol-
lowed by group singing.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wilson,
Charleston, West Virginia spent the
week with John’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Wilson, Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Harvey,
Franklin street spent Monday in
New York City.
Next to Airport—Route 309
June 9-10
“Two Guys From Texas’
Jack Carson, Dennis Morgan
Also News, Comedy and Novelty *
June 11-12
‘Adventures of Gallant
with Cameron Mitchell and
Audrey Long
Also March of Time and
June 13
“Ring Side”
with Don Barry, Tom Brown
Jane Frazee, Warren Douglas
Also News and Cartoon
June 14-15
“River Lady”
with Yvonne DeCarlo and
Rod Cameron
Also News, Sports and Novelty
Two Shows, Starting at Dusk
x June 14 and 15
Miss Eleanor Stash Engaged
To Marry Swoyerville Man
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stash,
Overbrook road, announce the en-
gagement and approaching mar-
riage of their daughter, Eleanor,
to Emery Shady, son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shady, 81 Perrin street,
Miss Stash is a graduate of Dal-
las Township High School and is
employed by Fernbrook Branch
Bloomsburg Mill, Mr. Shady attend-
ed Swoyerville High School and is
employed by Pagnotti Coal Com-
pany in Swoyerville.
No date has been set for the
Mrs. James B. Huston
Names Auction Workers
Mrs. James Huston, chairman,
and Mrs. Harold Payne, co-chair-
man have completed their list of
Library Auction workers for the
Beaumont, Ruggles, Loyalville and
Harveys Lake sections and expect
to start their door-to-door solici-
tation for household articles, baked
goods, candy and farm produce
Workers are: Mrs. Earl Johnson,
Beaumont; Mrs. Lewis Rogers,
Point Breeze; Mrs. Melvin Sweeney,
Wardan Place; Mrs. Gilbert Car-
penter, Mrs. Warren Dennis and
Mrs. Joseph Rausch, Alderson;
Mrs. Sheldon Cave, and Mrs. Har-
old Donnelly, Idetown; Mrs. El-
wood Whitesell, Loyalville; Mrs.
Dan Smith, Ruggles.
Virginia Ferry
Wins Scholarship
Virginia Ferry, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Ferry, Machell
avenue has been awarded a com-
prehensive scholarship in biology
at University of Delaware. Scholar-
ships are available to teachers in
the Delaware schools who are rec-
ommended by their supervising
Mrs. William Deets Is
Head Of Alderson WSCS
Mrs. William Deets was elected
president of Alderson W.S.C.S. and
Mrs. C. B. Paden, vice president,
at the meeting last Thursday eve-
ning. Other officers chosen: re-
cording secretary, Mrs. Donald
Smith; promotion secretary, Mrs.
David Geraghty; treasurer, Mrs.
John Cowan; secretary of Christian
Social Relations, Mrs. Gilbert Car-
penter; secretary of Missions, Mrs.
H. B. Allen; secretary of student
work, Mrs, George Taylor; secre-
tary of children’s work, Mrs. Giles
Comstock; secretary of spiritual
life, Mrs. Ray Garinger; secretary
of status of women, Mrs. Fred
Swanson; secretary of supply work,
Mrs. Howard Higgins; secretary of
literature, Mrs. Garvin Smith.
Officers were installed by Rev.
Ruth Underwood at the church
service Sunday morning.
Mrs. Cease Honored
At Birthday Party
Mrs. Thomas E. Cease, Frank-
lin street, was honored at a birth-
day party when several of her
friends appeared at her home
Thursday night, bringing with
them decorations for the table,
refreshments, and a pink-frosted
birthday cake on a musical base
which played “Happy Birthday to
You” as the guests seated them-
selves at the table. The cake was
baked by Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert.
Guests were: Mrs. Laverne Race,
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert,
Mrs. Harold Payne, Mrs. Howard
Bailey, Mrs. James Huston, Mrs.
Ralph Williams, Mr. and Mrs. O.
L. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Cease, Allan Jonathan Cease, and
Mrs. Richard Sowden.
Sandy Beach
June 9 and 10
“Prince of Foxes”
Tyrone Power, Orson Welles,
Wanda Hendrix
Cartoon and News
June 11 and 12
‘The Loves of Carmen’
Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford
Cartoon and News
June 13
“Tarzan and the
Johnnie Weismuller,
Brenda Joyce
‘Without Reservations’
John Wayne, Claudette Colbert
Two Shows Nightly
Starting At Dusk
Don’t Forget The Farmer
Dances Saturday Night
Children under Twelve
Admitted Free
Ruth Elizabeth Drake,
To Wed Phillip Tiffany
Announcement has been made
of the engagement of Ruth Eliza-
beth Drake, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon Drake of Lehman
avenue to Phillip Miller Tiffany,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L.
Tiffany, East Vaughn street, Kings-
Ruth ‘is a graduate of Dallas
Borough High School and Wilkes-
Barre General Hospital School of
Nursing. © She is a member of the
staff of Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Baltimore. Mr. Tiffany is a grad-
uate of Kingston High School and
Lehigh University. He is associa-
ted with Remington Rand.
Jane Joseph Thomas
Entertains For Nurse
Mrs. Jane Joseph Thomas en-
tertained at the Joseph home on
Norton avenue Monday evening
honoring Mrs. Ciglin who has re-
signed from her position at Gen-
eral Hospital. Present were Miss
Madalene Haslinsky, Miss Helen
Boler, Mrs. Frank Person, Miss
Dorine Hutchings, Dr. Jane Haz-
lett, the guest of honor and the
hostess; all of whom worked to-
gether at the hospital.
Fathers and Sons
To Dine Friday
Men's Class of Huntsville Christ-
ian Church will hold its annual
Father and Son Dinner Friday
night, June 16, at 6:30 at the
Church. A cafeteria dinner will be
served by the ladies of the church
after which games will be played
with fathers competing against the
Last year more than fifty at-
tended. Charles Elston is president
of the class.
A Safe Depestt Box in our Firecand-Theft-Preef
Voults Protests voluables of loss then le o day.
Fest Moor = Street Lovel — Ne Stein @
Lois Elizabeth MacAvoy
Is Honored At Shower
Mrs. Sheldon Evans and Mrs.
Donald Evans entertained at a var-
iety shower honoring their niece,
Lois MacAvoy, at the Evans home
on Church street Saturday night.
Lois married Sgt. Paul Helfrich
on Wednesday.
The party table was attractive
with center piece of miniature
bride and spirea. White candles
were used.
Present’ were: Mrs. Mathew
Evans, Mrs. William W. Brackett,
Mrs. Dan Evans, Mrs. Jack Hel-
frich, Mrs. Ralph J. Daley, Mrs.
A. J. Pruett, Mrs. Paul Daley, Miss
Barbara Brown, Miss Marilyn
Daley, Miss Jean Ann Evans, Miss
June Colwell, Miss Patsy Helfrich,
Miss Gloria Cavalli, Miss Delores
Adamski, Miss Ann Shaffer, Miss
Marilyn Cooper, Miss Geraldine
Rekus, Miss Eleanor Nemshick, and
the guest of honor.
@® And brag is something
we try not to do. But we
do want to call your at-
tention to the fact that
this pharmacy specializes
in the precise compound-
ing of prescriptions; that
we enjoy the confidence
and patronage of many 8
leading medical men and ;
their patients. Yozr
patronage, too, isinvited.
Earl’s Drug Store
Main Highway, Trucksville
Telephone 110
Read The Classified Column
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100 MAIN ST.
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