Ernest Townend Buried Thursday Locally Prominent Man Dies Suddenly Ernest Sharps Townend, West Union street, Wilkes-Barre, was buried last Thursday from his home with members of the immediate family in attendance and Rev. Burke Rivers, St. Stephen's Epis- copal Church, officiating. Interment was in Forty Fort Cemetery. Mr. ‘Townend was the victim of a sudden heart attack Monday morning. He had driven to his furniture store in Wyoming as usual, an establishment founded by his great grandfather, John Townend in 1857, and a family concern ever since that date. The heart attack culminated nine years of infrequent heart attacks, so was not entirely unexpected. Dallas was acquainted with him as a summer resident, occupying the bungalow next door to Twin Spruces, the year-round home of Mrs. Mae Townend, one of two surviving sisters. The family stems from early pioneer days, three of them in Wyoming Valley at the time of the Massacre—Philip Myers, Thom- as Bennet, and James Stark. Mr. Townend is survived by his wife, the former Edith Turner; three children, Mrs. Abram Nesbitt 2nd, of Dallas, Ernest S. Townend, Kingston, Mrs. William C. Butler Jr., Conyngham; four grandchildren, Adram Nesbitt 3d, Alice Plat Town- end, Edith Turner Townend, and William C. Butler, 3d; two sisters, Mrs. Mae Townend, Dallas, and Mrs. Carroll A. Garner, Hazleton. Bearers were Theodore Potts, Frank Townend, Eugene Townend, Henry Townend, Donald Turner, and John Garner. Local Senior Scout Presents Report Elizabeth McQuilkin, "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McQuilkin, Dallas, reported on Senior Scout activities for Wyoming Valley Council, Girl Scouts, at the Sec- tional Conference held at Cough- lin High School on Saturday. Elizabeth, herself a Senior Ser- vice Scout, capped two years ago, talked about requirements for cap- ping, stressing the two aspects, ed- ucational and practical. Senior Girl Scouts who are preparing to be capped as Senior Service Scouts must complete studies on National Scouting and also show themselves capable of preparing a meal or coping with usual household prob- lems. A capped scout must agree to remain a Girl Scout for at least one year after the investiture. Dr. Marjorie G. Morrison, Leb- anon, was the speaker of the day, touching upon the value of scout- ing as a prepration for a career and for marriage. A buffet supper and a dance fol- lowed the business sessions. Back Mi. Luraber Co, Lighting Wins Award For Electricians _THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 5, David H. Shaver Goes to Chicago David Shaver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver, Dallas, left on Tuesday for Chicago, Illinois where Two Back Mountain men were® among four electricians honored Wednesday at a luncheon in Hotel Sterling for their part in the prize winning lighting installation in the new Back Mountain Lumber Com- pany building in Shavertown. They were: Phillip Mosier, Sha- vertown electrical contractor, Lee Sippel, General Electric Supply Co., also of Shavertown; Charles Rom- berger, lighting supervisor of Lu- zerne County Gas & Electric Corp., and Mitchell J. Davis, Hopkins Bro- thers, Wilkes-Barre. J. G. Henninger, Druid Hills, dis- trict representative of the lamp de- partment of General Electric, an- nounced that the four men were co-winners of a national award for outstanding ability in the design and installation of lighting systems. The Back Mountain Lumber Co., lighting installation is considered by experts as not only outstanding in this area but one of the best in the country. Attending the luncheon were: C. E. Warsaw, president Luzerne County Gas and Electric Corp., E. S. Zuck, J. L. Brownlee, O. E. Mat- ter, D. R. Thomas, C. E. Romberger of the same company; Mr. Sippel, Mr. Mosier, Mr. Davis, Mr. Henning- er and K. C. Larabee of General Electric, Newark. Ham and Egg Supper Draws Huge Crowd Ham and egg supper given by Harry S. Smith Volunteer Fire Company Saturday evening in Kun- kle Community Hall drew well over two hundred people. Baked beans and dessert were served in addi- tion to ham and eggs. Jason Kunkle and Thomas Lan- don helped fry eggs, and the mem- bers of the company did the K.P. work while the wives and daugh- ters cooked and served. A farmer dance with Abe Belles as caller followed the supper. K.P. detail: Calvin Miers, Gomer Elston, Donald Cosgrove, Ted Reed, Robert Mitchell, Richard Stine, James Traver, Fred Dodson, Wil- liam Hilgert, Roland Spencer, Con- rad Honeywell, Clyde Hoyt, Harold Hess, William Eckert, Alan Brace, William Haddle, Jason Kunkle, Thomas Landon, Marvin Elston, Paul Hilbert, Arthur Tredinnick, Frank Boston. ‘ Cooks: Mesdames Gertrude Eck- ert, Elva Elston, Florence Hoyt, Ruth Wertman, Dorothy Dodson, Helen Landon, Helen Boston, Dor- othy Haddle, Irene Transue. Waitresses: Misses Phyllis Kunkle, Jane Boston, Mitzi Hess, Patsy and Dorothy Prutzman, Louise Wyant, Charlotte Boston, Dorothy Weaver. Bank Honors Graduates First National Bank will present beautiful memory books of High School Days to the members of this year’s graduating classes at Dal- las Borough, Dallas, Lake, Lehman, Noxen and Monroe Township Schools. ~ 0 h Str wberry ICE CREAM Big, juicy strawberries bursting with sweetness . . . blended with rich, golden cream. That's Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream as only Breyers makes it. Get a hand-dipped quart or a money-saving Gallon or Half Gallon from your friendly Breyer Dealer. EVANS DRUG STORE Shavertown Penna. he plans to take the 96 week course in radio, television and electronics at DeForest’s Training, Inc. He was accompanied by Robert Light Standards Bite theDust: «pi RE 27 1950 Be Mrs. Lloyd Kear Heads Irem Women Bowlers Mrs. Lloyd Kear was elected cap- tain for the coming year at the luncheon of Irem Women Bowlers held at the Country Club Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas B. Robinson was re- tiring captain. Among those receiving awards were Mrs, Robinson, Mrs. F. H. Garrahan and Mrs, Irvin Marvel. Motorist Gets > Both At Once There won’t be any blinkers at the dangerous Center street inter- section in Shavertown for two weeks to come, but traffic officers will be on hand to curb that yen to speed. Wilson’s Bacon Ground Beef Lou Banta arrived on the scene of the accident at 3:30 Saturday morning, after Joseph Gushka, 180 Oliver street, Swoyerville, had con- nected with both light poles on his way home from Harvey's Lake, missing the telephone pole by some miracle, but doing $350 damage to his car. Mr. Gushka, explaining that he went to sleep at the wheel, came out of the crash without a scratch. Liver Lou hadn't been dragged from bed by this accident, but by an al- tercation between two motorists as to who scratched whose fender and who was liable for the bill, a few minutes before 3:30.,, so he was right on tap when the traffic lights went. Awards For W.C.T.U. Contest Announced First and second prize winners in each group of the contest re- cently sponsored by W.C.T.U. are: Carl Bailey and Elizabeth McQuil- kin, both of Dallas Borough, in the essay division for 10, 11, and 12th grade; Richard Sorcheck, Lake Township, first prize, Bill Reves, second for posters for grades 7, 8, and 9; Roberta Williams and Danny Robinhold, Dallas Borough, essay on Benjamin Franklin, grades 5 and 6; Carol Hadsell, Lehman, Connie, Freel 10 MAIN STREET Near-By Fresh Eggs Fresh Pork Sausage All popular brands of Soap powder 26c box NYLON STOCKINGS Regular value $§1.98—Now $1.29 VALUABLE GIFTS In Appreciation of Your Patronage We Now Offer CITRO Profit Sharing STAMPS Free Gift Stamps with All Purchases Save Our Gift Stamps HONTZ'S FAIRLAWN STORE 49¢ doz. 49¢ Ib. 49c Ib. 49¢ Ib. 49¢ 1b. Free! SHAVERTOWN Smith, Lake, health poem copied and illustrated by 3rd and 4th grades. Cub Scouts Plan Country Fair Plan to attend the Country Fair given by Cub Scouts, Pack 155, Trucksville, at Trucksville Fire Hall, May 26. Watch for further details. FOSS’S RESTAURANT The Finest In SWEET VALLEY “Where Quality Prevails” HISLOP’ 12 MAIN ST., DALLAS, PA. MEAT In all Lines | ; Foy PAGE THREE TTT EET TTT TS YOU SAVE MORE When Every Item You Buy Is Priced Low IN OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT oo Round Steak 89¢ Ib. Ground Beef, fresh, lean 49c Ib. Center Cut Chuck 39c¢ Ib. Tasty Meats 69¢ Ib. Shoulder Veal Chops ~~ 59¢ Ib. CUT UP CHICKEN Breasts 75¢ Ib. — Wings 41c Ib. Legs 75¢ Ib. — Backs 2 Ib. 35¢ Frankfurters 49¢ pkg. Imported Danish Canned Hams 95¢ Ib — 12 Ib. avg. DULANY'’S Fresh Frozen Mixed Vegetables FORTY FATHOM Haddock Fillets 24¢ pkg. 2c pkg. 77 MAIN STREET Luzerne KINGSTON 17-0091 CALL 450 for FREE DELIVERY Armour’ Is Now Open Sundays Lean-Rib MINCE - el LONG Young Tendor serving PORK ROAST SKINLESS FRANKS B y HV c AR R OTS o Cc hy k CHICKEN, BEEF and PORK shee ASSORTED LOAVES DINNERS Yrech Killed Ib. 49 Homade ROASTING CHICKEN gr PAT HOME MADE PIE 5% Ib, Average SLICED BACON Ib. 49¢ us. Cc (Platters and Sandwiches Daily) v 40¢ 1b. 39¢ : : RA SAE I TAR A LEE Beside Factory G a P d TOMA 0 S SUGAR Bird’s Eye Fancy-Ripe 23 c b 10 Ib. 89¢ FRYING CHICKEN BANANAS p g. . <¢ M. A. UTER Shurfine Ih. 79 aa: EVAP. MILK ; A Is é LADIES and GENTS § for 68e beds Kye 3 Ib. 29¢ | . LIMA BEAN : Calif. New Potat 10 Ibs. 59 TAILORING Shurfine Phe. $5 3 Florida d i = ew 0 d oes S. C Fr. Ground COF FEE ge. Cc OR ANGES ye Bird's Eye pee A Seedless Grapefruit 3 for 25¢ Shurfine GREEN PEAS Solid Ripe p SWEET PEAS 4 TOMATOES 2 for 39¢ Ib. 21c Sh ll i 3 h 25 Shuriine SLICED PEACHES Yellow 1) S iu. C EGG NOODLES 2 for 49c COOKING ONIONS 1b. Pkg. 28 rene 3 1b. 17¢ Ww t 10 h ae Bird’s Eye Fancy d er (H ress C u. KITCHEN TOWELS CAULIFLOWER RED RADISHES : 2 for 29¢c Pkg. 30c 2 bu. 9¢ Shurfine NEW! Limestone CROSSE & BLACKWELL VEG. SHORTENING 29 POTATOES 24 Hous 3 Ibs. 77 Tri-Our Pk. 55¢ PILLSBURY DRY CLEANING SERVICE : > : MINUTE STEAKS Ere Date & y as erber’s al We Call For and Deliver STR. BABY FOOD $1.19 ICEBERG LETTUCE White Ca ke M IX 10 for 93c (package of 10) Head 19¢ Nut Bread WATKINS BROS STOP & SHOP WAYSIDE Luzerne-Dallas Highway—Opposite Forty Fort Ice Cream Company PHONE 416-R-11 SEE OUR DISPLAY OF LAWN DECORATIONS PORCH BOXES AND CEMETERY URNS (made of concrete) i Fancy Rome or Delicious GRAPEFRUIT APPLES 6 for 29¢c 3 Ibs. 25¢ Yello Ripe BANANAS 2 Ibs. 25¢ FRESH COUNTRY EGGS 3 Dozen for $1.25 * HONEY, light or dark 5-pound pail 95¢ 2 cans 39c 3lc pke. Chicken of the Sea Grated Tuna 30¢c can G.L.F. Kidney Beans No. 2 can 2 for 17¢c Campbell’s Pork and Beans 4 cans 45¢c King Midas Flour 25 Ib. sack $2.05 Beach Nut Gum Carton 65¢ Sturdy Dog Meal 5 Ib. sack 53c Ideal Dog Food { Ib. can 6 for 73¢c L & S. Dill Strips 39c¢ jar Mrs. Filbert’s Margarine i Ib. pkg. 27¢c DIXON'S SUPER-MARKET DALLAS — PHONE (35 Owned and Operated by RALPH DIXON CORREO ROE 7’ Ea NN : he SINS