v M. A. UTER LADIES and GENTS TAILORING 24 HOUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE We Call For and Deliver 77 MAIN STREET Luzerne KINGSTON 7-0091 ne mma A. W. Sutton, 82 Will Quit Farming A. W. Sutton, now past 82, has decided to give up farming and sell his seven cows and farm equip- ment. Mr. Sutton has lived on the same farm, one mile from Lehman High School, for the past fifty years and until last year did most of the work on' his 120 acres by himself. He did all of his fall plow- ing and plowed four acres of sod for corn. He took his first vacation last February when he had a serious operation - at Nesbitt: Hospital. The sale of equipment, cattle and horses will be held Saturday, April 15. After the sale Mr. Sutton thinks he and Mrs. Sutton, the former Hannah Slife now 78, will take a well earned rest. During their long life together they have had four children, Les- lie, Lansford, Mrs. Ruth Jones, Mooretown, and Mrs. Edith Parry, Carverton. BULKY LOADS TRAVEL FARTHER FOR LESS Warren Boston CHEVROLET'S STAKE JOBS Get the facts . . . Get Immediate Delivery! — (— / CHEVROLET /4 ofS!eN $ Sao TRUCKS Of course, they're rugged —they're Chevrolets! That means the floors are heavy wood sections with flush-type skid strips, mounted on all-steel cross-sills built to take heavy loads. Stake racks are seasoned hardwood—and see how snug they fit at the corners. We can deliver Chevrolet Stake Body models to suit your needs on practically no notice at all. Want a demonstration? Call or 1252 IN. WHEELBASE come in, 3/4-TON CHEVROLET STAKE Boasts a platform 87 7% x 70% Even the smallest of Chevrolet's Stake Bodies has a big, roomy 3-man cab. Famous 92-horsepower Thrift-Master engine, of course, for quick, steady power at lowest cost. Stake sides are removable and interlocking—firmly supported by reinforced steel pockets in rub rail. Delivered price Now— $1497.15 137 IN. WHEELBASE -TON CHEVROLET STAKE Can qualify for “T” license You can really pile the load on this heavy-duty frame and ‘full-floating rear axle (7200 Ib. rating). Rides fine, empty or loaded, on 2-stage rear springs. Your choice “of 17” single or 18” dual rear tires. \ ‘Delivered price now $1632.15 We're making fast deliveries of all models. Come in and look over the finest line of trucks for every line of work— CHEVROLET Liberal allowance on your old truck. Your old truck might be the down payment on a new one, Warren Boston Chevrolet PIKES CREEK 461-R-8 THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1950 News Of The Churches DALLAS METHODIST A CHURCH Special Easter bulletins Sunday were presented in memory of Mrs. Ralph Brickel by Ralph L. and W. A. Brickel. Flowers and usher’s boutonnieres were presented by the J.A.B. Class also in memory of Mrs. Brickel. Other flowers in- cluded a lily presented in memory of Corporal Walter C. Wilson by his family and flowers from the funeral of Miss Addie Case, sis- ter of Mrs. William A. Higgins of our church. A capacity congregation over- flowed the sanctuary and church school room. Mrs. Sheldon A. Mo- sier was received into membership, making a total of 86 members re- ceived this year, and 366 received during the past five years. Dr. Schooley to Preach Dr. F. Budd Schooley, disting- uished member of our congrega- tion, will be guest preacher at the morning worship on Sunday at eleven. Dr. Schooley will speak on “The Brotherhood of Man”. The choirs under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Turn Reynolds will sing Mac- Farlane's fine anthem, “Sing My Soul, The Saviour's Battle”. Mu- sic on the organ will include, “Awake Thou Wintry Earth” by Bach; “Adagio” by Merkel; and “Finale Jubilante” by Lemmons. Youth Fellowship Methodist Youth Fellowships will meet at 6:30. Thomas Peirce will lead devotions. Both groups will unite in the discussion. Social hour in the homes will be resumed next week. . W.C.T.U. Meeting W.C.T.U. will meet at Lehman Methodist ‘Church Tuesday after- noon at two. Lehman group will be in charge of the program. Mrs. Prynn to Speak Women’s Society will meet Tues- day evening at 7:30. Mrs. Austin Prynn, former pastor's wife and director of Religious Education, First Methodist Church, Wilkes- Barre, will be speaker. Devotions will be conducted by Mrs. C. J. LaBar. Japanese tea will follow. All women are welcome. Brace Class to Meet Brace Bible Class will meet Tues- day evening at eight. Attorney Robert Fleming is in charge. Bible Moments, weekly radio program by the pastor, will be broadcast Thursday . morning at 8:05 over station WILK. J.A.B. Class will hold a covered dish supper Friday evening at 6:30. Husbands of members are in- vited. Mrs. J. Wesley Himmler is in charge. e At Conference Z. E. Garinger and the minister are representing the church at Wyoming Annual Conference in Tabernacle Methodist Church, Bing- hamton. The Conference opened on Wednesday and will close Sunday night. Board of Education Meets Board of Education met in the church Tuesday evening. The sup- erintendent and minister were ap- pointed to study needs of the Church School for additional class room. This action was necessary because of our overcrowded Church School. Mrs. Fred Stevens was re- appointed Superintendent of the Church Nursery for children ages three and four years old. It was decided to make a separate depart- ment for children under three. Raymond L. Kuhnert presided. Others present included Mrs. Ray- mond L. Kuhnert, Mrs. William McQuilkin, Mrs. Edward Stair, Ed- ward Stair, Lewis W. LeGrand, David Kunkle, and the pastor. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday School, 9:45. The lesson for Intermediate, Senior and Ad- ult departments is “Amos, the Pro- phet and His Program.” There are classes for all ages and competent teachers are in charge. 11:00 A.M. The service. The Rev- erend Fredericks W. Moock, Jr., pastor of the Church, will preach on “Definite Results of the Res- urrection.” Easter introduced us to the Risen Christ and on this Sun- day we worship Him with all the gratitude and love that is ours. How much did Easter mean? Your answer can only be given with a worshipping congregation. We will look for you and greet you heartily. 7:00 p.m. Luther League. The de- votions will be in charge of Peggy Malkemes. All young people are most cordially invited. The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the founding of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is May 10. The members are asked to reserve this date on their calendar. A great time is in store for this gala occasion. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Church School will be held as usual in the Ruggles, Noxen, Al- derson and Kunkle Churches. Be- cause of. the sessions of the Wy- oming Annual Conference being held in Tabernacle Methodist Church, Binghamton, there will be no preaching services in the Nox- en, Alderson or Kunkle Metho- dist Churches on Sunday. The Youth Fellowship will have charge of the morning worship service in the Ruggles Church at 8:45 a.m. TURKEY GROWER 3 important parts of raising your Turkeys this year: TURKATINE to Start. TIOGA TURKEY GROWER —Mash or pellets—and TIOGA TURKEY FITTING RATION to complete your feeding program. PROVED by many—PREFERRED by those who have used them.—ASK US. PSTN DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner Phone 337-R-49 Phone 200 KUNKLE, PA. DALLAS, PA. Telephone 409-R-7 FOR THE BEST IN BATHROOM FIXTURES, AUTOMATIC HEATING PLANTS, BOTTLED GAS and APPLIANCES See ae Harold Ash PLUMBING—HEATING—BOTTLED GAS Shavertown, Pa. TRUCKSVILLE METHODIST Loud speakers were utilized to accommodate the overflow crowd which attended Trucksville Meth- odist Church on Easter Sunday morning. Microphones were set up to carry the service to those in the basement and also to those outside. There will be no church or Church School services held next Sunday, April 16th. A program of re-decoration is being carried on, and the pews have been re- moved from the sanctuary in or- der to refinish the floors. These are being stored in the Sunday School rooms, in order to give the varnish sufficient time to thoroughly dry. Regular services will be resumed on Sunday, April 23rd, and re- dedication has been set for Sun- day, May 7th, when the work both in the Sanctuary and on the parking lot is expected to be finished. HUNTSVILLE CHRISTIAN On Monday night of next week a tournament night will be held at the Huntsville Christian Church. Three alleys will be equipped for shuffle board and quoits. Ping pong, bean bag, darts and table and lap games will be played. Refresh- ments will be served. The invita- tion is general, especially to young people. On Thursday night of next week the first of a group of special nights is planned at the church. SPECIAL LONG MILEAGE at LOW PRICE FIRESTONE STANDARD TRUCK-TIRE 60016 $15.55 (6 ply Rating) 750-20 $39.95 (8 ply Rating) s2s20 $51.90 (10 ply Rating) PLUS TAX CHAMPION Passenger Tire $9.95 piu tax with your old tire ROBERTS 0il Company Gasoline-Gulf Oils Phone Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. Work will be combined with plea- sure and entertainment. Work will begin in late afternoon and con- tinue until dark as people can offer their services. At dark a mo- tion picture will be shown and an offering taken to help in sending young people to camps and con- ferences. Card of Thanks Mrs. avenue, wishes to thank her friends William Higgins, Pioneer and neighbors for services render- ed during her recent bereavement. PAGE SEVEN Bpril Meeting Of Kunkle W.S.C.S. Kunkle W. S. C. S. met Wed- nesday night at the home of Mrs. Anna Weaver, with Mrs. Oliver Ellsworth as co-hostess. Members present: Fred Dodson, John Isaacs, D. P. Honeywell, A. C. Devens, James Miers, Owen “Jones, Victor Rydd, E. D. Kerlin, William Brace, Philip Ellsworth, Austin Wertman, Charles Wertman, H. R. Meirs, Cal- vert Birnstock Jr. Julia Kunkle, L. B. Wilson, Sherman Schooley, Rev. Ruth Underwood. Mesdames for your money DEVON 4-DOOR SEDAN DELIVERED « COMPLETELY EQUIPPED NO EXTRAS TO BUY! get more SEE The New 1950 AUSTIN # STAND #9 oy BRITISH AUTOMOBILE SHOW GRAND CENTRAL PALACE, NEW YORK APRIL 15-23 CALL DALLAS 458-R-13 KUNKLE GARAGE DANIEL E. MEEKER, Prop. Kunkle, Pa. PAINT TO-DAY WITH F. H. A. TAKE 6 TO 36 MONTHS TO-PAY side of your home. Yes, you can do your painting paperhanging, floor sanding, repair steps and siding, new roof, new rain gutters, venetian blinds and any repair inside or out- Call or write and I wnll fill out all necessary papers in your own home, at your convenience. We use and Recommend PITTSBURGH PAINTS GLENN W. 705 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, PA. DIAL 7-4512 OR 7-6027 SCOVELL A New Self-Propelled Here's fast, dependable harvesting—a new better- than-ever Massey-Harris Self-Propelled. . 26. It's a streamlined husky powered by a big 217 cubic inch engine. That's plenty of “go” to take soggy or rough fields in stride. And there's a world of speeds—anything from 3% to 6% m.p.h. Controls are the field in full view. The electrically controlled auger table makes a lower you choose the height... at your fingertips . . . cut possible... . the Model BY MASSEY-HARRIS SEE THE 8- AND 10-FOOT MODEL 26 all the advantages of self-propelled design plus MASSEY-HARRIS proved combine construction. switch. And don't forget the advantages of self- propelled. You save more of your crop, buy fuel for just one engine, operate the combine alone. just flip the What's more, you take off your crop in record time with more and cleaner grain in the bin. The result of Massey-Harris straightthru design, bal- anced separation, rasp-bar cylinder. Make a date to see us soon about the new Massey- Harris 26 Self-Propelled. CHARLES H. LONG SWEET VALLEY, PA, Phone Dallas 363-R-7 or Dalias 594-R-"{ Tune in to United Press News “Onthe Farm Front” every day at 12:55 —W.H.W.L.—730 on your dial. LalW CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES: From Your Purina Dealer at for MORE MILK, MORE MONEY — Raise Your Calf Without A COW When you raise your calves on Calf Startena instead of milk you have more milk to sell. That's because each 100 lbs. of Calf Startena re- places 40 gallons of milk. And Star- tena helps calves become big, sturdy, dairy-quality heifers. * JIM HUSTON'S 01d Toll Gate Feed Service Luzerne-Dallas Highway - Phone 520-R-2