The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 10, 1950, Image 4

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~ Personal
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~ Neighborhood Notes
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And News Of
MARCH 10, 1950 _
ocal Church Doings
Beverly, daughter of C. J. Hill,
Center Hill road, is recovering
from an attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferry, Ma-
chell Avenue, had as weekend
guests their daughter, Virginia
and Marlyn Jamieson of Milford,
Delaware. Virginia and Marlyn are
both teachers at Rehoboth, Del.
Patricia Ferry and Janet Colwell
of Susquehanna, both seniors at
Mansfield State Teacher's College
spent the weekend with the Ferry’s.
Janet is doing her stint of practice
teaching at Lehman.
Mrs. Frank Ferry noted a pair of
blue-jays and ten squirrels while
hanging out twenty-four sheets on
Monday morning.
Mrs. Norman Smith, Huntsville,
spent Wednesday in Philadelphia.
Dr. and Mrs. John Doane, Trucks-
ville, had as their guests for the
past week Alice and Stella Doane,
sisters of Dr. Doane.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlman have
returned from their recent trip to
the deep south and New Orleans.
Mrs. Ohlman reports having sat in
the chair formerly occupied by the
Duke of Windsor at Antoine’s, and
having missed the Mardi Gras by
twenty-four: hours.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rutherford,
Machell Avenue, are both back in
Dallas after the southern trip on
Marion Davies, anaesthetist at St.
Michael's Hospital, Newark, N.J.
spent the weekend with her sister,
Mrs. Edgar Brace. —
Mrs. Gerald Dettmore, Lehman
Avenue is making rapid strides to-
ward full recovery from her recent
illness. >
Mrs. Ray Evans, Demunds road,
had as her guests last Thursday her
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Henrie, Millville.
Mrs. Max Dreher, Park street and
Mrs. Joseph Muener, Shavertown,
made a short trip to Philadelphia
on Sunday to attend the funeral of
a friend, Alfred A. Vogel, formerly
of Luzerne.
Joe LeGrand, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis LeGrand, has been con-
fined for the past week to the in-
firmary at Millersville State Teach-
er's College. Joe is specializing in
Industrial Arts, having completed
his freshman requirements in the
woodworking shop. The course in-
cludes conventional subjects, math-
ematics and English, as well as
mechanical drawing and shop work.
Joe plans tc teach upon graduation.
Dorothy Tibus, aged seven, mem-
ber of Brownie Troop 108, has sold
more than sixty boxes of Girl
Scout cookies during the current
cookie sale, according to Mrs. A.
J. Pruett, assistant leader of the
Robert B. Currie, son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Currie, Druid Hills, is
recovering from a slight illness at
his home.
R. D. Currie reported on Tuesday
lighting candles on his fifty-second
birthday cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders,
and their daughter Patsy, Pioneer
avenue left this morning for Day-
tona Beach, Florida, where they
plan to spend two weeks. They are
driving, taking three days for the
trip. Patsy, third grade at Dallas
Township school, will take school
work with her in order to keep up
with her class.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flanagan of
Church street have as guests for
two weeks their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Céxe
of Detroit, Mich.
Mrs. William Cairl Sr. is ill at
her home on Woodlawn drive,
Mrs. Frances Sutliff who returned
from St. Petersburg, Fla. last week,
will spend the weekend with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Lee Smith of Mill street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gildea of
Plains are spending the week with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Gregory of Mill street.
Mrs. Sarah Baker has been ill at
her home on Lehman avenue this
week, She is now able to sit up.
Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant has
been ill at her home on Norton
avenue. She had to cancel her trip
to Florida.
Virginia Wilson of Charleston, W.
Va.,, is spending the winter with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Wilson of Franklin street.
She expects to remain here long
enough to take part in the Easter
‘Oh, You Beautiful Doll’
in technicolor with June Haver,
Mark Stevens
News, Cartoon
3 Shows—>5, 7, 9
“Sword in the Desert”
Dana Andrews, Marta Toren
Cartoon — Sport
“Everybody Does It”
Linda Darnell, Paul Douglas
Patricia Ferry, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferry, Dal-
las, is teaching at Springville
to satisfy the requirements
for graduation in Home Ec-
onomics presenting material
for both senior and junior high
school students. Subjects in-
clude “How to Pack a Suit-
case,” ‘Personal Budgeteering
for Young Career Girls,” “How
to Select a Home Economics
Career,” also lessons for
younger girls /in helping pre-
pare a meal, and a course in
flower arrangement.
Patricia, a senior at Mans-
field State Teacher's College,
is a member of the Omicron
Gamma Pi, a Home Economics
sorority, treasurer of her class,
and was one of the two stu-
dents selected to represent
Mansfield at the National Con-
vention of Home Economics
students in New York City last
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shaver of
Woodlawn drive had as guest two
days this week their daughter Car-
ol, who is a trained nurse at Bound
Brook, N.J. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. Machell Hilde-
brant of Bethlehem spent Sunday
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Hildebrant, Machell
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller, Pio-
neer avenue, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Rood, Lehman avenue, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Harry L. Hirlinger, Kit-
chen Creek, on Friday.
Mrs. Frank Wyrsch, daughter,
Shirley Jeanne, of Binghamton, vis-
ited Dallas friends over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Oliver,
Frank A. Edwards, daughter Keziah,
of Sweet Valley, were calling on
Dallas friends Tuesday afternoon.
- * - *
Mrs. Frances Quaill of Church
street is spending a month visiting
relatives at Baltimore, Md., Pitts-
burgh and Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee ex-
pect to move in their home on
Machell avenue shortly.
Mrs. Amanda Yaple of Claude
street who" has been critically ill
is getting along nicely now and is
able to sit up.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Swepston
have returned to their home on
Center Hill road after spending
three weeks in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Addison Woolbert, Rice street,
Trucksville is recovering from tests
made recently at the Nesbitt Hos-
John Cashmark, son of Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Cashmark, Carverton
road, injured in a coasting accident
last Sunday when his bobsled got
out of control, is making an un-
eventful recovery. John, 16, a jun-
ior at Kingston Township High
School, expects to return to school
within the next week, walking on
Mr. and Mrs. William Cairl, Cem-
etery street are both recovering
from a bout with the grippe.
* * *
Mrs. William Cairl Jr., has re-
joined her husband at Missoula,
Montana. Mr. Cairl” has recently ‘re-
turned from Alaska. His headquar-
ters are at Hood River, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Williams,
and son Walter, of Overbrook Av-
enue, Dallas, returned home. last
Sunday, after having spent a few
days in Florida.
Mrs. Della Dohl of Overbrook
Avenue, is spending a few weeks
in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shannon, of
Trucksville, will have as week-end
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawk,
of Sunbury, to help celebrate Mr.
Shannon's birthday.
Boy Scout Troop 281, would like
to thank Norti Berti and William
Reeves for the use of their trucks
during the recent paper drive,
which was very successful.
Miss' Beverly Hill, of Center Hill
Road, Dallas, was visited for a few
days last week by Miss Gretchen
Hayes, of Ridgewood, N.J.
Dallas, Pa.
Starring Jean Crain and William
“Blondie Hits the Jack
Penny Singleton
Also Comedy, Cartoon and
Pete Smith Short
“Thieves Highway”
Robert Conte
Cartoon — Musical
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Brown
of Church street, Dallas announce
the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Jeanette Brown to Mr. Joseph
P. Rother Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph P. Rother of Claude street,
Dallas. The wedding ceremony was
performed by the Rev. John J.
O'Leary at St. Therese’s Church,
Shavertown on December 2, 1949.
The attendants were Miss Joanne
Evans of High street, Plymouth.
Mrs. Rother is the granddaughter
of Mrs. Nora Riley of Claude street
Marriage Of Jeannette Brown
To Joseph P. Rother Announced
Dallas with whom she resides. The
bride graduated from Dallas Bor-
ough High School and is presently
in the employ of Natona Mills Inc.
of Dallas. Mr. Rother graduated
from Kingston Township High
School and served with the Army
after graduation. He is majoring
in accounting at King's College,
Wilkes-Barre. After announcing
their marriage, the couple left to
spend the weekend of February
25th in the Poconos at Split-Rock
Mrs. Melvin Morris Is
Guest At Stork Shower
Mrs. Melvin Morris of East Dal-
las was guest of honor recently at
a stork shower given by Mrs. Tex
Wilson, Mrs. Nelson Wilson. and
Mrs. Stephen Velitchko. She re-
ceived many lovely gifts.
Present were: Mrs. Thomas
Moore, Mrs. Alfred Moore, Mrs,
Peter Wilson, Mrs. Lloyd Wilder
and Bunny, Mrs. Daisy Prynn, Mrs.
Richard Prynn, Mrs. William Mor-
ris, Mrs. Earl Layaou, Mrs. Joseph
Fowler, Mrs. Delbert Garinger, Mrs.
Giles Wilson, Miss Ruth Bigelow,
Mrs. Earl Monk, Mrs. George Sny-
der, Miss Carolyn Morris, Miss
Audrey Morris, Miss Janice Bellas,
Miss Bernice Skoch, Mrs. Winfield
Brace, Mrs. Alfred Miller, the guest
of honor and the hostess.
Ruxiliary Banquet
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Dr.
Henry M. Laing Fire Co., will hold
their annual banquet, Tuesday,
March 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Amer-
ican Legion Hall, Huntsville street,
Mrs. Joseph Wallo is chairman
for the dinner, and her committees
are: decorating, Mesdames John
Girvan and Thomas Kepner; Enter-
tainment, Mesdames Raymond Cas-
terline, and Joseph Adametz; res-
ervations, Mesdames Sterling Meade
and Thomas Kepner. All firemen's
wives are invited to this banquet.
The dinner will be served by the
Ladies’ Auxiliary of the American
Miss Helen Stoeckel
Passes State Boards
Helen L. Stoeckel, daughter of
Mrs. Rose Stoeckel, Huntsville road,
has been notified that she has
passed the State Board for registra-
tion of nurses. Helen is a graduate
of Dallas Borough Schools and
Wilkes-Barre General Hospital
School of Nursing. She is serving
on the nursing staff at General.
Titmans Called Home
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titman re-
turned Saturday after a two week's
trip to Florida. They were called
home after Eloise’s mother, Mrs.
Corey Frantz fell and broke her
hip. Mrs. Frantz is getting along at
General Hospital as well as can be
Have New Son
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Gross,
Parsons, announce the birth of a
son, Edward Gerard, on March 5
at Mercy Hospital. Mrs. Gross is the
former Emily Ehrgoth, Centermore-
land. This is the couple’s first child.
Have New Baby Girl
Mr. and Mrs. George London of
Center Moreland have announced
the birth of a six pound, seven
ounce baby girl Sunday, March 5.
This is their first child. Mrs. Lon-
don is the former Lois Heitsman.
Both mother and baby are doing
Marcia Gross To Train
In Denver, Colorado
Marcia Gross, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Gross, Huntsville,
has completed her basic Air-Force
training in Texas, and is spending
a few days of leave at her home!
before proceeding to Denver, Col-
orado for further specialized train-
Marcia graduated from both
academic and business departments
iat Wyoming Seminary, was em-
ployed by her father for some time
after graduating, did some radio
work at W.LL.K. She is currently
enrolled in the Air-Force.
Arthur Updkes Visit
Son In California
Word has been received by Pal-
mer Updyke, Kunkle, that his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Updyke
have arrived safely at the home of
their son, Samuel Updyke of San
Francisco after enjoying their first
trip across the continent. The Up-
dykes visited friends on the way,
i breaking their bus trip in Colum-
bus, Ohio; Oklahoma City, and Dal-
las, Texas.
Samuel Updyke,.a veteran of the
First World War, paid his first visit
home in thirty-three years two
weeks before Christmas.
Pack Overseas Gift
Brownie Troop 108, meeting
every Wednesday at the Methodist
Church, Dallas, under the leader-
ship of Mrs. €. J. Hill, Center Hill
road, and Mrs. A. J. Pruett, Church
street is planning to fill a school
bag for an overseas gift. The bag
will contain small articles of cloth-
ing in addition to pencils, crayons,
erasers, tablets.
Auxiliary Meeting
Twenty-one members of Ladies
Auxiliary, St. Paul's, Shavertown,
braved inclement weather to at-
tend a meeting in the Church Sun-
day School rooms on Wednesday.
| Mrs. Thomas Hontz presided, host-
esses were Mrs. E. R. Marley and
Mrs. Christine’ Malkemes.
Sale of Pasties
Ladies Auxiliary, St. Paul’s Luth-
eran Church, Shavertown, will hold
a sale of pasties next Thursday.
Orders may be placed as late as
Wednesday at the parsonage.
Farleys Leave For Florida
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Farley,
summer residents of Beaumont,
have left for Florida, where they
will spend the next two weeks at
the Miami home of Senator An-
drew Sordoni. Dr. Farley is pres-
ident of Wilkes College, Wilkes-
Mrs. John Conyngham Ill
Mrs. John Conyngham of Hay-
field Farm has returned to her
apartment in Hotel Plaza, New
York City after being a hospital pa-
tient in New York.
Dry Cleaning Special
for a limited time only
2 for $1.25
Across from Luzer
880-886 Wyomin:
On Luzerne-Dallas Highway
Drive In! Easy to Park! Quick Service!
Wraps, Gowns, Drapes, Slip Covers
Drive them in to a MASTER Cleaner & Dyer
Office and Plant
ne Lumber Company
lity By
g Avenue, Kingston
Mr. and Mrs. Art Dungey
Honored On Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey
were guests of honor at a party
given by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shiber,
Center Hill road, Saturday even-
ing to help them celebrate their
wedding anniversary.
The party table was attractive
with centerpiece of talisman roses
and green and yellow tapers.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wes-
ley Himmler, Mr. and Mrs. B. B.
Lewis, the Dungeys and the Shib-
ers. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker
dropped “in for a few minutes to
wish the guests of honor many
more years of happiness together.
Women of Rotary
Women of Rotary will hold a
dinner meeting Thursday, at Irem
Temple Country Club, 6:30 p.m.
We are Featuring
Color Candles
The candle that drips many
colors. We also decorate candles
for parties and weddings.
Also have copper fish and
fruit molds for baking.
next to dairy at Fernbrook
® Yes, stop and think for
a moment. What posses-
sion i§ more important,
more indispensable than
health? Why chance the
loss of thistreasure through
neglect? Consult a physi-
cian at the first suggestion
of illness—and bring his
prescriptions .to us for
careful compounding. You
will find our prices fair,
Earl’s Drug Store
Main Highway
Trucksville, Pa.
Telephone 110
Mrs. John Doane Attends
State Medical Auxiliary
Mrs. John Doane, Trucksville, at-
tended the State Board meeting of
the Women’s Auxiliary of the Med-
ical Society at Harrisburg on Thurs-
day and Friday.
accompanied by Mrs. X. K. Collman
who summers at Harvey's Lake,
Mrs. Rufus Bierly and Dorothy
Krick, West Pittston, Mrs. Charles
Shafer, Kingston, and. Mrs. Her-
man Fisher, Jr.
Mrs. Doane was]
Mrs. Jack Richardson
Is Guest on Birthday
Mrs. Jack Richardson was guest
of honor at a birthday party given
by a group of friends at her home
on Terrace street last Wednesday.
Present were: Mrs, David Jenkins,
Mrs. Della Thompson, Miss Mildred
Devens, Mrs. Dan Richards, Mrs.
John Yaple, Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs.
Milford Shaver, Mrs. Lettie Culver,
Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, Mrs. Dan
Robinhold, and the guest of honor.
Glamorous Colors
Memorial Highway — Rear of Dixon’s Market
Lots of Parking Space
Join Our Dress Club—A Winner Every Week
The new Par Golfer by Lampal . Be well
dressed throughout your active day in this two
piece dress of fine preshrunk cotton broadcloth.
Large zipper pockets, gripper detachable shoul-
der pads and a score of actionized features
combine for versatile wear everywhere.
sg dsr
Beautiful Toppers in
a flower-bed array
of colors.
$4999 fo 54.99
Topper Time!
$1.99 to $2.99