FS a _ = i WC mags PRR — s pa EE il . A 4 i & RAL & # xn , iE YOU KNOW ME BY A], Himself . 5 We are all on a diet at our ® house. Oh! we've been on diets before, but they were never serious, but this diet is. It was one of those things that the doctor said to our wife, “You have to go on the diet I describe, and if you don’t——". Well, our wife was scared, so she went on this diet.’ Now, when one of our women- folk wanted to go on a diet before, it never bothered us as it was just one of those things that they “would start tomorrow,” but this one is for keeps. We are one of those fortunate guys that weighed between 125 to 150 pounds from the time that we first knew enough to step on a scale until the present day. Food never bothered us, we ate every thing and never got any heavier, but we never did care anything for desserts... Cakes, pies, and pud- dings would be passed up by us much to our wife's disappointment. While we were sipping our coffee after a good meal of stew, steak, chicken, or other wholesome din- ners, we often wondered how our wife or kids could still relish a dessert, but we just shrugged it off as one -of those things that all persons are different, even in fam- ilies. We were all happy. “They” ate what they relished and we ate what we wanted and no one gave a thought as to whether we finish- ed our dessert or not. In fact one of our five kids would ‘gobble up our share of the dinner’s sweets (with our permission) before Mom had a chance to clear the table, so half the time she wouldn't know whether we ate the pie, cake or pudding or not. Now things are different. Our wife is on a diet, a serious one, no pie, cake, buns, puddings, or anything that contains sugar. Our only offspring that is still homel with us is on a diet too. Not a serious one, she just wants to keep her weight down, so occasionally she helps us out by eating the hot cross buns that we pass up. Last Tuesday our. daughter wasn’t home for supper. Just the wife and we were eating alone. We had a delicious meal of a lamb stew pie from a leg of lamb left over from Sunday’s dinner. Carrots, peas, potatoes, and a delicious crust covering pieces of lamb that needed: no cutting with a knife. We enjoyed “our meal thoroughly, and just as we were sitting back to sip our ‘coffee royale our wife said, “Oh! boy, have we got a dessert for you, I can’t eat it, but you may.” Her eyes sparkled. This was something, that she was going to enjoy seeing us eat. It was an “Individual Boston Cream Pie”, so said our wife, and when it was put down before us we wished that the guy that named it was there to help us eat it. Oh! not that it wasn’t good! Oh, yes, it was very good, but we would have been happier with just coffee. It was one of those things with a deep saucer shaped crust, with a yellow filling whose base contained at least two eggs, topped off with a half inch of heavy whipped cream, and then in honor of George Wash- ington, a circle of sweet red cher- ries rounded the top of this del- icacy. Our wife sat back to enjoy us eating it. This was something she relished before the doctor's orders — now she was going to have her fun by proxy. We took a forkful, which any one else in this world would have probably enjoyed—but we, well, we wished the guy from Boston that discovered this pie was our guest this evening. Not that it wasn’t good, but we are not a cake eater. We took another bite, not looking at our wife, as we felt _ she knew we weren't enjoying it as she expected. We rolled it around in our mouth as our grand- son does when his mother feeds him his mush. The dish was grab- bed up from the table. We weren't even forgiven when we helped dry the dishes. Maybe we'll do better on St. Patrick’s Day: when those little green mints are served. In the meantime if we do not have another dessert between now and then that will satisfy us, and we wish our doctor would tell our womenfolk that we are not supposed to be in on these diets. Aren't we the henpecked guy though? One day we are going to put our foot down, maybe. \ Burke's Bar-B-Cue SUNSET HARVEY'S LAKE at the sion of ‘the flashing pig DeLncious BARBECUES FisH and CHIPS The home of the Ranchburger Telephone H. L. 3756 Open All Year 'Round TIE A Safe Deposit Box In eur Firo-and-Theft-Preof Voults Protects valuables at less than tc o day. Kirst Floor = Street Level —Ne Stain "WYOMING NAT'L BANK or WiLKES-BARRE YO! Buy Now! Family Circle Magazine only 5¢ Home Folks Prefer... < : Tf Heinz Heinz — Famous . maw Uy Aa UNCLE BEN’S a Vi TINS CONVERTED 14 oz. ! RICE sie” 19 [CITRRRINEN LS CHUNK-E-NUT 7 Pe 6 . Ib. kgs. CASHEWS % or 49¢ oo 3le PURCHASE 9 pkgs TOMATO KETCHUP 24c Heinz Boston Style Baked Beans 2 1b. am: igg Heinz Cooked Spaghetti 2 om 29¢ Heinz Fresh Cucumber Pickles 2 oz. Jar 200 Heinz Strained Baby Foods 6 = §T¢ Heinz Junior Baby Foods 6 == 8lc Heinz Pure Cider Vinegar pt: bet. 43g Heinz White Distilled Vinegar pt bot. 9g Heinz Cream of Mushroom Soup 2 cans 33¢ CE ———— EES THE POST, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1950 elicious Swiss Stea Serve It! — Enjoy It! An Economical Treat With Acme’s Low Prices Legs TOMATO SOUP Breasts 3 cans 31 Cc | Backs No. 1, Yellow dic HOLSUM Sweet Gherkins 5 33 92.59% JOAN of ARC Red Kidney Beans Round, Sirloin or Porterhouse STEAKS Cut From Famous Acme Quality Western Beef—Peak Flavor Ideal For Meat Loaf—Fresh ‘Hamburg - 49: Rib Roast - Cut-Up FRYERS * 89¢ 1b. 69¢ 1b. 15¢ 1b. 15¢ Anaarrruaratdarartartats Selected Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Finest Southern New Cabbage Cooking Onions One Price, None Higher Local, Home-Dressed, Tender, Young Cold Meat Values Extra Fancy, Ripe, Slicing \ TOMATOES 2 -- 35 Fresh Mushrooms * 49c New Potatoes 10 - 55¢ 3» 5c | 2 « 2 | Fancy Eating " 6c | Rome Apples Fancy Fresh 4~19¢ | Pineapples Short-Cut, Standing FRYING CHICKENS 59: . 30. Finest Sea Foods Swift Premium Franks ib. 49¢ | Fancy Lobster Tails Lancaster Minced Bologna ™ 49¢ | Standard Fresh Oysters Lancaster Liver Sausage ~ ™ 53c | Fillets of Haddock Sliced Smoked Beef Loaf *™: 33¢ | Cod or Ocean Perch 1b. T19¢ pt. can 59¢ Ib. 39 PERSONAL So2e\ IVORY a VORY LAKES 26¢ SAM | FLAKES Tasty Cheese Varieties Glendale Club—Tangy Makes Delicious Cheese Sandwiches and Smooth Sauces Borden’s Chateau Cheese Food CHEESE FOOD :=: 719% New Low Price! Acme — Sweet Tender kerne CORN 2 No.2 29c Pillsbury’s PIE CRUST MIX Dk. pkg. c0—O0ld Fashion 0896 | EREESTONE PEAHES :27c| SEEDLESS RAISING at New Texas Carrots 2 . 15c "WILSON’S MOR PORK :.> MOR BEEF ">" Princes—Flavorful sn 35¢ | OLEOMARGARINE 2 vs Kraft Parkay 7&4 IVORY. By 2s 19¢ | OLEOMARGARINE v- 3c Zausner Swiss Gruyere Cheese § oz. vis. 390 hme Domestic Swiss Cheese sticed % 1b. 38¢ | pint QA MOD Sweet, Tasty, Muenster Cheese - 47¢ PING Salmon Extra Sharp Blackskin Cheese - 69¢ | TOMATO PASTE Wisconsin Cheddar Mild Cheese Ib 49¢ aaa WAAAY == D ‘Beech-Nut Strained 1 MINIT pkgs. 1% oz. ib. Complete pkg. 15¢ pkg. 2c Pie Mixes BABY Foops 6 dlc 6 == 8lc by Keebler Pie Crust . y Mix 9 oz 25¢ 2" 35 Nut and Cherry SAVE 50% Automatic Pop-Up on $f 95 &@ 1 Year Guarantee, 4 Year Warranty Here’s How! Bread will be punched on a card. When these purchases t for only $7.95. TOASTER With Fully Punched Card Your purchase of Virginia Lee Cakes and Pastries and Supreme $3.50 you can buy one of these $15.95 Supreme Automatic Toasters Fig-Filled French Style Coffee Cakes Breakfast Cakes Crumb Cakes Danish Rum Rings 22%. = 39c No Better Bread Baked—Regardless of Price > Why Pay More? 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