The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 20, 1950, Image 3

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asl acs cr: Vi sia ass
Children’s Society
Of Trucksville Meets
Children’s Society of Christian
Service of the Trucksville Metho-
dist Church met at the Trucksville
Grade School last Monday in
charge of Miss Georgina Weidner,
Mrs. John Dykman and Mrs. Wil-
lard Bullock.
An interesting picture of the new
life of children of Japan was pre-
sented by the counselors. Japan-
ese articles were displayed and the
use of them explained to the chil-
dren, who proved to be keenly
‘eager to learn of customs of ather
The next meeting will be held at
the same place on Monday, Febru-
ary 13 following the afternoon
school session. All interested chil-
dren attending the fourth, fifth and
sixth grades are cordially invited
to meet with the group.
Present Carol Davis, Carol Hem-
Lydia Cease
Passes At 91
Jackson Woman Dies
At Home of Daughter
Mrs. Lydia Cease, 91, widow of
Wayman Cease, Jackson Township,
died Thursday morning, January
12, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. James C. Derr, 185 Gardner
avenue, Parsons, whom she had
been visiting for the past week.
Born at Stillwater, N.J., Mrs.
Cease, the former Lydia Shuster,
came to Jackson Township with
her parents at the age of seven.
She had resided in the township
for eighty-four years where she
was a charter member of Jackson
“Until last year Mrs. Cease had
Check!— Compare! —Save!
Acme Keeps Prices Low
Every Day in the Week!
Frying Chickens
Special Introductory Price!
Lean, Fresh
Scientifically Raised For Choice Eating—Cut Up If Desired
been active about her home and A Bi d B 2 k Loi Rb ne 33
enway, Beverl Anderson, Helen Y
ey, Sy en Mar- other affairs. She was a member SCO ice acon or ins C
Sane ai : f Jackson Methodist Church and g
jorie Stookey, Lyda Jean Hughes, |©° ¥ x 1
. Lois Malkemes, Florence Billings, | 22 honorary member of its WSCS. i / Ib. New HALF LOINS Halt eh
: ® 8% |She also was affiliated with | pkg. Pack Cc C Ha C
Emma Engler, Raymond Dymond, e also was affiliated with the | P (No Chops Removed)
Lee Evans, Jackie Pritchard.
School days are here again—
Chas., Homer, and Art, attended
the Allis-Chalmers School, visited
the Baugh Fertilizer Plant, and
State Grange.
Surviving are a son, Ralph Cease
at home; four other daughters,
Mrs. Verna Miers, and Mrs. Esther
Muncy, both of Jackson Township;
Mrs. Hattie Gregory, Trucksville;
Mrs. Loretta Miers, Lehman;
eighteen grandchildren, and seven-
teen great grand children; and a
sister Mrs. Mary Cease of Wyom-
Gold Seat’ — Finest, Family
FLOUR =: 1.69
Short-Cut Standing
Rib Roast
Round, Sirloin
Porte douse
High Quality
ib. 45¢
saw the “Farm Show™. All of us ' Funeral services were held on 5 Ib. bag 40 10 1b. bag 15¢ Swift's Premium Skinless Franks Ib. 49¢ Lancaster Liver Sausage 1% Ib. 25¢
. will attend the frigidaire school Saturday, January 14 fom the late ¢ Swift’s Premium Long Bol Ib. 49 % Ib
. ® at Phila”. “Geo.” will Soon take | home in Jackson Township at 2 Save 40c On a 25 lb. Bag § bologha ¢ | Lancaster Dried Beef Loaf 4 Ib. 29g
off on a tour in search of better
merchandise values. You'll find
better variety, better service and
better prices here in 1950.
“Frigidaire” is off to a
good start in 1950 with
P.M. with Rev. Frank K. Abbott
of Jackson Methodist Church and
Rev. T. W. Jones of Parsons P.M.
Church officiating.
Flower carriers were grand-
children of deceased Melba Greg-
ory, Marion Gregory, Ruth Bowen,
Louise Wilson, Elda Murray, Dor-
othy Weber, Grace Barrall, Naomi
Sat 20°
A blend for every taste. All quality coffees ex-
perily blended. Tops in flavor because they're all
Snack Suggestions
Nabisco Graham Crackers '»- rks: 28¢
29¢ | PEAS
Frosted F oods
2 vee 490
top features on the Murray and James Barrall, HEAT-FLO ROA ROASTED $ . Birdseye Fryers Ib. TTe¢
electric range, the au- Pallbearers were grandsons, Win-Crest Lighter- orbodicd ~~ Nabsico Pretzel Sticks pkg. i8¢c Birdseye Corn on Cob pkg. of 4 Bie
_ tomatic washer and re- |, °Ypar Yes Ralpe Miers, CUf- FFEE Ib 59° Rob Ford Salted Peanuts ° °* ** 19¢ | Ventura Farms Limas pke. 39g
frigerator—Latest fea- [Gregory and Richard Gregory. beg Po Princess Chocolate Drops ™ **: 28¢ | Dulany Baby Limas rks. 33g
tures of the Atomic
Age. You can get frig-
Delta Electric Workshop tools are
tops in entertainment for these Heavier Ib T AN G = RI N
a T-BAR-A DE oa TRY THIS ©):
Jomnters at 2. it's Delta, ; D i )
a T-Bar-A Rabbitry CRISCO REALEMO rice UO 233
Read the Post Classifieds
Dry Cleaning Specials
for a limited time only
A plain shirt or one pair of trousers or
‘one blouse or five neckties
or orders of 95¢ or more at our
Wraps, Gowns, Drapes, Slip Covers
Drive in to a Master Cleaner & Dyer
Office and Plant
880-886 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston
Although lighter body it has a vigorous
coffee taste
a5C0 COFFEE od ut x
You'll enjoy the delicious rich flavor of this
popular blend
Gold Seal Devils Food Gake Mix we 23¢c
“zx 36c §
Ideal Pure Peach Preserves
Ideal @alif. Fruit Gockiail
Holsum Whole Sweet Pickles
12 oz.
Every package brings you a large 15-inch square dish cloth
at no additional cost. Get more for your money today!
DRIVE: STORE Reto oun cusromens: | KETONUP. “ix Me
2 TOILET for recipes in the Pillsbury $100,000 3 Heinz Chicken Noodle Soup 9 cans 33¢
| Across from Luzerne Lumber Company 0 C I A G 0 N SOAP 9 260 : so a a ile Heinz Fresh Cucumber Pickles Riz. Jor 90%
| Drive In! Easy to Park! Quick Service! a ¢ T A G 0 MN LAUNDRY 3 foe 2c * No aid Rising Twists Heinz Cooked Spaghetti 2 29¢
he isnt _ $10,000.00 3 Heinz Pure Gider Vinegar - hei 430
: . SUPER SUDS ore. 206 ex: 3c f+ Starlight Mint Surprise Cookies 3 Heinz White Dist. Vinegar pt. bot. [2g
' hod Quality By OCTAGON CLE ANSER 9 Cons {he x Aart 0 Bon Bon Cake | Heinz Strained Baby Foods g jars Bg
Fron ; ) Heinz Junior Baby Foods 6 = 8l¢
By iy ny iy Sy yy yyy ry
inch greased tube pan; then | {
| dot with 3 teaspoons dark
batter. Continue alternat-
ing light and dark batters.
¢ | Bake. moderate oven (350° F.)
} for 50 to 60 minutes.
b | Codl......... 15 to 20 minutes before re- |
moving from pan. 3
hes wsie] plain or with a favoriteicing.
— — —— — — — 4
Entered by Mrs. Margaret Frewer }
Savannah, Ga.
One of the 100 winners!
All recipes won with Pillsbury’s Best—
they require Pillsbury’s Best
A a A
— 4
Fresh Fruits and
Large, Sweet, Juicy
ES ©
Virginia Lee Cherry Pies
Fresh Girramon Donuis
Supreme Cracked Wheat Bread
Glenn Zenger of the. shop force "4 T. Shavertow 8 Lb. Can 1.Lb.-Can Pure Lemon Juice : : 1 Eaey to Peel «Rich in Vitamins \ by ;
recently finished a slick bathroom in She es ove 11 928 16 oz 2 From Pillsbury s $100,000 Sort rT : WR %) Xi
installation for “Ed” Young at “We Deliver” ¢ C Dok C Recipe & Baking Contest | &
* you Yu find is Silay 1 C ARROTS 2 ce 1 3
® in li this material throug : ; GC
io Be ficory_purchase ar- For People Who Insist On Good Buiter bunches
rangement. or if you desire. 1 Tender, Ib.
Armstrong Linoleum is M. A. UTER New Cabbage . 30
acknowledged to be LADIES and GENTS : 5 : or 0
the leader and far TAILORING - ™ je Seedless Grapefruit ry 3 29
EE TR al Rete Pi & laos pon vastonn If Golden Yams sic 3 20
our second floor and Americss Great Prize Winner | |SEIDEIETTEEYE{ 0 lit Red Grapes 9.1. 900
look at th Food 21b. loa TQa §] BAKE at 350° F. fo 50 to 60 minutes I allf. Ke rap
2 00 o ese new Glendale Club Cheese 00 c p MAKES 9-inch tube cake. ] Y Ii c ki 0 - 3 thal 25¢
Comers, Use our .ox- J F d 2 1b. loaf 91 Sift together 2 cups sifted Pillsbury's Best | e ow 00 Ing BRions
pert laying service. Borden’s Chateau Gheese Foo C | pea swe |]
Elmer Shaffer has been a busy || 5 Ib. br baking powder ] Serve Virginia Lee Cakes and Pastries
boy thes dye 3 the schon Blackskin Exira Sharp Cheese 13c ve HEE ar } vi ee fad
emia] Ye Princess Oleomargarine nde Erm i LOAF CAKES -32¢
he has ti d 1 . . x 2 M .% cup milk. Add alternately x
haul jobs on tractors. combines|| DRY CLEANING SERVICE Mrs. Filbert’s Oleomargarine "Ble $j" ey mie |
and other machines. If Elmer MWe Coll For and Deliver : { thoroughly after each addi- | Vanilla Cream Iced — Home-Made Flavor
does it it’s right. 3 i 4 om - =
PHONE 5050 77 MAIN STREET ZAUSNER UNCLE BEN'S Fd... Sms ily bn Virginia Lee Cinnamon Twirls ~~ « 25¢
a Sruvers ; u bowl. Add
GAY MURRAY CO., INC. Luzerne “CHEESE oer. 39C Converted Rice | gh etipnon ii 28 vi Sm. Gold-N-Snow Layer Cakes each B50
TUNKHANNOCK, PA, KINGSTON 7-0091 MOHEESE Ee, 45¢ oo 1% endin.. 2 pe 1 Pineapple-Filled Buns pkg. of 6 25¢
{ Pour... )gincs of light’ batter in 9- * J ea. BSc
aor. 06
loaf i Be
Heinz “57” Varie:
Heinz—Vegetarian or Boston Style
CLEANED - - - NO CHARGE ets § 1552 Biilchury's BEST 5
SE OCTAGON GRANULATED SOAP £7 Row 501g 2 =. 29c¢
When brought in with suits, coats or dresses : "=== |25.1b. sack . 1
Heinz — Tomato
Washes Everything
For Sparkling Dishes
2c 63
Toilet Soap
Reg. Size Bath Size
3" 22
2 21c 3" 23¢
Cashmere Bouquet
Toilet Soap
Reg. Size Bath Size
2 23c
Dog Meal
5 Ib. 65¢