| RR _—. a ail 1 Make It A Beautiful Christmas Daughters of America Entertain at Party Sweet Valley No. 159, Daughters of America held a Christmas party in the Maple Grove Hall December 9. Members entertained their guests at a covered dish supper and spent ‘the evening playing bingo with all winning prizes. Christmas gifts were - exchanged by members, The door ; prize was won by Inez Curran. Those present were Mrs. George Bronson, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs, Claude Cragle, Mrs. Henry Wolfe, Mrs. Burton Steltz, Beverly Steltz, Burton Steltz, Jr., Mrs. Herbert Payne, Mrs, Walter Poll, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wolfe, June Graham, Mrs. Warren Boston, Mrs, Inez Cur- ran, Mrs. Boyd Cragle, Mrs. Daniel William Miller, Mrs. Mabel ‘Wand- ell, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, Mrs, Lewis Benscoter, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Holcomb, Jr., Mrs. J. Hummel, Mrs. Jessie Shupp. The December birthday party will be held in. the Community Hall Friday night, December 16. Those who attend are urged to bring a wrapped gift for exchange, Employees To Be Guests At Natona Mills Party Between two hundred fifty and two hundred eighty employees will be guests of Natona Mills at a Christmas dinner party held at the Kingston House tomorrow to usher in the holiday season. Charles Rinehimer, chairman, assited by Mrs. Engler, has planned a lively program of musical selec- tions and remarks. John McCusker i will act as master of ceremonies and Herman Weisler, plant man- ager, will give a brief talk. There will be vocal selections by Miss Mary Tryon, Miss Mary Jackson and John Rogers. Jolly old St. Nick will be on hand with cheer and bundles galore, Trucksville Party The Christmas party for the Cradle Roll Nursery and Beginners Department of Trucksville Metho- dist Church will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Mothers are invited. SNE DECORATIONS GIFTS AND TOYS Open Evenings ‘Til C LEHMAN SUPPLY GEORGE STON ARIOR Santa is Arriving on : Friday and Saturday : 16th and 1Tth 4 : 8 (evenings) hristmas PHONE 900- Re 2 R—1 fea ALL ‘HOM Fresh, SAL 5 GRAVE BLANKETS EVERGREEN CEMETERY BASKETS NORWAY SPRUCE TREES vigorous, ZIBA SMITH HUNTSVILLE-CEASETOWN ROAD Telephone 414-R-3 Beautiful WREATHS for HOME DECORATION A E GROWN long-lasting ED Hist ACAIN STEPPING DOWN “An Economy Store “Where Quality Prevails” PETE TE TE TE TERE TERE RETR RE RE RRE 0P’S| WITH THEIR PRICES ANI Na ES ANNOUNCING A FEW OF THEIR GREAT SAVINGS. COME TO THE FRIENDLY STORE WHERE QUALITY AND SERVICE EXCEL. PHONE 450 FOR FREE DEL- IVERY. MEAT PRICES EFFECTIVE TO DECEMBER 25. ES SS SS SSS SSS SSSA NAAN Meats TATA AA dA A Tender, Juicy SIRLOIN STEAK pr THE BEST IN TR Fresh, Lean GROUND BEEF SESE 53 AT ALL TIMES S 85: “Ready to Eat” SMOKED PICNICS “Guaranteed” Lean, Loin End PORK ROAST 39 Armour’s Ring, Mince, Long, Assorted Loaves Skinless Franks “aml Swift's Premium, Armour Star — | SLICED BACON Fancy 5 1b. Ave. LEG-0O-LAMB 6 Armour Star | HAMS 10-12 Ave. Home Made PAN SAUSAGE EE TE PRES ‘Also! Bird’s Eye 49 PORK GOODIES Order A Ham for Xmas Now!! FOR Poultry YOU'LL BE PROUD TO SERVE Direct from HOLMHURST FARMS Turkeys—Capons—Chickens—Ducks under 16 Ib. 83c Eviscerated Turkeys over 16 Ib. 79¢ ORDER NOW The Dallas To Celebrate 45th Mr. and Mrs. Herman Garinger SECOND SECTION DECEMBER 16, 1949 | Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Herman Garinger of Harvey's Lake will celebrate their forty fifth wedding anniversary with open house for their friends Sunday afternoon from 3 until 6 o’clock. Mrs. Garinger is the former Jes- sie Ross, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George V. Ross of Par- sons, She has two brothers, Fred and Gilbert of Luzerne) Mr#Gar- inger, son of the late rEg Mrs. William Garinger, was born and has spent his entire life at the lake. He is the oldest of ten child- ren, nine of whom are still living: Mrs. Arthur Davenport of Owosso, Mich.; Mrs, former Lake Waterbury, Conn.; Mrs. Arthur Austin, Binghamton, N.Y.; Miss Lina Garinger, of the Lake; Mrs. Loren Keller, Idetown, and Zel of Dallas. Amanda Garinger Yaple is his aunt. All the brothers and sisters and Aunt Mandy expect to help the Garingers celebrate on Sunday, ex- cept Mrs. Davenport and possibly, Mrs. Rosengrant. The couple was married at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Wat- kins of Parsons, aunt and uncle of Mrs. Garinger. Rev. J. L. Thomas performed the ceremony. There are resident, now of \ | five children: Ross of Tampa, Fla.., Lloyd, Mrs. Albert Armitage, Mrs. Joseph Rauch of the Lake, and Mrs. Peter Kuchta of Hazleton and five grandchildren, Mr. Garinger is a familiar figure to practically every person who has : spent his summers at the Lake, as Y | he operated a butcher shop and grocery store in the Alderson sec- tion for over thirty years. Now re- tired, he busies himself taking care of his cow and calf and at- tending the Nicholson cattle auc- tions,” Still tops as a business man, two years ago he bought a boar at the Library Auction for $50 and sold it for $106 at Nicholson the Be week. Mrs. Garinger has been fairly BB ey too—rearing a family and fil- ling in whenever the store needed extra help, She is a member of Alderson WSCS. Besides her five grandchildren — reading is her hobby. All friends and relatives are ex- tended a cordial invitation to drop in on Sunday and have a cup of tea with the Garingers. Shavertown PTA Shavertown PTA will meet Mon- day evening at 8:15 at Shavertown Grade School, A Christmas pro- gram will be presented by forty students of all grades. Parents are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served by mothers of both fifth grades. Fresh Cut Xmas Trees Also WREATHS and DECORATIONS A A A A PA PA A Come in and see our stock { MAHONEY’S N¢ Fairlawn Store : FERNBROOK CORNERS FES | Groceries \ EIT TIE TERE EGETET Volney Rosengrant,, Outstanding Poultry Men Business Started From Door to Door L. A. Furneaux and son, Barry, former Back Mountain residents are now the operators of one of the largest poultry farms in East- ern Pennsylvania. A father and son combination, they have come a long way to their present success. Many local housewives remem- ber when they operated in this area selling quality poultry and eggs from door-to-door. It is on the basis of quality that they have built their present business, But instead of the small opera- ation of pre-war days, they now carry a weekly inventory of 5,000 chickens, plus a large supply of turkeys, ducks and capons, All of these are raised on wire and are housed in a large Quon- set Hut which the Furneauxs pur- chased from Government surplus. They have a fulltime job on their hands covering the entire Scran- ton-Wilkes-Barre area with their products. Asked to what he attributed his success when so many others were abandoning the poultry business, Barry Furneaux answered a few days ago: “We have always hand- led quality, preached quality and Post CHURCH NOTES DALLAS METHODIST On Sunday morning at 11 o’clock ‘the minister will continue the series of sermons on, “Our Faith in Christ”, which ‘is the emphasis of the Church during December, and will speak on the theme, “Jesus, The Light of the World”, Morning Worship Service children Advance for Christ and His During the up to five years of age may join the church nursery, where they are cared for by responsible workers. On Sunday evening the Choirs of our church, under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Turn Reynolds, will lead in a “Car- ol With the Choir Service” at seven thirty, The familiar and beloved Christmas carols will be sung. The congregation will participate. Methodist Youth Fellowships will hold a brief combined worship ser- vice at six-thirty, All girls, ages eleven to twenty-three, are urged to attend. boys and Girl Scouts will meet at the church on Wednesday afternoon at four. Boy Scouts meet on Thurs- day evening at seven, All boys and girls are urged to be present for the Junior Choir Rehearsal on Thursday at four o'clock. There will be final rehear- sal for the Christmas pageant. A Christmas Pageant will be presented by the Church School, under the leadership of the Super- intendents and Mrs. Reynolds, on Friday evening at seven, Christmas gifts will be presented as a part of the annual Christmas tree ser- vice. On Christmas Sunday there will be baptism of infants during the thrived on quality.” Then added, ‘Remember one thing in business. To stay in business it is always ‘quality that counts be- fore price! ” The Furneaux Poultry Farm is now located near Factoryville. Borough. PTR Program The grade and high school chor- uses of Dallas Boro Schools will pre- sent a program of Christmas music at the P.T.A. meeting Monday evening at 8 o'clock. A brass quartet will play carols while the audience is assembling. The program will be under the direction of Lester Lewis, All pat- rons and friends of the school are cordially invited to attend. Third grade mothers will be hostesses at a Christmas tea fol- lowing the program, Youth Temperance Party Twenty nine members of the Lu- zerne County Youth Temperance Council held a Christmas party in the Christian Church Hall at Sweet Valley Monday, Represented were young folks from Idetown, Luzerne, Wilkes-Barre and Sweet Valley. Plans were made for future ral- lies in January. Games were played and refreshments served. =~ COMMUNITY CAROL SING The sing starts Tuesday night at 8 on the American Store Parking Lot in Dallas. It will not last more than an hour. Show your Back Mountain Spirit, join in the fun. SRESOTESASASESES ASIANA Zh >y Lovely Little AK.C. Registered Cocker Spaniel Puppies Nine Weeks Old Black & Buff DALE K. MYERS EVANS FALLS, PA. Tunkhannock’ R.F.D. 5 Phone Dallas 9-R-3 or Tunkhannock 3956 yy SAE Tastewell Whole Kernel CORN 12! 2 SUGAR 5 Ib. 47% an 13 Produce Shurfine 35 i 0 Wr re rr er TEE TERETE CATSUP 2 for New York State Shurfine ™ 6oe POTATOES vk. | 43 COFFER b- 2.07 2 PASCAL CELERY jiu OCCIDENT FLOUR 25 Ik oo ; SANANGS on 29 ¢ Ristes i a 2tor } APPLES 41h. 23 g eechn-Nu ral Ny \ uN 0 tor 5 8 “Frozen Foods | -Beech-Nut Junior 3 F F / BABY FOOD 6 for Fozen of : " Starkist—Green Label Se =a { TUNA FISH { Bird's re 4 { SLICED STRAWBERRIES 41 \ RINSO lg. Bird's Eye Swift's ! SUCCOTASH 30 { SHORTENING 3 1b. Bird's Bye 01d Dutch CLEANSER f BE ORANGE JUICE 2 for 49 he regular Morning Worship Service, | Make It A Beautiful Christmas PAGE SEVEN Trucksville Church School To Present Program Monday TRUCKSVILLE CHURCH The pupils of Louie Ayre will pre- sent a recital at the church on Friday evening, On Saturday at 2:30 p, m., a Christmas party for babies, pre- school children and their mothers will be hed at the church, The Senior Girls’ Choir will pre- sent a Christmas Cantata at 7:30 at the church on Sunday evening. The Christmas program and pag- eant presented by the children of the Sunday School will be given on Monday, December 19. ALDERSON-NOXEN CHARGE Ruggles: The morning worship service in the Ruggles Methodist ‘Church on Sunday, December 18 will be held at 8:45 The pastor will preach. Sunday School will be held immediately following the Church service. Noxen: Services in the Noxen Methodist Church on Sunday, Dec- ember 18 will be held as follows: Morning worship service with ser- mon by the pastor and Christmas music by the choir under the direc- tion of Mrs. Albert Ruff—10:00 a.m.; Sunday School, 11 o’clock; Methodist Youth Fellowship, 6 p.m. Alderson: On Sunday, December 18 in the Alderson Methodist Church, Sunday School will be held at 10 o'clock; The Church worship service with sermon by the pastor and Christmas music by the choir A special Christmas offering, our Christmas gift to our church, will be received. Remember Children Several weeks ago members of the Dallas Methodist Youth Fel- lowship spent an interesting day in Binghamton, N.Y. visiting the Wyoming Conference = Children’s Home. To many it was a new experience to see the quarters of fifty boys and girls and to chat informally with workers and children, It was soon learned that boys and girls of the home like ‘“‘canned music” as well as their visiting friends. And it was discovered that one group of girls was in need of a record player. Upon their return to Dallas plans were made to secure funds to buy a record player for the girls, Two Junior Classes of nine years old under the leadership of their teachers, Mr, and Mrs, Percy Love, Claude street, raised the necessary funds, which have been forwarded to the home. The record player will be under the Christmas tree on Christmas Day and some happy girls will long remember some nine-year old boys and girls from the Dallas Church. under the direction of Mrs. Swanson, will be held at 11:15 a.m. At eight o'clock Sunday evening, the choir and members of the Sun- day School under the direction of Mrs. Fred Swanson and Mrs, Ray- present Cantata-Drama “They Found The mond Garinger will Child.” Kunkle: 10:30 a.m. The Youth Fellowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. The evening worship service with sermon by the pastor and Special Christmas music will be held at 7:30. Sunday School Kunkle Methodist Church on Sun- day, December 18 will be held at Attractive Store Windows (Continued from Page One) on the roof of its building. Last year the display created much fav- orable comment. Holly wreaths have been placed in all the windows, and a novel scheme is being worked out for the front door which will be Fred the in the Children of Trucksville Methodist Church will present a Christmas program and pageant Monday eve- ning at 7 o'clock, The following children from the beginners’ department will take part: Susan Weigel, Sharon De- Remer, Donnie Anderson, Carol An- derson, Mary June Bennett, Butch Freitcher, Rick Farr, Patsy Carle, Davie Carle, Sandra Hoover, Peggy Perkins, Verne Lee Pritchard, Betty Jean Davis, Alma Gray, Elsa Ar- chard, Barry Dierolf, Jimmy Straus- ser, Stephen Stuhlmuller, Dorothy Cleasby, Libby Cleasby, Karla Ray, Willard Bullock and Rusty Greenly. Miss Gladys Fox and Mrs, Dora Griffiths are directors, Members of the primary depart- ment taking part, directed by Mrs. Donald Anderson, Mrs, Stanley Farr and Mrs. Elmer Jones: Janet Siglin, William Greenley, Sonny Smith, Robert Pritchard, Mary Jane Moss, Sandra Vivian, Diana Banta, George Hughes, Billy Weber, Wayne Long, Robin Lohmann, Carol Williams, and Robert Stuhlmuller. An impressive and colorful pag- eant, “Bethlehem” under the dir- ection of Alfred M. Camp, assisted by Mrs, Cedric Griffiths ‘and Miss Georgeina Weidner will be pre- sented by the Junior Department with some primary children in the choir, In the pageant: Carol Bennett, Alice Shortz, Jane Ann Lohman, Charlotte Perkins, Louise Perrin, Kathleen Richards, Brenda Cleasby, Patty Hemenway, Carolyn Davis, Gail Hoover, Peggy Weigel, Mari- lyn Marth, *Jack Robbins, Arthur Robbins, Vance Johnson, Billy Hess, Jey Farr, Raymond Drake, Larry Farr, Lee Baker, John Wenger, Kimball Stuhlmuller, John Perkins, Lee Evans, James Oplinger, Dick Cleasby, William Strausser, Jack Pritchard, Emma - Engler, Helen Brodien, Jane Polk, Betty Schooley, Maude Grey, Florence Billings, Lois Malkemes, Beverly Anderson, Mar- jorie Stookey, Lida Jean Hughes, Connie Chappell, Robert Bullock, Jimmy Case, Judy Rowlands, Mary Lou Weigel, Curtis Evans, Don Goodman, Bobby Palmer and George Williams. Miss Bertha Sutliff is superinten- dent of the Children’s division. Domestic Rabbit an ideal meat For Holiday Canapes WE FURNISH RECIPES T-BAR-A RABBITRY 74 Terrace, Shavertown ST. PAUL'S NOTES The following new members were acecpted into membership on Sun- day: Irvin Davis, Jean Davis, Al- bert Siperko, Alta Travis, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Maza and Mr, and Mrs. Tex Wilson. On Friday evening the Ladies Auxiliary will hold their Christ- mas party at the church. A beautiful Christmas Cantata, “The Child of, Bethlehem” will be presented Sunday morning by members of the Senior choir, This presentation under the direction of Mrs. Paul Winter has been in re- hearsal for a number of weeks, The public is cordially invited to wit- ness this outstanding Christmas off- | ering. ONLY $129 AUSTIN 9 Delivered, Completely Equipped NO EXTRAS TO BUY Kunkle Garage DANIEL E. MEEKER Phone Dallas 4584R-13 d ated to repr t berib- fod ay Ds 2 Dalles 155-R-10 THE LOWEST PRICED FOR PROMPT QUALITY CAR FUEL OIL DELIVERY IN AMERICA AMBULANCE SERVICE Anytime — Anywhere DAY or NIGHT CALL DALLAS 400 Howard H. Woolbert FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ferguson Avenue SHAVERTOWN, PA. Revolvers, Guns, tire Estates Bought. Don’t sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 En- Burke's Lar-R-Cue SUNSET HARVEY'S LAKE at the sign of the flashing pig DELICIOUS - BARBECUES | FisH and CHips The home of the Ranchburger Telephone H. L. 3756 Open All Year 'Round BEER TEE EE EOE ETE TEs Miniature RIBBON CANDY Box | 49 HARD TACK 1b. 35 # N uts © BON BONS b | 39? s POP C LS do: 29 3 Pus bi ORN BAL % | &9X DIAMOND WALNUTS Ib. | 45 SCHRAFT'S 21b. 2.50 ten ns ala Holiday g ASS'TD CHOCOLATES 2% 1.19% FiBeRTS Ib. Call Purcell Fuel Service 20 Mt. GREENWOOD ROAD TRUCKSVILLE Dallas 26-R-11 Easasas AP DTT SNE Gift Wrapping 113 Piece Assortment LIMITED QUANTITY = 39¢ BOYD R. WHITE Main Street, Dallas / Deserve BLUE STREAK? It's what's in a dog food that makes it GOOD / R07] EE Distributed By OLD TOLL GATE Feed Service ' Trucksville - Phone 520-R-2 i 3 sr