The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 09, 1949, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. George Turn and
Penney, Mrs. Ruth Reynolds and
Betsy, of Trucksville, spent Thanks-
giving Day at the Budd Boyer
home, Lodi, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Waters, of
Huntsville road entertaind at din-
ner last Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Ray-
mond Page, Marilyn Miller and Ann
Page, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hart
of Susquehanna, Miss Mary Ellen
Hill of Robensonia and their sons
James of State College and Bill
of Kutztown.
Mrs. George Budd is quite ill at
her home in Druid Hills,
Mr. and Mrs. John Pauling
whose home on Jackson street
was burned down last Sunday are
occupying the Stella McKinnis
house on Norton avenue,
Ralph Rood who has been ill
for several days at his home on
Lehman avenue .is able to be out
Glenn Hilbert, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Stanley Hilbert of Demunds,
is recuperating after a serious
bronchial illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lewis of
Woodlawn drive had as Thanks-
giving guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Ridgeway and Barbara, Ralph and
Paul, Charles Ball, Springfield,
Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reed,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Reed, and
Marcia of Wyoming; Mrs, Phoebe
Sickler, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reed
of Binghamton; Mr. and Mrs, E.
F. Lewis of Montclair, N. J.; Mrs.
Russell Lewis and Merilie of Phila-
delphia; Mrs. Ted Watkins of New
York City; Mr. and Mrs, George
R. Lewis of Clarion; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lewis and Bonnie of Dallas.
* + x x
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thomas
of West Dallas entertained recently
the former's brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Thomas and Shirley and Edwin
of Leonardo, N. J.
“+ Mr. and Mrs. E, H, Kent of Leh-
man will leave December 17 for
Atlanta, Ga., where they will be
guests of Mrs. Kent's brother,
Clement A. Evans and family.
~ From Atlanta they will go to Key
~ West, Fla. for several weeks,
Mr. .and Mrs. Paul Daily of Lawn
TT Street, Shavertown, observed their
second wedding anniversary on
Thanksgiving Day. Mrs, Daily,
who was a patient at Gen-
eral Hospital for a week, returned
home on Saturday.
~~ Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W, Williams
Sr., of Idetown spent Thanksgiving
Day with their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Brandon
Gearhart of Wilkes-Barre,
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Williams
Jr., spent Thanksgiving as guests
of the latter's parents in Bingham-
ton, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts of
Main road will spend the Christ-
mas holidays with their daughter
_and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
John Puzak and Jackie and Tom-
mie at Pittsburgh.
Miss Marcia Gross, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross of Hunts-
ville, left Monday for Texas to
serve with the WAACS.
Mr. and Mrs, Jonathan Valentine
and Dr. and Mrs. J. Franklin Rob-
‘inson entertained a number of
friends at the Robinson home on
Mt, Greenwood road prior to the
Woman's Club Dance Saturday ev-
Mrs, Jack Loucks, daughter,
Louise, and Mrs, Loucks’s mother,
Mrs, Louise Davies, ‘Pen-Bryn”’, N.
Terrace Drive, Dallas, spent. the
weekend of the 19th in New York
City. Mrs. Davies observed her
birthday on that date.
Robert Allen, son of Mr, and
Mrs. William Thomas, Main Road,
Shavertown was baptised Sunday in
Shavertown Methodist Church by
Rev, Howard Harrison.
Mrs. Thomas Hontz, Terrace
Drive celebrated her birthday anni-
versary on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Leilich and
family, Center street, will move to
Buffalo, N.Y. after the first of the
year. Mr, Leilich, who has been
superintendent of Lehigh Valley
Railroad in the Wilkes-Barre Dis-
trict has been transferred to New
York State.
In the Good Old
in technicolor with
Van Johnson, Judy Garland
Sat. Matinee, 2 P.M.
Secret Garden”
with Margaret O'Brien,
Herbert Marshall
“Colorado Territory”
with Virginia Mayo, Joel McCrea
Doris Bernadine Kocher
To Marry Edward Smith
Mr, and Mrs. Rodelle Kocher of
Harvey's Lake announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Doris
Bernadine to Edward Smith, son
of Mrs. Edith Smith of Noxen. No
date has been set for the wedding.
Miss Kocher is a graduate of
Lake Township High School, Class
of 1945, and up until May of this
year was employed in Trenton,
N. J. Mr. Smith was graduated
from Noxen High School and is
employed at the Armour Tannery.
Mrs. Elmer Hoover Is
Surprised On Birthday
Mrs. Elmer Hoover was guest
of honor at a surprise birthday
party held at her home at Ide-
town Saturday evening. Present
were: Mrs. Roxie Hessler, Miss
Ruth Worthington, Mrs, Doris
Spencer, Mrs, Clara Kitchen, Mrs.
Marie Wolfe, Miss Virginia Wolfe,
Mrs. Floyd Hoover, Miss Roxie
Hoover, Patsy Hoover, Elmer
Hoover, Floyd Hoover, Lester
Hoover andthe guest of honor.
Mrs. William Carroll, Jr., College-
ville spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. William Hunt, Spring
Mrs. Edith Ibbotson, Hampton
Beach, N.H. is spending the winter
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monko, Lehigh
Donald Davis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Davis, Lehigh street
has been selected as Scoutmaster of
Tunkhannock Boy Scouts. Mr. Dav-
is, who is employed by Common-
wealth Telephone Company is a
resident of Tunkhannock,
Mrs. Laroy Zeigler, Carverton re-
turned Saturday after being a pa-
tient at Temple University Hospit-
al, Philadelphia.
Abe Gay, Carverton, is a patient
in Nesbitt Hospital.
Edward Smith, Carverton road,
who recently underwent a major
operation at Mercy Hospital is
again a patient in that institution.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sands and
son Dickie, Carverton spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs, George
Wright, Easton.
Mr, and Mrs. Sharps Cyphers,
Carverton, have moved into one of
Mrs. Prynn’s homes on Carverton
Mrs. Glen Rozelle, Carverton is a
patient at Jefferson Hospital,
Philip Carle, New Jersey, spent the
Thanksgiving holiday with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carle,
Floyd Young, Jr., Texas, is spend-
ing some time with his mother,
Mrs. Floyd Young, Lehigh street.
- * * *
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stanley,
Wilkes-Barre, have started con-
struction of their new home on Mt.
Greenwood road, Trucksville.
Miss Mary Mitchell, daughter of
Mrs. Letha Mitchell, Center street,
has moved to Phoenix, Arizona.
Mrs. J. Franklin Robinson of Mt.
Greenwood road will leave next
week to spend the holiday season
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Earl Smith of Iowa City. Doctor
Robinson will spend Christmas with
them and both will return Decem-
ber 27.
Carl Thomas of Philadelphia will
his grandmother, Mrs, Margaret
Hildebrant of Norton Avenue.
Miss Lois Kiefer,
her parents, Mr,
Kiefer of Shrineview.
kins entertained a
street before - the
dance Saturday evening.
ing a week with his parents,
and Mrs.
lawn Drive hunting. Mrs,
with a bad cold.
spend his Christmas vacation with
freshman at
Wellesley College, will arrive next
Friday to spend the holidays with
and Mrs. Fred
Kenneth Oliver is still cenfined
to his home at Huntsville by ill-
Attorney and Mrs. Mitchell Jen-
number of
friends at their home on Davis
Woman's Club
Earl Cairl has returned to his
home at Broomall, Pa., after spend-
William Cairl of Wood-
liam Cairl is confined to het home
Neighborhood Notes And News Of Loca
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E, Zimmer-
man of Harvey's Lake announce
the engagement and approaching
marriage of their daughter, Bar-
bara Ann to John Bronson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bronson of
Harvey's Lake. Rev. Ruth Under-
wood will perform the ceremony
at the home of the bride Christmas
Day at 4 p.m.
Attendants will be Miss Ruth
Zimmerman, sister of the bride,
and Walter Bronson, brother of
the bridegroom.
Miss Joan Anthony, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. S. J. Anthony, Sha-
vertown, will be married to Carl J.
Streadle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
E. Streadle, Kingston, tomorrow
evening at 6 p.m. in Shavertown
Methodist Church, Rev. Howard
Harrison will officiate.
The bride will be given in mar-
Barbara Ann Zimmerman To Wed
{John Bronson On Christmas Day
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception for members of the family
and a few friends will be held and
the couple will leave for a trip.
Miss Zimmerman is a graduate
of Dallas Township High .School.
Mr. Bronson was graduated from
Lake Township High School and is
employed as a milk tester with
headquarters in Tunkhannock.
The couple will reside in Tunk-
Miss Joan Anthony, Engaged
To Carl E. Streadle, Kingston
riage by Nelson McDonald. Matron
of honor will be Mrs, Nelson Mec-
Donald and best man, Robert Gido.
The bride-elect attended Kings-
ton Township Schools. Mr, Stadle
is a graduate of Kingston High
School and is attending Wyoming
Seminary. The couple will reside on
Amherst avenue, Wilkes-Barre,
Ash Family Enjoys
Two Parties Sunday
There's never a dull moment at
the Harold Ash home, Shavertown.
Sunday, at noon, Mrs, Ash served
a turkey dinner to Mr, and Mrs.
Sterling Ash, Kingston; Sterling
Ash, New York City; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Dressel, and Robert and
Tommy Ash, Shavertown,
Late in the afternoon, she en-
tertained at a birthday party for
her son, Tommy, who was two
years old. Birthday table was dec-
orated with large cake and red
and white Xmas favors. Guests
were Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Franklin
and children, Barbara Jean and
Marjorie Mae, Dallas; Mr, and Mrs.
Morris Welsh and children, Marilyn
and Judy, Orange; Mr. and Mrs.
Merlin Werkheiser and children,
Donnie, Danny and Lois Ann, Mr.
and Mrs. Obed Hontz and son,
Billy, Dallas; Robert and Tommy
Ash, Shavertown.
George Turns Entertain
Mr. and Mrs, George Turn of
East Center street, Shavertown, en-
tertained a number of friends at a
party prior to the Dallas Woman's
Club Dance, Saturday. Present. were
Mr. and Mrs, William Hodgson,
Mrs, Lettie Culver, Jack Lee, Mrs.
Marjorie Lee, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Zukowski, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Les-
aius and the host and hostess.
Treva Traver Is Guest
On Sixteenth Birthday
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Traver of
Ruggles entertained at a surprise
party on Saturday evening for
their daughter Treva, who cele-
brated her 16th birthday, Games
and dancing were enjoyed, and
lunch was served to the following:
Ruth Zimmerman, Margaret Truska,
Jean Gray, Faye Smith, Angela Bi-
ery, Jessie Armitage, Marilyn and
i Charlotte Traver, Myrl Siglin, Clay-
ton Traver, Richard Cornell, For-
rest Sorber, Freddie Martin, Ar-
nold Garinger, Larry Brobst, Fred
Oney, and Dan Traver. Treva re-
ceived many lovely gifts.
Mts. Floyd Sutton Is
Head of Idetown Class
Mrs. Fred Sutton was chosen
president and Mrs. Floyd Hoover,
vice president, at the meeting of
Idetown Serving and Waiting Class
held at the church house Thurs-
day evening. Other officers: Mrs.
Chloe Spencer, secretary, Mrs.
Ernest Fritz, assistant secretary
and pianist,
The Christmas party will be held
at the Churchhouse December 15,
at 8 o'clock. Fifty cent gifts will
be exchanged.
Mrs. R. B. Shaver,
Robert Nicelys Are
Married Ten Years
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicely,
Main road, Shavertown, celebrated
their tenth wedding anniversary on
Tuesday. Mrs. Nicely is the former
Doris Lewis of Wilkes-Barre. The
couple have no children. Mr, Nicely
is employed at United Furniture
Manufacturers, while Mrs, Nicely
is employed by Wilkes-Barre Lace
Company. The anniversary was a
double one for Mrs. Nicely, as it
was also her birthday.
Crozier S. Wilemans
Entertain Before Dance
Mr. and Mrs, Crozier S, Wileman
of Goss Manor entertained a num-
ber of friends before the Dallas Wo-
man’s Club dance Saturday even-
ing. Guests: Mr. and Mrs, HA M.
Strub Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Cheney, Mr and Mrs. Ross Lewin,
Mr. and Mrs. James Schurz, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Richards, Mrs. Lettie
Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ar-
nold and the host and hostess.
@® “Take it easy” is coun-
sel sometimes easier to give
than to follow. Neverthe-
less, many of us would
profit by slowing our pace
wherever possible. Don’t
be slow, however, in act-
ing at the first suggestion
of illness. Consult your
Doctor, accept his counsel
—and of course bring his
prescriptions to us for
our careful compounding.
Earl’s Drug Store
Main Highway
Trucksville, Pa.
Telephone 110
= ® =
Karen Harvey, Guest
On Third Birthday
Karen Charlotte Harvey, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Har-
vey of Woodlawn drive celebrated
her third birthday
with a party for little friends and
their mothers Saturday afternoon.
A luscious white frosted cake
spattered with pink rose buds and
yellow tapers made an attractive
party table. Miniature wagons
filled with goodies were favors.
Present were: Lois Ashley, Bon-
nie Lewis, Janet Ide, Janice Harris,
Doris Hazeltine, Jeffrey Veitch,
Ronald and Rickey Cross, Dallas;
Carol Ann Lamoreaux, and Margo
Davenport, Mrs. George Weintz,
Mrs, James Davenport, Mrs, Ches-
ter Lanaven, Lehman; Mrs. Ernest
Stiles, Plymouth; Mrs, Frank Har-
vey, Mrs. Sam Ashley, Mrs. Bertha
Ruth, the guest of honor and her
Mohrs Have Baby Girl
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mohr of
Edwardsville announce the birth
of a baby girl at Nesbitt Hospital,
Wednesday morning, November 29,
Mr, Mohr is teacher of chemistry
at Kingston Township High School.
Mrs.Mohr is a teacher at Dallas
Township on leave.
Distributed By
Feed Service
Trucksville - Phone 520-R-2
anniversary !
Mrs. Edwin Wright Is
Honored At Shower
Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Orchard
Farms entertained at a variety
shower last Saturday evening for
Mrs, Edwin Wright.
Table decorations were yellow
and white chrysanthemums and
yellow tapers. Favors were minia-
ture pastel umbrellas.
The guest of honor received
many lovely gifts, Attending were:
Mrs. George L. Rice, Mrs. Ran-
dolph Wright, Mrs. Wesley Mit-
chell, Janet Wright, Ida Rice, Mrs.
Andrew Riggie, the guest of hon-
or and the hostess.
| Church Doings
Brace Bible Class
To Hold Xmas Party
“Brace Bible Class of Dallas Meth-
odist Church will entertain at a
Christmas party in the Church De-
cember 12 at 6:30. A quartet from
Bloomsburg will entertain. Gifts
will be exchanged.
Charles A. James will be toast-
master; decorations, Ord Trum-
bower; refreshments, Henry Welch,
Niles White, Herb Marley; publicity,
Sev Newberry.
Each should bring his wife, a
covered dish, silver and a twenty
five cent gift.
Read the Classified Column
If you must drive clothes out to be dry cleaned and pressed,
drive them down to :
Drive-In Service
on the Luzerne-Dallas Highway
Across from Luzerne Lumber Co.
or at
There is no finer quality than ours at any price.
Colors are bright, Prices are right
That’s why more and more people are steadily switching to
Office and Plant
880-886 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston
For finer dry cleaning and pressing send it to
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Dallas, Pa.
“] Was A Male War
Ann Sheridan and Cary Grant
“Annie Oakley”
Barbara Stanwyck and
Preston Foster
Travel Talks and Cartoon
“That Midnight Kiss”
in technicolor
with Kathryn Grayson and
Ethel Barrymore
For a Real Treat
Steak, Chicken
Call Harvey's Lake 3642
Owned and Operated By
MR. and MRS,
Chenille Robes "" $4.99
Blouses ... $1.00 to $3.99
Skirts .... $2.99 to $5.09
Gowns .... $2.99 to $6.99
Flannelette, crepe, jersey, nylon
Sweaters . $1.99 to $4.99
Slips ....... from $1.59
Plastic Raincoats $1.99
Handbags .. from $1.69
. make her Christmas tree a
Dresses ...... $3.99, $5.99, $7.99
to $12.99
Quilted Satin Robes . . .
$10.99 & $14.99
PHONE 17-6318
% Bn