> Dealer also has CHOCO Made with Breyers famous Vanilla Ice Cream, topped with frozen strawberries and gaily decorated with green-tinted whipped cream. Your friendly Breyer LATE FUDGE TARTS. Shavertown Penna. "EVANS DRUG STORE . 7- tre all beautiful cards. orous, We've Christmas Cards Galore mendous historic cards price ranges. DALLAS 5¢c-10c-51 STORE 46-48 MAIN STREET, DALLAS Choose today from our selection of Christmas Religious, senti- mental, traditional, hum- in Come in early and select while our collection is full and complete. _/ Movies Tonight Motion pictures of coal mining and several short subjects will be shown tonight at Maple Grove Methodist Church Hall under the auspices of the WSCS. Refresh- ments will be served. There will be a freewill offering. NNEC IC ICCC SEED . He’ll be a lot happier when he opens them on Christmas and finds they’re from Joe’s Men’s Shop ADAM HATS— $5.00—$7.50 ADAM SHIRTS— $2.65 each Two for $5.00 ADAM TIES—$1.00, $1.50 B. V. D. Gabardine Shirts, Acetate Rayon and Nylon Shirts B.V.D. Pajamas, $2.95—$4.95 B.V.D. Ski Pajamas, $3.95 Society Brand Sweaters— $2.98—8$7.50 Super Ten Slacks, 7.95—13.95 Beacon Robes, 5.95—11.95 Bondshire Shoes, 7.95— 9.95 Thorogood Shoes, 5.50—17.45 U. S. Rubber Footwear U. S. Keds PIONEER—PARIS—Belts, Garters, Suspenders MANY OTHER GIFT ITEMS Joe’s Men’s Shop MAIN STREET, DALLAS — yy yyy yy yy yy «+ ¢ HEADRUARTER ¢ Id k 4 ih bf: dl d hor EreeyilF 2 This Is The First Christmas In Qur New Store Now more than ever before we are prepared to bring you a greater selection of America’s outstanding Christmas gifts. See our thrilling array of values today. Make HENRY’S Your Gift FOR NATIONALLY-ADVERTISED JEWELRY VALUES ~ = = = 7 Ei = EA Nationally Advertised Nationally - Adver- tised Pen and Pen- cil sets, Bulova, Elgin, Hamilton watches, Ronson Lighters, 1847 Rog- ers Silver and Sun- beam Appliances. : nian tiga PEN.& PENCIL SETS oN TOASTERS A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE ANY ITEM UNTIL CHRISTMAS NEVER A CHARGE FOR CREDIT Henry's the store of Blue & White Diamonds MAIN STREET DALLAS SHOP WHERE IT’S FUN Shop Back Mountain This Christmas. are interested and proprietors are your neighbors! Where clerks THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1049 Trucksville Men Are Hosts to Neighbors Men’s Club of Trucksville Metho- dist Church were hosts to other mens’ clubs of the area Monday evening. Attending were R, E. Kuhnert, H, L. Smith, Henry Wilde, M. S. Scott, R. W. Owens, Niles White, L. W, LeGrand, Robert Fleming, Edward Fielding, Sam Davis, Thomas Carle, Jr., Howard Ide, Norman Stookey, Herman Reese, S. W, Cashmark, C. A. Baker, E, W. Piatt, Morris Lloyd, R. H. Williams, B. W. Shortz, George Shaver, Sr. S. D, Finney, Rev. Robert Webster, Rev. Roswell Lyon, Voight Long, Willard Bul- lard, Herbert Webster, Elmer Jones, Asher Weiss, William Clewell, Theodore Poad, Donald Anderson, Lowther Brown, Harold Croom, Bob Shoemaker, Rev. Howard Harrison, Clinton Smith, William Long, Ray- mond Hoover, Edward Johnson, Berton Owen, Wayne Harrison, Or- in Jenkins, Richard Harrison, George Jacobs, Robert Clark, Jr, William Barney, William Hewitt, Homer Allen, Sheldon Bennett, C. S. Hemenway, Clifford Johnson, Fred Case, Sam Dilcer, R., K. Snow Jr., Stephen Johnson, Martin Por- ter, Herbert Jenkins, George Pol- lock, R. D., Lewis. Laing Fire Auxiliary Meets at Kepner Home Mrs, Thomas Kepner entertained members of Dr, Henry M. Laing Fire Auxiliary at her home on De- munds road for the November meeting, Assisting her were Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs. Ralph Brown. December meeting, a Christmas party will be held at the home of Mrs, John Girvan. Fifty cent gifts will be exchanged. Present at November meeting were: Mesdames Walter Davis, Sterling Meade, Clifford Ide, Ralph Brown, Ray Casterline, Joe Ada- metz, Joe Wallo, Edwin Nelson, Nelson Shaver, Grant Shaner, Guy Dunham, John Girvan, R, J. W. Templin, Marcus Ide, Thomas King- ston, Oscar Roth, Arthur Newman, Floyd Chamberlain, Morris Harris and the hostess. Mrs. Hayden Williams, Hostess To S. S. Class Mrs, Hayden Williams enter- tained members of the Confidence Class Tuesday evening. Plans were made to send gifts to the Child- ren’'s Home at Binghamton this year instead of exchanging them as Pollyannas, The Christmas party will be held at the Church House December 13 with Mrs. Claire Mec- | Kenna as chairlady, Officers elected for next year: Mrs. Hayden Williams, president; Mrs. Ralph Welsh, vice “president; Mrs, Russell Rogers, secretary; Mrs. Harold Titus, treasurer. Present were: Mrs, Ralph Welsh, Mrs, Lloyd Jennings, Mrs. Kenneth Bonning, Mrs, Alfred Hadsel, Mrs. Claude Agnew, Mrs, Claire McKen- na, Mrs. Glenn Spencer, Mrs. John Garinger, Mrs. Thomas Kreidler, Mrs, David Ide, Mrs, Russell Rogers, Mrs. Harold Titus, Mrs, Bruce Wil- liams, Mrs, Harold Donnelly, Mrs. Dean Shaver, Mrs. Al Rinken, Bess Cooke, and the hostess. Carverton Girl Scouts Invested, Given Wings Carverton Girl Scout Troop 109, Brownies and Troop 256, Inter- mediates held an Investiture and Fly Up ceremony recently at Car- verton Methodist Church. Mrs. Harold Dixon, Jr. is in charge of the Brownie troop with Mrs. Dorothy Culver as assistant. Leader of Troop 256 is Mrs. Edgar Sutton, assisted by Mrs. Jack Dana, Receiving their wings were Judy Richards, Phyllis Culver, Donna Perrego, Ruby Dixon, Marion Weiss, Marguerite Engle, Lois DeWolfe, and Mary Ann Andrews. An Intercandlelight ceremony followed. Other scouts invested were Sally Dawn Edwards, Shirley Wall, Ruth Ann Shales, Bonnie Sickler, Lois Ryman and Betty Ann Harris. Mrs, Richard Prynn, chairman of Dallas District invested Mrs. Bur- dette Crane into the Scout Com- mittee. Refreshments were served following the investiture, Hurts Foot at Fire William Berti, son. of Mr, and Mrs. Norti Berti of Franklin Street, has been confined to his home for the past week with an injured foot received when he stepped on a piece of sharp steel while running for a water bucket at the Paulding fire on Sunday night. DO YOU KNOW? THE NEW AUSTIN Tudor Sedan SELLS FOR $1295 Where else can you get so much for so little. Kunkle Garage DANIEL E. MEEKER Phone Dallas 4584R-13 -———— Township Pupils Present Pageant In Book Week Pupils of all grades participated in a pageant at Dallas Township in recognition of Book Week, The main characters were Janet Rogers, a little sick girl, and Lois DeWolf, the fairy, In the parade were book people for all ages from Little Miss Muff- et and the fairy tale age to Little Women and Tom Sawyer—ending with a modern version of Beowulf by senior boys. >, es — — State Health Officer To Speak To PTA Dr, Catherine Waters, State De- partment of Health Officer, will be guest speaker at the December meeting of Trucksville P.T.A., on Monday evening in Trucksville Fire Hall. ’ Dr, Waters will speak on Dental Care and show motion pictures on the subject. Closed for Season PAGE FIVE ——n Joint Grange Meeting Pamona Grange No. 44 will meet with the Lehman Grange at Meeker _ Saturday, December 10, The morn- ing session opening at 11 a.m, with Master Russell Cease in charge. The afternoon session, starting at 2 p.m. is open to the public. Lecturer Claire Dodson in charge. Joins Library Staff Louis Owen of Hillside, a gradu- ate of Lehman High School, is Comittes: Elsie Anderes, Peggy working at Back Mountain Mem- Decker and Janet Russell. Miss Dallas Outdoor Theatre has|orial Library as an assistant to the Emily Goldsmith is adviser. closed for the season. librarian. Jim Franklin, Winner Jim Franklin, former Dallas resi- dent, won the 32 special chanced Country Style Scrapple | Lean Pork Butt 33c Ib. off by Harvey's Lake Camp 274 15¢ 1b. (by the piece) United Sportsmen of Pennsylvania at the meeting last week. Approx- . sy: imately 100 members were pre- Pork Loin 33c Ib.| Lean Boiling Beef 25c sent, Movies furnished entertain- . ment. Fresh Hamburg 43c 1b.| Fresh Sausage 49¢c Ib. Sunday, December 18 a turkey shoot will be held in charge of Large Loose Fred Allen and Al Ralph, Round Steak 69cIb.| Lo a sym. ole 1b Thanks Fire Companies Mr, and Mrs. Job Hadsall of Beaumont wish to. thank the fire- men of Dallas, Shavertown, and Harvey's Lake and all their friends and neighbors for their timely aid in saving their home and store from destruction during the recent fire which destroyed the property of Daniel Meeker. Read the Classified Column DON'T WAIT « + . Now is the best time to RESTYLE or REPAIR your fur coat. @ Skillful Work @® Master Craftsmanship @ Free Estimates @ Free Storage @ Very Low Price ® No Job Is Too Big . . . . . Nor Too Small We are also relining and remodeling cloth coats. BETTER TAILOR and FURRIER 147 Main St., Luzerne, Pa. Call 7-2562 or Res. 7-7126 i Hard Mixed Candies 29c¢ 188 MAIN STREET LARE’S MEAT MARKET . OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 Fancy Mixed Nuts 39¢ LUZERNE 4 and 5 Buckle Work Shoes (all sizes) Work Rubbers Sheeplined Booty's Aviators Helmets Hunting Caps Coveralls Army Wool Gloves MAIN STREET Shoe Pacs Rubber Bottom, Leather Top Goloshes .. Sweat Shirts (White and Gray) Children’s Tom Mix Cowboy Shoes Basketballs, Footballs, Rifles, Ammunition, Jackets, Trousers, Sweaters, Shirts, Raincoats, and many other items. Shop Here First And Save EAST END BOULEVARD MARKET 6.29 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. WARREN BOSTON CHEVROLET BLIZZARD BY FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS (ELLE; Noe Yad RIGHT FOR SIZE AND RIGHT FOR SERVICE SAVE ON FOR" COMFORT, STYLE AND SAFETY W. KE, Boston Phone Dallas 461-R-8 7 Here’s more proof that it costs you less to get your car ready for cold weather than to repair the damage if cold weather catches your car unprepared! Our BLIZZARD BARGAINS are hot values in cold '“* weather preparation for your car. 8 ASK OUR SERVICE MANAGER! Drive around and talk over your car’s cold weather needs. Get an estimate—see for yourself how little it takes to be ready when the mercury really drops. BE READY WHEN IT COMES All Types of Permanent Anti-Freeze Zerone, G. M., Weed and Prestone Chains in all sizes Have your brakes checked. Let us bleed your lines and fill master cylin- der and adjust to perfection. Let us check your windshield wipers. You may need new blades and a thor- ough inspection. Let us check your lights, including stop lights Be Ready When Winter Comes Chevrolet ) Pikes Creek, Pa. ¥