Ee A | ! | l. ¥ 3 i * - » \ THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1949 'LARE'S MEAT MARKET 188 MAIN STREET LUZERNE Open Friday and Saturday evenings till 9 p.m. Rib End Pork Loin Round Steak Fresh Ground Hamburg Fresh Pork Sausage Tender Pork Liver Lean Boiling Beef Sliced Bacon Ritter Pork and Beans Hunt Halves Peaches Little York Peas 8 cans $1.00 4 No. 2, cans $1.00 8 No. 2 cans $1.00 DIXON'S FAIRLAWN MARKET PICNICS PORK BUTTS (small size) 39¢c Ib. (whole) 49c¢ Ib. Home Made Sausage SPARE RIBS Loose 62¢ 1b. ik ib, Casing 65c¢ 1b. Large Cauliflower Mcintosh Apples 2 for 29¢ 4 1b. 25¢ : ORANGES Potatoes California or Florida Peck Bag 45¢ 33c¢ doz. Honor Brand Fordhook Limas 33c pkg. Donald Duck Orange Juice 2c can Campbell’s Chicken and Ch. Noodle Sp. 2 for 29¢ Hunt’s Y.C. Peaches, Sliced, 8 oz tin 10c Franklin Granulated Sugar, 5 lb. sack 4c Campbell's Pork and Beans 16 oz. tins, 2 for 23¢ Fairlawn Fancy Peas, full No. 2 size can 23c Columbia Sauer Kraut 2 for 23c IS YOUR TRACTOR IN TOP CONDITION? ® Your tractor is the hardest working machine on your farm. Take good care of it be- cause breakdowns mean a di- rect loss of time and money to you. Check your tractor now or better sill bring it to us for a complete checkup. ——— IGNITION SPECIAL For This Month ONLY This month we offer a complete ignition tuneup — Magneto, Distributor, Coil, Breaker and Condenser, Spark Plugs and Cable Connections. * kk kk 5-STAR SERVICE For Star Performance in the Field Get I-H 5-Star Service in Our Shop. GEORGE BULFORD “Your Friendly International Harvester Dealer” HILLSIDE PHONE 311 Warning All hunters and trespassers on posted ground controlled by Overbrook Gun Club will be prosecuted to the full ex- tent of the law. Grounds will be patrolled daily. Horsemen are warned against driving or riding across Club posted property. Overbrook Gun Club Seventy-four persons were pres- ent at the Hallowe'en party held at the Pike's Creek Community Hall Saturday evening, honoring those with October birthdays. Many added to the enjoyment of the eve- ning by coming in costume, Following a Grand March for children up to twelve years of age, the judges made these awards: prettiest, Alice Mae Britt; funniest, Cora Martin; most original, Connie Pall. Prizes were awarded to the older group as follows: prettiest, Evadne Ruggles; funniest, Mrs. Otis Rood; and most original, Alex Ballantine. David Martin won the door prize, an appropriately decor- ated home-made cake. As the crowd assembled and later in the program music was provided by an orchestra, the Oahu Hawaiians. This family group, the children of Amos Redmond, music teacher of Hunlock Creek, won trophy and music award ribbons and honorable mention at the In- ternational ‘Guitar League and National Music Restival. Instru- ments played by the children were Hawaiian guitar, Spanish guitar, bass violin, and ukulele. Other numbers on the program were songs by Janet Cornell and Barbara Williams, “Quit Dat Tick- lin’ Me,” and “Mighty Lak a Rose’; Anderson Class Plans Annual Turkey Supper Anderson Sunday School Class of Carverton Methodist Church will hold its annual Turkey Supper and Bazaar on Thursday evening, November 3 at the church. BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS—SIDEWALKS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS, ETC. ROAD GRADING DALE PARRY DALLAS 417-R-3 Brother when it's cold you'll need PRESTONE ZEREX . FIRESTONE FRIGITONE PEAK ALCOHOL ZEERONE We have the largest stock of automobile anti-freeze in this end of Luzerne County. BETTER HEAD IN TO ROBERTS OIL MEMORIAL HIGHWAY at Hillside for a check-up. “When you think of tires— think of Roberts.” NY NN, 1949-50 HUNTING LICENSES Get Yours Today Improved Hunting License Tag Holders Made of transparent plastic with special purpose pin 39¢ We handle all kinds of dog remedies, medicines, soaps ointments and flea killers. Rival DOG FOOD Rich in food value, full of tempt- ing flavor. 10c can October Birthday Party Draws Large Crowd At Pikes Creek readings by Mrs. Ernest Keller of Shavertown, and an exhibition of twirling by Janet Cornell, a mem- ber: of the Lehman High School Band. Pumpkin pie, sweet cider, and coffee were served to John Gra- ham, Dora Davenport, Elmer Wolfe, Lee Landmesser, Harold R. LaBar, Barbara Williams, Alice Mae Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williams, Mr. and Mrs, William J, LaBar, Mrs. Mae Boston, Jessie Shupp, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Ruggles, Ann Marie Ruggles, Mr, and Mrs, T. E. Rug- gles, Edna Frantz, Marjory and Joan DeRemer, Frederick Ruggles, Jack, Kenny and Donald DeRemer, Burton, Steltz, Jr., Carl, Clyde, Claude, Cora, Eleanor, Joseph, Grace, and David Martin, Thelma and Gladys Burkhardt, Betty Kes- ter, Walter Pall and Connie, Mr. and Mrs, Amos Redmond and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller, Mrs. Thomas Pollock, M. L., Rug- gles, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. LaBar, Iona Holcomb, Bess M., Klinetob, Faye Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Rood, Beverly Steltz, Augustina Stepanski, Jeanie Weller, Buddy Stepanski, Mame Dymond, Freda Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bal- lantine, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Hol- comb, Jr., and Sandy, Janet Cor- nell, Evadne Ruggles. Fredericks Celebrate Wedding Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Stanley A. Fred- erick of Fernbrook celebrated their thirty-third wedding anniversary on Tuesday, October 25. The Fredericks were married at Grace Episcopal Church, Kingston. They have one son, William, Both Bill and his dad are employed by Bell Telephone Company in Wilkes- Barre. Mr, Frederick has been there for thirty-nine years, in fact, that's where he met Mrs, Frederick, also an employee then. Mrs, Frederick is new president of the Prince of Peace Auxiliary. Ninety Attend Men's Dinner Dr. Hood Speaker Tuesday at Orange Doubt that agricultural problems, either now or in the future, can be solved for farmers by subsidy was expressed by Dr. Kenneth Hood, extension agricultural econ- omist of Pennsylvania State Col- lege, in an address before ninety men attending the Three Point Dinner for men of Orange, Mt. Zion and Carverton Methodist Churches at Orange Community Hall on Tuesday. Dr, Hood was introduced by James D. Hutchison, county farm agent. Arthur Gay was toastmaster, Arthur Webb, president of the Men's Class of Orange Church in- troduced the class officers. L. Stan- ley Jones was song leader. The dinner was served by women of Orange WSCS with the dining room in charge of Mrs. Mary Emman- uel and the kitchen was in charge of Mrs, Arthur Webb, Kingston Township Grade School pupils will hold their annual Hal- lowe’en party on Monday, October 31. AMBULANCE SERVICE Anytime — Anywhere DAY or NIGHT CALL DALLAS 400 Howard H. Woolbert FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ferguson Avenue SHAVERTOWN, PA. delivery service. YOUR FURNACE DOES THE BEST IT CAN! It's up to you to feed it! Call the BACK MOUNTAIN LUMBER and COAL COMPANY today and order a bin-full of high-heat Glen Alden Coal that will help your furnace give you top-performance! Back Mountain Lumber & Coal Co. Memorial Highway, Shavertown Phone 910. Prompt i A Crosley FREE records with the world’s And it costs only Main Road BILL GUYETTE Model 9214-ML 11-tube FM and AM This amazing instrument plays both 78 and 3314 RPM Records But with the purchase of this console we are giving all of the new RCA Victor 45 RPM rec- ords. This is the fastest record changer in the world—An automatic changer and record designed for each other. Come In Today. See And Hear It Play With this combination you can play all types of This offer is for a limited time only. Trucksville Radio Service Phone Dallas 286-R-9 Record player which plays finest, reproduction. $299.95 Trucksville, Pa. — JOHN HART In Memoriam In loving memory of Carrie A, Kunkle who died October 26, 1948. Sadly missed by daughter and family, Meeker Turkey Supper Meeker W.S.C.S. will serve a turkey supper Wednesday evening, November 2 starting at 5:30 p.m. , PAGE FIVE ee Don't sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. En- tire Estates Bought. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.-—Phone 3-9459 Read The Classified Column. GROUND BEEF CHUCK ROAST SCRAPPLE BE NNeseleie eer etetarateretn rans rsrentttbastresrrsresants eee Net tae etter e reer ent sree tress ttruasttsttrtaesacarten COUNTRY FRESH MEATS CHESTNUT RIDGE SAUSAGE FRESH HAM, Whole or Sliced FRESH BACON, whole or sliced ROUND STEAKS, well trimmed, PORTERHOUSE and T-BONE 59¢ and 69¢ Ib. 63c and 73c Ib. 45¢c 1b. 45c and Slc Ib. 25¢ 1b. Other Cuts Priced Equally Low for First Quality Cuts RACE BROTHERS Pict Route 309 just beyond the entrance to Irem Temple Bi Club Phone Dallas 207-R-3 Daily, 9 am. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. |. Large Parking Space Available FROZEN FOODS AND GROCERIES THE PRODUCE CENTER LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY HEADQUARTERS FOR CANNING NEEDS — Open evenings and Sundays | = FRESH COLD CUTS AND MEATS Large POTATOES—S$1.95 100 Ib. bag Country Fresh McINTOSH Eggs 50c doz. Apples $8.25 basket Fresh California Chestnuts 29¢ Ib. Oranges 3 doz. $1.00 Company, a huge success. days. “The people’s choice, STATE ECE EOAAG EERE ERERRCRREEERR ER ORRRCRERE REE THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YoU! The Master Garment Cleaners Thank the people of the Back Mountain Region You have made our Drive-In Branch Store on the : Luzerne-Dallas Highway, across from Luzerne Lumber Our supply of valuable gifts may last a few more Be sure to get yours with orders of 95¢ or more. “Colors are Bright—Prices are Right” That's why more and more people are constantly driving in and calling 7-6118 and 7-7401 for Master Garment Cleaners’ Service well worth the cost” MASTER GARMENT CLEANERS MAIN OFFICE AND PLANT 880-886 Wyoming Avenue Kingston a TTS | your school district r ATTENTION CITIZENS Of Kingston Township If you wish to have conscientious men, who are wholeheartedly pledged to ‘promote the best interests of If you are in favor of school board members who will vote independently on important issues and whose votes are controlled only by the dictates of your wishes If you are in favor of faculty members devoting their full time to the education of your children and not subject to the whims of power mad politicians If you are desirous of making Kingston Township one of the outstanding schools in the area If you are in favor of closer co-operation between faculty, school board and tax payer Then You Will Vote On November 8th for Albert “Hub” Pesavento and James Hutchison : INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES FOR SCHOOL DIRECTORS, OF KINGSTON TOWNSHIP This ad paid for by Republicans and Democrats f Kingston Township PG 4 ln off Dis ap, |