a AE ° New England States. + William Carroll, Jr., Norristown. 4 mountains. er appreciated the daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and were weekend guests of Mr, and family, Pioneer avenue will move - this week stay at Newfoundland. . recently. PAGE FOUR : Fi THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 28, 1949 nO Purely Personal Bill Waters, freshman at Kutz- town State Teachers’ College, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan Waters of Hunts- ville road. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reedy of Center Hill road moved from their summer home to their home on Carey avenue this week. Mary Dora Scott has been ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Scott for the past week. Mr. and Mrs, D. L. Edwards and family are now occupying their new home at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hutchison of Overbrook road recently had a nice vacation visiting the latter's sister and brother; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodson at Boston and touring the Mr. and Mrs, Charles S. Hemen- way of Hillside Farms recently re- turned from a two weeks’ trip through New York and Connecticut where they visited friends and rel- atives and renewed old acquaint- ances ‘back home’. Mrs, Hemen- way says “Never have I seen such beauty and color in the trees and For the first time I beauty of ennsylvania.”” She has been. con- fined to her home for the past week with bronchitis. Mrs. John Conyngham of Hay- field Farm left yesterday to spend the winter in New York City. Mr, and Mrs, Clyde Mayer of ‘Harvey's Lake have left to spend the winter at Sarasota, Fla. Mrs. Melvin Mosier has returned to her home on Kunkle road after spending several weeks with her Mrs. Alan Scattergood of Crescent Park. Mr. and Mrs, James Pfeiffer of Warwick, N. Y. were recent wisi- tors of Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Whipp of Church street. Young Lee Culver who has been ill for the past year is getting along nicely at the home of his grandmother in Kingston. He is able to be up part of the day now. Mrs. William Hunt, Spring street, Shavertown has returned after spending some time with her dau- ghter and son-inlaw, Mr, and Mrs. | Mrs. Clarence Shaver, Sr., Hill- ‘side, N. J., is spending some time with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaver Jr, Harvey's Lake. Mrs. Laroy Zeigler, Carverton has returned home after having been a patient in Nesbitt. Hospital where she underwent a serious operation. Carl Henning, son of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Henning, Harris Hill | suffered a fractured wrist in the Kingston Township-Tunkhannock game on Saturday. Mrs. Daisy Prynn, Carverton had as weekend guests, Mr, and Mrs. | Peter Wilson, New Milford. J. C. Engler, School street, Shavertown has returned home after having been a patient in Nes- bitt Hospital. Edward Smith, Carverton was admitted to Mercy Hospital on Monday evening, where he has since undergone surgical treatment, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilder and daughter, Darlene, New Milford, Mrs. Richard Prynn, Carverton. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Faatz and family spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs, Kate Moore, Sweet Valley. | Mr, and Mrs. Edward Loucks and Sunday to York, Pa. where Mr. Loucks has accepted a new posi- tion. The couple will be greatly missed since they were (fine neigh- bors. S 1/c Jack E. Lewis will leave aboard his ship, the U. S. S. Roanoke for a month's Mrs, Raymond Malkemes is still a patient in General Hospital where she underwent a major operation Mrs. William Dierolf is still con- fined to her home due ‘to illness. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gregory and daughter Peggy, Philadelphia, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Rice. Ralph Sands of Carverton is in Canada purchasing cattle. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRI-SAT. ‘You're My Everything’ in technicolor with Dan Dailey, Ann Baxter Cartoon — News Saturday Matinee, 2 P.M. MON.-TUES. “Sand” in technicolor with Mark Stevens, Coleen Gray + + Comedy — Cartoon WED.-THUR. “House of Strangers” with Susan Hayward, = Richard Conte Cartoon Miss Jane Weiss Becomes Bride Of Charles C. Mekeel Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Weiss of Dallas road, Lehman, announce the marriage of their daughter, Jane to Charles C. Mekeel of Dallas, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mekeel of Pittsburgh, The ceremony was per- formed by Elder John Hoffman in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Kingston, Sunday, October 23 at 2 o'clock. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore white taffeta gown made with fitted bodice, sweetheart neckline and full skirt entrain. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a crown of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of white pompons and roses. Mrs. Murial Siegel, cousin of the bride, was matron of honor and Mrs, Miriam Rice, bridesmaid. Mrs. Siegel chose rose taffeta with matching headdress and carried white pompons and pink carna- tions, and Mrs. Rice, powder blue satin with white pompons and pink carnations. Rita Ruth Rice, niece of the bridegroom, was flower girl, She wore pink and blue chiffon frock and carried a basket of white pompons. Mrs, Weiss, mother of the bride, selected black crepe dress trimmed with cut steel beads and matching accessories. Her shoulder bouquet was of fuchsia pompons., Mrs. Me- keel, mother of the bridegroom, wore beige gaberdine suit with yel- low pompons. Best man was August Siegel, cousin of the bride and ushers, Howard Rice, Walter Mekeel, and Wesley Piatt, Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley F, Piatt, St. Mary's Street, Wilkes-Barre, and the couple left for Niagara Falls, Mrs. Mekeel is a graduate of Lehman High School and. attended Washington, Mississippi, College. Mr, Mekeel is a graduate of Pitts- bugh High School and spent four years in the service during World War 2. He is assistant manager of Orchard Farm Dairy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Hosts To Kiwanians At Barn Party Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice en-|Hess, Mrs, Gary Cupples and Mrs, tertained members of Dallas Ki- | Harold Smith. wanis Women's Club and their hus- Present were: Mr, and Mrs, Fred- bands and guests at a Hallowe'en ric Anderson, Mr, and Mrs, Sher- party on Saturday evening, at Or- | man Harter, Mr. and Mrs. Gary chard Farm, Hallowe'en decorations | Cuppels, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Dix- transformed the large barn into a {on Jr.,, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Troxell, gala scene where guests enjoyed Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith, Mr, farmer dancing with music fur- nished by Howard Ide. A grand march opened the even- ing’s festivities with prizes awarded the following entrants: Mrs. How- ard Ide, most original; Herbert Griesing, funniest; Mrs. Gary Cup- ples, prettiest, Door prize was won by Charles Smith and prize for the cake walk was awarded to Mrs. Leroy Troxell. refreshments were served. charge of the affair were Mrs. Ken Rice, chairman; Mrs, Harold Dixon, Mrs. Sherman Harter, Mrs. Miss Emma Ruth Shaver has ac- cepted a position in Niagara Falls and has taken up residence there. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and daughter Emma Jean, Easton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Sands, Carverton on Sunday. Mrs. Edith Davis and Mrs, Fran- cis Dougherty entertained members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Rice, Or- chard Farms are attending the State Grange Convention at Kane, Pa., this week. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Andrew, Terrace Drive, Shavertown, spent the weekend in Allentown where they attended the Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Convention and Show. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Or- chard Farms had -as weekend guests, Mr, and Mrs. Harry McKeel and children, JoAnn, Roxie, Patsy and Judy, Turtle Creek, Pa.; Mr, and Mrs. Howard Rice and daugh-: ter Jerry, Jersey Shore; and Mr, and Mrs. Paul Walters and chil- dren, Tommy and Carol Ann, Ber- lin, Conn. \ Junior Boys’ and Girls’ Choirs of Trucksville held a wiener roast at the parsonage recently with | twenty-six in attendance. Rev. Webster and Al Camp were in charge. The boys and girls had a fine time. Mr, and Mrs. John Murphy of Bloomsburg have moved into the house on Saginaw street built by Harold Taylor. Doc. and Mrs, Travis of Strouds- burg and Lake Carey have bought and moved into the former Langan home at Goss Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schooley Jr. and family expect to remain at their summer home at East Orange until the first of the year. Harry Jr, is taking a refresher course at University of Pennsylvania, HIMMLER THEATRE Dallas, Pa. FRIDAY and ‘SATURDAY “A Girl From Jones’ Beach” Donald Reagan MONDAY and TUESDAY “The Fountain Head” Gary Cooper WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY “Canadian Pacific” Randolph Scott and Jane Wyatt and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Loucks, Mr, and David Joseph, Mr. and Mrs, ' Howard Rice, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Ben- nett, Mr, and Mrs. Homer Allen, ' Mr, and Harold Smith, Mr, and Mrs. - Hess, Herbert Griesing, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Mr .and Mrs. George Rice, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gregory, Peggy and ' Bonnie, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Mekeel, { Joanne, Roxie, Patsy, Judy, Mr. and Following the evening’s program ' Mrs. Clifford Zimmerman, Raymond In | Kuhnert, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faust, Mr, and Mrs. Carl Miers, Mr, and Mrs, David Dixon, Bud Kasava, Earl Rosalie Tanesky. Mrs. Z. R. Howell has returned from a three week motor trip vis- iting friends and relatives in Min- eola, Bayside and Long Island City on Long Island and at Tarrytown and Kingston on the Hudson, and returning through the Catskill Mountains. Clifford and Marjorie Howell will spend this week end with their mother, bringing as their guest Mrs, Margaret Welden of Mineola. Mrs, Willard Durbin entertained her luncheon bridge club on Wed- nesday. Present were Mesdames Z. R. Howell, Lewis Evans, Walter Cook, Frank Garris, James Martin, Paul Eckert, Howard Appleton, Ced- rick Griffith and the hostess, Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Cooper of Lehman Avenue spent the week- end in Pottsville as the guests of the latter's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Whitby who were celebrating their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary, For Your FALL CLEANING call HECK’S Dry Cleaning H. L. 4256 Mrs. Clinton Henry Is Honored On Birthday Mrs. Clinton B. Henry was guest of honor at a surprise tea party held at Crowe Nursing Home, Can- ton, Pa., recently to help her cele- brate her birthday anniversary. At- tending from Sayre were Mrs, J. T. Mead, Mrs. Edna H. Manley, Mrs. E. J. Ashley, Mrs. Howard Henry, Mrs. Wilson Robinson, Mrs. C. May Johnston, Mrs, Dora Ward and the guest of honor. Mrs. Henry is a former Shaver- town resident and has a good many friends Back of the Mountain. Celebrate Birthdays With Family Party Mrs. Daisy Prynn and her grand- son, Jerry Long, Carverton, cele- brated joint birthdays with a fam- ily party on Sunday. Two large birthday cakes formed the festive center piece. They received many lovely gifts. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Culver, Huntingdon Mills; Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bellas and dau- ghter, Janice, Fernbrook; Mrs. Stephen Welitchko and daughter, ' Nancy, East Dallas; Mr, and Mrs. Robert Williams, Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilder and daughter, Darlene, New Milford; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Glahn and children, David and Marjorie Elaine, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Prynn and son Dale, Mrs. Adeline Long, Jerry Long and Mrs. Daisy Prynn, all of Carverton. Mrs. Robert Welsh Is Honored At Shower Mrs. Joseph Ide entertained at a stork shower honoring Mrs. Rob- ert Welsh at the home of Mrs. Preston Swan, Idetown, Saturday. Guest of honor received a number of lovely gifts. Present were: Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Kenneth Swan, Mrs, Bruce Spencer, Mrs. Harold Gray, Mrs. John Race, Mrs. Carlton Swan, Mrs. Leonard Shalanski, Mrs. Wil- liam Casterline, Mrs. Willard Crisp- ell, Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Mrs. A. A, Neely, Mrs. Preston Swan, Mrs. Aldon Kupsas, Mrs, Elwood Spen- cer of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. Thomas Sherwood, Miss Esther Sherwood, Miss Margaret Sherwood of Nanti- coke: Mrs, Frank Gosart of Wil- liamsport; Shirley Welsh, Shirley Campbell, Janet Brown, Lois Gar- inger, Ethel Ide, Ruth Williams, Mrs. Welsh and Mrs, Ide. Donnie Davis, Guest On First Birthday Donnie Davis, young son of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Davis of Tunk- hannock, former Shavertown resi- dents, celebrated his first birth- day anniversary with a party last Tuesday, October 18. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Case, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis, his grand- parents, Uncle Richard Case, Stan- ley Davis, Mrs. James Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. Rees Jones of Kings- ton and Miss Mary Walters of Wilkes-Barre. FEN? ® When should you look for the emblem pictured below? When- ever you hold in your hand a prescription important enough to warrant the careful compounding of fresh, potent drugs. Yes, you'll find that emblem on our win- dows and in or Pre- scription Department! Earl’s Drug Store Main Highway Trucksville, Pa. Telephone 110 Ww 1 | | | | | | | | | ¢ | | | 1 | 1 { i hd SEER talk. ever done.” N, Y. Times. Sandy Beach Drive-In Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Rachel and the Stranger” Starring Loretta Young, William Holden and Robert Mitchum SUNDAY ONLY “Treasure of Sierra Madre” One of the “best” things from Hollywood since it learned to Starring Humphrey Bogart. NOTE A For the remaining part of the season we will be open every FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY Watch for Our Hit Pictures Each Week Show time—7:00 and 9:00 p.m. Children Under 12 Admitted Free “His best performance he’s Miss Dorothy Mitchell Is Wed To Edwin A. Wright On Saturday Miss Dorothy Mitchell, daugh- ter of Benjamin Mitchell, Sha- vertown, became the bride of Edwin A. Wright, son of Mr. and ‘Mrs. Randolph Wright of Leh- man on Saturday afternoon in Sha- vertown Methodist Church. Rev. Howard Harrison performed the ceremony before an altar banked with white carnations, Or- ganist was Miss Kathryn Powell and soloist was Mrs, Ben Jenkins, The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father was attired in a white satin gown, fashioned with fitted bodice embroidered with silver beads, sweetheart neckline trimmed with chantilly lace and skirt ending in a full train. Her veil of chantilly lace was attached to a fitted satin crown. She wore a string of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a white Bible to which was attached a clus- ter of white roses with satin streamers. Maid of honor was Janet Wright, sister of the bridegroom, who wore aqua satin gown made in colonial fashion with V-neckline and hoop skirt, She wore matching mitts and carried a colonial bouquet of red roses. Miss Ann Hall was attired in pink satin gown with matching mitts, Her bouquet was of pink roses. Both attendants wore satin bonnets tied with satin ribbon and trimmed with ostrich plumes. Best man was Edwin Stolarick, Lehman and ushers were Dale Wright and Floyd Rice. Mrs. Wesley Mitchell, the bride’s aunt, wore green gown with black hat and accessories and yellow roses. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride. The couple left for a honey- moon to New York State and will reside at Lehman upon their re- turn. Out of town guests included Mr, and Mrs, Beath Sutliff, Detroit, Mich.,, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Griffith, Syracuse, N.Y. Bride is a graduate of Kingston Township High School. Mr, Wright is a graduate of Lehman High School and is associated in business with his father. Kirst Last Always : Quality PLUS 2 Day Service Right on Your Way to Town O’'MALIA LAUNDRY CO. On the Harvey’s Lake Highway Mr. and Mrs. John Wysick have sold their property on East Center Street, Shavertown. They will store their furniture and in the near future, leave in their trailer for Florida. ' DALLAS OUTDOOR THEATRE Route 309—Above Dallas Two Shows Starting At 7:15 and 9:15 Children under 12 admitted free and automobiles admitted free FRIDAY “Where do We go From ' Here” In technicolor starring Fred MacMurry, Joan Leslie, and June Haver. SATURDAY “If Pm Lucky” A 20th Century Picture Starring Perry Como, Vivian Blaine, Harry James, Carmen Miranda SUNDAY and MONDAY “And Then There Were None” One by one . . them down . . . murder struck . to the terrifying tune of a nursery rhyme. Staring Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, Lois Hayword TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY “High Conquest” A heart chilling adventure on the edge of the world, Starring Anna Lee, Gilbert Roland and Warren Douglas THURSDAY and FRIDAY “The Magnificent Brute” He beat up everybody in town . until a frail blonde slapped him down. Victor McLaglen, Binne Barnes and Jean Dixon. DRESS SMARTLY, BUY 100 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE TIE A BRIGHT SILK SQUARE CASUALLY AROUND YOUR NECK! Artley has a brilliant array of jewel colors in pure silk at just 59c¢ Each CARDIGAN SWEATER All-Wool $999 8 $399 Nylon... $3.99 up Pullovers . . . $1.99 up Wool, Nylon, Angora PHONE 17-6318 NN ‘Neighborhood Notes at News of Local Church Doings bs 1