Christian Fellowship Plans Hallowe'en Party Christian Fellowship group of Huntsville Christian Church held its monthly meeting at the church social rooms on Wednesday even- ing. Games were played and re- ~ freshments served. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Eckert, Edith Dietz, Mrs, Edward Hopa, Mrs. Iva Jones, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wol- verton Jr., Mildred Major, Patricia Clark, Addie Elston, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Culp, Mrs. Kenneth Brobst, Mrs. Meryl Wagner, Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Frick, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Covert, Mrs, Elva Warmouth, Dale ‘Warmouth. Plans were made to conduct a magazine sales campaign during the next month. Profits will be turned over to the church repair fund. The group will hold a Hallo- WSCS Plans Bazaar And Creamed Chicken Supper WSCS of Kunkle Methodist Church will hold a bazaar and creamed chicken supper Thursday evening, October 27, at Kunkle Community Hall. Silver Leaf club will have a candy booth and the Joy Class have a variety booth, while the WSCS will have a fish pond and variety booth under the direction of Mrs. Anna Weaver. Mrs. Lewis Wilson is general chairman and Mrs. George Landon is chairman of the supper. Serving will start at 5:30. ween party at he church on Wed- nesday evening. A nominal admis- sion price will be charged and all adults appearing unmasked will be fined. DOOR PRIZES Carverton Road BINGO Benefit TRUCKSVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY SATURDAY NIGHT OCTOBER 22, 1949 Starting at 8 Ladies Auxiliary Will Serve Refreshments FIRE HOUSE GROUNDS AWARDS Trucksville EGATINE—CONDITIONTINE PELLETS— "TI10GA SCRATCH GRAINS 3 Important Parts of Our Sound Feeding Program For Top Egg Production. Jackson High School will present a minstrel, ‘“Darkies Heaven” Oc- tober 21 and 22 at 8 p.m. in the school leadership of Miss Jule faculty adviser, Gerrity and Miss Shellhamer. student adviser is Ronald Nuss, en” is Donald Britt. ar i § THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1949 To Sing Western Songs ROXIE HOOVER ALBERTA EMERICK are six who really know how to The Senior Class of Lehman- introduce the minstrel: Arthur Nuss, Thomas Elston, Andrew Har- rison, Robert Hontz, Harold Ide, and Ronald Hutchinson. The Flora-Dora boys will do their ‘world famous Can-Can Dance. Roxie Hoover and Alberta Em- erick as “cowgirls” will sing “Frankie and Johnnie”, uditorium under the able Bartley, assisted by Mr. The “Darkies Heav- The endmen Interlocuter for Joins Father In Drug Business at Trucksville Earl C. Henwood Jr., of Pitts- burg has joined his father in Earl's Drug Store, Trucksville, Mr. Hen- wood is a graduate of Philadelphia School of Pharmacy and is a regis- tred pharmacist in the State of Pennsylvania. A’ veteran of World War II he has until recently been a salesman for Rexall Drug Company in the Pittsburgh territory. He will make BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS—SIDEWALKS PARKING LOTS TENNIS COURTS, ETC. ROAD GRADING DALE PARRY DALLAS 417-R-3 his home in Trucksville. DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner Phone 337-R-49 Phone 200 KUNKLE, PA. DALLAS, PA. COUNTRY FRESH MEATS CHESTNUT RIDGE SAUSAGE .............ccoeviienee 59¢ 1b “FRESH HAM Whole or Sliced +... rresressionrsusse 59¢ 1b FRESH BACON, whole or sliced .......ccmmersansmnssnine 39¢ Ib. 59¢ and 69c Ib. 63c and 73c 1b. ROUND STEAKS, well trimmed, PORTERHOUSE and T-BONE GROUND BEER. fii ceieeih irs locvefoitoinn mes smasssnsssshons 45¢c 1b. CHUCK. ROAST iilianinniivnisiitvmiimsiss 45¢c and Slc Ib SORAPPLE. ci cntgisi sins iubhieneersiesbomainiasi es spits ess 25¢ 1b. Other Cuts Priced Equally Low for First Quality Cuts RACE BROTHERS Phe" Route 309 just beyond the entrance to Irem Temple Country Club Phone Dallas 207-R-3 Daily, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. FOR For Your FALL RUG CLEANING FALL CLEANING CALL call # . Robert E. PAYNE Rug and Upholstery Cleaner Harveys Lake 4272 HECK’S Dry Cleaning H. L. 4256 "DIXON'S FAIRLAWN MARKET Wilson’s Certified HAMS 53c Ib. (whole or shank end) Swift’s Premium Rolled Veal 59c¢ Ib. Swift's Cheese Food Veal Steak : 89c¢ Ih. 2 Ib. Box 79¢ Bananas 2 Ib. 25¢ Jumbo Pascal Celery 23c Extra Large Cauliflower 5c head Glazed Donuts | Sugar Donuts 35¢ Doz. 35¢ Doz. Cake Donuts, 35¢ Doz. Fairlawn Evaporated Milk (tall cans) 9 for 99¢ Kounty Kist Peas .........cooiiin 8 for 99¢ Campbell’s Tomato Soup ....... 10 for 99c Fox Hill Catsup, 14 oz. bottle .......... 8 for 99¢ Peter Pan Peanut Butter (smooth or crunchy) @ 12 oz. jar 33c N.B.C. Shredded Wheat 2 for 3lc LARE’S MEAT MARKET 188 MAIN STREET LUZERNE Open Friday and Saturday evenings till 9 p.m. Fresh Pork Sausage .. 49c Lean Boilinz Beef -................... .. 25¢ Round Steak +t... Co cael 69c lean Pork Chops... ck... 59c Fresh Ground Hamburg 43c Country Style Scrapple 18¢c Tender Beef Liver 59¢ Veal Breast... eh jo eis 33c Slab Smoked Bacon... ....... 49c THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The Master Garment Cleaners Thank the people of the Back Mountain Region You have made our Drive-In Branch Store on the Luzerne-Dallas Highway, across from Luzerne Lumber Company, a huge success. Our supply of valuable gifts may last a few more days. Be sure to get yours with orders of 95c or more. “Colors are Bright—Prices are Right” That’s why more and more people are constantly driving in: and calling 7-6118 and 7-7401 for Master Garment Cleaners’ Service “The people’s choice, well worth the cost” MASTER GARMENT CLEANERS MAIN OFFICE AND PLANT 880-886 Wyoming Avenue Kingston COE RCEREEER ERRNO Pillar To Post (Continued from Page One) = a what happens to an infant in its first year or even in its first week or month, is vitally important, af- fecting its entire after life, The foundation of all human emotion is laid while the infant is in the cradles, long before it sits up, be- fore it erupts teeth, before it even remotely resembles anything ex- cept a very old man or something with simian ancestry. With all this in mind, and a grandmother tongue in the cheek, I shall now predict with reasonable certainty the next step. About year after next some for- ward looking pediatrician is going to cautiously suggest that Nature, a canny old bird who is very very wise in the matter of mothers and babies, never expected a baby to be relegated to a sterile basket in the nursery with the door closed against its parents during the long cold hours of the night. That pediatrician will in all seriousness write an article for the baby trade, affirming that the happiest and best adjusted baby will be the one who has spent its nights in the sheltering curve of its mother’s arm, warm and protected and cherished, with nourishment on tap and within easy reach. Already the young mother who is fortunate enough to patronize the most modern hospitals, can have her baby in the same room with her. This adds a considerable item to the bill, but it is worth it. She is allowed to pat him when he cries and even feed him when he is hungry. Breaking in a baby is like break- ing in a pair of tight new shoes. The shoes end up by breaking in the feet, and the baby ends up by breaking in the parents. Every- thing goes fine as soon as the baby lets you know who is boss, Trucksville Ladies Plan Annual Supper The W.S.CS. of Trucksville Methodist Church will hold its an- nual Bazaar and Supper Wednes- day evening, December 7, at Trucksville Fire Hall. Chairman is Miss Blanche Atherholt with Mrs. C. S. Hemenway, co-chairman of the affair. Committees are comprised of the following chairmen: Mrs. Don Fin- ney, dining room; Mrs. Dorman Schooley, supper; Mrs. Albert Blase, cards; Mrs. J. Dykeman, Mrs, Her- bert Dewitt baked goods; Mrs. Sam Dilcer, Mrs. Harry Glace, aprons; Mrs, Ray Finney, Mrs. S. R. Hen- ning, plants; Mrs. C. S. Hemenway, Mrs. Daniel Roberts, toys; Mrs. Arch Woolbert, Mrs. Bruce Long, novelties. YOUR PRIVATE SAFE A Sebo Deposit Bex in our Fire-ond-Theft-Prool Valls Pretocts veluebios of fois than la o doy. A Pirst Floor = Street Lovel Neo Stain @ "WYOMING NATL BANK or Wil KES-BARRE AR HOUSE with home appeal Norton Avenue Dallas 8 Rooms Good Vapor heat- ing Plant Fireplace Lovely Grounds Lot 100 x 150 $11,250 Come to the Dallas Borough Family Frolic, Dallas Borough High School, Saturday night. * ® D. T. SCOTT & SONS Established 1908 Dallas Representative DURELLE T. SCOTT, JR. Real Estate and Fire Insurance TELEPHONE Dallas 224-R-13 or W-B 3-2515 Residence 54 HUNTSVILLE ROAD Dallas, Pa. PAGE FIVE Kenneth Rices Entertain At Masquerade Barn Dance Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Or- chard Farms entertained a number of friends, relatives and employees at a Hallowe'en Party, Saturday evening. A grand march opened the fes- tivities with a number of prizes awarded. Prettiest costume award was won by Mrs. Lena Ide, most or- iginal, Mrs, Betty Dettmore and most ridiculous, Carl Hedden. The child having the cutest costume was Roberta Gregory, who also re- ceived an award. Games were played with the cake walk most hilarious, Prize for the winner of this sport was Mrs, Wal- ter McKeel who was awarded a lovely cake. Music for farmer danc- ing was furnished by Howard Ide. Guests were pleasantly entertained when the pictures of the ’49er cov- ered Wagon Trip were shown, with the '49ers, Ken and Al Bowman present. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ow- ens, Mr, and Mrs. Alva Eggleston and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs, Ord Trumbower and son Douglas, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Eck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hand, Glen Case and daugh- ter Bonnie Lee, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dixon, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Dettmore, Billy Wolfe, Carl Hedden, Mr, and Mrs. Francis Brown, and sons, Donnie and Dick, Charles McKeel, Jane Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mec- Keel, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Kuhnert, Ray Kuhnert, Jr., Mary Carey, Mr. Don't sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. En- tire Estates Bought. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 [and Mrs. Ephraim Roberts and son Allen, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Cease, and son Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gregory and daughters, Roberta and Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Crispell, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Case and sons Jimmy and Donald, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers, Mr. and Mrs, Al Bowman and daughter, Dianne, Mr. and Mrs, Leon Stockert, Richard Paul, David Schooley, Mr, and Mrs. George Rice, Bobby, Linda and Rita Ruth Rice and the host and host- ess, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, To Dine Winners Dallas Kiwanis Club will enter- tain the winning team of the Jun- ior Baseball League on Wednesday evening, November 16 at 6:30 at Irem Temple Country Club. DON'T WAIT « « « Now is the best time to RESTYLE or REPAIR your fur coat. @® Skillful Work @® Master Craftsmanship @ Free Estimates @ Free Storage @ Very Low Price @® No Job Is Too Big . . . . . Nor Too Small We are also relining and remodeling cloth coats. BETTER TAILOR and FURRIER 147 Main St., Luzerne, Pa. Call 7-2562 or Res. 7-7126 BINGO Huntsville Rec. Center 11's EASY TO LET TO) En COTTER RCC EOCENE EH Sunday, October 23 And Every Sunday Night 8 P.M. Beautiful Prizes 25 GAMES — 5 SPECIALS ATTENDANCE PRIZES And Many Other Features — FREE ADMISSION— Northeastern Pennsylvania Aberdeen-Angus Breeders Club BLUE PRINT SALE Eighty-seven (87) ‘top, unfitted Aberdeen-Angus Cattle 29 Bred Cows, some with calf 19 Open Heifers 9 Bulls 30 4-H Club Steers Sale At ALLEN SCHMOLL & SONS FARM Seven miles south of Towanda, Pa. November 5, 1949 1:00 Sharp For the purpose of adding to your herd or beginning a herd. This is your sale. Do not miss it. DIRECTIONS: Turn at Wysox, seven miles south of Towanda on Route 6. Follow the arrows for about a mile. Very Easy to Find. E. N. Gackenbach, Sales Manager 21 North Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ANNOUNCING A New Prescription Service to everyone in The Back Mountain Area Due to our increased prescription and drug business, it has become necessary for us to employ another full time registered pharmacist. You will always find a registered pharmacist in Earl's Drug Store ready to compound your physician’s prescription in our new, modern prescription department. Free Delivery Service We will call for and deliver prescriptions or ask your physician to phone the prescription to Earl's Drug Store, Dallas 110 for prompt delivery. There no charge for either of these services nor will the cost of this ser- vice be hidden in the price of your prescription. Our store is open every night until 10:30 for your convenience. . Earl's Drug Store Next to the Postoffice Trucksville, Pa.