The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 21, 1949, Image 4

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Neighborhood Notes And News Of Loca
Mrs. Ethel Isaacs has rented her
home in Shavertown and is living
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cheney on
Demunds road.
Mr. and: Mrs, William Richards
and Karen and Keith of Pough-
keepsie, N.Y. spent the weekend
with Mrs, Richard's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Jackson at Har-
vey's Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baum-
gartner of Detroit, Mich., are spend-
ing ten days with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flanagan of
Church street. On their return, the
Baumgartners will move to Califor-
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Strub Jr. of
Machell avenue had as weekend
guests the latter's mother and sis-
ter, Mrs. R, H. Giering and Marian,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogowski of
Pikes Creek have returned after
spending a week at Canandaigua
Lake, N.Y. where they visited the
latter's sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Edison L, Henish and
Mrs, Fred Winter and infant son,
Conrad have returned from Gener-
al Hospital to their home in Meek-
er. ; :
* * *
Mrs. Herbert A. Smith who has
been ill for some weeks was able
to sit up this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simonton
and son, Richard, of Harrisburg,
spent the weekend with Mrs. Sim-
ton’s mother and grandmother,
Mrs, Florence Phillips and Mrs. F.
M. Gordon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hedden and
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Robinhold will
attend the Cornell-Princeton foot-
ball game at Ithaca, N.Y. tomor-
TOW. °
Mrs. Amanda Yaple of Claude
street had as weekend guest her
cousin, Mrs, Abbie Evans of Pierce
street, Kingston. Friday Mrs. Yaple
was guest of Mrs. C. G. Honeywell
in Luzerne.
Mrs, Leon Fredd returned to her
home on Country Club road this
week after submitting to an oper-
ation at Mercy Hospital.
Mrs. Jake Harrison and Mrs.
Mabel Morris have been ill at their
homes in Trucksville this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schreiner of
N., Welles street, Wilkes-Barre,
have closed their summer home at
Hillside avenue, Harvey's Lake, and
returned to the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meighan
of Waller street, Wilkes-Barre,
have bought the Owens home on
Carpenter road, Harvey's Lake, and
are remodeling it for a permanent
Mrs. Anna Ziminsky of Ann's
Cafe, Harvey's Lake, is much im-
proved and able to be around after
several months illness.
Carl Schreiner 3rd of Harvey's
Lake is much improved after an
illness of two weeks.
* * x
Mr. and Mrs, Martin Stook of
Hillside avenue, Harvey's Lake, had
as weekend visitors: Mr, and Mrs,
Jack Hamilton and daughter, Betty
Lou of West Nanticoke, Lou Green-
burg of Union City, N. J., Mr. and
Mrs. John Bardick of Wilkes-Barre,
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopecki
of Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Connolly
of Meeker had as visitors on Sun-
day the Cragle family of Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cobleigh
of Binghamton, N. Y., former Back
Mountain residents, had as recent
guests, Rev. and Mrs, James Hil-
bert of Deposit, N. Y.
Mr, and Mrs, William McNeel of
Parrish street had as weekend
guests their son, Lewis Harry, sta-
tioned at Portsmouth, Va., with
the U. S. Navy and daughter, Mil-
dred, student nurse at Philadelphia
General Hospital. Lewis returned
to his duties Sunday after spend-
ing a fifteen-day furlough at his
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kuehn will
celebrate their twenty-fifth anni-
versary with members of their
family on Sunday.
Mrs. Roscoe Lee has returned
to her home on Terrace street
after spending sometime at Miami
Beach, Fla.,-and in New York City. I
“Mr. Belvedere Goes
To College”
Starring Shirley Temple and
Clifton Webb
‘Cartoon and News
“A Beautiful Blonde
From Bashful Bend”
Betty Grable and Ruddy Vallee
in technicolor
Cartoon and Comedy
“Alias Mick Beal”
Ray Milland and Audrie Trotter
Cartoon and Sports
Don’t forget the Saturday
Matinee at 2 P. M.
Byron Richard Kitchen, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kitchen was
baptized on Sunday by Rev. Fred-
erick Moock, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hauck of
Norton avenue will attend the
Parents’ Day exercises at Millers-
ville State College tomorrow. Their
daughter, Kitty, is a member of
the freshman class there.
Rev. and Mrs. Henry Kraft of
Noxen had as weekend guests their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs, Wallace Whitaker of Wil-
Mrs. James Brown, Shaver ave-
nue has returned home after being
a patient in General Hospital.
Mrs. W. S. Prutzman and Mrs.
Spencer Kramer, Stroudsburg were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Woolbert last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ash dona-
ted a new coffee urn to the church
organizations of St. Paul's Luth-
eran Church.
Mrs. John Henninger, Druid
Hills left this week for Philadelphia
to spend sometime with her dau-
ghter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Krush.
Irwin Davis, Shavertown post-
master, is a patient in General
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Malkemes
had as weekend guests their son,
Keith and daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Anthony Slavis, Troy,
Mr. and Mrs. James Martin,
James Martin Jr., and Miss Betty
Griffiths spent Saturday at the
Penn State-Nebraska Corn Huskers
football game.
Mrs. C. L. Ashley and her sister
of Lehman Township are spending
a few days in Pittsburgh, were
they are attending the D. A. R.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Finney,
Carverton road spent the weekend
visiting relatives in New Jersey.
Mrs. Mabel Morris.and Mrs, Jake
Harrison, Trucksville are ill at this
Raymond Stroud, Shavertown
and his mother, Mrs, E. A. Stroud,
Kingston will drive to Norfolk, Vir-
ginia for the weekend.
Little David Stroud, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Raymond Stroud, W.
Center street will celebrate his
sixth birthday anniversary on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. James Sands and
son Dickie, Carverton, spent Sun-
day wisiting Mr. and Mrs, John
Baker, Mehoopany.
Mrs. Ruth Mock, Carverton has
returned home after a trip to New
York to see the World Series Ball
Mrs. E. B. Lewis of Alexandria,
Va., spent the past few days with
the Dungeys. Mrs, Lewis just re-
turned on the Parthia after having
spent the past six months in Eng- |
land, Scotland, France and Swit-
Have New Baby Boy
Atty. and Mrs. Frank Townend,
Yeager avenue, announce the birth
of a son, Stephen Coughlin Town-
end at General Hospital, Saturday,
October 15, Mrs. Townend is the
former Lenchen Coughlin, daugh-
ter of Mrs. Clarence Coughlin of
Wilkes-Barre. Atty. Townend is
the son of Mrs. Mae Townend of
Dallas. The Townends have two
other children, Cynthia and David.
BR New Girl Baby
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess of
California wish to announce the
birth of a baby girl, Lucinda Ann,
Mrs. Hess is the former Ada Jack-
son of Centermoreland, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Clark Jackson. This is
the Jackson's first grandchild.
BR New Baby Boy
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Patton of
Dallas R.D., near Centermoreland
wish to announce the birth ‘of a
baby boy at General Hospital, Mrs.
Patton is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Draper Schoonover.
Have Baby Boy
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Morris, Jr.
of Dallas, Texas, announce the birth
of a son October 12. This is their
first child and the great grand-
daughter of Mrs. Allie Morris of
Franklin Street.
, Dallas, Pa.
‘Madame Bovary”
Jennifer Jones and Van Heflin
“Rose of Yukon”
Sam Brodie
“Yokel Boy’
Albert Decker and Joan Davis
“The Great Sinner”
Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner
Margaret Pavlick
Becomes (
Bride Of Robert F. Moyer
On Saturday morning, October
15, at nine o'clock Miss Margaret
Pavlick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pavlick of Ceastown, became
the bride of Robert F. Moyer, son
of Frank Moyer and the late Mrs.
Moyer of Pike's Creek, at a nuptial
Mass in Our Lady of Mount Car-
mel Church, Lake Silkworth.
The double ring ceremony was
performed by the Reverend Martin
Yatsko of Hazleton, a great-uncle
of the bride. The soloist and or-
ganist was Mrs. Sophia Skok. The
altars were decorated with white
gladioli and chysanthemums.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, chose a sheer white
marquisette gown with a deep lace
yoke, long pointed sleeves, lace
peplum. and full train. The fingex-
tip veil edged in lace fell from a
tiara of seed pearls. The bridal
bouquet was of white roses.
Miss Maryann Pavlick, sister of
the bride, was maid of honor. She
worg pink sheer gown with deep
yoke and carried chrysanthemums.
Her matching headdress of sweet-
heart design ended in a bow at
the back.
The bridesmaids,
the Misses
Monica Pavlick, sister of the bride;
Bernadine Yudichak, and Margaret
Sponarow, were attired in pink,
blue and aqua similarly made and
carried chrysanthemums in har-
monizing colors.
The flower girl, Elizabeth Kris-
tofek, cousin of the bride, wore
rose taffeta and carried a nosegay.
The ringbearer, Joseph Hardisky,
also a cousin of the bride, was at-
tired in a tuxedo.
Best man was Amos Reekes.
Ushers were Andrew Sorber, Luth-
er Hummel, and Thomas Stash.
The mother of the bride wore
black crepe dress with black ac-
cessories and corsage of red roses.
After the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was held at the bride's
home, followed by a reception in
the evening.
The bride is a graduate of
Harter High School, West Nanti-
coke, and the groom of Lehman
Township High School. Mr, Moyer
is employed at the Bloomsburg
Mills, Dallas.
Follbwing a wedding trip to New
York City, the couple will reside
temporarily with the bride's par-
ents. '
Miss Doris Shupp Becomes l/
Bride of Sharps Cyphers
Miss Doris Shupp, daughter of
Fred Shupp of West Wyoming, be-
came the bride of Sharps Cyphers,
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Cyphers,
Carverton, on October 14 in the
Carverton Methodist Church par-
sonage. Rev. Robert Wood per-
formed the ceremony.
The bride wore a forest green,
street length gown with brown hat
and accessories. Her corsage was
of white roses. Matron of honor was
Mrs. Robert Cyphers who chose
dress of forest green with black hat
and accessories and corsage of
white roses.
Best man was Robert Cyphers,
Miss Mary Boldt Is
Hostess to Auxiliary
Miss Mary Boldt, Rice Street,
Trucksville, entertained members
of Ladies Auxiliary of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church last Wednesday.
Plans were made for a Hallowe'en
party to be held at the home of
Mrs. Earl Reese, Friday, October 21
at 8 o'clock. Friends and husbands
are invited. Everyone is asked to
Present were Mrs. Willard Lozo,
Mrs, Byron Kitchen, Mrs, Francis
Dougherty, Mrs. Frank Heidere,
Mrs. Fred Moock, Mrs, Edward
Meneely, Mrs. Edith Davis, Mrs.
Christian Malkemes, Mrs. E. R.
Marley, Mrs, Jess Yocum, Mrs, Earl
Reese, Mrs. John Eck, Mrs. Thom-
as Hontz, Mrs, Walter Gerlach, Mrs.
Richard Templin, Mrs. Russell Ac-
huff, an assistant hostess, and the
Turkey Dinner
W.S.C.S. of Meeker Methodist
! Church will sponsor a turkey sup-
per Wednesday, November 2 start-
ing at 5:30 p.m. Proceeds will be
used for new carpet for the
Church. Committee: Mrs. Elva
Drabick, Mrs. Glendora Bryant and
Mrs. Edna Karschner.
of all types and occasions
Come In And See Our
New Cabinet
Bc - 10c - $1 Store
Main Street, Dallas, Pa.
Eugene W. Sick Owner
brother of the bridegroom. Follow-
ing the ceremony a supper for the
bridal party was held at Turner's
Restaurant, after which a luncheon
for the immediate families was held
later at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Cyphers. The couple left for
a honeymoon to East Orange, N.J.
They will reside at Carverton.
Mrs, Cyphers is a graduate of
Dallas Township High School and
was employed at the Emkay Cor-
poration in Wyoming. The bride-
groom was graduated from Kings-
ton Township and is employed at
the Industrial Electric Company in
! Luzerne.
Barbara Clark, Member
0f Wilson Choral Club
Chambersburg, Pa., October 19—
Miss Barbara Clark, Wilson Col-
lege sophomore and daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Clark of
Baldwin Street, Dallas, has been
selected for membership in the
Wilson Choral Club, Miss Edyth
Thompson, professor of voice, an-
nounced today.
Limited to students from the
three upper classes, the Choral
Club presents two programs each
year, a cantata at Christmas Ves-
pers on the eve of the holiday re-
cess, and a spring concert of folk
and modern songs. It is one of
six Wilson organizations devoted to
the study of music as a leisure-time
Dhyscee ’
@® Follow. the example—and
the counsel—of your Physi-
cian. Bring his prescription
to this Professional Phar-
macy where you are assured
competentand conscientious
service. You will find that
our prices are always fair.
Earl’s Drug Store
Main Highway
Trucksville, Pa.
Telephone 110
For the remaining part of
Watch for Our Hit
Children Under
“Grapes of Wrath”
Henry Fonda, Doris Bowden, Charlie Grapewin
A story you'll never forget
George Raft, William Bendix, Marilyn Maxwell, Henry Morgan
Raft fights gangdom in his own way with Bendix as the right guy.
Coming Next. Friday and Saturday
“Rachel and the Stranger”
Robert Mitchum, Loretta Young
Show time—7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
the season we will be open
Pictures Each Week
12 Admitted Free
Mrs. A. S. James Is
Hostess To Auxiliary
Mrs. A. S. James entertained
members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary
of Prince of Peace Church at her
home in Trucksville Tuesday eve-
ning. Plans were made to hold a
covered dish supper November 1
and a bake sale, November 12, both
in Shavertown Fire Hall,
Present Tuesday evening were:
Mesdames John Sheehan, M. J.
Cave, J. S. Cave, A, S. Gibbs, Fred
Schmitt, Donald Clark, Milford
Shaver, C. Robert Griffiths, John
Vernon, Stanley Frederick, Paul
Goddard, Sheldon Evans, Eugene
Considene, John Ransom, Jacob
Miner, Helen Roche, Ralph Davis,
Fred Renard, Benjamin Hightower,
James Nixon Jr., Edwin Raub, J.
Sheldon Cave, Charles W,. Lee,
Lawrence Thompson, Frank Nelms,
Howard Young, Roscoe Lee,
A. S. James; June Colwell,
Attend Mass Meeting
Mrs. William Baker, Mrs, Eugene
Fiske and Rev, and Mrs. Freder-
ick Reinfurt atended the Wyoming
Conference Mass Meeting in Elm
Park Methodist Church, Scranton,
yesterday. Rev. Roswell Lyon pre-
sided at the morning session.
| Church Doings
Silver Leaf Club
Meets At Fire Hall
Members of Silver Leaf Club of
Kunkle met at the Fire Hall, form-
erly the Grange Hall, on Wednes-
day evening and cleaned and reno-
vated the room that will hence-
forth be their meeting place.
Later the following members en-
joyed a spaghetti supper: Mes-
dames, Forrest Kunkle, George Mit-
chell, Florence Klimick, Ralph Ash-
burner, Ralph Hess, Ralph Elston,
Frank Boston, Owen Ide, Frank
Hess, Daniel Meeker, Palmer Up-
dyke, Victor Rydd, Gideon Miller,
Allen Brace, William Brace, Stan-
ley Elston, Oliver Ellsworth, Anna
Weaver, Dorothy Dodson and Clyde
Children’s Wear
Everything for
Infants and Children
79 Main Street
Right on Your
2 Day Service
On the Harvey's Lake Highway
Way to Town
Mrs. Alice Weldon, Philadelphia,
has been spending some time at
the Ziegler home in Carverton due
to illness of her sister, Mrs, Le-
roy Ziegler who has been in Nes-
bitt Hospital.
Route 309—Above Dallas
The Sensational best-seller
comes to full flower on the
“Anna and the King
of Siam”
Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison,
and Linda Darnell
““Do You Love Me”
A glorious hallmark of a mus-
ical with a magic all its own
starring Maureen O'Hara, Dick
Haymes and Harry James.
in technicolor
“The Razor's Edge”
Starring Tyrone Power,
Gene Tierney, John Payne,
Anne Baxter, Clifton Webb and
Herbert Marshall.
Sutter’s Gold”
The Gold Rush of '49—Ilusty,
brawling saga of greed—hungry
men—a century cannot dim its
thundering drama.
Staring Edward Arnold,
Lee Tracy and
Katherine Alexander.
“Where do We go From
In technicolor starring
Fred MacMurry, Joan Leslie,
and June Haver,
65-Foot All-Steel Screen
Accommodations for 900 cars
Two Shows starting at
7:00 and 9:00.
Latest news
at every performance.
Selected Shorts and Novelties
Throughout the Week,
Rest Rooms
Children under 12 admitted free
Boleros and
longer jackets,
at just
One to Match—
Pretty anywhere—
perfect for the
career girl!
$G°° to
$1 29°
Some Are
One to Contrast
$9.99 and $12.99