i} PAGE EIGHT \ i : \ A HE POST a RL EE EF SRI SS BES x R a ar The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of DALLAS Invites You To Attend The OPENING OF ITS ENLARGED QUARTERS DRIVE-IN DEPOSIT WINDOW Saturday, October Fifteenth from 9 A. M. until 8 P. M. First In Northeastern And To View Its Plenslianic William Baker, teller receives a deposit from Mrs. William Dennison at the Drive-In Deposit Window, one of the first in Northeastern Pennsylvania. A push button signals bank employees to the window and a speaker system permits customer and teller to converse during the transaction. The Customers’ Room has been enlarged to meet the growing requirements of the Bank and Community. The entire Bookkeeping Department has been moved to the second floor and new private offices have been provided for President and Cashier. This Institution Which Has Served The Back Mountain Community Through Good Years And Bad Since 1906 Is Proud To Present * The First Drive-In Deposit Window in Northeastern Pennsylvania * Enlarged Customers’ Room * New Bookkeeping Department * New Night Depository * Enlarged Safe Deposit Facilities %* New Directors’ Room The new Directors’ Room is at the front of the Bank on the second floor. Red leather upholstered chairs and maroon drapes are in pleasing contrast to walls of Williamsburg green. A section of the Bookkeeping Department on the second floor. Here ample space is provided for future expansion. The most modern accounting machines are used in this department. An elevator transports ledgers from first floor to second. Comparative Statement ASSETS January 1,1931 October 1, 1949 LIABILITIES + January 1, 1931 October 1, 1949 Cash a . § 45,506.63 $ 370,951.80 Capa EA) $ 75,000.00 $ 100,000.00 Loans & Discounts 244,568.09 1,502,112.38 Surplus, Undivided TU. 8. Securities... tii. 66,400.00 1,159,800.00 Profits, and Reserves ......... 68,102.14 224,443.75 Other: Securities... ibs 234,572.19 207,570.50 Deposits .. 2 479,895.24 2,960,560.41 Banking House Fixtures Other Liabilities ...... 35,000.00 2,362.28 and Real Estate ........in 66,637.85 44,598.45 Other Assets ......... ; 312.62 2,333.31 $657,997.38 $3,287,366.44 $657,097.38 $3,287,366.44 RE PAR