The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 14, 1949, Image 4

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‘Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Doings
Mrs. Roscoe Lee, Dallas left for
Florida where she will spend the
Corp. Larry Chamberlain, 'Pion-
‘eer Avenue is spending a thirty day
furlough with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Karl Chamerblain. Larry is a
member of the U, S. Air Force and
is stationed at MacDill Field, at
Tampa, Florida.
Mrs. Harry Ritts, Main road, Sha-
vertown is a patient at General
Hospital, where she was admitted
on Friday.
John Johnson Jr., Terrace Drive
is recuperating from an infected
Mrs. Benjamin Earl, Carverton has
. been ill with the grippe.
~~ Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Frantz, Eve-
lyn Frantz, Albert and Florence Bil-
lings spent Saturday at Hershey
Park. }
Mr. d Mrs. I. R, Elston, Sha-
vertowl and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Elston, Wilkes-Barre recently took
a trip to Ithaca, N.Y,
Mr. J. C. Engler, Shavertown is
busy these days constructing a tool
house on the rear of his property.
Betsy Reynolds, daughter of Mrs.
Ruth Turn Reynolds is a member of
the Chapel Choir at Penn State
Patricia Ann Mieczkowski was
baptized in Trucksville Methodist
Church on Sunday.
Mrs, Ray Finney entertained
members of the W.S.C.S. official
board on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross, Bing-
hamton are spending the week with
Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Brace.
Miss Mary Boldt and Mrs, Russell
Achuff entertained the Ladies Aux-
iliary of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
on Wednesday.
Mrs. William Wilson recently en-
tertained members of her pinochle
club, Mrs. Goldie Ide, Mrs. Eva
Meade, Mrs. Lida Nelson, Mrs, Em-
ma Stookey, Mrs. Margaret Ada-
Miss Alice Austin
Miss Alice Edith Austin, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon G. Aus-
tin of Main road, Shavertown, will
become the bride of Charles Edwin
Lumley, son of Mrs, Celestine and
the late John Lumley of Fernbrook,
in St. Therese’s Church Saturday,
October 15 at 11:30 a.m. :
Father J. J. O'Leary will perform
the double ring ceremony.
Mrs. Leon M. Austin, sister-in-
law of the bride of Carverton will
be matron of honor and Mrs, Her-
bert Jones, sister of the bride,
bridesmaid, Little Sandra Weaver
of Orange, niece of the bride, will
be flower girl.
To Become!
Bride Of Charles E. Lumley
Best man will be Gene Sheridan
of New York City. Leon Austin of
Carverton and Robert Lauderbaugh
of Dallas will act as ushers.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion will be held at Shavertown
Fire Hall and the couple will leave
for a trip.
Miss Austin is a graduate of Dal-
las Township High School, class of
1941 and has been employed at
Columbia Lace Mill, Mr. Lumley
was graduated from Dallas Town-
ship High School, class of 1939 and
is employed at Blue Ribbon Cake
Mrs. Edward Petty Is
Honored At Shower
Mrs. Edward Petty, the former
Mary Arnt was guest of honor at a
variety shower given by Miss Lor-
raine Rekus, Mt. Airy Road on
Monday evening.
The guest of honor was seated
beneath a large white parasol.
Tables were attractively decorated
with fall flowers. Favors were min-
iature green baskets trimmed with
a tiny parasol filled with candy
and nuts.
The honored guest received many
lovely gifts.
Those present were Miss Frances
Mericle, Mrs. John Arnt, Mrs. Har-
rison Patty, Mrs. Charnitski, Mrs,
Peter Rekus, Miss Jerry Rekus, Mrs.
Charles Tucker, Mrs. Walter Web-
ster, Miss Fern Howell, Miss Anne
Hall, Mrs, Donald Bunny, Mrs. Ray-
mond Keene, Miss Josephine Car-
penter, Miss Mary Porter and Miss
Mildred Porter.
Miss Alice E. Rustin Is
Guest At Bridal Shower
Miss Alice E. Austin was recently
honored at a bridal shower given
by Mrs. Leon M. Austin of Car-
metz, Mrs. Mable Davis, Mrs. Geor-
giana Welsh and Mrs. Gertrude
Mr, and Mrs. R.. M. Scott of Mt.
Greenwood road had as Sunday
dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Auber
Robbins of Bloomsburg.
Mr. and Mrs, James Sands and
son, Dick of Carverton spent the
weekend at East Orange, N. J,
visiting Mrs, Sands’ sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Rab-
ert Jones.
Phil Cease, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Wilson Cease of Trucksville, is en-
rolled at Washington State College.
He is studying for his Masters’ De-
gree. :
Mrs. Henry Peterson of Norton
Avenue spent the weekend at
Providence, R. I, where she visited
her daughter, Ann, freshman at
Pembroke College.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Bowman,
and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Bowman,
Floradale, Ontario, spent the early
part of the week with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Sands.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuler
have returned after spending a
few days in New York City.
Sally Moyer, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Moyer of Leh-
man avenue has returned from
Nesbitt Hospital where she under-
went a tonsilectomy.
Mr. and Mrs, Clarence M. Laidler
of Overbrook avenue spent the
weekend in New York celebrating
their 20th wedding anniversary.
While there they attended the
wedding of Carol Morris a former
resident of Kingston and Paul
Lewis of Brooklyn. Others in at-
‘tendance included Miss Nancy Hef-
fernan of Kingston and Miss Char-
"lotte Lindermann formerly of
Mrs, Arthur Dungey of Lake
street, Mrs, L. A, Clark and Miss
Ethel Smith of Scranton have re-
turned after a three week’s trip
to California. where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Smith
of Harveys Lake spent several days
this week on a. business trip to
Philadelphia. Saturday the Smiths
‘and Jessie Armitage, Arnold Gar-
inger and Richard Searfoss attended
the State-Boston College game at
Penn State College.
Judy Rowlands has been ill at
her home on Main Road, Trucks-
ville, this week.
verton, Miss Austin will marry
Charles Lumley October 15. She
received a number of lovely gifts.
Present were Mrs. Gordon J.
Austin, Mrs, Glen Sickler, Mrs, Her-
bert W. Jones, Mrs. Fred Handley,
Mrs. Philip Mosier, Mrs, Harry
Sweppenheiser, Mrs. Russell Race,
Mrs, John Lumley, Mrs. C. S. Nicol,
the guest of honor and the hostess.
Mrs. Digby Baltzel of Huntsville
road moved last week to Philadel-
phia to make her home temporarily
with Digby Baltzel Jr. and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Garrahan of
Hatfield, Pa., spent several days
visiting old friends Back of the
Mountain this week.
Mrs. Raymond Malkemes is a
patient in General Hospital.
George Jacobs Jr., returned home
Sunday after having been a patient
in General Hospital. :
Mary Winter, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Winter is ill in Nes-
bitt Hospital.
S/1st Class Jack Lewis, a mem-
ber of the U.S. Navy will return to
his base on Saturday after spend-
ing two weeks leave with his wife
and parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Lewis, Pioneer avenue.
Mrs. Laroy Ziegler of Carverton
is a patient in Nesbitt Hospital,
where she submitted to an opera-
tion on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dixon Jr.
and son, Harold spent Sunday in
| Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Sutton, Miss
Dora Sutton and William Kitchen
visited Miss Sue Sutton at Mans-
field State Teacher's College Sat-
Miss Elizabeth Parks of Wilkes-
Barre spent Wednesday visiting old
friends and relatives Back of the
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ocken-
house, Mrs, Helen Bruckman, Mrs.
Helen Stahl of Newark, N.J. were
weekend guests of the former’s par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William L, Ock-
enhouse of Davenport street.
Mr. and Mrs. Velton Bean and
Randy and Linda have returned to
their home in Jackson after spend-
ing a few days with friends in New-
ark, N. J.
“It Happens Every
Paul Douglas and Jeane Peters
Cartoon and News
Saturday (regular matinee)
“The Great Gatfby”
Allan Ladd and Betty Field
Cartoon and Short
“Force of Evil”
John Garfield and
Marie Windsor
Dallas, Pa.
“Any Number Can
Clark Gable and Alexis Smith
Margaret O’Brien and
Herbert Marshall in
“Secret Garden”
“Melody Time”
A Walt Disney musical feature
in technicolor starring
Comedy, Cartoon and Short
Roy Rogers and Andrew Sisters
Floyd Popes Celebrates
Seventh Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Pope,
Roushey street, celebrated their
seventh wedding anniversary on
Saturday. The Popes have two
children, Richard and Carol Ann.
Several friends attended a get-
together Saturday evening in hon-
or of their anniversary. Those pre-
sent were Mr, and Mrs. Vernon
Ash, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Neuner,
Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Hughes and
Mr, and Mrs. Pope.
Rustins Entertain
Mr, and Mrs. Arch Austin enter-
tained at a party honoring Miss
Marjorie Hilbert, bride-elect, and
her fiance, Herbert Goodwin Sat-
urday evening. Present were Mr,
and Mrs, Lester McCarty, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Wetzel, Carl Mac-
Dougal, the guests of honor and the
host and. hostess.
Mrs. Herbert Jones Is
Hostess At Shower
Mrs, Herbert W. Jones of De-
munds road entertained at a bridal
shower honoring Alice Austin, bride
elect, Friday evening, Present were
Mrs. Aubrey Weaver, Mrs, Herbert
Hill, Mrs. Clyde Brace, Mrs. William
Johns, Mrs. Jack Hughes, Mrs,
Thomas Morgan, Mrs, Joseph Yen-
| chek, Mrs. Hiram Clark, Mrs. Wil-
liam Jones, Mrs, Gordon Austin,
Mrs. Leon Austin, the guest of hon-
or and the hostess.
Barbara Daubert Has
Second Birthday Party
Little Barbara Daubert, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Warren Dau-
bert, Spring street observed her
second birthday anniversary last
Saturday with a family party. The
tiny guest of honor was presented
with a miniature corsage made of
sugar, and received lovely gifts.
A large decorated birthday cake
formed the centerpiece on the party
table with corresponding decora-
tions in blue and pink.
Attending the party were Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Daubert, Jimmie and
Carl Daubert Jr., Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Adams, Rose Mary, Sissie
and Jerry Adams, Mr. and Mrs,
Ernest Berlew, Jr., Ernie Berlew,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berlew, Bobby
Berlew, Mrs. Edith Daubert, Mr.
and Mrs. Burton Daubert, Dianne
Daubert, Miss Erilla Berlew, Bar-
bara Daubert, Mr, and Mrs, Warren
Fashion Show
Dallas Junior Woman's Club will
sponsor a fashion show in the Dal-
las Borough High School Friday,
October 28 at 8 o'clock. Old and
new clothes will be modelled. Tea
will be served.
Children’s Wear
Everything for
Infants and Children
79 Main Street
Two-Fold Club To Hold
Hallowe'en Party
Plans were made for a Hallowe'en
party to be held Friday evening,
October 8, at the monthly meeting
of the Two-Fold Club held at
Huntsville Methodist Church Friday
Prizes will be awarded the best
dressed, funniest and most unusual
costumes and to winners of games.
A ten cent admission will be
charged anyone coming unmasked.
Committee members: Frances Lore-
man, Louise Lamoreaux, John
Fielding, Elmer Laskowski.
Following the business meeting,
luncheon was served by Mr. and
Mrs, Glenn Johnson and Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Johnson to the follow-
ing: Louise Lamoreaux, Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Lashford, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Loreman, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Laskowski, Mr, and Mrs, Ben Las-
kowski, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bert-
ram, Mr. and Mrs. John Fielding
and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kittle.
Entertain At Shower
Miss Roxy Hoover of Idetown,
gave a variety shower on Thursday
evening in honor of Mrs, Daniel
Redka, the former Ethel Culp of
Attending were: Alice Rundell,
Noxen; Clarice Conden, Beaumont;
Mrs. Floyd Hoover, Joanne McKen-
na, Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Idetown;
Virginia Wolfe, Pikes Creek; Miss
Roxy Hoover, guest of honor and
Lunch was served and games
were played.
Miss Bess Cooke Is
Guest At Housewarming
Miss Bess Cooke of Idetown was
guest of honor at a housewarming
given by a number of her friends
and co-workers at Natona Mills re-
cently. She received a lovely gift.
Present were: Harriet Thomp-
son, Marian White, Lina Gar-
inger, Rose Howell, Margaret
Jennings, Anna Fitten, Mabel War-
ner, Claire McKenna, Edith Weaver,
Margaret Veitch, Iva Jones, Flor-
ence Conden, Elizabeth Hess, Wini-
fred Baird, Mrs. Della Parrish and
the guest of honor.
Judith Ann Shoemaker
Celebrates Birthday
Miss Rohannah Shoemaker en-
tertained ,at a party Saturday af-
ternoon in honor of her niece, Jud-
ith Ann Shoemaker who celebrated
her seventh birthday anniversary.
Games and decorations were in
keeping with Hallowe'en. Prizes
were won by Dorothy Miers and
Mabel Jones.
Present were: Marion Shupp,
Kitty Lamoreaux, Janice Hilbert,
Dorothy Miers, Mabel Jones, Sue
Elaine Shoemaker, Susan Jane
Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin
Shomaker, the guest of honor and
the hostess.
Have New Baby Boy
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hunter,
Demunds road, announce the birth
of a twelve pound boy in Nesbitt
Hospital, October 6. Mrs. Hunter
is the former Leona Adams of
Fernbrook. The new arrival makes
Miss Emma Creagh a great aunt
twice in a single week.
For Your
Dry Cleaning
H. L. 4256
“How Green Was My Valley”
A 20th Century-fox picture starring
Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O'Hara and Donald Crisp
Cartoon and News
A thrilling picture with thrilling actors
Dick Powell in
with Walter Slezak, Micheline Cheirel and Edgar Barrier.
A rougher, Tougher picture than “Murder My Sweet”.
For the remaining part of the season we will be open
Watch for Our Hit Pictures Each Week
Show time—7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Children Under 12 Admitted Free
St. Therese’s Church, Shaver-
town was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Saturday morning
when Miss Mary Arnt, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, John Arnt, Center
street, Shavertown became the
bride of Edward Petty, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harrison Petty, Luzerne.
The double ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. J, O’Leary.
Organist was Mrs, Robert Laux and
Mrs, Frank McGarry was soloist.
The altar was banked with bou-
quets of white gladioli and asters.
The bride who was given in mar-
riage by her father was attired in
a Charles original Renaissance
gown, of bridal satin styled with
full length sleeves, mandarin neck-
line and train. Lace inserts were
outlined with hand beaded petal
She wore a halo crown of
orange blossoms from which fell
a veil of imported illusion bordered
with matching Alencon lace and
carried a crystal rosary, the gift
of the bridegroom. Her arm bou-
quet was of white roses.
Miss Theresa Paulovics, Cleve-
land, Ohio, cousin of the bride was
maid of honor. She wore pink
satin gown with lace embroidered
bertha and lace pick-up skirt and
carried pink roses. The brides-
Mary Amt Weds Edward
At Pretty Autumn Wedding”
mid, Lorraine Rekus, chose blue
satin gown, made similar to that
of the maid of honor. Her bouquet
was of red roses. Both attendants
wore matching half hats trimmed
with ostrich feathers and match-
ing mitts.
Frances May Arnt, sister of the
bride and Carol Charnitski were
flower girls. Frances was dressed
in green and Carol in yellow. Their
gowns were made with sweet-
heart neckline and ruffled skirt.
They wore wreaths of yellow roses
in their hair and carried baskets
of yellow straw flowers.
Best man was Henry Petty, New-
ark, N. J., brother of the bride-
groom and Andrew Masonis, Lu-
zerne was usher.
The bride's mother wore steel
gray dress with black accessories.
Her corsage was of pink roses, Mrs.
Petty chose black dress with black
accessories and corsage of pink
Following the ceremony a dinner
for the immediate families was
served in Shavertown Hose House.
At 4 p.m, a reception was held
for one hundred guests.
The couple are residing in Wil-
son's apartment on Terrace Drive,
Miss Alice Lewis Is |
Wed To Richard Dymond
Fred Lewis, Lynwood, has an-
nounced the marriage of his daugh-
ter, Alice to Richard Dymond, son
of Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Dymond of
The couple were married at Ply-
mouth Saturday, September 24, by
Rev. W. F. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Piatt were
The Dymonds are now residing
at 233 West End Road, Iona Place,
To Hold Banquet
Past Councilor’s Club of Mount
Vale Council 224 Daughters of Am-
erica will hold its annual banquet
at Lehman Methodist Church Wed-
nesday evening at 6:30, Reserva-
tions must be sent to Mrs. Goldie
Ide not later than Monday, October
Special Men's Service
A special service for men will be
held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church
on Sunday evening, October 16 at 8
p.m. in conection with the 31st an-
niversary of the Lutheran Brother-
hood of our United Lutheran
Professor R. J. W, Templin will
bring a message of importance to
all in attendance. Good hymns,
Christian Fellowship and an in-
spiring message wil round out a
beneficial evening service.
Men of St. Paul's Lutheran
Church and all men of the com-
munity are cordially invited to at-
tend. Ladies are welcome too.
Junior Women's Club
Dallas Junior Women’s Club will
hold a special meeting on Tues-
day, October 18 at the Dallas Am-
erican Legion. Everybody is urged
to attend to discuss the fashion
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hedden of
Machell avenue will visit friends in
Hartford, Conn., this weekend and
attend the Yale-Cornell game at
New Haven.
Route 309—Above Dallas
The greatest story of the west
by the west’s great story-teller,
Zane Grey's
“Western Union”
in technicolor with
Randolph Scott and
Robert Young
“Sweet and Low”
America’s Top Swing Band in
the musical that’s tops!
Irving Berlin's
“Alexander's Ragtime
Starring Tyrone Power, Alice
Faye and Don Ameche
“The Dark Corner”
with Lucille Ball, William
Bendix, Clifton Webb and
Mark Stevens
The Sensational best-seller
comes to full flower on the
“Anna and the King
of Siam”
Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison,
and Linda Darnell
65-Foot All-Steel Screen
Accommodations for 900 cars
Two Shows starting at
7:00 and 9:00
Latest news
at every performance.
Selected Shorts and Novelties
Throughout the Week,
Rest Rooms
Children under 12 admitted free
All-Wool Fabrics
Newest Styles
New Fall Shades
100% Wool Classic
PHONE 7-6318