————— — — BA —— - er i — i Care of Cemetery Is Summer Project of MYF M.Y.F. of Trucksville Methodist Church did a fine job this summer cutting and taking care of the old cemetery near the Little White Church on the Hill and resetting the monuments, They were direct- ed by Miss Doris Henning. Inspired by their hard work and enthusiasm, township supervisors are now leveling the section. Any one wishing to have a share in this worthwhile project, should contact Rev, Robert Webster. PRESSING CIDER Tuesday and Saturday "HARDISKY Bros. Lehman, Pa. DRAPES CURTAINS SLIP COVERS Dry Cleaned BY HECK’S Dry Cleaning H. L. 4256 Silver Leaf Club Members of the Silver Leaf Club of Kunkle met at the Fire Hall Tuesday evening. Serving were Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Ralph Els- ton and Mrs. Owen Ide, Others present: Mrs. Gideon Miller, Mrs, Alan Brace, Mrs, William Brace, Mrs. Anna Weaver, Mrs, Forrest Kunkle, Mrs, Florence Klimeck, Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. Russell Transue, Mrs. Dan Meeker, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner and Mrs, Fred Dodson. New Drive Way Dale Parry has completed con- struction of a new hard surface drive way at Back Mountain Mem- orial Library. Don't sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. En- tire Estates Bought. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 Brighten Your Home With Our Decorative Flowers DALLAS 5¢ - 10c - $1 Store Main Street, Dallas, Pa. Eugene W. Sick Owner DOOR PRIZES OCTOBE FIRE HOUS Carverton Road BINGO Benefit TRUCKSVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY SATURDAY NIGHT : ais Starting at 8 Ladies Auxiliary Will Serve Refreshments AWARDS R 1, 1849 E GROUNDS Trucksville Phone 337-R-49 KUNKLE, PA. A product of TIOGA MILLS INC! Feed for Top MILK and BUTTER FAT Production DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner A TIOGA PRODUCT Phone 200 DALLAS, PA. We A THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1949 Club Entertains Softball Team Rev. Robert Webster Acts Bs Toastmaster Men's Club of Trucksville Metho- dist Church entertained members of the church softball team at a baked ham supper Monday night. Rev. Robert Webster was toast- master. Burton Owen and Harry Long spoke on behalf of the team. Song leader was Sam Davis, with C3 TTT THREE / Priving to Wilkes-Barre? MAKE A NOTE TO STOP AT THE Master Garment Cleaners DRIVE-IN-DRY-CLEANING SERVICE ALONG THE HARVEY'S LAKE HIGHWAY IN LUZERNE (Across from the Luzerne Lumber Company) In order to get acquainted we will give valuable gifts, as long as they last, with every 95¢ order or more. Get yours today. They are really nice. Master Garment Cleaners DRIVE-IN-DRY-CLEANING SERVICE Harvey's Lake Highway, Luzerne Wilma, Hess as pianist. The speak- er, Robert Haimes was introduced by Asher Weiss. The following attended: Charles ! Durdon, Howard Ide, Byron Ide, Clifford Johnson, Thomas Cleasby, Bruce Cleasby, George Parry, Fred Case, Glen Case, Donald Case, Ar- chie Woolbert, Elmer Jones, Don- ald Anderson, Burton Owen, Her- | bert Webster, George Shaver, Sr., Morris Lloyd, Fred Greenley, Fran- cis McCarty, Sheldon Rice, Herbert Jenkins, William Shoemaker, Ira Hoover, Asher Weiss, Harry Long, Bob Shoemaker, Rev, Robert Web- ster, Robert Haimes, Raymond Hoover, Oran Jenkins, Clinton Smith, W, Casterline, David School- ey, Sam Dilcer, Sam Dilcer, Jr, Wallace Perrin, George Owen, Dor- man Schooley, Harry Brodhun, By- ron Shortz, William Clewell, Low- ther Brown, Nelson Houghwout, J. S. Houghwout, Levi Crews, William Evans, Alfred Webster, Sr., S. D. Finney, C. S. Hemenway, Warren Sutton, Chester Fox, Van Robin- son, Warren Cease, Bruce Long, Herbert DeWitt, Sam Davis and Wilma Hess. EAT HONEY For Goodness Sake Eat Edgewood Honey Sold At HISLOP'S MARKET Dallas Wm. H. Evans EDGEWOOD APIARY Idetown 3209 In Luzerne it’s CHUKINAS for photography Candid Wedding Albums are Our Specialty CHUKINAS PHOTO SHOP 5 Buckingham Avenue LUZERNE, PA, Phone: 7-9100, Shop—7-8735, Residence VV VV VV VV Vee DON'T WORRY, BUDDY, JUST GIVE HER A GIFT FROM HENRY'S “He’s your local Jeweler” When you're in, join our Jewelry and Merchandise Club. N17 & nA és COMME EEE STRICTLY BUSINESS ? by McFeatters — . M< “IMaturally you don’t have to agree with my cpinion, Meekle—you can resign!” With Gavy's Market William E, Davis is in charge of the grocery and produce end of Gavy’s Market which recently op- ened in the Texaco Building at Center street and Main Highway, Shavertown, Mr. Davis has had twenty-two years experience in the grocery business as a manager both for American Stores Company and A. & P. He served four years with the army and was discharged as a First Lieutenant. He is superintendent of the Sunday School of Shavertown Methodist Church and a member of the official board. His wife is the former Verna Morgan. They have two daughters, PTA Committee Meets At Lehman The Lehman-Jackson P.T.A. ex- ecutive committee met at the high school last Monday evening, Chairmen and committee mem- bers present were: Mr, and Mrs, Edward Kent, Carl Stainbrook, Mrs. F. Davenport, Mrs. Edwin Kern, Laing Coolbaugh, Miss Hannah Culp, Mrs. Frances Per- rego, Gordon James, L. B., Squier, Miss Estelle O'Donnell. A varied and interesting series of programs were worked out for the year with a central theme, “Conservation”, The program for the first gen- eral meeting will be published shortly. Plans were made to have this years’ membership drive extend from September 26: to October 17. Ways and Means Committee will hold a Bake Sale at the high school on the evening of the first general meeting, Monday evening, October 10. P.T.A. officers for the 1949-50 term are: President, Laing Coolbaugh; vice president, Gordon James; Secre- tary, Miss Jule Bartley; Treasurer, Miss Hannah Culp; Program, Mrs. Frances Perrego; Hospitality, Mrs. Beulah Sutten; Ways & Means, Mrs, Frances Davenport; Research & Survey, Arthur Ehret; Publicity, Miss Estelle O'Donnell; Supervising Principal, Lester B, Squier, HARVEY'S LAKE Mrs. Kate Shultz and brother Elijah Cromley have returned home after ‘spending ten days with friends and relatives at Williams- port and Danville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leas of Washington D.C. and Mrs. Frank Cuddy of Philadelphia spent a week with Mr. Amos Kitchen. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Smith at- tended .the Penn State football game at State College on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage, Jessie Armitage and Billy Javer spent Sunday at Bloomsburg. DRESS CLUB NOW BEING ORGANIZED $1.00 Per Week 20 Weeks A Winner Every Week JOIN NOW The Grace T. Cave Shop = Phone 354 36 Main Street DALLAS; PA. Hallowe'en Dance Trucksville Fireman's Auxiliary will hold its ninth annual Hallo- we'en party and dance in the Kingston Township High School, Friday, October 28 at 8 o'clock. The Grand March will start promptly at 8:15. Prizes will be awarded to those masked. There will be square and modern danc- ing, Supper and Bazaar Kunkle W.S.C.S, will sponsor a supper and bazaar in the Com- munity Hall, Thursday, October 27, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH NOTES The Catechetical Class of St. Paul's Lutheran Church will begin on Saturday, October 8 at 9 a.m. Confirmation will take place May 28, 1950. Contact Rev. Moock so that he may learn the names of those of confirmation age. Rev, Frederick Moock, Jr., pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will be one of the teachers for the Lutheran Leadership School to be held at St. John’s Church, Wilkes- Barre from September 26 to Octo- ber 31. His subject will be “Evan- gelism”’, Classes will be held every Mon- day evening. Ladies Auxiliary of S& Paul's Lutheran Church will hold a Rum- mage Sale in Luzerne October 3, 4, and 5. Committee is comprised of Mrs. John Malkemes, Mrs. R, J. W. Templin and Mrs, Willard Lozo. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will hold two services Sunday in con- nection with World Wide Commun- ion Sunday. The first will be held at 11 a.m, when the sermon sub- ject will be “To Rome or Christ”. The second, for those who are un- ‘able to attend the morning ser- vice, will be held at 8 p.m. The sermon, one of a series on “What Every Church Member Should Know” will be on the subject, “The Holy Scripture”. Luther League will meet at 7 p.m. All teen-agers are welcome, Supper at Meeker W.S.C.S. of Meeker Methodist Church will serve a chicken supper with all trimmings, including home- made ice cream on Tuesday even- ing. Serving will start at 5:30. Comittee in charge: Mrs, John Hidebrant, Mrs, Lloyd Rogers, Mrs. Marvin King, Mrs. Minnie Reb- ennack, Mrs, Pauline Slocum, Mrs. Russell Ide. Proceeds will go toward a new carpet for the church. PAGE SEVEN Church Workers To Meet Here Dallas Church Host In Late October During the month of October, the Wyoming Conference (Metho- dist Church) will sponsor a series of Sub-District Workers’ Confer- ences for all Church School officers and teachers in all of the Sub- Districts of the Conference. Twenty of these will be held in the Con- ference, The meeting for the Back Mountain Area will be held at Dal- las on Friday, October 28. The main emphasis will be to show the part that the Church School will play in Methodism’s four year program known as “The Advance for Christ and His Church”. The meetings will all start at 8:00 in the evening with devotions led by the host Pastor. The District Superintendent of the District and the Executive Secretary of the Wy- oming Conference Board of Edu- cation will each give addresses. Following these addresses will be group of meetings. The District Superintendent will meet with the Pastors; the Executive Secretary of the Conference Board of Educa- tion will meet with the General Superintendents of the Church Schools and the Sub-District Direc- tors will meet with the Children’s, Youth, and Adult Workers. In the early days Washington County was recognized as a pros- perous agricultural county. —PNS. YOUR PRIVATE SAFE | A Safe Depait Sux in eur Rirevand-Thst-Prool Vauks Protests valuables of Tose than te o doy. BD Firs) Flowr = Sitast Lovel — No Stain @ LB TET NAT'L BANK WILKES-BARRE “Pocono”. To My Friends and Neighbors of the Back Mountain Area. .. It is with deep pride and humble gratitude that I am privileged to announce to you the plans for the World Premiere Showing of the motion picture, The time; week starting October 7,—the place; Irem Temple Theatre on North Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre; the sponsor; Junior Cham- ber of Commerce of Wyoming’ Valley. My gratitude stems from the fact that you, my ‘neighbors, helped to make this picture possible. Your cooperation has been inspirational. The willing- ness to give your time, as well as the use of your homes, facilities and treas- ured possessions have all contributed immeasurably in making this film a living, breathing thing of beauty which, I believe, will not only be remem- bered by all who see it but will reach to the hearts of all America where ever it is shown. I hope it will also carry the message of clean, wholesome living which so typifies our environment here in the Back Mountain. The making of “Pocono” has been a long, arduous task embracing three years of painstaking production. This World Premiere Showing is the supreme formances. Re LIR A HEART POL FRIDAY NIGHT at 8:30 P.M.; ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY Tickets on sale Monday at Irem Temple Box Office from 9:00 AM. to 5:30 PM. An elaborate ceremony is planned in connection with this performance. Ticket sale will be limited to seating capacity. Members of the cast, Broadway celebrities and government officials will participate in this gala event. Sincerely, test which the product of this effort must pass. “Pocono” must entertain, it must please, it must impress its audience to the extent that it will be recom- mended to others. You will sit as judge and jurors at its trial. The few who have seen it are singing its praises but you must judge for yourself. “Pocono” is in fact the most pretentious feature length movie ever attempted in 16mm Kodachrome and was produced without the benefit of Hollywood studio facilities, It will be shown on a full size theatre screen offering 90 minutes of music, laughter and tears in all the glorious colors of the Back Mountain scene through spring, summer, autumn and winter. It has an absorbing story built around the lives of real people and the many local residents appearing in supporting roles will surprise you with the professional quality of their per- The great Irem Horse Show of 1948 and thousands of the people attending will be seen in an exciting sequence of the story. We again say thanks for your aid in making “Pocono”. We hope you'll like what you see and that you will urge your friends and neighbors to attend. Joe E. Elicker Pioneer Ave., Ticket and Theatre Policy for the World Premiere Showing of 1111} Pal 48 Dallas @ IREM TEMPLE N. FRANKLIN ST. W-BARRE ONE WEEK STARTING FRIDAY, OCTOBER!7. ALL SEATS RESERVED—ADMISSION $2.50, inc, tax. STARTING SATURDAY. SHOWS CONTINUOUS. { P.M. to (| P.M. Irem Temple will be operated on same basis as Wilkes-Barre City Theatres with no reserved seats and continuous performances from 1 PM. to 11 PM. daily including Sunday. Adult admission 65c inc. tax from 1 to 6 p.m. and $1.00 inc. tax after 6 p.m. Children’s admission, Mat. 33c inc. tax; night 55¢c inc. tax. General admission tickets will be on sale in many stores throughout Wyoming Valley in advance. — NO SEATS RESERVED. COME EARLY. AVOID STANDING Don’t Forget . . . We'll be looking for you opening night! IF YOU CAN'T GET TICKETS COME DOWN ANYWAY and SHARE IN THE EXCITEMENT