it y is = Miss L'Nore Elizabeth Carey be £ po —— concn Married To Lt. Harry D. Latimer L’'Nore Elizabeth Carey, daughter of Harry H. Carey and the late Edith B. Carey of Grandview, De- munds road, became the bride of 1st Lt. Harry D. Latimer, son of Col. and Mrs. David B. Latimer of Paxton, Ill., Friday, September 2 at 8 p.m. Rev. George G. Pat- ton performed the double ring cer- emony in the Highland Park Meth- odist Church, El Paso, Texas. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Lt. Howard Carey. Attendants were Mrs. Howard H. Carey, sister-in-law of the bride, and Lt. Stogner. Mrs, Latimer is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary and up until an accident two years ago was employed by the Bell Telephone Company. Lt. Latimer was gradu- ated from University of Illinois and served thirty-two month in the E. T. O. He is now with the 88th A. W. Btn. with the 11th Airborne Force at Fort Bliss. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the Biltmore Hotel, El Paso, and the couple left for Carlsbod Caverns, N. M. for their honeymoon. CRISPELL REUNION Thirty-sixth annual Crispell Fam- ily Reunion was held on August 13th at Claude Crispell’'s Park. There weré 160 present. The same officers retained are:president, Earl Crispell; vice president, Mrs. Amel- ia Anderson; secretary, Mrs, Ella Cobleigh. Newly elected treasurer, Russell Ide. There were 12 marriages, 27 births, 4 deaths since August 1947 reunion. Marriages: Donald M. Tilkins, Anna E. Pois- ier, September 20, 1947; Richard Ney, Mary Jadick, October 10, 1947; Jean Klapko, Jene Elston, April 23, 1948; Arline Crispell, Con- rad Swinehart, June 12, 1948; An- he nabelle Crispell, Harold Eshleman, “ July 17, 1948; Charles Turcan, Mary Volpe, July 29, 1948; Florence Ward, Capt. Lester Ferriss, Octoz ber 16 1948; Donald Knauer, Es- ther Phillips, October 30, 1948; Florence Crispell Post, Thomas Bit- ler, January 7, 1949; Myrtle Crispell Booth, Byron Hovey, January 1949; Audrey Crispell, James Sanderson, April 24, 1949; Betty Klopko, How- ard Shook, June 4, 1949. Births: Frances Turcan, Frank E. Crispell, Anthony Matousky, Cath- erine Newberry, Gertrude Taluba, / Glen Shelhammer, Loren Crispell Jr., Carol Ney, Lee E. Hoover, Peggy Lamoreaux, Thomas Ritten- house, Donald Knauer, Lewis Davis, Marlene Matthews, Ronald Caster- line, Thomas Crispell, Evelyn Ting- ley, Bonnie Lou Crispell, Judith Hoover, Brenda Vosburg, James Hallock, Jean Eveland, Shirley Ma- torsky, Nancy Payne, Paul Hoover, William Gordon Matthewson. Deaths: Mrs. George Davis, Jan- uary 1, 1948; Mrs. Kate Crispell, February 3, 1948; Carolyn Quailes Crispell, March 20, 1948; Mrs, Em- ogene Crispell, March 24, 1949; George Davis, July 7, 1949. Ernest Crispell buried in Arlington Nation- al Cemetery, February 18, 1949. Those present were: Miami, Fla., Mr. and Mrs, William A. Farver. Larton, Va. Mrs. June Vosburg, Regie, June, Mary and Brenda Vosburg; Hallis, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Crispell; Newark Valley, NY, Howard Crispell; Elmira, N.Y. Wil- bur Crispell; Vestal, N.Y. Peggy and Neva Steinruck; Endicott, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoover, Lee and Paul Hoover; Johnson City, N.Y., Mrs. Betty Strzelezyk, Sharon Strzelczyk, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Henry; Binghamton, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. William Hoover, David Hoov- er, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eshelman, Mr and Mrs, Edward Cobleigh, Del- bert Cobleigh. bert Cobleigh; Westfield, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. David Race. ) Berwick, Pa., Mr, and Mrs. Clin- ton Crispell, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas ® Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Crandle Cris- pell; Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Knauer, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Turcan, Mr. and Mrs. “ George Traver, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Kocher, Ray and Charles Kocher, Helen Watson, Frances Newberry; Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Post Sr., Lois Post; Dallas, Mrs Daniel Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kitchen, Bruce Crispell, Bev- erly Crispell; Tunkhannock, Mrs. Harry Ney, Mrs, Earl Eveland, Jean and Peggy Eveland, Mrs. Vin- cent Taluba, Gertrude Taluba, Ray- mond Coolbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Turner, Margaret and Carl Turner, Mrs, Ernest Brown, Paul Brown; Harvey's Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Crispell, Mr, and Mrs. ' Lawrence Sickler, Emily and Joan Sickler, Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Oney, Eunice Oney, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oberst, Carlin, Gary and Lee Ob- erts, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Ander- son, Sr., Grover and Gary Ander- son, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Payne, Gail and Sandra Payne. Forest City, Pa., Rev. and Mrs, Floyd Crispell; Noxen, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell, Earl Jr., Eileen and Ed- ward Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Crispell, Lyle and Robert Crispell, Mr. and Mrs, James Sanderson, Ed- Yona French, Mr. and Mrs. Carl New- berry, Blair and Cathy Newberry, Mr, and Mrs. Francis Schenck, Lar- ry and Keith Scheck, Mr, and Mrs, George Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Shupp, Audrey, Donna and Carleton Shupp, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crispell, Rachel Crispell, Mr. and Mrs, Lowell Boone, Nancy Boone, o - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dendler, Clyde Dendler, Mr, and Mrs. Lester Cris- pel, Ruth Ann, Carl, Larry and Melvin Crispell, Mrs, Harry Kresge, Peggy Kresge and Donna Kresge, | Mrs. A. J. Davis, Mrs. John Crispell, Albert J, Crispell, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Crispell, James Crispell, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Traver, Rich- ard Jr., Cecil, Eunice and Robert Traver, Robert Keiper, Mr. and Mrs. William Race, Philip Race, Mrs. Robert Gable, Dawn Gable. Township Committee Plans Annual Fair The Athletic Committee of Dal- las Township School District will sponsor its third annual School Fair in the Township High School October 21 and 22. The Fair will feature a baking contest, fish pond, door prizes, fancy work booth, veterans’ booth, agriculture booth, handicraft booth, and plenty of entertainment and fun for everybody. The following chairmen have been appointed by Mrs. Arthur Newman, “spark plug” of the affair: Alderson, Mrs, Elsie Rauch; Kunkle, Mrs. Dorothy Dodson; Franklin Township, Mrs, Russell Race; De- munds, Mrs. John Anderson; East Dallas, Mrs, Thomas Hislop; Fern- brook, Mrs, Margaret Hartman, Mrs, Margaret Roberts, Mrs, Elsa Fisher; Overbrook, Clarence Laid- ler; West Dallas, Mrs. Earl Lamor- eaux, Mrs, Merle Shaver, Mrs. Try- on; Goss Manor, Mrs. Donald Ev- ans; Refreshments, Mrs. Melvin Mo- sier; Elmcrest, Mrs, Jack Barnes, Mrs. Hendricks. Hosts At Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bush en- tertained the following at a birth- day party recently, at Camp Poc- onesco: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wil- cox, Mr, and Mrs. Byron Shortz, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Finney, Carl Henning, Bruce Dwyer, Jane Ann and Doris Bush, and the host and hostess. To Sponsor Game Party Ladies’ Auxiliary Dr, Henry M. Laing Fire Company will sponsor a card and bingo party October 13 in. the American Legion Hall, Huntsville road, Chairladies are Mrs. Edward Nelsqn and Mrs. Jo- seph Wallo. Proceds will be used for the resuscitator. World Wide Communion World-wide Communion will be observed in the following Kingston Township churches on Sunday: St. Paul's Lutheran Church at 11 a.m. Trucksville Methodist Church at 10:45 a.m., and Shavertown Meth- odist Church at 11 a.m. Shaver- twon Methodist Church will also receive new members. pT STORE TALK KNIVES THAT HOLD AN EDGE FOR 3 YEARS! That is the claim of the ROBESON Co., who have made fine cutlery for over 70 years. It looks mighty good to us. Better give a look in our kitchen department. New low prices on the famous “FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES ” mean that you can get those popular FRIGIDAIRE features in a range priced as low as $179.00. We'd like to show you why “FRIGIDAIRE” is the choice of women who look at them all. “DELCA” is the big buy this year in automatic heat—$150.00 buys the top notch oilburner complete with controls. A great many folks realize the advantage of a General Motors Product, and we are put- ting them in. We've got a buy for you in Oil Burning Room Heaters, By a special purchase, we offer a $25.00 saving on two popular sizes. The medium size for 3 rooms sells at $59.50 or ‘the ‘large size for 5 rooms at $79.50. FLASH! Save $30.00 on a 54 inch YOUNGSTOWN CABINET SINK. It’s the usual Youngstown Quality, with Cutlery Drawer, Shelves and Deeper Bowl. It's the best sink bargain we've seen yet and the only’ “catch” to this offer is that it won't last, as we're able to get 12 only. You'll find it a “never before” value. Did you get a roof over your silo yet? Our aluminum dome roofs add plenty to the appear- ance as well as providing pro- tection against the weather The price is right and this is the time to put them on. PHONE 5050 Gay-Murray Go. Tunkhannock, Pa. “TTT November 8th. THANK YOU Republicans and Democrats OF KINGSTON TOWNSHIP I sincerely appreciate the splendid Republican vote I received Tuesday, September 13th at the primaries, and wish to express my thanks for your loyal support. I also wish to thank my Democratic friends and sup- porters for nominating me on their ballot. I hope to merit the continued support of both Republicans and Democrats, and will be very grateful for your vote at the general election on November 8th, 1949. ALBERT “HUB” PESAVENTO for SCHOOL DIRECTOR, KINGSTON TOWNSHIP “VETERANS” Be sure to register at Shavertown Fire House October 3rd, so you will be eligible to vote for your bonus on “HUB” SCRAPPLE CHESTNUT RIDGE Delicious . Home-Made SAUSAGE pound Try it once. You'll never buy any other kind. COUNTRY FRESH MEATS ROUND STEAKS, well trimmed, ................ 59¢. and 69c¢ Ib. PORTERHOUSE and T-BONE ................... 63c and 73c Ib. GROUND BEEF... iti cinminsimsssnisamsimmeironrasasss 45¢c 1b. CHUCK ROAST ...........-.. Other Cuts Priced Equally Low for First Quality Cuts RACE BROTHERS che Route 309 just beyond the entrance to Irem Temple Country Club Phone Dallas 207-R-3 Daily, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays, Seturdass 9 am. to 7 p.m. 59 ¢ 45¢c and Sic Ib. 25¢ 1b. FARMER We buy Prime Beef, Heifers, Steers and Pigs. - 1 / 4 THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1949 Ct = YOU JUST CANT BEAT Acme Food No Matter Where You Try— No Matter When You Buy It’s the “Everyday Low Price” policy that counts most. You can shop at your convenience and be assured of the same Low Prices. No wonder so many smart shoppers are choosing Acme for their every food need. Extra Fancy, Fresh-Killed, Frying CHICKENS - 39° A “liouth-Watering” Treat At This Sensational Low Price Lancaster Brand, Smoked LIVER SAUSAGE" ™ 29¢ Swift Premium, Asst. BAKED LOAVES *™ 26c Ready-To-Eat, Small Size HAMS Whole or Yi Ib; stewing chicken, 7 iablespoons Gold Seal : cut up lour Full Shank 1b. C None Priced 1b. 2 stalks celery 1 teaspoon Worcestershire H If Higher 1 bay leaf Sauce a 1 tablespoon salt Dash mace 1 can boiled onions Speck pepper = 0 F 1 can Asco Diced Carrots 3 slices Supreme Bread ancy, 1b 1 cup Sylvan Seal Milk Melted Louella Butter Ewin iC Milk-Fed . C Simmer first 4 ingredients covered, in boiling water to cover, until tender—about 1%% hours. Bone chicken; cut in pieces. Standard Size, Fresh OYSTERS an Fancy, Sliced BACON Skinless or Sheep Casing FRANKS Fillets of Pollock Fillets of Haddock Fillets of Perch 69¢ Best Center-Cut PORK CHOPS 1b. bbe 1b. 5b¢ alues casserole. Strain milk into flour; 1b. 2 f c 1b. 35¢ ™ 33¢ to taste. removed), cut to at 425° F. OLD FASHION CHICKEN PIE Arrange with drained vegetables in 1v& qt. until thickened, stirring. Pour over chicken. until brown about 15 minutes. broth; measure 2 cups. Slowly stir when smooth, stir into broth; heat Add next 3 ingredients; salt Top with bread (crusts fit; brush with melted butter. Bake Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Crisp, Tender, Calif. Pascal CELERY Maryiand Golden Sweet Potatoes 5 Home-Grown, Tender Fresh Spinach 2 GRAPES 3 =~ 25c Flaming Red Tokay Solid, Meaty Ibs. 29c Ibs. 15¢ Home-Grown APPLES 4 = 25c Green Peppers Danish Gabbage Large Bunch 19 Fancy McIntosh 2 lbs. 15¢ Ib. 4c Frosted Foods PEAS 2 »- B3c Birds Eye MIXED VEGETABLES Dulany, Fordhook LIMA BEARS Donald Duck ORANGE JUICE Large, Maple Walnut LAYER CAKES Glendale Club rie: Me Pes 38¢ can 21C Princess Nucoa A Great Favorite With Everybody—A Dessert Treat Fruit Filled Coffee Cakes Virginia Lee, Fresh Apple Pies Plain Golden Loaf Cakes SUPREME Fresh, Dated Tender Fluffy «o fc | Snow Flake Rolls ~- 15¢ Supreme «x 19¢ | Vienna Bread BREAD Dairy Dept. Values Rich, Sharp, Cheddar CHEESE CHEESE FOOD OLEGMARGARINE OLEOMARGARINE Bakery Treats With That Home-Baked Qualit: bac Sugar Donuts » 63¢ 2 1b. loaf 19¢ 2" 43c *3le loaf 1 be 13c Large Loaf Sunshine Graham Crackers '® rks- 29¢ Sunshine Cheez-it Juniors Butterscotch Sundaettes vke- {Gc | Borden's Instant Cocoa Mix 6 oz. jar 15¢ 8 oz. 24c¢ can Heinz Famous 80th Anniversary Values HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP With Pork and Tomato Sauce Heinz Baked Beans Heinz White Dist. Vinegar Heinz Cooked Spaghetti Heinz Fresh Cucumber Pickies Heinz Pure Cider Vinegar Heinz Strained Baby Foods ot lle 2b 29¢ cans voi. 126 2 = 29¢ Ige. jar 29¢ pt. bot. i3¢c 6 >= 57¢ Serve Good Coffee—Save Money 4sc0—Rich, Full-Bodied COFFEE 2 = 9c Win-Crest 2 s- 83¢ Bring In Your FIT Silver Dust Coupons Coupons Will Appear in The Sunday Inquirer, Scrantonian and The Grit Sunday, Oct. 2. COUPON WORTH 15¢ Ideal Coffee ~~ ™ 55¢ Giant Pkg. = 40c 0, Nations Dog Week 7 STURDY DISH CLOTH. | J IN EVERY BOX La Choy Chinese Dinners 49¢ BEAN SPROUTS =» [4c Chow Mein NOODLES =n {Ge NESTLE'S Eveready Cocoa Mix 2M 49 COLLEGE INN Chicken Broth 2 ns 3c CHUNK-E-NUT Cashew Nuts “an 490 can LIPTON’S Noodle Soup Mix 3 ne 3c VAN CAMP’S Pork and Beans 9% STARLAC Powdered Skim Milk 5 he BEECHNUT Strained Foods 6 =~ Sic Nene thic Darling aby Complete pkg. 8 oz. can Win Aunt Jenny's $25,000 CONTEST 1027 CASH PRIZES AND .A YEAR'S FREE GROCERIES Enter r= today 4 with... Se Tn 3Lb.Can 1Lb.Can COME IN FOR FREE ENTRY BLANKS Ideal Dog Food 225 Ideal 05 00