The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 30, 1949, Image 4

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— m——
N eighborhood Notes A
vd News Of Local Church Doings
Mrs, C. S. Hemenway is a pati-
ent at Sayre Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Moreck,
Pioneer avenue spent last week in
Washington, D. C.
Alvah Evans, Carverton has re-
covered from a recent illness.
Miss Dora Sutton, Carverton has
completed her course of training at
General Hospital.
Miss Janice Houser, Spring street
observed her birthday anniversary
last Sunday.
Thomas McGarry, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McGarry, Dallas is en-
rolled at King’s College this fall.
Fred Pettit, Pioneer avenue,
Shavertown is recuperating at his
home following a recent illness.
Miss Anna |Holcomb, Miss Emma
Ruth Shaver and Robert Coon,
Shavertown left Wednesday for
Niagara Falls to visit Mr, and Mrs.
Wellington Shaver.
Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Case of
Mt. Greenwood road, Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman Kunkle and son Robert,
recently spent several days touring
northern New York State and the
New England States.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Walter and
family have returned to Berlin,
Conn., after spending some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Owens.
Mrs. Laura Kocher has been
spending some time at the home
of her daughter Mrs. Elmer Major.
Mrs. Hester Garnett is ill at her
Clarence Root is ill at the Gen-
eral Hospital,
Mrs. Bruce Atkinson, Trucksville
spent some time recently with
Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Reining of
Starruca, Pa. who have been trans-
fered to Waverly, N.Y. Mrs. At-
kinson was with the Reinings dur-
ing their transfer. Rev. Reining is
a former pastor of Dallas Free
Methodist Church.
Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore
have returned to their home on
Lehman after spending last week-
end in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Charles Jones,
Beth Love of Dallas,
first. grade in the
Schools this year,
Mrs. Lewis Reese of Franklin
street had as guests Friday after-
noon Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dud-
ley and daughter, Patty of Calli-
coon, N.Y, Mrs. R. Reese and Mrs.
Dudley were ‘“bunkmates” while
stationed at Finey General Hos-
pital, Thomasville, Ga., with the
Woman's Army Corps.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Culp of
Huntsville had as recent guests
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Anthony Mauro and Bar-
bara and Herbie of Dover, N.J.
Mr. and Mrs, William Eckert of
Lake Catalpa will have as guest
for a couple of weeks Miss Mar-
guerite Eckert of Trucksville.
Mrs. C." A. Frick of Hagestown,
Md., is guest of Rev. and Mrs. C.
H. Frick of Sweet Valley, Mrs.
Frick’s husband, the late Rev.
Frick, was pastor at Sweet Valley
and Huntsville some years ago. Mr.
and Mrs, Gordon Wolverton, of
Woodstock, Va., daughter and son-
in-law of the Fricks, have been
staying with them since August.
Patty Clark, who has been ill at
her home at Huntsville, was able
to resume her studies as member
the former
is teaching
of the Senior Class. of Misericordia
Mrs. Kenneth Grose cut three
fingers, necessitating several stit-
ches Sunday, while opening a tin
Mrs. Hugh Murray has returned
to her home on Pioneer avenue af-
ter spending a week at Cape May.
While there she and her sister en-
joyed seeing egrets and blue heron
come in from the salt marshes to
feed in the bird sanctuary.
Mr. and Mrs. A, D, Hutchison of
Overbrook avenue spent the week
in Boston, Mass., as guests of the
latter’s brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodson.
Mrs. Digby Baltzel of Huntsville
road had as guests over the week-
end her son and daughter-in-law
and family of New York City.
Claude Fisher of New York City
was guest of his sister and brother-
in-law, Mr .and ‘Mrs. John Reedy
of Center Hill road this week. He
came here to attend the Blooms-
burg Fair.
‘“Neptune’s Daughter”
in technicolor
Esther Williams, Red Skelton
Cartoon and News
‘City Across the River’
Stephen McNally and
Peter Fernandez
Cartoon and News
“Bride of Vengeance”
John Lund, Paulette Goddard
Cartoon and Football Short
Joe Elicker of Pioneer avenue
spent several days this week in
New York City.
Miss Lois Kiefer of Shrineview
left Tuesday to enroll in the fresh-
man class at Wellesley College.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robins,
former Norton avenue residents,
are now making their home in
Mrs. H, A, Smith of Machell av-
enue is still a patient at General
Hospital. Her condition is about
the same.
Mrs. Clinton Ide of Huntsville
and Mrs. Jack Wilson of Kingston
spent last Thursday in Philadel-
Mrs. Clyde Lapp moved from her
home on Machell avenue Tuesday
to her home in Florida. The Nor-
wood Braders of Kingston will
move shortly to the Machell avenue
Mrs, W. B. Risley of Lehman
avenue and daughter, Mrs. C, A.
Boston and Priscilla of Nicholson
will spend the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Welsh in Union, N.J,
Merl Bigelow of Shavertown,
Cloyd Myers and Cloyd Myers Jr.,
and Arthur Wall, all of Tunkhan-
nock are spending a week fishing
in Canada.
Harold Ash, Shavertown business
man spent Saturday in Williams-
port where he played for the Mas-
onic Ceremonial in that city. Mr.
Ash is a member of the Irem band.
Miss Sarah Breslin, Buffalo, has
returned after spending a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Breslin, Druid Hills,
Harry Ritts, Main Road, Shaver-
town has returned after being a
patient in General Hospital recent-
Mrs. Frank Werner had as week-
end guests, the latter’s sons and
their families, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
H. Smith and daughter, Jill, Bern-
ardsville, N.J. and Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Smith, Trenton, N.J. Allan
recently received his Ph.D. from
Harvard University and Harold is
returning this term to work for
his Ph.D. at University of Penn-
sylvania, He received his Master's
Degree from U. of P, in June,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter / Elston,
Kunkle spent Wednesday at
Bloomsburg Fair.
Mr. and Mrs. John Henninger,
Druid Hills, left Thursday for
Cleveland to visit the former's
mother, Mrs. John G. Henninger
who will observe her 82nd birth-
day this week.
Mr, and Mrs. James Martin ac-
companied their son Jim to Mt.
Alto Sunday where he is enrolled
as a freshman at State College.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flack, Mr.
and Mrs. Wiliam Powell, Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Flack and daughter,
Janet Elizabeth, Dallas, spent Sun-
day in Sunbury as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Rohrbach.
Mr, and Mrs. Bernard William-
son, Church street, Dallas, have
returned after spending some time
in Canada and the New England
States. Bernie is the popular sales-
man for Kutz Bakery in this area.
Jack Youngblood and Clint
| Brobst have returned to Strouds-
burg State Teachers College to
complete their studies in physical
education, Both are in the sopho-
more class.
Mary Porter, Shavertown, is
doing ‘her practice teaching at
Coughlin High School. She is teach-
ing first and second year Spanish.
Mrs. I. L. Brace entertained
members of the Shavertown WCTU
on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Griesing,
Dallas, have returned from Can-
Mrs. Anna Brew, Pioner Avenue,
has. returned home after spending
some time with her daughter, Mrs.
Harry Williams, Scranton.
Mrs. Herbert Griesing left Wed-
nesday for Lebanon, where she will
| spend some time with her sister-
| in-law, Mrs. G. S. Griesing whose
husband, Rev. G. S. Griesing,
passed away Tuesday. Mr, Griesing
left later to attend his brother's
funeral. ’
Sallie Wood, daughter of Rev.
and Mrs, Robert Wood, Carverton,
is still ill at her home.
Mrs. Clark Krum, Pioneer av-
enue, is ill at her home.
Mrs. Howard Woolbert, Ferguson
avenue, is recuperating at her
home following an illness.
Dallas, Pa.
Today and Tomorrow
‘You're My Everything’
in technicolor
‘Dan Dailey and Ann Baxter
Cartoon and News
Monday and Tuesday
“Daughter of the
L. Hall and J. Cardwell
Comedy, Cartoon, Sports Scope
Wednesday and Thursday
“House of Strangers”
Susan Hayward and
Edward G. Robinson
Mrs. Clarence Laidler
Hostess To Art Club
Mrs. Clarence Laidler, Pimeer
avenue was hostess to menbers
of the Thursday afternoon Art Club
last week.
Mrs. Auber Robbins reviewed the
book, “Anne of A Thousand lays”
by Maxwell Anderson and Mrs.
John Armstrong gave “Prairie Av-
enue’ by Arthur Meeker,
Next meeting will be at the dome
of Mrs. Auber Robbins at Blcoms-
burg on October 6.
Those present were: Mrs, John
Armstrong, Mrs, Harry Ash, Mrs.
Henry Booth, Mrs. George H.
Brown, Mrs. J. M, Haines, Mrs Lee
C. Hessler, Mrs, Gordon Highriter,
Mrs. Fred Howell, Mrs, Curtis N.
Marsh, Mrs. Auber Robbins, Mrs.
Arthur Rhoades, Mrs, W. Herbert
Sugden, Mrs! Arthur Rinehimer,
Mrs. J. H. Super, Mrs, Fred Winter-
mute and Mrs, Frank Werner.
Entertains Card Club
Mrs. James Martin entertained
members of her card club at her
home in Shavertown recently.
Present were: Mrs. Z, R. Howell,
Mrs, Walter. Cook, Mrs. Lewis
Evans, Mrs. Frank Garris, Mrs. |
Howard Appleton, Mrs. Cedric |
Griffith, Mrs, Burdette Crane, Mrs.
Paul Eckert and the hostess.
George Casterlines, Hosts
For Sherwood Mckennas
Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline
of Idetown entertained at a party
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood
McKenna and Joan and Richard of
Washington D.C. last Thursday
evening. The McKennas are spend-
ing two weeks in the Back Moun-
tain Area.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Casterline, Jeanne and Wil-
liam Jr., Thomas Colburn, Mr, and
Mrs. James Casterline, James Lee,
Nancy Ann, Doris Jean and Rob-
ert, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caster-
line, Mary Lou, Mrs, Albert Lan-
don, Janice and Judy, Mr, and Mrs.
Raymond Malkemes, Barbara, Car-
ol, Raymond Jr., Chucky and Jim-
mie, Joan and Richard McKenna,
the guests of honor and the host
and hostess.
Haddles Have Twins
Mr. and Mrs, William Haddle of
Kunkle have announced the birth
of twins, a boy and a girl, at Nes-
bitt Hospital September 13, The
Haddles have two other boys, Blair
and Billie. Mrs. Haddle is the for-
mer Dorothy Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Keneth Rice, Dal-
las, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eggleston,
Vernon and Mr. and Mrs, Sherman
Harter, Trucksville, attended the
Blomsburg Fair on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Devens of
Lake Road attended the Blooms-
burg Fair yesterday,
Hans Karl Dreher, son of Mr,
and Mrs. John Dreher of Stafford
avenue, Trucksville, has left for
Lehigh University where he is a
member - of the freshman class.
Hans is a graduate of Wyoming
Seminary, class of 1949.
@ When you give us a pre-
scription, we give you a
pledge. These things you
are assured: Experienced,
conscientious compound-
ing; fresh, potent drugs,
and uniformly fair prices.
May we anticipate the
pleasure of serving you?
Earl’s Drug Store
Main Highway
Trucksville, Pa.
Telephone 110
‘Bob Templin Has Party
Miss Dorothy Ann Mitchell
To Marry Edwin A. Wright
Ben Mitchell, East Center Street,
Shavertown, ' announces the ap-
proaching marriage of his daughter
Dorothy Ann to Edwin A. Wright,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Randolph
‘Wright of Lehman. Rev. Howard
Harrison will perform the double
ring ceremony Saturday, October
22 at. 2 pm.
Miss Janet Wright, sister of the
bridegroom, will be maid of honor
and Miss Ann Hall of Shavertown,
William: Eckerts Are
Hosts At Steak Roast
Mr, and Mrs. Wiliam Eckert of
Lake Catalpa recently entertained
a number of friends at a steak
roast. Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Schramm, daughter Nancy,
Mr. and Mrs, George Updyke, son
Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wallace,
daughter Peggy Ann, Mr, and Mrs.
William Krommes, son Gary, Mr,
and Mrs. Joseph Walters, sons
Jerry and Charles, Mr, and Mrs.
William Eckert, sons Billy and
On Second Birthday |
Two year old Bobby Templin was
guest of honor at a birthday party
given by his mother, Mrs. Thomas
Templin of Shavertown Saturday
afternoon. The party table was fes-
tive with orange and yellow decor-
ations and candy-filled wagons.
Games were played and prizes
won by Marilyn Eck, Nancy Crock-
er and Marjorie Davis.
Present were: Peggy Ann Reese
and Anthony Sharkoski of. Dallas;
Jack, Marilyn, Dorothy and Bev-
erly Eck, Marjorie and Susan Davis,
Nancy Crocker, Beverly Kintzer and
Billy Templin of Shavertown; Bob-
by Maxwell of Kingston; Mrs. Fred
Eck, Mrs, R. J. W. Templin, Mrs.
William Davis, Mrs. Lester Shar-
koski, Mrs. Francis Dougherty,
Bobby Templin and the hostess.
Jeanne Croom, Guest
At Birthday Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Croom en-
tertained at a surprise birthday
dinner party September 15, in hon-
or of their daughter, Jeanne, who
celebrated her twelfth birthday.
She received a large, decorated
birthday cake and many lovely
Those present were, Gail Hoover,
Lorraine Harrison, Marilyn Marth,
Charlotte Dymond, Barbara Evans,
Jane Ann Lohmann, Patty Farr,
the guest of honor and her par-
Star-Lite Theatre
Route 309 Tunkhannock
(Right next to the Tunkhannock
October 3 and 4
“Blondies Big Moment”
“Trigger Fingers”
Also selected shorts and news
October 5 and 6
starring Jimmy Stewart
“Bad Lands of Dakota”
plus news
October 7 and 8
“Johnny O’clock”
also selected short subjects
Two shows nightly, beginning
at dusk. All children under
twelve admitted free.
“San Quentin”
Starring Humphrey Bogart and Lawrence: Terney
A real story of a prison, told by a warden
John Garfield's
“Body and Soul”
The best picture in his career
For the remaining part of the season we will be open
Watch for Our Hit Pictures Each Week
Show time—7:00 and 9:00 p.m.
Children Under 12 Admitted Free
bridesmaid, Edwin Stolarick of
Lehman will act as best man.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion will be held at the home of
the bride.
Miss Mitchell is a graduate of
Kingston Township High School
and is employed at Fernbrook Mill.
Mr. Wright was graduated from
Lehman High School and is en-
gaged in farming with his father.
Senior Woman's Club
To Hold Rummage Sale
Dallas Senior Woman's Club will
hold a rummage sale Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday, October 17,
18, and 19 on Main Street, Lu-
zerne. Mrs, Bernard Whitney is
chairman assisted by Mrs. Howard
Rummage can be left at the
home of Mrs. Walter Elston,
Kunkle; Mrs, Gertrude Bodycomb,
Dallas; Mrs. Mary Dick, Overbrook
avenue; Mrs. Grace W. Lee,
Country Club Road; Mrs. Eva Mec-
Guire, Carverton road; Mrs, Edna
Whitesell, Kingston.
Atty. Fleming To Speak
To Junior Woman's Club
Attorney Robert Fleming of
Kunkle will be guest speaker at
the meeting of Junior Woman's
Club in the American Legion Hall,
Tuesday, October 4 at 8. p.m, Billy
Roberts will entertain with vocal
selections accompanied by Robert
Lewis of Dallas. Refreshments will
be served.
Aldeison Board Meets
The Official Board of the Alder-
son Methodist Church met at the
church on Wednesday evening.
Rev. Ruth Underwood had charge
of the meeting. Those attending:
Mrs. Warren Dennis, Mr, and Mrs,
Raymond Garinger, Mr. and Mrs,
Harvey Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
lan Kistler, June Kistler, Mr. Paul |
Nulton, Sr., Mrs. Kate Shultz, Mrs,
Giles Comstock, and Mrs. Albert
Gloria Eileen Charney
Mr, and Mrs. George Charney,
Carverton announce the birth of a
daughter, Gloria Eileen on Sep-
tember 24 at Nesbitt Hospital. They
are also the parents of a son,
George. Mrs. Charney is the former
Arla Coon.
Center Street
We Have Nationally Advertised
And a Complete Line of Fall Merchandise
Buy “Now” On Our Layaway Plan
Open Saturday evening till 9
7 ns rot
Route 309—Above Dallas
“The Homestretch”
starring Cornel Wilde and
Maureen O'Hara
Thrilling adventures of the
Kentucky Derby and
Gran Premio
in technicolor
“Sun Valley Serenade”
Sonja Henie Romances . .
to Glenn Miller's music
and that means the grandest
entertainment you've ever had.
starring Sonja Henie,
John Payne and Glenn Miller
and his Orchestra
“Three Little Girls In
It makes you feel so young . . .
it makes you feel that spring
has sprung.
starring June Haver,
George Montgomery,
Vivian Blaine, Frank Latimore
in technicolor
“Miracle on 34th
Tenderness that has a special
meaning for today! You will
know Joy when you meet the
man behind the Miracle!
Maureen O'Hara and
John Payne
Jerome Kern's
fiCentennial Summer”
starring Jeanne Crain,
Cornel Wilde, Constance Bennett
in technicolor
Latest news
at every performance.
Selected Shorts and Novelties
Throughout the Week.
Two shows starting at 7:45
and 9:45
65-Foot All-Steel Screen
Accommodations for 900 cars
Playground—Kiddie Area
Rest Rooms
Children under 12 admitted free
Dress smartly . . . buy Artley!
Rustling taffeta,
gleaming satin,
rich, dull faille—
all the new fall
fabrics in glowing
S Ya
4 9*
Misses’, Juniors’ and Women’s
Sizes \
PHONE 17-6318