EEE EERE - pe PAGE SIX HARVEY'S LAKE Miss Roannah Shoemaker and Elmer Wyant spent the weekend visiting relatives in Philadelphia, and vacationing in Atlantic City. Mrs. Raymond Garinger returned on Friday from Bloomfield, Conn. where she has been for two months. y Miss Sally DeHart of Washing- ton, D.C. is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gar- inger, Miss Betty Cook was the guest of Mrs. Joseph Rauch on Satur- day. Miss Cooke is spending ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Claude Cooke of Fernbrook. Mrs. C. B. Paden and daughter Margaret returned on Saturday after visiting friends in Atlantic City and Elizabeth, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kapson of Shavertown, spent the week-end with Mrs. Kapson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Avery. Rev. and Mrs. James J. Hilbert, To The Voters of | 1 Dallas Township If you want consolidation, vote Danny Richards—who is backed by Herb Lundy, Johnny Yaple and the Borough Politicians. —the latter attempted to take Natona Mills and are now attempting to take over the School District of Dallas Township. If not, vote for Don Evans and Fred Dod- son. They are 100% for Dallas Township. This ad paid for by Dallas Township Republicans “For CLEANER CORN and More’ of it! DEARBORN-WOOD BROS. CORN PICKER Flexible gathering points save down corn. Three gathering chains keep ears moving in fast. Extra large husking bed with three rubber, three steel, rolls. Attaches quickly to Ford Tractor or any 2-plow tractor with rear power take-off and A.S.AE. standard hitch. To insure prompt delivery, order your Dearborn-Wood Bros. Picker now. WALTERS BROTHERS PHONE DALLAS 551-R-7 “ Memorial Highway —_ Dallas 7 Telephone 409-R-7 New Shipment of Calorie Bottled Gas Ranges at Lower Prices Harold Ash PLUMBING—HEATING—BOTTLED GAS +2 Shavertown, Pa. formerly of Harvey's Lake, and Miss Lois Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ward of Har- vey’s Lake recently returned from a’ ten day automobile tour that was fourteen hundred miles long. Points of interest visited were Wat- kins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Isands, Canada, Howes Caverns, West Point, and the Statue of Lib- erty in New York. A stop over the weekend was ; made at Waterbury, Conn. where they were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Evans, friends of the Hilberts who formerly lived in Scranton. A brief stop in Dover, N. J. was made and finally a one day stop at Reading, Pa. to visit relatives of the Hilberts. In their travels the Hudson river was crossed at four different places —1st The Rip VanWinkle Bridge at Catskill, 2nd the Mid-Hudson bridge at Poughkeepsie, 3rd the ington Bridge in Upper New York. resorts of the Catskill Mountains, Bear Mountain Bridge below West Point, and 4th the George Wash- In driving through the summer -~ THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1949 Mr. and Mrs. James Borton, who were married on Saturday, Sep- tember 3, will return home on Saturday, and will live in the Tony Javer apartment. Mr. Borton is employed at the Harvey's Lake Post Office. All of your friends here at Alderson, wish to congrat- ulate you, Jimmy and Margaret, and hope you will have a very happy married life. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kuchta, dau- ghter Judy, of Hazleton, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger and Mrs. John Kuchta. Robert Armitage of Wilkes-Barre visited Mr, and Mrs. Albert Armi- tage over the weekend. The W. S. C. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Cowan at Ster- ling Farms, tonight, (Friday). Mrs, Howard Higgins will assist. IDETOWN Rev. and Mrs. Harry Smith and sons, Richard and Ronald of Union Center, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs, a stop at Durham was made for | George Smith and daughter, Betty a refreshing swim in a small pool. | Clark Smith of Allentown spent Here they were informed of the |the holiday weekend with Mrs. poor summer the New York State | Walter Smith. resorts were experiencing, One ho- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tryon and tel with accommodations for 500 | daughter, Mary Jane spent the guests, at no time during the sum- | holiday weekend with relatives mer had more than 85. and friends in Hancock, N. Y. Rev. and Mrs. Hilbert spent the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kitchen of night as guests of Mr. and Mrs. | Milton, spent the holiday weekend Ward before returning to their | with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kit- home. chen. Others who spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Armitage | at the Kitchen home were Mr, and and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Avery | Mrs. Donald Smith and daughter, left on Saturday for a two weeks | Donna of Alderson. vacation and fishing trip in Can-|{ Mr. and Mrs. John Garringer ada. and son, Jackie spent Sunday at Evergreen Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Randall of Huntsville spent Sunday with Mrs. Della Parrish. Callers at the Par- rish home were Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Calkins and children Judy, Kinr, Linda and Randy. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Shaver, Mr. and Mrs, Dean and daughter, Eliza- beth Anne are spending two weeks at Lake Carey. Betty Marion Campell has re- turned to her home at Chenango Bridge, N. Y. after spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert. Wesley Hilbert Jr, has returned to his home at Easton after spend- ing this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Agnew left on Saturday for two weeks in Florida and other points of interest in the South. For Beiter Roads and Police Protection VOTE John H. NULTON SUPERVISOR LEHMAN TOWNSHIP Born and Raised in Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Hess and daughters Constance and Christine have returned to their home in Philadelphia after spending the summer with the former's grand- mother, Mrs. W. H. Nevel. Mary Claire McKenna of Syra- cuse, N. Y. spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Claire Mc- Kenna. Others who spent Sunday at the McKenna home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright and son, Robert and Marie Wright of | Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. James Fritz and daughters Marilyn, Barbara and Dorothy of Baltimore spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wright and sons, Dale and Willard Jr. have returned to their home in Kingston after spending the sum- mer at their Dale-Wood Cottage. Arthur Dickson of Wilmington, Del., spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Swan. Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Preston Swan and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swan motored to Mauch Chunk. Monday they had as callers Mr. and Mrs, Miller Parker and children, Lee and Pamela of Buffalo, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fiske and Connie. Nanette Wyandotte Mr. and Mrs, Paul Evans, Wy- andotte, Mich., announce the birth of a daughter, Nanette in Wyan- dotte General Hospital on August 26. Mother is the former Dorla Nicely. Please Mister! MAKE MINE BLUE STREAK DOG FOOD Distributed By OLD TOLL GATE Feed Service Trucksville - Phone 520-R-2 Township Republican Ticket 188 MAIN STREET FOR TAX COLLECTOR I am a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Mon- LARE’S MEAT MARKET Open Friday and Saturday evenings till 9 p.m. LUZERNE roe Township and shall sincerely appreciate your write-in vote at the primary election on Sep- tember 13, 1949. John M. Crispell For School Director Fresh Ground Hamburg 43c Ib. Tender Round Steak ~~ 69¢ Ib. Lean Boiling Beef = 25¢ Ih. Center Cut Chuck Roast 49c Ib. Lean Pork Butt (by the piece) 49c Ib. Slab Smoked Bacon 49c Ih. (5¢ Ib. Country Style Scrapple and blouses. ALBERT J. CRISPELL I am a candidate for the office of School Director of Mon- roe Township and shall sin- cerely appreciate your write-in vote at the primary election on September 13, 1949, Albert J. Crispell Dallas. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT We are desirous of opening a factory in Dallas and are conducting a survey to de- termine the availaility of female help as machine operators, pressers, cleaners, fin- ishers, in the manufacture of ladies’ dresses We prefer experienced help but there will be numerous opportunities for begin- ners in all departments. Interviews will be held on Saturday and Monday between 9 a.m. and 12 a.m. For- mer American Store Building, Main Street, \ Charter Members D of A Given Gifts At Dinner Gifts were presented to seven charter members at the annual banquet of Mount Vale Council 224 D. of A. held in Bowman’s restaur- ant August 23. Receiving them were Mrs. Alice Fiske, Mrs. Goldie Ide, Mrs. Dorothy Perrego, Mrs. Mabel Mitchell, Mrs. Gertrude Long and Mrs. Maude Eipper. Mrs. Martha Williams had charge of the program which included cornet duets by Doris Marion Grey and Regina Theresa Weller, recita- tions by Maureen McDonald, and | vocal selections by a quartet made up of Ruth Fiske, Ruth Stookey, Norma Reed and Mrs. Joyce Fiske, « Others atending were: Mesdames Della Belles, Helen Veitch, Ann Kelly, Emily Parrish, Ann Kings- ton, Betty Ockenhouse, Jane Pat- ton, Emma Richards, Thelma Dietz, Joyce Fiske, Martha Williams, Mar- ian Perrin and Helen Grey. Trap Shoot Overbrook Gun Club will hold a Trap Shoot September 18 at one P. M. There will be prizes and drawing for a Rifle, Radio and ‘Pressure Cooker. Everyone is invited to attend. PRESSING CIDER Tuesday and Saturday HARDISKY Bros. Lehman, Pa. % WEEKEND SPECIALS White or Gray Paint ...........ccone 2 gals. 3.65 Goodyear Garden Hose ........ per ft. .10 Double Palm Canvas Gloves ... 3 pr.. 1.00 Leather Work Gloves nn. Pr. 19 Army HBT. Work Caps oii 39 Rubber Gauntlet Gloves ............ ll Sven 49 Army KHaki SOCKS... Pr. 1.00 Gray Sweat: SHITE... enim 1.29 Army Work Jackets... 1.29 Marine Work Panis... 2.98 Athletic Supporters, S. M. L. nn 49 English Saddle Soap mn 25 Army H.B.T. Coveralls 4.49 Lighter Fluid, Reg. .25 value ............. 10 Army Anglehead Flashlight .............. 19 Army Type Work Shoes ....... 4.49 Full line of jackets, trousers, shirts, camping supplies, fishing equipment, shells, rifles, shot guns, and hundreds of other items. KEYS MADE 20 ea. — 2 for .35 — 3 for .50 er i cot “Hub” Pesavento EAST END BOULEVARD MARKET Main Street Trucksville, Pa. Special Opening NEW SECTION First large Ranch style home now under construc- : tion. You are welcome to inspect it for ideas. Grandview Avenue is ‘dedicated primarily to ranch style homes. The average lot is much wider than in the older -sections of Goss Manor. Opening lot prices are about one-half that of other section Restricted to single homes Developing to F. H. A. Requirements INFORMATION DAILY 12 noon to 7:30 P.M. Sunday September 11 through September 18 L. A. Mc HENRY Dial Kingston 7-8912 There are two entrances to this development, just above the Dallas Y on Route 309 |” CHECKERBOARD CHUCKLES - From Your Purina Dealer | WOH / purina‘s NEW HIGH -ENERGY PLUS ... THINK I'LL TRY SOME . NEW! PURINA HIGH ENERGY . LAYING CHOWS Plus Purina extras that make these new laying rations the best in Pur- ina history. Put your laying flocks on Purina this year. Come in and see Layena or Lay Chow. They're different! They're better! ; JAMES HUSTON’S i Old Toll Gate Feed Service Luzerne-Dallas Highway - Phone 520-R-2 DRC