The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 26, 1949, Image 4

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RE Frond Notes And News Of Loca
I Church
- Purely
~~ Personal
vr and Mrs. Harry L. Hirlinger,
Kitchen Creek and Mrs. Mary W.
Bowman of Loyalville were callers
Sunday and Monday. They attend-
hd the funeral of Mrs, Victor L.
tephens on Monday.
IMrs. Stephens was a niece of
s, Hirlinger and Mrs. Bowman,
fflso a niece of Mrs. R. H. Rood,
chman avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and
Terry and Don of Goss Manor
last week at Atlantic City.
Vernn Ash, Terrace Drive
Operating at her home follow-
a recent illness.
; r .and Mrs. John Fisher, Ter-
race Drive have returned home
after spending some time in Ali-
quippa, Pa.
Miss Helen Mills, first grade
cacher in Shavertown Schools re-
ceived her Master of Science De-
gree from Bucknell University on
Mrs. Herbert Wililams, Trucks-
ville was elected secretary of pro-
motion and organization of W.S.
+C.S. institute at Sky Lake at its
nnual meeting last week.
"Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sickler, Car-
verton observed their fifteenth
wedding anniversary on Thursday.
Mrs, A. C. Dampf, Mrs. Walter
Shaver, Mrs. Chester Hons, Mrs.
aude Leek and Mrs. Stephen
Johnson, Shavertown spent sev-
Feral days at Sky Lake this week.
Lk W. W. Cease and David An-
thony, North Point, Pa. have been
uests of Mrs. Dina Pollock, Lake
oward Harrison,
d Mrs. Howard Harrison, Pion-
eer avenue returned this week
from Camp Sloane, Conn., where
‘he has been spending the summer
__ as counselor at the Y .M.C.A. Camp.
Mrs. William Dierolf, Franklin
street, Shavertown is now able to
sit up each day and is making a
satisfactory recovery following a
serious illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Troxell, Main
road," have returned home after
{vacationing in Atlantic City.
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malkemes,
* Ferguson avenue are erecting a
new home on Spring street.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Strome,
Wilkes-Barre were recent guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Woolbert,
~ Shavertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips
3: family, Bloomsburg spent
fome time with the former's sis-
"ter and brother-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs. Leroy Troxell, Main road this
‘Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith,
Flarverton had as dinner guests on
punday, Mrs. Martha Jones, Mr.
fnd Mrs, Hugh Williams, Roches-
ter; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth,
Wyoming; Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Smith, West Pittston.
Attending Sky Lake this week
rom Trucksville are Mrs. Ray Fin-
ney, Mrs. Laing Coolbaugh, Mrs.
George Bonning, Mrs. C. S. Hemin-
way, Mrs. Herbert DeWitt.
Mrs, Charles Palmer, Trucks-
ville is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Harold Rice at Jersey Shore.
‘Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stookey
and daughter, Marjorie, Holly
street, Trucksville are spending
some time at Elizabethtown, Pa.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ash, sons
Bobby and Tommy, Shavertown,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Franklin,
and daughters, Barbara and Jean,
Dallas spent the weekend in At-
lantic City. They were joined by
and Mrs. Luther Hontz and son
ldy, of Philadelphia and Mr.
Charles Dressel of Sha-
are visiting Mr. and
\ ontz.
‘Mr. a Mrs. John O. Jones,
and son ie, Livingston, N. J.
~ have refmméd after spending some
time with Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Hoov-
[ler, Carverton road.
John M. Casgy, No. 2, Military
rder of Ladybugs held a corn and
he home of Mr.
Hughes, Terrace
fy. Thirty-two at-
son of Rev.
Mrs. Lud
Wte Kirkendall, Shaver-
d Eugene Hoover, Kingston
Puests on Sunday of Mr. and
Ezra Hoover, Trucksville.
lor with
Van Johnson
0 up”
e Bribe”
Lbert Taylor,
ged! ; A
on friends and relatives in town!
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Clark, Sha-
vertown have returned after visit-
ing at Oak Bluff, Mass.
Mr, and Mrs, Warren Myers, for-
mer residents of Mallery Place,
Wilkes-Barre purchased and moved
into the Deibert home on Elmecrest
drive this week.
Mrs. Felix Weber of Elmecrest
drive is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Mathilde Wolfe at Lake Nocoque-
bay, Wis. Mrs. Wolfe will return
with her to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barnes and
family of Elmcrest drive will spend
next week touring the New Eng-
land States and visiting old friends
in Groton, Conn., where they for-
merly lived.
Mrs. William Neubert returned
to her home in Chicago, Ill. this
week after spending several weeks
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Felix Weber. The Neuberts will
move shortly to Levittown, L. IL
where Mr. Neubert has accepted a
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Goss
| Manor entertained at dinner last
Thursday evening the latter's bro-
ther and wife, Capt. and Mrs.
Walter Lewin and daughter Jan-
us, recently returned from Japan,
and Walt’s Mother, Mrs. Anna Le-
win. Capt. Lewin and his family
this week reported to Biloxi, Miss.
for duty.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson
and twins, Tommy and Bobby of
Terrace street spent last week at
Atlantic City where they were reg-
istered at Haddon Hall, Jimmie
spent the week at Fleetville help-
ing Grandpa Richardson do the
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lewin and
daughters, Barbara and Joanne of
Goss Manor recently spent a week
in Canada fishing and visiting rel-
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Scott have
returned to their home on Mt.
Greenwood road after spending
several days in New York City as
guests of the Lee Tracys.
Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Robinson
have returned to their home on
Mt. Greenwood road after spending
a month touring western states and
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. B. Hicks Jr.
of Demunds road had as weekend
guests the latter’s sister and bro-
ther-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Adams and son, Harry and Mary
Isabel of Frewsburg, N, Y.
Mrs. William Walker of Phil-
adelphia and Lacey Williams of
Nutley, N. J. spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wil-
liams of Trucksville, They came
here to attend the funeral of
June Williams Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henning
Jr. have returned to their home at
Buffalo, N. Y. after spending three
weeks visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Fink of Lehigh
street and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Henning, Trucksville.
Mr. and Mrs. Thedore Lavinsky
and family have purchased and
moved into the Blase bungalow on
Lehigh street.
Mr. and Mrs, John Wimer and
children of Brooklyn, N.Y. re-
turned home Sunday . after spend-
ing two weeks with her cousin,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bestwick and
family of Elmcrest.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bestwick,
son Larry and Mrs, Margaret Wil-
liams of Elmcrest attended the
Ford and Lapane wedding on Sat-
urday at the Dallas Methodist
Miss Dorothy Pumfrey has re-
turned to Washington, D.C. after
visiting Mrs. Rachel Hoover. Mrs.
Hoover returned with her to spend
some time there with her daugh-
Lester McCarty of Beaumont is
able to be out.again after being a
patient at Nesbitt Hospital for two
weeks suffering from pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Dettmore
of Lehman avenue had as guests
last Tuesday and Wednesday the
latter’s sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford of
Detroit, Mich.
Ladies Auxiliary of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church will hold a bake
sale at Gosart’s Store, Shavertown,
starting at 10:30 on Saturday.
Ladies Auxiliary of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church met Wednesday
at the church. Hostesses were Mrs.
Jesse Yocum and Mrs, Paul Winter.
Ralph Templin is spending the
summer at Hayti, South Dakota.
Dallas, Pa.
Today and Tomorrow
“Mr. Belvedere Goes
To College”
Christian Webb and
Shirley Temple
Cartoon and News
Monday and Tuesday
“Susanna Pass”
Roy Rogers /
Wednesday and Thursday
“God Country and A
George Brent
Miss Barbara Biery, daughter of
Otto A. Biery Harvey's Lake was
married to Arthur D. Lodge, son
of Mr, William H. Lodge, Dunellen,
N. J. on Saturday, August 6 in
Alderson Methodist Church.
Rev. David Morgan and Rev.
Ruth Underwood performed the
double ring ceremony. Organist was
Mrs. Virginia Swanson and Ther-
esa Traver was soloist, The altar
was attractively decorated with
white gladioli, white hydrangets
and rose of Sharon.
The bride who was given in
marriage by her father wore light
eggshell suit with large white hat.
Her corsage was of white roses
and her assessories, power blue.
Her sister, Angela Biery, was
maid of honor. She chose brown
faille suit with brown accessories
Miss Marjorie Elkins, niece of
Mr. and Mrs, William Niemeyer of
Davenport street, became the bride
Victor, McCarty, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Elwood McCarty of Welling-
ton avenue, Saturday, August 13,
at 3 o'clock. Rev. Frederick Rein-
furt performed the double ring
ceremony before an altar banked
with ferns, palms and white gladi-
oli in Dallas Methodist Church.
Mrs. Ruth Reynolds played the
wedding march and Mrs, William
Carrol’ was vocalist.
Attendants were Mrs. Edward
Jones of Baltimore, Md., cousin of
the bride and Lester McCarty,
brother of the bridegroom. Harold
Niemeyer, cousin of the bride, and
Eugene McCarty, brother of the
bridegroom, were ushers.
The bride was attractive in ankle
length dress of nylon over satin
fashioned with tight bodice, peter
skirt. She wore a white picture
hat and carried a Colonial bouquet
of white roses. Mrs. Jones selected
pink nylon fashioned like the
bride’s, pink picture hat and car-
ried pink roses.
Mrs. Niemeyer, aunt of the bride
pan collar and full ankle length’
Miss Barbara Biery Becomes °
The Bride Of Arthur D. Lodge
and corsage of pink sweetheart
Best man was David Lodge,
brother of the bridegroom. Miss
Ruby Jones was usher and little
John Lodge, ringbearer,
Following the ceremony, a re-
ception was held at the home of
the bride. The bridal table had
as a centerpiece a huge wedding
cake baked by Mrs. Walter Shaver.
The couple left for Petersburg,
Va., where the bridegroom is sta-
tioned with the U. S. Army Air
Miss Biery is a graduate of
Plainfield, N. J. High School and
has been a telephone operator at
the Commonwealth Telephone office
in Dallas. Mr. Lodge has been in
the Air Corps for several years.
Miss Marjorie Elkins Is
Bride of Victor McCarty
selected aqua street dress with
pink roses and Mrs, McCarty,
mother of the bridegroom chose
grey crepe with blue accessories
and pink roses.
Following the ceremony a recep-
tion for over sixty guests was held
at the Niemeyer home on Daven-
port street and the couple left
for New York City. They are re-
siding on Parrish street, Dallas.
Mrs. McCarty is a graduate of
Dallas Borough High School, Class
of 1948 and has been working for
Commonwealth Telephone Com-
pany. Mr. McCarty was also grad-
uated from Dallas Borough High
School, class of 1948, and is em-
ployed at Natona Mills.
Out-of-town guests for the wed-
ding were Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Jones and children, William J.
Niemeyer of Baltimore; Mr. and
Mrs. William Carroll of Philadel-
phia; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Niemeyer,
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Nie-
meyer Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Nie-
meyer of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Evans of Philadel-
Margaret Lukasavage
Is Honored At Shower
Miss Margaret Lukasavage of
Dallas, a September bride-elect,
was honored at a shower given by
Anne and Mildred Borton on Aug-
ust 20th.
Other guests were. Mrs. Harold
Borton, Mrs, Peter Lukasavage,
Jeanne Williams, Mrs. Robert
Payne, Cecelia Kupstas, Nancy
Stenger, Mrs, Richard Williams,
Mrs. Myron Williams, Jane Loh-
man, Mary Javers, Mrs. A. B. Kup-
stas, Mrs. Edward Kupstas, Mrs.
S. R. Schall, Virginia Ferry, Mrs.
Thomas Garrity, Mrs, Tillie Love-
land, Jessica Thomas, Mrs. Wil-
lard Perry, Anna Balavage, Joan
O'Donnell, Marie Williams, Mar-
garet Kane, Catherine Lukas-
avage, Loraine Lukasavage and
Joann Lukasavage.
Have New Son
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kitchen, Sha-
vertown, announce the birth of a
son, Sunday, August 21 in Nesbitt
Hospital. This is their first child.
Mother is the former Gloria At-
well, Shavertown.
Star-Lite Theatre
Route 309 Tunkhannock
(Right next to the Tunkhannock
Monday and Tuesday
AUGUST 29 and 30
“Trail Street”
Randolph Scott and Ann Jeffries
also special selected short
Wednesday and Thursday
“Act of Murder”
Starring Frederick March and
Edmund O’Brien
plus news and assorted two-
reel comedy
Friday and Saturday
i] Shot Jesse James”
Starring Preston Foster
also selected short subjects
Two shows nightly, beginning
at dusk. All children under
twelve admitted free.
Joy Agnew Is Guest
On First Birthday
Joy, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Agnew was guest of honor
at a party at the home of her par-
ents in Idetown Saturday when
she celebrated her first birthday
Present were: Mrs.
John Brown and James, Jerry and
Jean, Betty Jane Naugle of Lake
Silkworth; Mr. and Mrs. James Ag-
new and Judy of Forty Fort; San-
dra Agnew, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Agnew, Albert Agnew, the guest
of honor and her parents.
Robert Riskin’s
£k 3
Magic Town”
James Stewart, Jane Wyman
Cartoon and News
Jack Carson, Janis Paige and
Doris Day in
“Romance of the High
Cartoon ‘Nothing but the Tooth’
Wayne Morris, Claire Trevor
“Valley of the Giants”
It makes every thrill-jammed
moment Immortal
Cartoon “Up Standing Sitter”
George Raft, June Havoc
A Raft of lightning action
A Raft of Racing Romance
A Raft of heart stopping thrills
Cartoon “Winder Eyes”
A Great Thrilling Outdoor
Two Shows—8:30 and 9:30 P.M.
Come early and enjoy a swim
at our beach. Our picnic
grounds are open for your
picnic pleasure at all times.
The Lake Township P.T.A. will
hold a Farmer Dance at the
Sandy Beach Pavilion Tuesday, -
August 30
Clarence Shavers Are
Honored At Open House
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shaver
celebrated their fiftieth wedding
anniversary at Harvey's Lake with
.| open house for their friends and
neighbors last Tuesday. They re-
ceived scores of greeting cards and
many lovely gifts.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
G. N. Miller and daughter Mary,
Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Parsons, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Harlos, Lehman; Bert Wil-
cox, Dallas; William Hausch, Nox-
en; Mr, and Mrs. William T. Ed-
wards, Lynwood; Mr. and Mrs. D.
T. Williams and children, David
and Ellen, Kingston; Mr, and Mrs.
John Hildebrandt, Dallas; I. A.
Rood, Mr. and Mrs, Lester Sites
and children, Anna Mae and Les-
ter, Mrs. Minnie Sites, Harvey's
Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wil-
son, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Parsons, Dallas and Mr. and
Mrs. Carlton Kocher, Harvey's
Lake Church Services
| Services in the Alderson Metho-
dist~ Church at Harvey's Lake on
Sunday, August 28th will be held
as follows: Sunday School, 10:15
. M.; Morning Worship Service,
11:15. The pastor, the Rev. Ruth
L. Underwood will preach. Mrs.
Harry Roat will be the guest solo-
Mr.and Mrs. Sheldon Evans and
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Daily have re-
turned after spending several days
in Newboro, Ontario, Canada.
Carverton Road
Starting at 8
Mrs. Victor McCarty
Is Guest At Showers
Mrs. Victor McCarty, the former
Marjorie Elkins, was guest of hon-
or at several showers prior to her
marriage Saturday, August 13.
Late in July her cousin, Mrs.
Edward Jones entertained at a
variety shower at her home in Bal-
timore, Md. Attending were Mrs.
Robert Niemeyer, Mrs. William Nie-
meyer 3rd, Mrs. Howard Jones,
Mrs. Ella McDade, Mrs. Bert Link,
Mrs. Betty Woolbert, Mrs. Wood-
row Ruth, Mrs. William Niemeyer
2nd, the guest of honor and the
Sunday, July 24 Polly Lou Coop-
er and Peggy Daring entertained at
a variety shower and picnic supper
for Mrs. McCarty. Guests, mem-
bers of her class at Dallas Bor-
ough High School were Ethel Culp,
Fern Howell, Betty Johnson, Bon-
nie Reese, Nancy Hislop, Joan Gay,
Sheila Kelly, Priscilla Cooper, the
guest of honor and the hostesses.
Tuesday, August 9, Nancy His-
lop entertained at a shower at her
home on Main road. Guests were
Peggy Daring, Ethel Culp, Beryl
Colwell, Mrs. Lester McCarty, Mrs.
Eugene McCarty, Mrs. Elwood Mec-
Carty, Mrs. William Niemeyer 2nd,
Mrs. Jack Hislop, the guest of hon-
or and the hostess.
Mrs. George Hofmeister of Nuan-
gola is spending several weeks
with her daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. James Gensel of
Claude street.
Route 309—Above Dallas
_ Howard Hawk’s mighty
Corvette K-225”
The Sub Killers, starring Ran-
dolph Scott, James Brown,
Barry Fitzerald, Andy Devine
“Linda Be Good”
A luscious, lilting, laugh-filled
show with Elyse Knox, Marie
Wilson and John Hubbard
“Mr. Blanding Builds
His Dream House”
with Cary Grant, Myrna Loy,
Melvyn Douglas
A great picture, don’t miss it.
Men who fight and women who
love with the fury of the danger
filled forests.
with Dan Dailey, Leo Carrillo
and Andy Devine
“Northwest Stampede”
Thrills to trampling hooves vs.
snarling fangs.
In Cinecolor
with Joan Leslie, James Craig,
and Jack Oakie
‘Behind the Eight Ball’
A buttonbusting riot of Maids
and Mystery
with the Ritz Brothers, Carol
Bruce, Grace McDonald,
Sonny Dunham and his Orch.
Latest news
at every performance.
Selected Shorts and Novelties
Throughout the Week,
Two shows starting at dusk,
rain or clear.
Playground—Kiddie Area
Rest Rooms
Children under 12 admitted free
To celebrate, we bring you these unusual
values Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Nylon & Strapless
$1.00 Values!
J |
3 for $1.00
Half Slips
Crepe — $1
Jersey 88c
2 for $1.00
Formerly priced $3.99 to $12.99
33.99 to $12.99
Beautiful styles, colors & fabrics!
Phone 7-6318
100 Main St.