PAGE sTX Woolbert Family Holds hirty-Fifth Reunion The thirty-fifth reunion of the Woolbert family was held Sunday at Norris Glen. Following a sup- i per, the business meeting of the group was held with William A. Woolbert presiding. Officers re- elected for the coming year were: president, William Woolbert; vice president, Ralph Hazeltine; secre- i tary, Legnra Wardan, treasurer, Ruth olbert. 2 Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Archie _Woolbert, Nelson - Woolbert, Mr, %nd Mrs. Kenneth Woolbert, Kenneth and Ann Wool- bert, Mr, and Mrs. Addison Wool- bert, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Dorman ' Woolbert, Walton Woolbert, Mr. } and Mrs, William Woolbert, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woolbert, Jane and Sarah Woolbert, Mrs. Jane Schooley, Buzzie Jones, Mrs. Eun- ice Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Lansford Norris, Mrs. Joseph Warkomski, James Warkomski, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Woolbert, Charles Wool- bert, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Hazel- _John Griffith, Mr. and Mrs, Poel Owens, Albert Thompson, nora: Wardan, Mrs. George Bes- er, Ruth Woolbert, Warren f ‘Woolbert, Miss Marion Courtright. ‘SWEET VALLEY Ruggles Hollow Band will give a concert this evening, Friday in he Christian Church Hall. There will be a free will offering. Re- frelshments. iends and neighbors of Mrs. George, Bronson extend their sym- pathy to her in the death of her father, } :. ™ AMBULANCE SERVICE Anytime — Anywhere DAY or NIGHT CALL + DALLAS 400 Howard H. Woolbert FUNERAL DIRECTOR Ferguson Avenue SHAVERTOWN, PA. BEAUMONT Was it ‘the heat, the humidity, or “dog days” that kept the local grapevine so busy on this past week events? For the baseball league had a torrid meeting at the high school Thursday night to iron out some past wrinkles and insure further smoothness. The stork brought a girl to the James Sicklers at the Nesbitt Me- morial Hospital Friday, August 12 and a boy to the Warren Johnsons at the General Hospital Saturday August 13. Then too the Derbys had a cellar fire at their home in Plattsburg. Add to that—Bill Belles side- swiped a car and careened over the bank on Route 309 only to land in the General Hospital to de- termine the extent of his injuries. Sorry to add that Eugene Hilbert and Mrs. Abe Pellam are confined to their homes and that Mrs. Ned Dress and family left Beaumont for another year to return to their Canton, Ill. home via K Kentucky where Ned is employed. Truly the “lights being out” Thursday night lent a realistic atmosphere to the Lend-A-Hand Club Hobo Party where lanterns helped to conduct the business meeting when further plans con- cerning the reading by Mrs. Eliza- beth Conrad on September 29 were discussed. Mrs, Anne Richards moved from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Lutes, to the Sam Richards house on Lake Hill. Mrs. Mae Brinker of Connecticut visited her family, the Taylors last week. Donald Newberry was ill with a strep throat and is now convalesc- ing at the home of Dan Carey. Miss Viola Flowers, a former teacher here, is visiting Mrs. Louisa Nieman. IDETOWN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Titus of Philadelphia spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Garringer. Judy Van Campen is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. George Irving spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Albert London. Mrs. Esther Davis and Mrs. Al Rinken and daughter Janice, have returned to their home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Howard ‘Moore of Simsbury, Conn. Claude Lapp Jr. of Washington, D. C., is spending sometime with 363-R-4 Alfred D. s near as your telephone’ AMBULANCE SERVICE Bronson FUNERAL DIRECTOR SWEET VALLEY, PA. 4 Atomizer, Cologne To Christen Our New Cosmetic Department. Forever Ember Toilet Water—reg. $1.25 Special 79¢c Bath Powder $100 Size 19¢ Old Spice Set With KUEHN’S DRUG STORE and Talc.—$1.49 Production We believe no other system of feeding compares with the Beacon Feeding Plan for high egg pro- duction. You combine scratch grains, supplementary fleshing pellets and dry mash and always in those proportions that best suit the age, breed, season and the level of production of your birds. You simply follow the chart we provide. it's easy, it's effective! The Beacon Feeding Plan helps you get higher egg production and sustain it. SICHERMAN FEED CO. . 1072 Wyoming Ave., Exeter, Pa. PHONE PITTSTON 2147 CLE] JF NLC0 Ri Mr. and Mrs. William Casterline. Miss Lulu Williams of Larkesville spent Sunday with the Casterlines. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Matthews and children of Chenango Bridge, N. Y., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Hil- bert. Mrs, Guy Scouten and daugh- ters, Mary and Linda of Alderson and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen spent Sunday with friends and relatives at Weatherly. Dorothy Fritz of New York City, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ernest Fritz. Miss Elizabeth Parks of Wilkes- Barre spent the weekend with Ruth Worthington. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Hoover and daughter, Roxie and Billy Naugle and Ruth Worthington and Eliza- beth Parks, spent Sunday at Red Rock. Miss Ruth Worthington is spend- ing a week with her nephew, Rev. Joseph Fiske at Skinners Eddy. HARVEY'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Delaney and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Garrity spent the weekend in Atlantic City. Miss June Kistler has returned from New York, after taking a six weeks course at New York Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Freeman of Sweet Valley were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Garinger on Saturday evening. Mrs. Freeman and Mrs, Garinger were girl friends, both being form- erly from Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. P, F. Armitage, and son Robert, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Armitage on Sunday. Mrs, Lena Leinthall of New York, is spending several weeks with her son, Walbridge Leinthall, at the Mr. and Mrs. Otis Allen home. Cutest Baby Contest At Dallas Sc-$1 Store On Friday August 26 mothers can take their babies to be photo- graphed at Dallas 5c, 10c to $1 Store for the Cutest Baby Contest. There will be ten grand prize awards of beautiful portraits. These will be awarded in each of two groups. The first for babies and children from three months for children from six to seven years. All entrants will be judged in Camden, N. J., at the headquarters of Contest Enterprises who are conducting this gala affair for Dal- las 5¢, 10c to $1 Store. Dallas Township Regular Republican Candidates Tax Collector (vote 1) TA Earl Layaou Supervisor (vote 1) 9A Fred Lamoreaux School Directors (vote 2) {iA Donald Evans 12A Fred Dodson Justice-of-the-Peace (vote 1) {4A Thomas Robinson Auditor (vote 1) i5A Nelson Whipp Constable (vote 1) {6A James Gansel Judge of Election (South District) (vote 1) These Candidates are pledged to support, work for and vote for the Soldiers” Bonus and also ¢ Good Township Government and are 100% for DALLAS TOWNSHIP to five years, and the second group | ITB Spencer Holmgren THE : POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 194, 1945 Married July. 23 PHOTO BY KOzEMCHAK MRS. RICHARD D. McCARTY Miss Ann Lois Williams, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fahringer Jr., became the bride of Richard McCarty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCarty of Forksville, at her home on Harris street, Fern- brook, Saturday, July 23. Rev. Charles Rouch performed the cere- mony before a fireplace banked with white gladioli and ferns. The bride wore white snowflake organdie gown fashioned with tight bodice and full skirt, square neck- line and short sleeves. Her finger tip veil fell from a coronet of seed pearls and she carried a cascade bouquet of white roses. and car- nations. Miss Joan McCarty, sis- ter of the bridegroom, acted as maid of honor. She selected yellow gown and picture hat with bouquet of mixed garden flowers. Little Betsy Williams, sister of the bride, was flower girl. She wore pink organza and carried a basket of garden flowers. Gordon McCarty, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. A reception for members of the wedding party and families was held after the ceremony and the couple left for Canada. Mrs. McCarty is a graduate of Dallas Township High School and was employed at the Kresge Store in Wilkes-Barre. Mr, McCarty was graduated from the Estella High School and is engaged in dairy farming at Forksville where the couple resides. Tennessee Visitors Bre Honored At Picnic A picnic supper was held Mon- day at the Dale-Wood cottage, Idetown, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crosby and son, Drew of Knoxville, Tenn., and Mr, and Mrs. Russell Cooke of Kingsport, Tenn., who have been wisiting friends and relatives Back of the Mountain for the past two weeks. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Parrish and son, Billie, P. H. Parks of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs, John Strassuer and Richard and Barry of Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reilly, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. Claire Mckenna and daugh- ters, Joanne, Patty, Eleanor, Mrs. Della Parrish, Mrs. Kenneth Cal- kins, Judy, Linda, Randy, Bess Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wright and Dale and Woody, Mr, and Mrs. David Ide, Ethel, Bruce, Glenn, Richard, the Crosbys, and the Cookes. Frederick Zorger, of York, was one of the famous gunsmiths of early colonial days. — PNS Helen R. Gardner Is Bride Of Robert Moore Announcement has been made of the marriage of Helen R. Gard- ner R. N. of Carverton road, Trucksville to Robert T. Moore, son of Mrs. Susan Moore of Plains. Rev. Robert Webster performed the ceremony in The Little White Church on the Hill, Saturday, July 30th. Attendants were Miss Bessie Moore, sister of the bridegroom and Samuel Reese, brother of the bride. Ushers were Donald Caster- line and Robert Gardner, son of the bride. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at the Trucksville Fire Hall. Mrs. Moore is a graduate of General Hospital. Mr. Moore is employed by the ice cream division of Woodlawn Diary Company. WSCS Ice Cream Social Meeker WSCS will serve an Ice Cream Social in the Church parlors on Friday evening. Mrs. Florence Davenport and Mrs. Elva Drabick are chairmen of the committee, Light Draft Long Life that class. Charles Sweet Valley, Pa. 0. K. CHAMPION POTATO DIGGERS Glide through your field like an Ocean Greyhound * * * * * * Available in one or two row models Bruiseproof Digging Lower Upkeep Cost Universal Appeal A champion gains and maintains his crown because he is the best in his line. of building, improving and selling potato dig- gers has put O K Champion Potato Diggers in Champion potato growers the world over use O. K. Champion Diggers. FOR THE BEST OF FARM AND SAWMILL SERVICES AT A LOWER, PRICE, IT'S ALWAYS. ".%. ie Phone—Dallas 363-R-7 Tune in to United Press News Everyday at 12:55—WHWL—730 on your dial Forty years } H. Long “On The Farm Front” Thirty-Ninth Wright Reunion Attracts Over One Hundred One hundred thirteen members of the Wright family attended the thirty-ninth family reunion at Evans Falls Sunday, August 7. Officers elected were Thomas Wright, president, Willard Wright, vice president, Marie Wright, sec- retary-treasurer. One death and four births were reported for the year. Gifts were given to Albert Wright, oldest person present, Dennis Boice, youngest, Mrs. Free- man Boice, person having largest family present, and Mr. and Mrs, Carl Coolbaugh for coming longest distance. Present: Tunkhannock, Mrs. Freeman Boice, Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Boice, Carl Boice, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Boice, Deanna and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Soloman Boice, Del- mar and Shirley, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Zinger, Marjorie, George and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kester and Helen and Carol; Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wright and Dana and Eldridge, Dale and Emily Wright, Millie Tigeiroa; Dallas Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Johnson; Noxen, James Wright, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Wright and Dorcas, Clarence Wright, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Boice and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Berckman and Donna, Mrs. Her- bert Galey and Jerry and Regina, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Montross and Sharon, Mrs, Bert Montross and Alton, Mr. and Mrs, Pérry Pat- ton and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton and family; Nanticoke, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Simms, Mr. and Mrs. McClellan Simms; Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. James Masters; Idetown, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. Claire Mckenna, Patty and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boice, Lola Murphy; Kings- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Willard Wright, Dale and Woody, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, Robert and Marie, Winifred Jones; Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Wright, Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson and Shir- ley and Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wright, Mrs, Doris Jones; Endicott, N. Y, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cool- baugh, Patty Ann and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coolbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Coolbaugh, Howard Wright, Mrs. Arline Cool- baugh, Betkasky and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boice and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. George Dendle and Barbara; New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nafus and Barbara. BEnderson Class Holds Its Annual Banquet Anderson S. S. Class, Carverton Methodist Church held their .an- nual banquet at Kelly’s Restaurant on Thursday evening. Those at- tending were Mrs, Naomi Prynn, Mrs. Betty Culver, Mrs. Florence Sickler, Mrs. Edith Krombelbien, Mrs. Mildred Sands, Mrs. Sally Ed- wards, Mrs, Lois Croman, Mrs. Allegra Spare, Mrs. Dorothy Cul- ver, Mrs, Marjorie Culver, Mrs. Hilda :Coon, Mrs. Katherine Al- temus, Mrs. Elizabeth Cyphers, Mrs. Bernice Piatt, Mrs. Jenny Dana, Mrs. Evelyn Shales, Mrs. Dorothy Wardell, Mrs. Naomi Sickler, Mrs. Ruby Dixon, Mrs. Dorthy Dixon, Mrs. Margaret Lar- mouth; Mrs. Jennie Evans, Mrs. Edna Harris, Mrs. Arla Charney, Mrs, Marie Hefft, and Mrs. Mil- dred DeWolfe. Vacationing In California David Schmerer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schmerer, has been spending his summer vacation in California after completing his sophomore year at Syracuse Uni- versity, David is now employed with an interior designer in San Francisco but expects to re-enter Syracuse in the fall. BRING YOUR FRIENDS Along Route 309 At The BEAUMONT INN Catering to Parties and Banquets ROOMS for overnight guests Phone Dallas 98-R-2 for estimates on your next party or outing. TO DINE AND DANCE ® HAVE YOUR CLAMBAKES CORN ROASTS AND OTHER SOCIAL GATHERINGS HERE. ® Peter Masonis, owner Jim says Phone 520-R-2 Nema il) YOU GET RICHER MILK if you feed your dry cows PURINA DRY- FRESHENING CHOW “Purina dry-freshening chow contains all body-building ingredients necessary for future high milk production.” OLD TOLL GATE FEED SERVICE JIM HUSTON, Prop. Luzerne-Dallas Highway ¢) 4 PAL r——————