. Mrs. Harry Deets of Philadelphia leaving for Atlantic City for their pen, will be pleased to learn that © - Miss Eleanor Doberstein R. D. Dr. Foote Made Diplomat PAGE SIX Mr. and Mrs, Wardan Deets and Wardan Jr. of Chicago, Ill, and spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, George Wesley. Bonnie K. Harrison of Alden and Cleon W. Jones of Philadelphia spent last week with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free- man. + Mrs. Phame Callender of Berwick, Mrs. Viola Schmoll of East Dallas, Mrs. Fay Brown of Lehman spent the weekend with Miss Bess Kline- tob. Mrs. Callender is remaining for a week with her niece. has reported to General Hospital for duty after spending a month’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doberstein. ~ Mrs. Edgar Newton is visiting relatives in Allentown and Pitts- burgh for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leo I. Wrublesky of Summit Hill are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael ,Horniak a few days before vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis of Larksville, Mr. and Mrs, William Bradbury of Luzerne, Mrs. B. C. Moore of Sanford, Fla., visited Mr. and Mrs. Alva Case over the week- end. Charles and McKinley Long and “several companions went deep sea fishing over the weekend , and brought home a nice catch. Aunt Hattie Edwards is celebrat- ing her. eighty-fifth birthday anni- ‘versary today, Friday, August 5. She is still a patient at General Hospital. Many Back Mountain folks are enjoying the delicious chicken din- ners served by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foss at their new restaur- ant on the North Lake road. Mrs, Mattie Allen is visiting her sister, Mrs. Amy Allen at West Nanticoke this week. Kings Daughters of the Church of Christ will hold their annual Fair August 26. Articles of all kinds will be on sale. Refresh- ments will be served. Mrs. E. J. Waterstripe will en- tertain members of the W, C. T, U. at her home on Tuesday. Local friends of Dr. John J. Foote surgeon at Tyler Hospital, Meshop- he has been made a diplomat of the American Board of Surgery. Erecting Stone Work Sordoni Construction Company ktarted the erection of new stone ork and installation of new win- dows at First National Bank this | reek. 1° EASY TO Hb ED) IDETOWN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Steele, children Elsie, Eileen, Carrel and Lanny of St. Petersburg, Florida, have returned to their home after spending the last two weeks with relatives and friends in Johnson City, N. Y., and Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Garinger and son Lester of Clarence, N. Y,, Mrs. Buryl Archer of Miami, Okla- homa, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Garinger. Mrs. Lila Felt of Washington, D. C., is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hil- bert. Mr. and Mrs, W. Howard Crosby and son, Drew of Knoxville, Tenn., arrived on Sunday with relatives and friends in the Back Mountain area. Miss Mary A. Weir who has been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Blanchard has returned to her home in Camden, N. J. Mrs, Harry Nettleton of Beacon Falls, Conn., has returned to her home after spending the last month with Mrs. Harry Randall of Hunts- ville and. Mrs. Della Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gosart and family Louise, Emma Jane and Linda of Williamsport are spend- ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ide. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Covey and daughter, Bonnie of Spotwood, N.J., spent the week end with her grand- mother, Mrs. Edith Ide. Mrs. Martha McManus of Wilkes Barre spent sometime last week with Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Wil- liams. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liams and son Donald and Kenneth Swan attended Community Day at Shillington. Ruth Anne who has been spending sometime there re- turned home with them on Sun- day. Callers at the Williams home were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith and P. H. Parks of Kingston. Miss Elizabeth Parks of Wilkes- Barre called on Mrs. Gregory, Mr. George's family and Mrs. Claude Agnew, Also #n Shavertown friends one day last week. Mrs. William John Jennings has returned to her home after being a patient at the General Hospital. Joseph Seida of Clifton Arizona visited at the home of his wife's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zibo Carpenter of | Forty Fort and Mrs. George Smith of Wilkes-Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Fran- ces Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith and son of Trucksville re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith. Mr. Smith is ill at his hime. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Roberts and family of Plymouth were callers at the home of her grandmother, Mrs, William Weaver and mother, Mrs. Margaret Jennings over the weekend. Mrs. Margaret Jennings has as guests for this week her grand- son, Richard Roberts and his little friend James Gigler of Plymouth. Clark Smith returned to Allen- town after spending his vacation at his parents home. Mrs, Clark Smith and daughter Betty Lou spent the day recently in Scranton visiting relatives. Allan Montross and son Teddy of Shavertown, Arthur Montross attended the Montross-Kitchen Re- union on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hoover and Lester Hoover and Virginia Wolfe motored to Reading and spent the Telephone 409-R-7 © rom DRASTIC REDUCTIONS Harold Ash PLUMBING—HEATING—BOTTLED GAS Shavertown, Pa. Yours for the BEST in COOKING EVEN BEYOND CITY GAS MAINS fa Save up to 39% Gas with Flavor-Saver Dual Burners (lifetime guarantee). Less Meat Loss, better baking results in seamless porcelain oven with automatic heat control, Hold-Heat Door Seal. Broil Better With Less Fuss on Veri-Clean Broiler with porce- lain easy-drain Hi-lo rack and pan. See What's Cooking Better . with cool fluorescent light, porce- lain enamel shade. ® Bungalow Models give you finest gas cooking plus kitchen heating section—with your choice of gas, oil, or wood-coal. NEW Utama LP-GAS* RANGE Come in and compare many extra features you've always wanted—seamless one-piece sturdy con- struction, porcelain enamel inside and out. Not only America’s kitchen beauty; America’s easiest range to keep clean. *Often called “bottled” or “tank” gas. Gives instant heat at tum of valve, no matter where you live. THE POST, FRIDAY, 7 THESE WOMEN! By d’Alessio “Goodness, Myrtle, if 1 was you, I'd say something worse than THAT!” going to start a rumor about weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Alva B. Ide. The Wright Reunion will be held on Sunday, August 7, at Traver Park, Evan Falls. All relatives and friends of the family are cordially invited. TRUCKSVILLE Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge will meet at the Fire Hall on Wednes- day evening. The third annual minstrel is in the making. Com- mittees have been picked and plans are being outlined. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver and Miss Pauline Besteder of Main road motored to Bethlehem Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conk- lin and family. Mrs. Willard Harrison, Butchie and Diane and Mrs. Edgar Harri- son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver Jr. on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Snyder en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Voletts and son, Wayne of Easton over the weekend. The Culp Reunion was held at Ricketts: Glen Sunday with a large attendance. Charles Snyder has returned to Syracuse, N. Y., after spending the weekend visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Macravitz and daughters, Judy and Joan of Hartford, Conn., spent two weeks visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Macravitz of Main road. Carol Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Macravitz celebrated her third birthday with a party at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roberts and daughter, Betty are spending two weeks at Harvey's Lake. HARVEY SLAKE Mr. and Mrs. John Dershimer and children of Milton, have been enjoying a weeks vacation at Stone Hurst Lodge, Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald ‘D. Smith of Pine Street, entertained Mrs. Albert Armitage and daughter Jes- sie at dinner on Sunday. Mr. Arm- fishing. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Austin of Johnson City, N. Y., spent the weekend with Raymond Garinger and Miss Lina Garinger. On Sun- day they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Keller at Idetown. Mrs. William Clark and daughters Wilma and Judy, of Kingston, spent several days last week with Mrs. Myrtle Wagner and family. Miss Lois Avery, Mrs. Gertrude Dunsavage, of Wilkes-Barre, and Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Kapson of Shavertown, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marion Avery. < The regular monthly meeting of the Alderson W.S.C.S. will be held at the home of Mrs. John Daugh- erty at Laketon, on Wednesday, August 10. Lunvh will be served 12 12:30, followed by the business | meeting. BEAUMONT Don’t forget the “Hobo Party” for members and guests of the Lend-A-Hand Club Thursday, Aug- ust 11, at the I.O.O.F. Hall Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Mac Dougall, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Denmon and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richards are spening two weeks at Mud Bay, Ontario, for some of that Cana- dian fishing. The Rodney Schmid family is vacationing at Erie, Pa. Miss Janet Traver is spending her vacation at Vestal, N, Y. Have you called Dot Johnson (H. L. 3418) for your appointment for canning? Glenview Church Holds Picnic At Toby Park Glénview P. M. Church of Fern- brook held its annual picnic at Toby Park, Saturday, July 23. Pres- ent were: Miss Verna Lamoreaux, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, Mrs. Earl Layaou, Annjane, Esther and Ear- lene, Mrs. Esther Layaou, Mrs. Katherine Edwards, Mrs, Earl Belles, Janet Belles, Mr. and Mrs. William Compton, Melvyn Compton, Dick Case, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seward, Buddie and Jimmy, Mrs. George Shaver, Mr, and Mrs. George Belles, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lam- oreaux, Freddie, Mrs. Russell Ock- enhouse, Rev. and Mrs. Gordon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conk- lin, Charles Jr. and David, Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver Jr, and Skippy, Mrs. Corey Crispell,’ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sidorek and children. Wesleyan Circle Wesleyan Circle of Shavertown Methodist Church met Monday eve- ning at the home of Mrs. Ronald Hughes, Terrace, Drive, Shavertown for a covered dish supper. Present were: Betty Brace, Cath- erine Newhart, Mildred Edwards, Dorothy Pope, Isabel Stevenson, Irma Eike, Audrey Chappel, Bea- trice Chappel, Gerry Pope, Hazel Honeywell, Charlotte Remley, Ida Hunt, Lillian Knell and Hilda Hughes. Summer School to Close College Misericordia Summer School closed Tuesday. BRING YOUR FRIENDS At ROOMS for o Along Route 309 BeaAUMONT ENN Catering to Parties and Banquets Phone Dallas 98-R-2 for estimates on your next party or outing. TO DINE AND DANCE The SEA FOODS STEAKS CHOPS vernight guests Peter Masonis, owner AUGUST 5, 1949 State To Permit Killing Of Does Counties, However, May Close Season On Them The 1949 hunting season in Penn- sylvania roughly follows the pat- tern of other years, the Pennsyl- vania Game Commission said this week, but of interest to nimrods is the fact that this year there will be one day open season on antler- less deer. The Commission said: “Again there is the necessity for balancing the herd and reducing it cinsistent with the natural food supply, thereby relieving farmers, nurserymen and orchardists of much damage by deer. - Therefore a one-day state-wide antlerless season was declared for December 10.” The season for antlered deer opens November 28 and closes Dec- ember 9. The Commission warned that both an antlered and antler- less deer cannot be taken during the season—only one kind is per- mitted. Bear season opens November 14 and closes five days later on No- venber 19. Regarding the open day for ant- lerless deer, the Commission point- ed out that individual counties have the right under a new law passed by the 1949 Legislature, to close the day within county bound- aries. Small game season opens No- vember 1 and for rabbits, squirrels, pheasants and turkeys closes No- Christine Crispell, Guest At Corn Roast Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crispell, Dallas R, D. 3, entertained at a corn and wiener roast in honor of their daughter, Christine who was celebrating her sixteenth birthday on Thursday evening. Present were: Frederick Curtiss, Norris- town; Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Lloyd and son, Wilkes-Barre; Homer Scouten and Mr." Nelson, Noxen; James DeRemer, Doris and Louella DeRemer, Tunkhannock; Mr. and Mrs, Willard Newberry, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mason, Dorothy Mason, Beatrice Newberry, Mrs. Mae New- berry, Melvyn Compton, Eunice Crispell, Dallas, R, D., 3. Music was furnished by Homer Scouten. To Entertain Auxiliary Mrs. Paul Gross of Huntsville will entertain members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Jackson Volunteer Fire Company Tuesday evening. All members are urged to attend and get their parcel post cards. ‘Wednesday evening the firemen will hold an ice cream social at Jackson Methodist Church. 1 Don't sell your antiques before | calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, | Glass, Silver and Coins. En- | tire Estates Bought. i ) | LEIDINGER’S Y 117 S. Washington St. Witkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 ’ - On Dean's List The Registrar's Office at Wilkes College has announced that James Francis Farrell, S. Main street, Shavertown, was among the 68 students who have been named to the Dean’s List for scholastic hon- ors achieved during the semester which ended in June. yITAL DOG FOODS SOLD BY: Brown and Fassett Fernbrook Old Toll Gate Feed Service Cutten Metered Gas is Reliable eo Buy her a new gas range at Phone Wyoming 327 / Convenient e ee vember 26. ‘Luzerne a er er eer —_ Is your wife's workshop as up to date as yours? You deserve a wife with a good disposition. Wouldn't you be sour if you had to work with old- fashioned, worn out tools? Cutten Gas Company 80 WEST EIGHTH STREET WYOMING, PA. Economical Nr NN NN NN NN IN NN et a a a a la gy illustrated other models as low as largest INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER combined buy any refrigerator until you've seen the amazing new TIONA iq" J frozen food FR &F / é fresh meat bottle storage capacity of any 8-cubic-foot refrigerator super deluxe model 8H5 29975 224% low down payment i : 24 months to pay | HILLSIDE More space where it counts—that’s what BIG-3 means. Room for 36 pounds of frozen food in the freezer locker. Meat keeper holds 1315 pounds of meat, fish or poultry. Space for 12 quart milk bottles... and more. See the BIG-3 features be- fore you buy @ny refrigerator. George Bulford Your Friendly International Harvestor Dealer PHONE 311 e “a £1