FRESE / FRUIT Visit... . . Pennsylvania's finest DAIRY BAR Opens Saturday Evening . 7 o'clock “Freezer Fresh” Ice Cream Giant Frosty Shakes Delicious Sandwiches Harvey's Lake Highway At Fernbrook Forty Fort Ice Cream Co. Special Sale Play Clothes Halters, Shorts, Polo Shirts, etc. $1.00 values LT 1-2 and 3 Piece Sun and Play Suits Pedal Pushers, Clam Diggers, Polo Shirts $457 $1.69 and $1.98 values Group of $2.98 and $3.98 Play Suits $9.17 Misses and Ladies’ Play Suits and Sun Dresses $441 $4.95 and $5.95 Complete range of sizes for in- fants, boys, girls, and women in all of above items. XTRA SPECIAL Group Ladies Blouses Values to $3.95 ; $4.17 THE GRACE T. CAVE SHOP 36 MAIN STREET Phone 354 0 wr 0TH , Hontz-Dressel Reunion Members of the Hontz- Dresse families will hold a family reunio: on July 2 at Irem Temple Country Club. __THE POST, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1949 11 n SWIM TRUNKS — Back Mt. Market — BOWMAN’'S CREEK Route 309 All Kinds Vegetable and Flower Plants S$ Sturdy and Healthy to assure good crops Phone Harvey’s Lake 3479 PAUL COOLBAUGH, Prop. B. V. D. ANPMALBORO SPORTS WEAR BONDSHIRE SHOES Thorogood Shoes U. S. KEDS COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS JOE'S MEN'S SHOP MAIN STREET DALLAS CUSTOM BUILT Window SCREENS AND Combination DOORS Quality Materials and Work- manship. Get our estimate be- fore you buy. There's No Obligation WHITESELL BROTHERS FERNBROOK ROAD Phone Dallas 461-R-13 ' EVERYONE TALKS ~ ABOUT THE | TRACTOR] All over America, on big farms and little farms, it’s proving | itself “The Year ‘Round Tractor”... winning fame for all round performance, all round the farm, all year ‘round. You'll respect the Ford Tractor for the way it buckles down to heavy jobs of plowing or discing. You’H like it, and Dearborn Equipment, too, for the way you can do such jobs as scraping, leveling, loading, ditching, terracing, excavat- ing, digging post holes or sawing wood. Most Dearborn implements lift or lower at a touch jon the Ford Hydraulic Touch Control. Ask wf Eas for a demonstration. 20 ‘CHECKS BY: YOUR NAME PRINTED ON EACH CHECK NO REQUIRED BALANCE *NO CHARGE FOR DEPOSITS OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TELLERS WINDOW IN OF ‘WILKES-BARRE 114 YEARS OF BANKING SUCCESS AT Corner Market & Franklin Streets Bember Fed. Deposit Insurance Corp'ne mane WYOMING EortlAL BANK tm eon Atma nes tbe. WALTERS BROTHERS PHONE DALLAS 551-R-7 Memorial Highway — Dallas PAGE FIVE Your Frigidaire appliances deserve genuine FRIGIDAIRE paris... accessories . . . service! Your Frigidaire appliances are precision-built to the very highest quality standards— that's why they perform so dependably and efficiently. ; Isn't it just good, common AUTHORIZED l sense, then, to have them serviced by Frigidaire-trained men, using factory-approved methods and genuine Frigid- 0.0 ALI FRIGIDAIRE aire replacement parts and other equipment needs serv- ice, call us—and be sure of | satisfaction. : F2CTORY SERVICE accessories? Frigidaire re- 3 7ALED-IN AND placement parts are the same fine quality as the original CONVENTIONAL i units, carry a full year's war- UNITS ranty. So, next time your Frigid- aire Refrigerator, Range or Before you buy your new Refrigerator see us. REBENNACK and COVERT Open Evenings till 8:00 267 WYOMING AVE KINGSTON PHONE 7-4514 SANDY BEACH DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY “Crossfire” Robert Mitchum, Robert Young Robert Ryan One of the best pictures of the year Cartoon and News SUNDAY and MONDAY “The Other Love” Barbara Stanwyck, David Niven A story of chances of life Short—“Be Your Age’—News TUESDAY Renfrew of the Royal Mounted follows a killer to the last out- post of civilization in . . “Crashing Through” : James Newill Jean Carmern Warren Hull Short—“Tommy Tucker Time” Two Shows—9 and 11 P. M. Children under twelve ad- mitted free. Boy will call at your car for curb service, hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, candy and ice cream. Come and visit our newly im- proved beach and children’s playground. The beach has been freshly covered with new sand to add to your swimming com- fort. * Kk hk MAIN STREET, DALLAS EEE TE EE EEE EC TERRE TI rie Gifts For All Occasions Art Carved and Other Quality Diamonds. and Benrus Watches. Speidiel, Kreisler, and other Watch Bands. Sunbeam Mixers, Irons, Toasters, Coffee Percolators, R.C.A. Radios —Kelvinator Electric Refrigerators, Silverware and Holloware. x * * : OEE OER CEE ERO RRR RRREER OO 2 Elgin, Gruen, Bulova, kk hk * PHONE 274-R-16