¢ MR 7 Pt HAI. mitre THREE ACRES And Six Dependents’ By Phyllis Smith = When Jasper, as we promptly | nicknamed him, called on the sec- retary of the Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Department he al- most made a sale. If I hadn’t been in the living room frantically iron- ing organdy curtains he would have sold Norm enough carbon tet- rachloride bombs to smother a fire in the Empire State Building. Punchy came in to tell me I was wanted out on the porch; so I ) pranced out to see why I was y needed. Norm introduced me to Jasper and with that Jasper start- ed his routine which started with the Chicago fire and ended with more recent disasters. He asked me if I had read about the couple who left their four small children in bed—went to the movies—and returned to find the children burn- ed beyond recognition. By that time I was conflagration happy so replied, “That could never happen to us. In the first place we never go to the movies and in the sec- ond place we don’t have four small children. Will you kindly excuse me. I left the iron on in the liv- ing room.” No sooner had those last words kissed my larynx goodby than I deeply regretted them. Jasper grew vivid, turned to Norm and said— ‘Hear, hear—so you couldn’t possibly . have a fire. I hate to say this, Mr. Smith, but I don't feel that your wife is a very sym- pathetic woman.” I came back into the house and found the iron ticking merrily away, so finished off the curtains. I could hear Norm saying goodby in far too cozy a fashion and asking Jasper to re- turn some evening that week wi samples. He came on in and said, “Now Bunn, I've always wanted more fire protection than we have and | this looks good to me.” No re- sponse. “Jasper says we don't need fire insurance with these bombs installed.” No response. “Jasper says Arch Brooks wouldn't be without his,” “His what?” I asked absent mindedly. “His car- bon tetrachloride bombs,” Norm replied and sighed and left the room. ‘“Where are you going?” I asked. “To get some ice coffee,” was the sad reply. “Oh” I said. I thought perhaps you were going to call Bob Rinehimer and cancel your fire insurance. “Don’t be a goose,” he said and we dropped the sub- ject. Fate played right into Jasper’s hands. The next day we read in the paper of the Hazleton tragedy in which five brothers were burned to death. The sad news was just like a hypo for Jasper who came back that night armed for the kill- ing. He had a dogeared edition of the Record tucked under one arm and his life saving kit under the other. He and a bat came in together so I screamed, made tracks for the laundry, and slammed the door. I heard Jasper remark that he knew I was that sort of a per- son, ‘“‘scared to death of a bat”, he said, “but doesn’t worry about her house or children burning.” w Meanwhile Jasper was firmly en- ’ trenched in the living room. He was showing Norm a sample of the bomb and what held it up when I joined them. “Just think” he said “with seven of these in the living room a fire wouldn't have a chance. However, his company didn’t do things halfway. They had to out- fit the whole house including cellar | and attic. Each bomb ran about > CL a po i six dollars so I did some sloppy mental arithmetic and figured that for somewhere in the neighborhood | of three hundred dollars we could be reasonably fireproof but for three hundred dollars I would just as soon be reasonably combustible and told Jasper so. Jasper packed his kit, shook hands with Norm and left with the air of a disap- pointed undertaker. No sale. I said to Norm, “He looked a little burned up, don’t you think? And he agreed with me. % Later that week he called on Paul Gross at the Coal-o-matic. He told Paul how Mrs. Smith had ruined a sale for him because she didn’t like the looks of bombs dangling in every room in the house. Paul wasn’t giving Jasper too rough a time and things were going smoothly when Marcia spoke up and said, “If Mrs. Smith doesn’t like the looks of the bombs, I'm sure Mrs. Gross won't. Jasper turned on her and asked, “And pre- cisely how do you know whether or not Mrs. Gross will like this manner of saving life and prop- erty?” Marcia smiled and reitera- ted, “She happens to be my mother, And I still claim that if Mrs. Smith doesn’t like the looks of them, Mrs, Gross won't.” And you wonder why salesmen die young! nL iL ol FIRST I's FASY TO AEN i. ; Owned and Operated by AMERICAN STORES COMDANY June Is National Dairy Products Month Quarter Pound Prints Marked by Tablespoons Philadelphia Cream Cheese Soups Ie Borden’s Pippin Roll Cheese pkg. 20¢ Kraft White American Cheese 21a loa? 936 Mild Cheddar Cheese > 45¢ Princess Oleomargarine 2 >= 38¢ Best Pure Lard—>==t =tv'e © {6c é &. 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Save on all your food needs. 49¢ . i SLICED BACON = © . 59° Tempting Sea Foods Fillets of Perch '™ 33c¢c Fillets of Haddock >: 35¢ Fillets of Pollock ™® 19¢ i ee ———————— “ Booch-Nut Strained © BABY FOODS = 0 97¢ JUNIOR FOODS 6 == 8le¢ RICHARDSON Party Patties Tee 250 “7 MINIT Lemon Pie Mix Pkg. 27¢ ARMOUR’S Chopped Ham Ble ARMOUR’S Corned Beef hs 47s ARMOUR’S Corned Beef Hash > 32 ARMOUR’S Deviled Ham un 186 LIPTOR’S Noodle Soup Mix 3" 32¢ HEINZ Pork and Beans & 14¢ VEGETARIAN c BEANS 2 © 3Te © FOR SANDWICHES! WAXTEX HEAVY WAXED PAPER - anh EAA