TET I I Ao ‘house, consisting of stove, piano, N NOTICE The School District of the Town- ship of Franklin, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania will sell, at public auction sale, on Saturday, the 18th day of June, 1949 at 2:30 o'clock P.M. (daylight saving time), at the School Building, owned by said District, in the village of Orange, Franklin Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, the following unused and unnecessary lands and build- ings: All that certain piece or par- cel of land situate in Franklin Township, Luzerne County, Penn- sylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly right of way line of a public highway leading to Wyom- ing, said point being also in the | dividing line between lands of the’ School District of Franklin Town- ship and land now or late of Mem- | orial Shrine Cemetery; thence along line of lands of aforesaid Memor. | jal Shrine Cemetery North 27 de- | grees 20 minutes West 62.66 fess more or less to a stake in an old pine stump; thence along lands now or late of Winifred Schweitzer North 51 degrees East 141.05 feet more or less to a point; thence along lands now or late of Mrs. Mary Grauzlas South 30 degrees 52 minutes East 52.96 feet more or less to a point; thence along the Northerly right of way line of the aforesaid public highway South 47 degrees 30 minutes West 146.5 feet more” or less to the place of be- ginning. Improved with one story frame school house, known as the Good or Mountain Schocl, frame coal house, and 2 toilet buildings. The contents of school house, consist- ing of stove, piano, desks and chairs etc. will be included in sale of real estate. 2. All that lot and piece of land situate in the Township of Frank- lin, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a chestnut tree on the West side of public road leading from Flat Rock to Asa Casterline’s thence along said road South 62 degrees East 10.48 perches to a small chestnut at junction of pub- lic roads; thence along road to Dallas South 46 degrees 30 min- utes West 17.5 perches to a double chestnut tree; thence North 62 degrees West 10.08 perches to a post corner; thence ‘North 45 de- grees 30 minutes East 17.5 perches to the beginning: containing one acre, more or less; and being the same land conveyed by Asa Caster- line et ux to the School District of the Township of Franklin, by deed dated June 14, 1906 and re- corded in Luzerne County Deed Book 437 page 446. Known as the Flat Rock School property; and un- improved, the school house having been burned. 3. All that certain piece or par- cel of land situate in the village of Orange, Franklin Township, Luz- erne County, Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Western right of way line of a public highway leading from Centermoreland to Wyoming, said point being also in the dividing line between lands of ! the Franklin Township School Dis- trict and lands now or late of | Mrs. Elizabeth Dymond; thence | along lands now or late of Mrs. | Elizabeth Dymond South 58 de- | grees West 151.3 feet more or less | to a point; thence along lands | now or late of Dr. Perry North 16 | degrees 48 minutes West 117.2 | feet more or less to a point; thence | along lands now or late of Mre | Myrtle Kunkle North 71 degrees | 40 minutes East 138.5 feet more | or less to a point; thence along | the Western right of way line of | the aforesaid public highway South | 20 degrees 03 minutes East 81 feet more or less to the beginning. | Improved with one story frame | school house, known as the Orange School, frame coal house, one toilet building. The contents of school house, consisting of stove, piano, desks, chairs, etc. will be in- cluded in sale of real estate, 4. The school house building, (without land), known as the Cider Run or Forest Grove School, being a one story frame structure, coal house and two toilet buildings; together with contents of school desks, chairs, etc. The terms and conditions of said sales are as follows: at least 25 per cent of the amount bid, for each of said described properties. shall be paid in cash by each of the successful bidders before the adjournment of the sales; the bal- ance or 75 percent thereof shall be paid in cash or by certified check by said successful bidders within 30 days after said sales and upon delivery of deeds, without express or implied covenants of warranty. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Any additional information may be obtained upon application to Harold Brace, Secretary of the School Board, at his residence in said Franklin Township, Postoffice address, Dallas, Pa., R.D. No. 3, telephone, Center Moreland 61-R-8. Harold Brace i Secretary School Board, School District of Frank- lin Township, Pa. Robert Spencer, Auctioneer Don't sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER'S. Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. En- tire Estates Bought. LEIDINGER’S | 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 \ \ THE POST, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1949 \ Quality Foods. Closed All Day Memorial Day, Monday, May 30 daha Arrears Aniateriarie Po Frosted Foods Fairmont’s Whole stRawserRiES | HAMS 1b. pkg. 39¢ High Quality, Meaty muse FRESH HAMBURG PEAS 2 = 49c Special Breakfast potatoes ™ 25¢ | SLICED BACON Better Foods For Your Memorial Day Picnic Acme Has Them All Everyone is looking forward to the advent of that wonderful Picnic Season. Food seems to taste twice as good when served out-of-doors. Make your table have that extra appeal with famous Acme Ready-To-Eat, Tempting—Small Sizes (4 to 8ibs.) Smoked Picnics * 37 A Great Favirite For Picnic 1'ables—No Cooking Necessary—Just Healt and Serve ? Tender, Smoked, Skinned Home-Dressed, Roasting c Half Lb. 4 h C SLICED BACON x. 59g 49 orinbikc mis roast“ 55¢ Bnew ont Swift Premium Cold Meats N Pkg. a . . CORK 25¢ Tasty Braunschweiger %Lv. 3a Special For Your Wiener Roast Birds Eve—Country Snle | Spiged Luncheon Meat Reng! Swift Preusuns Wb. 45¢ FRYING CRICKENS aoorted Baked P-nular Prices GREEN B TOMATOES *%i..” CUCUMBERS .-: c= GREEN ONIONS <=. FRESH PINEAPPLES Nearby Crisp Radishes 3 == 10¢ Onions Serve It Hot or Iced For Real Flavor Ideal—Vacuum-Sealed ; Ib. Cc COFFEE = ~ A Rich Blend of Famous Coffees—Always Fresh Full-Bodied ASCO COFFEE “Heat-Flo” Roasted Lb. 44c Milq, WIN-CREST COFFEE .Xi. w. §0¢ National Pickle Week Here’s An Outstanding Value! BEST BUY SWEET MIXED PICKLES INDIA or a) c RELISH Heinz Fresh Cucumber Pickles 2 cz 30g Heinz Whole Sweet Gherkins P- §3¢ Libby’s Home-Style Pickles pt 26¢ Mary Lou White Lilac GARLI® DILLS PICKLES wm 3c Gg Mary Lou Candied Dill Sticks et 3c Mary Lou Whole Sweet Pickles 2 ox 39¢ Peter Piper Whole Sweet Midgets 12 oz 33¢ | BG Row CAKE MIXES INTRODUCTORY OFFER Dev Food (Grke MIX E00) (0c P Take MIX BE arty nas 330 HURRY! LIMIT ONE TO A CUSTOMER 43¢ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Extra Fancy, Crisp, Round Loaves %1n. 9850 SKINLESS FRAN KS & E A K S Nabisco Asco, Finest -— Ritters Home ia Bit det CHILI SAUCE RELISH 2% >= i 23¢ rown unches Y KI Ib. pke. 43 nderwoo LEAF LETTUCE B= gfe vias ona Gill TC 0 . ly KRISPY CRACKERS bb. pke- 2Q¢ BONED CHICKEN 6 oz. can BQ | 2 >be GRAHAM ORACKERS ™ »« 29c | SALAD DRESSING ot. or 28g RITZ CRACKERS ww. pie. 3j¢ | PEANUT BUTTER bj 810 2 Is 25¢ SORTRETIELS |» vee 3g; [PRECARED MUSTARD = = 42 Sea Foods Fillets of HADDOCK 3b¢ Fillets of PERCH ww. 336 Fillets of POLLOCK w 23¢ Meaty SLICED ¢0D > 33¢c aT ITY roo ra wea , Posto Bach 19¢ Bala Club—Root Beer, Orange, Birch, Etc. eamne apeies vo 3-3 BEVERAGES 3 go 2 Be New Texas 3 Lbs: 25¢ Plus 3c per Bot. State Tax and 5¢ Bottle Deposit Outstanding Dairy Values America’s Great Prize Winner Rich, Sharp, Cheddar Lb. hoe Mild Cheddar Cheese b. 48¢ Ve'veeta Cheese Feed 2 ™ > 8T¢ Yraft White American 2 ™ °* 83¢ Am Bech Finsor To, Beery Sunpan Pabst-ette Standard Cheese °* 27¢ Princess Oleomargarine 2 > 4it | Kraft Roka Cheese Spread °°" 28¢ AH Sweet Oleomargarine ib 28¢ p- Philadelphia Cream Cheese ® = 17¢ | pure ( a PF se 1°) GHEESE FOOD Downey Honey Butter ™ = <= 28¢ | J Best Pure Lard 11 ont 15g | pre. £6 row 140 Save Time With These Tempting Bakery Treats Frankfurter or Bar-B-Que ROLLS = 15 Carefully Wrapped To Keep Them Lastingly Fresh Orange Cocoanut Tender 15¢ LAYER CAKES uo BO6 | SNOW FLAKE ROLLS “* ilver Fresh POUND CAKES =o 976 |PARKERHOUSE ROLLS ™ 20c Supreme CINNAMON BUNS == 30c | SANDWICH BREAD “~19¢ The Perfect Bread For Delicious Sandwiches Supreme Bread tx 13¢ Quick Meal Helpers Picnic Supplies Borden’s Instant Hot Choc. © °> 24c | Hudson Paper Napkins ke | je Phillip’s Vegetable Soup 3 c= 25¢ | Donald Duck Straws re {Qc Phillip’s Chic. Noodle Soup 2 =~ 23¢c | Paper Dixie Cups ke. {Qc Phillip’s Veg. Beef Soap 2 => 23¢ | Waxed Sandwich Bags rie {Qe Phillip’s Tomato Soup 2 c= {5¢ | Rite Wooden Spoons pkg Qg Phillin’s Beans and Franks 2 => 35¢ | Rite Wooden Forks pkg. Ge Asco Pork and Beans Ib. can ff}e | 9-inch Paper Plates TEE $20 Butterscotch Sundaeties © > i= {5¢ | Sevaert Films—&~> Ho, 21 ™" 27¢ FRITOS Gorn Ribbon Ghins i= 196 WISE Potala Chins "95 ... 69¢ 71 MIRIT Complete Lemon Pie Mix pee 27¢ Crackin’ Good FIG BARS 296 TEN B LOW Make Home Made Ice Cream With Fresh Strawberries Ho 36 WAXTEX Wax Parer Er 216 NESCAFE Instant Coffee Tw 39¢ KRAFT MAYONNAISE Pint Jar 42¢ True Mayonnaisc§ At It’s Finest dra AaRarAa Ak PAGE SEVEN