The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 22, 1949, Image 4

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    _pacE FOUR
‘Neighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Doings
~ Personal
ro: “Waters has been ill at his
home on Huntsville road for the
; past week,
Mr, and Mrs. Murray Scureman
and Murray Jr. of Huntsville road
were Sunday supper guests of Mr.
Thomas Heffernan and family of
Mrs. H. H. Zeiser and Mr. and
_ Mrs. Howard W. Risley of Hunts-
ville Road are spending the week-
end at Providence, R. I. where they
‘will attend the Zeiser-Walker wed-
~~ John Reedy of Carey Avenue,
Ca ~ Wilkes-Barre, has moved out to his
‘summer home on Center Hill road.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray: Flanagan and
son of Church street spent last
week in Detroit, Michigan, visiting
their daughters and attending to
business matters.
WSCS of Centermoreland Metho-
3 dist Church will present a minstrel
on Thursday, April 28 at Center-
moreland Grange Hall. The cast of
thirty-five is being coached by
diglfli-m Boyes and Mrs. Romayne
Mrs. Daisy Prynn of Carverton
Ji as Easter guests Mr, and Mrs.
Bbert Prynn and daughter, Donna
ale and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voll-
Lt. and Mrs. William Dierolf and
daughter, Janine of Panama ar-
~ rived Wednesday to spend a month
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Dierolf of Shavertown and
George Sawyer of Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott have
returned to their home on Mt.
= Greenwood road after spending a
month in Miami, Fla.,, with Mrs.
William Newberry and with Mrs.
~ George Vernoy in Anderson, S. C.
While away they also stopped at
Hollywood, Key West, Daytona
Beach and Williamsburg.
get» entertainefmea... number. of
friends at dinner last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard John have
returned to their home at Goss
Manor after spending several weeks
in Florida.
Marsha Sowden and her grand-
father, Mr. Williams who resides
with his daughter, Mrs. Granville
Sowden, Shavertown are ill at their
Ps. Clarence Shaver Jr., Har-
8s Lake celebrated her. birth-
* day anniversary on Wednesday.
Mrs, Howard Edwards, Carver-
ton, is ill at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lloyd,
Trucksville are visiting the latter’s
sister, Mrs.: George Sheaver in
~~Bloomingburg, N.Y., whose husband
is a patient in Middletown Hos-
Marvin Stadt who has been serv-
ing with the U. S. Navy for two
and one half years, is spending a
sixty day furlough with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stadt of Holly
Mrs. Isaac Coursen, Carverton is
Wieswiagsly ill at her home.
ster Harold Dixon, 3rd, son of
'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dixon Jr., Dal-
as R. D. is ill with the measles.
BL: and Mrs. Howard Hughey,
Pd Brook, N. J. and children,
Rob and Gerald are spending some
time with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gwilliam Evans, Holly
street, Trucksville,
John Smith, Hazle Smith, Frank
Smith and George Smith, children
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of
Orange have recovered after being
i ill with the measles.
Alyce Woolbert, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Addison Woolbert of Pitt-
ston, has been ill with the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mayer and
sons, Alan and Jackie of Harveys
Lake spent the Easter weekend
with Mrs. Mayer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I. A. Shepherd at Seaside
EE i lt LL isi ie
Ih 7
Shepherds for a while.
-. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson of
Endicott, N. Y. and Mr, and Mrs.
Ralph Johnson Jr. and son, Brent
of Vestal, N. Y. and Mr, and Mrs.
William Dodd of Kingston were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph John-
son at Lehman over the Easter
E. L. Truitt and Grace Ferry have
returned to Philadelphia after
spending several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Lewis at Lehman, Eas-
"ter Sunday Miss Irma Meyers of
Wilkes-Barre was guest at the Lew-
is home.
Mrs. Carrie Caperoon of Franklin |
Heights. Jackie remained with the |
“One Sunday
in technicolor
Dennis Morgan and Janis Paige
Cartoon, and Comedy
“Isn’t It Romantic”
Veronica Lake, Mona Freeman
“Return of Wildfire”
in color
Richard Arlen, Patricia Morison
Dr. Daniel L. Polling of Philadel-
phia, who has a great many friends
Back of the Mountain and has
frequently visited at the Francis
Lewis home is now in Tokio on a
business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bestwick of
Elmecrest entertained Mr. and Mrs.
George Hadley of Saylesville, R.
I. and Mr. and Mrs. Abert Fair-
brother of Riverside, R. I. over the
Easter weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Schmoll of
Philadelphia spent last week at the
home of the latters’ brother, Har-
vey Moss, Huntsville.
Mrs. Lizzie Moore, who broke
her hip in a fall early in March,
is coming along nicely at Nes-
bitt Memorial Hospital.
Max Dreher, member of the Jun-
ior Class at Penn State College,
is spending the spring vacation
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Max Dreher of Park Street.
Rev. and. Mrs. Howard Harrison
were dinner guests of the latters’
brother and sister in law, Dr. and {of Orange.
Mrs. J. A. Pyne of Wyoming on| Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of At Birthday Dinner
Sunday. New Jersey were guests of Mr. Mrs. Walter Smith of Idetown
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Morgans of
Mt. Holly, N. J., spent the week
with the latter’s sister and her hus-
band, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Moreck
of Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown.
Mrs. Rena Mann of Wilkes-Barre
and Ralph Besteder of Harrisburg
were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Prynn of Carverton.
William Carroll, student at Vill-
anova College, spent the Easter
recess with his wife and son, Billy
and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Carroll, Sr., of Machell avenue.
Friends of Stephen Johnson were
delighted to see him present at
the Easter services, Sunday morn-
ing. Mr. Johnson was seriously in-
jured several months ago.
Edith Hart of Philadelphia was
Easter guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Hart of Center
Mrs. Charles Mannear has been
confined to her home, a victim of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snow ef
Beech Street had as recent guests
ththslormer’s- parents ~
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Davies
of Pittsburgh and daughter, Bar-
bara Jane spent the Easter holi-
day with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. S. Nichol of Overbrook
avenue. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Davies
of Wilkes-Barre were dinner guests
at the Nichol home on Sunday.
Luther Hontz of Philadelphia
spent Easter with his mother, Mrs.
Elda Hontz of Shavertown.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dierolf,
Franklin Street, Shavertown had as
Easter guests their sons, William
of Panama and Robert of Buffalo,
and their families. William, who
is a first lieutenant in the U. S.
Army has been stationed in Pan-
ama for two and one half years
and will return to Panama on May
Mr. William R. Hammer, who re-
sides with his daughter, Mrs. Earl
Hess, Carverton Road, has been
very ill at his home.
Miss Claire Griesing, Franklin
street, Dallas spent several days
in New Jersey last week, visiting
relatives, Mr, and Mrs. William
Rice and Mr. and Mrs. John Ruth.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hess, Car-
verton Road, visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Gilman of Wilkes-Barre on
Mary Winter, who is taking spec-
ial training at Danville State Hos-
pital, spent Monday with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winter of
Cease Drive.
Mrs. Harold Flack, Saginaw av-
enue, spent last week in Harris-
burg where Harold is in session
with the State Legislature.
Jimmy Case, Young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Case, Huntsville, is
ill with the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Adams
of Short Hills, N. J. were guests
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
ward Adams and Mr. and Mrs.
William Thomas, both of Mt. Green-
wood, over the Easter weekend.
They were accompanied by their
son, Billy.
Mr. and’ Mrs. Algert Antainitis’
and children of Mt. Airey road
spent the weekend in Connecticut.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garrahan
have moved into their new home
at Goss Manor.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Briggs of
Goss Manor spent the week in Jer-
sey City.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winter re-
cently visited the latter's father
who was seriously ill in Allentown
General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bond and
son Jimmie of Mt. Greenwood road
spent some time in Ocean City.
Mrs. Martin Porter has returned
from Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Jane Engler, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtright, Or-
chard street, spent the Easter hol-
iday with her parents.
Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, Terrace
drive is recuperating at her home,
‘after suffering injuries received in
an automobile accident on Satur-
Miss Anna Holcomb who is spend-
ing ‘some time with Mrs, Dina
Pollock of Hunlock’s Creek visited
her sister, Mrs. Walter Shaver of
Pioneer avenue several days last
Mrs. John Grant, Shaver avenue
recently entertained the following
friends at luncheon, Mrs. Merton
Coolbaugh, Mrs. Florence Williams,
Mrs. Doris Covert, Miss Harriet
Williams, and her mother, Mrs.
Birthday Party
Anna Marie Faulles, Hazletine
street, recently celebrated her sev-
enth birthday anniversary with a
party. The following were present:
Lois Ann Burnaford, Flora Sue An-
derson, Karen and Phyllis Monko,
Penny Loucks, Brenda and Char-
lene Mannear, Sandra Yeisley, Jan-
ice Roberts, Billy and and Jimmy
Faulls and Anna Marie.
Ted Wilson,
afternoon at 3 P.
Frederick Moock,
Mrs. Daisy Prynn of Carverton the ceremony.
had as Easter Guests Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Prynn and daughter Donna
Gale and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Voll-
rath, Jr., of Rochester. Robert
Prynn and Mrs. Vollrath are Mrs.
Prynn’s son and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller of
Hartford, Conn. spent the Easter
holidays with the latter’s mother,
Mrs. Ada Jackson of Beaumont,
and also visited Mr. Miller's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller
she will carry a
and Mrs. James Sands of Carverton
last week.
Thomas Stephens, Carverton, is
seriously ill at his home,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geist of New
Jersey spent Saturday with Mr.
She is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs..
Carl Bradbury.
David Austin of Wilkes-Barre
was the guest of his daughter, Mrs.
Glenn Sickler, Carverton, over the
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Evans
Jr., Philadelphia were the Easter
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Brad-
bury, Harris Hill Road, Trucks-
ville, Mr. Evans is Mrs. Bradbury's
Miss Marilyn Malkemes spent the
Easter recess with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Malkemes, Lehigh
street. Marilyn is a student at Wil-
gon (ollege \recaras
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Faatz, Brook
street entertained Albert Faatz,
Plains and Mr. and Mrs. William
Roberts of Kingston and Mrs. Kate
Moore, Sweet Valley on Sunday.
Mrs. Nellie Reese of Carverton
road is very ill at her home,
Frank Locke, Holly street spent
the weekend with his nephew, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hess of Chester,
Walter Mathers, Harrisburg was
Easter guest of his brother, Robert
Mathers, Maple street.
Naomi Lyons,
Mr. and Mrs.
Harris Hill Road,
and a half
James Warren at
Thursday, April
Beth,.gged six,
Sink are keeping
1 of Forty Fort.
Miss Jean Monk To Become
Bride of Tex Wilson Today
Miss Jean Monk, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk, Pinecrest
avenue, Dallas, will be married to
Tex Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Demunds road,
Lutheran Church Shavertown. Rev.
The bride will be given in mar-
riage by her father and will wear
a white satin -and lace gown, made
with mandarin neckline and long
Her fingertip veil will be
attached to a narrow band and
fastened with orange blossoms and
of white roses and gardenias.
Walter Smith Is « Ciost
entertained at supper Sunday hon-
oring her husband, Walter, who cel-
ebrated his birthday anniversary.
A lovely cake with candles made
an attractive centerpiece.
ceived many gifts and cards.
and Mrs. Alvah Evans of Carver- Present were: Rev. and Mrs. | Poynton, Mrs. William Carrol Sr,
ton Road. Harry Smith, Richard and Ronald Poa reroll Mrs. i a
i hy illi Hunt, Mrs illiam
Mar Margaret: Bradbur of of Union Center, N. Y., Mr. and rs. William i ’ . :
Trucksville ld her ond Mrs. George Smith and Betty of Carroll, Jr. Billy Carroll, Billy
birthday anniversary on Monday. Wilkes - Barre, Daniel Brown of; Smith, Mrs. Paul Smith and the
West Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred hostess.
Smith and Delores and Janet, Mrs.
Glenda and Gloria,
Kathryn Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
James Warren Keast
* Trucksville, have
announced the birth of an eight
pound baby boy,
have two. other
two. Grandma and Grandpa Harvey
mother is in the hospital.
Baby James Warren was born
just six hours after the death of
his great grandfather,
Celebrate Birthdays
At Maple Grove Hall
A birthday party
Frank Dennis,
Maid of honor will be the bride’s
sister, Ruth Monk, who will wear
a yellow marquisette gown, with
matching pictgre hat. Bridesmaids
will be Mrs# Melvin Metis, Mrs.
John Allabaugh Mrs. Andrew
Denmon, who will be attired in
pastel shades of blue, green and
pink with matching picture hats.
They will carry colonial, cascade
bouquets of mixed flowers.
William Gerrity will be best man
and John Allabaugh, Bruce W. Wil-
son and Melvin Morris, ushers.
Following the ceremony, a recep-
tion will be held at the home of
the bride’s parents. The couple
will honeymoon in Florida.
M. at St. Paul's
Jr., will perform
cascade bouquet
Mrs. Paul Eckert Is
Hostess For Sister
Mrs. Paul Eckert of Spring street
entertained on Wednesday at a sur-
prise party for her sister, Mrs.
Paul Smith, who was celebrating
her birthday. Luncheon was served
to the following guests: Mrs. Lee
Earl, Mrs. Clyde Faatz, Mrs. Cecil
He re-
Mrs. Robert Williams
Entertains For Mother
Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Williams
of West Dallas entertained at a
family dinner recently in honor of
the latter's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
McEvoy who celebrated her birth-
day anniversary.
The party table was attractive
with centerri=Ce¢ of lovely pink and
white frosted cake encircled with
Samuel Keast of
General Hospital,
14. The Keasts
children, Mary | inc and white carnations and
and Fred, aged tapers.
di : Present were: Mr. and Mrs.
them while their James Scanlon and Catherine,
Betty and Peggy Ann, Mr. and
Mrs. James J. McEvoy and Ruthie,
Mrs. John D. Smith and Jackie
and twins, Patricia and Mary Lynn,
Robert J. Williams, Betty Kay and
Eleanor, the guest of honor and the
Sam Keast
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dewey,
in honor of
Ruxiliary Clears $65
On Easter Bake Sale
Woman’s Auxiliary of Jackson
Fire Department met last Wednes-
day night at the home of Mrs. Ver-
non Cease. Mrs. Paul Snyder re-
ported that $65 was realized at last
Saturday's combined bake and
Easter egg sale.
Mrs. Thomas Williams was ap-
pointed head of the newly formed
entertainment committee. Next
month is the last for charter mem-
bers to join and all women of
Jackson Township are urged to do
Present at the meeting were;
Pearl Coolbaugh, Loretta Reakes,
Helen Balliet, Phyllis Smith, Frieda
Snyder, Louise Palmer, Ruth Nor-
ris, Dorothy Cooper, Mable Cooper,
Hilda Ashworth, Miriam Williams,
Edith Cease, Dorothy Bertram, Sue
Evarts, Malvina Shouldice, Mary
Ashton, Harriet Southwell.
Harriet Southwell was welcomed
as a new member.
Serving committée was Mrs. Ver-
non Cease, Mrs, Dennis Bonning,
and Mrs. Harold Bertram.
News From John Nulton
Mr. and Mrs, John Nulton of
Lehman received a note from their
son, Cpl. John Jr. saying that he
flew from WACO Air Force Base to
Chicago, Ill., and spent Easter week- | Mr& ‘Joseph Rauch,
Miss Ruth Louise Yeust
Engaged to Roy Sommers
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Yeust of
Fernbrook announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Ruth
Louise ‘to Roy Sommers, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Sommers of
White Haven.
Miss Yeust is a graduate of Dallas
Township High School in the class
of 1940 and has been affiliated
with Blue Ribbon Cake Company
for the past eight years. Mr. Som-
mers was graduated from White
Haven High School and Mining and
Mechanical Institute, Freeland. He
is affiliated with the Farm Cooper-
ative Dairy in Hazleton,
The wedding will take place in
the fall.
To Hold Rummage Sale
Dallas Woman’s Club will hold
a rummage sale in the Keller Build-
ing, Luzerne, May 2 to 4. Chairman
is Mrs. Milford Shaver, and co-
chairman, Mrs. A. J. Pruett. Any
one having rummage should send
it to one of the following: Mrs.
Robert VanHorn, Mrs. Robert Body-
comb; Mrs, Edward Hartman, Mrs.
Vincent McGuire, Mrs. Lettie Cul-
ver, Mrs. Joseph Schmerer, Mrs.
A. C. Dick, Mrs. Charles White-
sell, Mrs. Fred Nicely, Mrs. George
Stolarick, Mrs, Walter Elston, .or
end with his cousin, Russell Miers | -
and family. He said he was en-
joying himself and seeing lots of
interesting things.
He also sent a clipping from
the WACO newspaper which stated
that the Air Force Medic baseball
team was champion of all the teams
on the field and had challenged the |
Baylor College team.
John is a member of the team
and also a student at the College. |
Trucksville P. T. A.
To Hold Card Party
Trucksville Elementary P. T. A.
will hold a card party Monday
evening at 8:00 p.m. at the Trucks-
ville Fire Hall in an effort to raise
funds to purchase a visual aid pro-
jector for use in the Trucksville
grade school. Mrs.
is chairman of the affair. She is
assisted by Mrs. Kovaletz, publicity;
Mrs. Mary Mathers, prizes; Mrs.
Catherine Shelbourne, refreshments,
Table and door prizes will
Carl Bradbury
To Help You With
Your Housecleaning
A Specialty
awarded. Guests are asked to bring
their own cards. Reservations may
be made by calling Mrs. Carl Brad-
Shaver avenue moved Monday to
+ Mrs. Clifford | Connecticut.
bury. Everyone is invited to par-
H. L. 4256
Mrs. Theresa Hansen, Holly street
has as guests Mr. John Speltz,
Belmar, N. J. and Theresa Welsh
Linda and Rita Ruth, daughters
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Or-
chard Farm are ill with the
Mr. and Mrs. Zelzah E. Garinger
of Lake Street attended the Lay-
men’s Banquet of the Wyoming An-
nual Conference of the Methodist
Church, held in Elm Park Church,
Scranton, this week.
Miss Helen Williamson, teacher
at the Friends School, Philadelphia,
spent part of her Easter vacation
visiting old friends Back of the
Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Yeust of
Fernbrook had as guests last week
Mrs. Lucinda Yeust and Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Stoltz of Detroit, Mich.,
who came here to attend the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Bessie Lamor-
Mrs. Bessie Campbell of Shaver-
town had as guests last week Mrs.
Clem Goldsmith, Mrs. Arthur Sea-
man, Mrs. Bert Carpenter and Mr.
and Mrs. Tracy Carpenter of Long
Island who came here to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Lamoreaux.
Mrs. Frances Quaill and family
of Church street will have as guests
this weekend for the Quaill-Keller
wedding Rev. and Mrs. William Cut-
ler and Joy of Holidaysburg; Mr.
and Mrs. HA D. Eaton and Anita
and Tom, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Eat-
on, Miss Betty Hamilton, and Harry
Hunter of Pittsburgh; Mrs. C. E.
Johnston of Baden, Pa.; Mrs.
S. Workman and Charlotte Wi
of Baltimore, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hilbert
of Beaumont had as Easter week-
end guests Mr. and Mrs, Clifton
King of Dayton, Pa.
William Blessing former Dallas
resident, has returned to the Back
Mountain area after making his
home in Philadelphia for several
years. He is staying temporarily
with his sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Devine
of Main Road until his own home is
Mary Beth and Fred Keast of
Harris Hill road have recovered
from the measles and bad colds.
and Daniel Gleason of New Britain, '
Ruggles, Marjorié Wolfe, Burton A.
Steltz, Otis A. Rood and Charles H.
Wolfe was held recently at the
Parish Hall of the Maple Grove
Methodist Church.
The program took the form of
a “Crazy Party” with the following
members of the entertainment com-
mittee in charge: Mr. and Mrs.
Cletus Holcomb and Mr, and Mrs.
Elwood Ruckel. Mrs. John Graham
and Mrs. Grace Goodwin had charge
of refreshments and decorations.
A similar affair honoring those
persons born in May will be held
on May 11th with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Dennis in charge of the dec-
The following attended: Dana
Davenport, M. L. Ruggles, Mr, and
Mrs, Frank Dennis, Mr. and Mrs.
John Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam LaBar, Beverly Steltz, Anne
Gray, Dorothy Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Cletus Holcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Rood, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pall
and Connie, William G. Hand,
Norma Cease, Mr. and Mrs. T.
E. Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Ruggles, Ann Marie Ruggles, Mrs.
Alex Ballantine, Mrs. Grace Good-
win, Mrs. Mame Dymond, Mrs.
Thomas Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. El-
wood Ruckel, Marjorie Wolfe, Bur-
ton A. Steltz, and Charles H. Wolfe.
Alderson Ladies Meet
Holy Thursday Evening
A very impresive worship ser-
vice with organ solos by Miss Jessie
A | Armitage and vocal solos by Miss
Treva Traver, was conducted by
| Alderson W. S. C. S. Holy Thurs-
day evening. Reports were given
by Mrs. George Taylor and Mrs.
William Deets. Plans were made
for the Mothers Day tea which
will be held May 12.
Present were: Mrs. James Hilbert,
Mrs. Lida Weaver, Mrs. Kate
Schultz, Mrs. Marion Avery, Mrs.
Morrison Witter, Mrs. H. R. Gar-
inger, Mrs. Joseph Rauch, Mrs.
Lucy Traver, Mrs. Gilbert Carpen-
ter, Mrs. John Cowan, Mrs. Albert
Armitage, Miss Lina Garinger
Miss Eleanor Humphrey, Miss
June Kistler, Mrs. Frank Jackson
and Carol Deets.
Cary Grant
April 22 and 23
, “Every Girl Should Be Married”
Cartoon and News
Special Matinee Saturday, April 23, 2
“Adventures of Rusty”
Betsy Drake
. for spring dances
. for parties
. for bridesmaids
(Some white: ones are pretty
enough for the bride herself!)
(A Few to $16.99)
Main Street, Luzerne
Phone 7-6318 :