oa ht, rm —— i — Be — | YOU KNOW ME BY Al, Himself - Tucked away in an Archive in the Conservation Department at Harrisburg is a map of State Game Lands No. 57. This reservation of a million acres has one entrance five miles west of Noxen. Inside the gate another four or five miles beyond Dinstels quite a large sec- tion recorded on the official state map as Hell's Kitchen. How it got: its name is a story worth telling. Years before the State took over Squire Ralph Davis and his hunt- ing pals of Harveys Lake built a small cabin in this wild country on North Mountain and used it as a nightly stopover if each man in the hunting party failed to bag his deer on the first day. Many a year when five men went up there to hunt they would come home with as many deer the second or third day and the Squire has photographs of the an- imals, Hanging in front of his home, to prove it. Such good times were had at this cabin, known as the Davis Stopover, that often the boys. would get together even out of hunting season, drive to Dinstels, and walk five miles to the cab- in, light a fire in the wood stove and just sit around talking of old times and playing a little high, low, Jack, or shoot crows and come back to the lake next day full of exuberance and tales of wild ani- mals seen, and bear tracks that were followed just for the fun of getting out in the woods and tramping around. Twenty-three years ago, in 1926, three years before this wild country became State land, the Squire, Calvin Branon, Gene May, Charles Frantz and Raymond Smith decided to take a hike up to Davis’ Stop- over cabin. They intended to spend the weekend there just chewing the fat, looking around and hav- ing a good time as men are apt to do, but which would bore women to death. It was early spring, with leaves partly out and a beautiful fine sunny morning. The car trip to Dinstels was uneventful even over the rough road that has since been improved by the CCC boys and the WPA. There wasnt a hap- pier quintet in the State of Penn- sylvania that morning as they stepped from the car and started their five-mile hike to the cabin. Deer bounded away almost at their feet, fresh bear tracks were fol- lowed, thirty different bird species were noted, rabbits scooted through the brush and porcupines lumbered across their path, All was well with the world. The sun was shining. It was_ spring. “When we get to the cabin,” said the Squire, “We'll get the old wood stove going and cook some grub, I'm getting hungry, and we better get going, I just felt a. drop of rain.” “Oh! that's not rain,” retorted Ray Smith, “It's the dew falling off the young leaves.” “No, it's rain allright,” advised Cal Branon, “Let’s get on our way, it's a good thing we're only a mile from the cabin.” But it was too late, the rain came down in torrents. In a few minutes the cloud burst soaked the men through. Their pants were clinging to their legs. Their underclothing was as wet as though they had just emerged from the lake fully dressed, but they plodded on think- ing of that fire and getting dry. At last they reached the cabin and the Squire unlocked the door and they all pushed in to—now, just a minute, we are getting a little ahead of our story. It seems that the Squire, the autumn before turned the key in the lock and left the cabin in ship- shape, but in the interval, some porcupines got hungry. These pesky critters had discovered that the rubberized covering on the roof of the cdbin was a delicacy that they couldn't resist. They had climbed up on a woodpile back of .the cab- | in, and onto the roof and ate the The Lend A Hand Club had "a most enjoyable evening recently at the high school cafeteria where their husbands were dinner guests. In collaboration with the Cancer Drive a movie on the same was shown by Mr. Whipple, county chairman. Local “Isaac Waltons” are dis- playing their hauls for the opening of the season. Here's a poem for the same that should be shared with you— Out Fishin’ A feller isn’t thinkin’ mean, Out Fishin’ His thoughts are mostly good and clean Out Fishin’ oy He does not knock his fellow men, Or harbor any grudges then. A feller’'s at his finest when Out Fishin’ A feller’s glad to be a friend, Out Fishin’ The brotherhood of rod and line An’ sky and stream is always fine Men come real close to God's de- sign, Out Fishin’ A feller isn’t plotting schemes Out Fishin’ He's only busy with his dreams, Out Fishin’ His livery is a coat of tan, His creed to do the best he can, A feller's always mostly man, Out Fishin’ k —Anonymous Miss Rosemary Kozak entertained for Miss Audrey Crispell, a bride elect last Thursday evening. The high school baseball team is off to a good start for the sea- son. The {first league game with Meshoppen was ours by a score of The Cancer Drive is under way throughout the nation, but as yet no local contributions have been received by Mrs. Edward MacDoug- all, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Alden Dietz, or William A. Austin who make up the local committee, Please ‘strike back”! It's pleasing to report the final count of the “Red Cross Drive” put us “over the top” for we met our quota of $168. May fifth has been chosen as the date for the grade school op- eretta, “The Magic Beanstalk.” The Charles Goodwin family spent Easter at Budd Lake, N. J. with their daughters and families. No local “Isaac Waltons” are boasting of their limits the first day, although some sixteen inches have been placed in the frying pans. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richards have | returned from Florida looking most fit and sun-tanned. : The teachers of Monroe Town- ship plan to attend the County Teachers’ Banquet at the Tun- khannock Methodist Church April 28 at six. Larry Schmid who is at Catho- covering down to the bare boards. The winter snows had piled on the roof and warped the boards. The spring rains came and swished through the place. Mud gathered on the floor. The five men entered, they couldn’t have been any wetter. They tried to start a fire, but the damp wood smoked them out in the rain again. At 2 o'clock in the morning the storm stopped, and the men managed to get some dry wood from under the cabin and re- kindle a fire, only to find that the stove refused to draw because of the damp treatment it had received all. winter, “Listen,” growled Gene May, “Do you call this stove and the dish cabinet along side it a kitchen? It’s a devil's abode, that's what it is. Hell’s kitchen I calls it—HELL’S KITCHEN!" And Hell's Kitchen it has been ever since. It's on a map at Har- risburg which proves it, and every- body speaks of it as Hell's Kitchen even now, long after the cabin has fallen into decay, but only five men and Al, Himself knew how it got that name, and now you do, too lic University, Washington, D." C,, | spent his Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Schmid. E Bill Haase is improving at the General Hospital. Nice going, Bill! Plan Horse Show Lehman Volunteer Fire Company is making plans for its fifth annual Horse Show to be held on July 5. PLOW you need for breaking sod ZZ re ° The Deathorn Fran plow is made for Line the Ford Tractor. It has no wheels, axle, tongue, clutch, springs or levers... but ood sturdy beams and fine ases, coulters and jointers. With Ford Hydraulic Touch Control, holding right depths is easy. Easy adjustments. Only three grease gun fittings to lubricate. See us if you want anew plowing experience. : 1S < a Hydraulic Touch Control raises plow. "Plow attached to tractor in one minute. A touch of the Hydraulic lever lowers plow. WALTER’S BROTHERS Phone 551-R-7 Memorial Highway, No detaching when plow hits obstruction Dallas 3-Piece BATHROOM OUTFIT Cast iron tub, cast iron basin and toilet $139.60 complete with fittings Stop in now and Take advantage of economical prices. Septic Tanks, Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings, Copper Tub- ing all sizes and fittings. Luzerne Plumbing Supply Co. SAM WEBER, Prop. 340 UNION STREET LUZERNE DIAL 7-4415 Support the Cancer Drive o™ 80 WEST EIGHTH STREET Phorie Wyoming 327 * Support the Cancer Drive } Wm. 5. Cutten wants your wife to know the con- venience, economy and reliability of Cutten’s Metered Gas Service. A postcard will fetch us to your door to give you the information. Cutten Gas Company WYOMING, PA. _THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1949 LL hy” gis Crisp, Cherry-Red Radishes Home-Grown, Green Tender, Green 1b. 10¢ Solid, Ripe, Slicing cello pkg. Acme Style of Trimming Short-cut, Prime, Western Beef—7 Inch Cut RIB ROAST ' 53 Full of Tempting Flavor and Goodness — Tender, Tasty Eating Quality LEAN, MEATY HAMBURG LEAN PIECE BACON TASTY SLICED BACON ROLLED VEAL ROAST Swift Premium Skinless FRANKS HOT0GNA 1D. 4%¢ Ass’t Baked LOAVES t=-% TOMATOES ? bunches 1c 21¢ Acme Leads in Food Values! Simple Comparison Shows Why A price tag often does not tell the complete story. Value de- pends on the quality offered as well as the price. A compari- son which includes both quality and price proves Acme the leader every time. Finest, Clean, White Southern NEW POTATOES Y pk. 7Y lbs. Large Florida—Size 176 Oranges a Western Eating 3 1 Apples Southern, New Cabbage Gives More Meat — Less Waste 1b. 3c Any Size. Ib. Piece 45¢ Breakfast Bb Style. Pe 49 Swift Ib. Premium 3%¢ e : Fancy Sea Foods Ib. 49 Fillets of Fils of Ib ¢ POLLOCK HADDOCK 399¢ i 250 Be me vss WR A yy yy yy yy yyy Sirloin or Porterhouse 2c ~§e bs. 30e ? Ibs. Oc STEAKS » 69c¢ Home-Dressed, Roasting CHICKENS v. 49¢ 7 MINIT Complete Chocolate Pie Mix ve. 16 JOAN OF ARC Red Kidney Beans wn 12¢ can LIPTON’S New Tomato Vegetable SOUP MIX 3 ves 326 A ————————— OCZAN SPRAY Cranberry Sauce 9 an 35¢ BEEGHNUT JUNIOR FOODS All Varieties 6 -- 8c SWIFT'S Strained Meals for Babies 2 ce 350 . GORTON'S Ready-toc-Fry Codfish Cakes 10 oz. 22¢ can GORTON’S Flaked Fish 70m. 23¢ Salt Mackerel !?2°%30c Fibred Codfish 23c Glendale C lub—Tangy GHEESE FOOD = Borden’s Chateau 8 oz. pkg. GHEESE FOOD Kraft White AMERICAN CHEESE Kraft—Cheese and Bacon GHEESE SPREAD Borden’s Vera Sharp CHEESE SPREAD SHARP CHEESE Ib. he 25¢ 2 Ib. loaf 15¢ "ai 806 Tat 900 ties 290 29¢ 5 oz. glass MILD CHEESE Ib. 49¢ Frosted Foods Birds Eye CUT CORN 2 -«47c Tops In Flavor! ~ COFFEE *“Heat-Flo” Roasted Win-Crest Coffee Idea! Coffee Fairmont’s Strawberries rke. 45g Dulany Baby Limas PkE. 43¢ Snow Crop Crange Juice can 29¢ Fairmont’s Peas 2 ries. 48¢ 4&5C0—Rich, Full-Bodied 1b. 4d4c os 80 2 Ble Virginia Lee Cakes and Pastries—Taste The Quality Golden Macaroon Crunch BAR CAKES Tempting Breakfast Treat! DANISH COFFEE RINGS Jelly Filled Donuts Fresh Apple Pies Poppy Seed Rolls pkg. of 6 25¢ | Layer Cakes 35g 35, Gold-N Snow ~ A%% | Cracked Wheat Bread ©“ ne: 29¢ | Ass’t Cum Cakes Famous, Supreme Enriched BREAD large loaf 13c Green Giant Peas Phillips Vegetable Soup Phillips Chic. Noodle Soup 2 *™ 23¢ Phillips Veg. Beef Soup 2 17 oz. dic cans 3 cans 950 2 cans 2 3e pkg. 6 oz. pkg. Sunshine Hi Ho Crackers ! I": rks: 29¢ Nabisco Graham Crackers !'*- Pks- 29¢ Nabisco Anniversary Cookies .! Crackin’ Good Cheese Chips b- 58¢ i9¢ IVORY Floating Soap 15¢ large size IVORY Floating Soap med. size 21c IVORY Floating Soap 3 Personal ( Te 0XYDOL Scap Powder large 28¢ giant 15¢ DuZ Does Everything large 28C giant T15¢ DREFT For Sparkling Dishes large 27C giant T2¢ 3 CAKES ar REGULAR PRICE {eer 1 cake For ir ALL 8 CAKES ror LAVA Hand Soap ZR J cates 26¢ TIDE New Washday Miracle pkg. 28¢ P& Laundry Soap 3 cakes 22¢ 2» dlc SPIC and SPAN For Painted Surfaces