Improvement Association : Bi An organization has been formed ~ in Kingston Township, comprised " Trucksville and Carverton areas. - whole. Ted Hinkle of Shavertown _ of the organization will take place i | of citizens from Shavertown, The purpose is to work for the im- provement of the community as a has been named chairman and Wil- liam Robbins of Trucksville, sec- retary. Membership will be limited to approximately twenty-five men. Twelve persons having attended the first meeting. The second meeting shortly. DILL 0 FIRST [1's EANY TO GET TO! . ee Lelimari Parents To Panel Discussion A panel discussion on the sub- ject, “What We Expect of Our Children And What They Should Expect of Us” will be the feature at the meeting of Lehman Township PTA in the school auditorium Mon- day “evening. Taking part in the discussion are the following high school parents: Russell Walters, Ted Hutchinson Bernard Mont, Carl Stainbrook, Mrs. Charles Nuss and Mrs. Alden Wag- ner. Miss Jule Bartley ,teacher, will be moderator. | Saturday Bake Sale Woman’s Auxiliary of Jackson Fire Company will hold a bake sale in the Roberts building, ap- posite Roberts Oil Company at Hill- side tomorrow, Saturday. All sorts of pastry, breads, rolls and decor- ated Easter eggs will be sold. ( ders can be phoned to Mrs. Denn’ Bonning or Mrs. Lewis Wilcox. A fellow got on the bus with a hundred-pound bomb under his arm and sat down. Easter ~ 2 CUT: FLOWERS Plants POTTED PLANTS CORSAGES HENRY SOOnA orist PHONE H. L. 4253 AL Hold | were served by fifth grade mothers, Shavertown P.T.A. Plans Bake Sale At a meeting last week, Shaver- town P.T.A. voted to hold a card BN party and bake sale to raise funds to further promote its visual aid program. It will be held on the eve- ning of April 29th in the Shaver- town Teen Age Center. Mrs. Ray Stroud is chairman of the card party and Mrs. Ted Hinkle chair- man of the bake sale. Mr. James Goodwin presided. A letter of appreciation was sent to Mrs, Martin Porter, 5th grade teacher, who due to illness will be unable to return for the remainder of the term. Many tributes were paid to her as an able and beloved teacher. Philip White, Mrs. George Krom- elbein and William Burnaford were chosen as a nominating committee. The finance committee will be com- prised of Ted Hinkle and William Burnaford. The banner for attend- ance was won by fourth grade, Fol- lowing the business session, a mus- ical program was presented by Ed- ward Charney, who played the piano accordion, Sylvia Jones, voc- alist and Richard Glace, clarinet solos. They were accompanied by Robert Antainitis. Refreshments Mr. Park’s room. DALLAS CHURCH NOTES Senior Choir will sing “Ride On! Ride On In Majesty” at the Palm Sunday service, Dallas Methodist Church, and the Senior and Juror | Choirs, “Hosanna” by Bitgood. Thursday evening Janet Garinger Garris will sing “God So Loved The World” by Moore. THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1949 THREE ACRES And Six Dependents (Continued from Page Two) — 8 impressed with the fact that no water was used in preparing the meal and I used to wonder how the coffee was conceived. Apple- sauce was usually on the menu but had been made earlier in the day and forced through the ricer, which made two legitimate reasons why no normal person could keep house without one, My last dinner was the one I took Norm to. One girl had the bright idea of letting the husbands in on a demonstration and we con- cluded later that it hadn’t been such a bright idea after all. Norm and one of his pals we call “Gloves” came close to causing a riot in the hostess’s kitchen. They had be- come bored with the before dinner PIKES CREEK Sgt. George W. Gordon of Air Force Band, Scottfield, Ill., visited relatives and friends recently. Mrs. Albert Baker and daughter, Betty of Estella visited the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Gordon on Sunday. Olin Gordon is improving after a serious illness. Stanley Barnes is seriously ill at his home at Pikes Creek. To Show Movie The movie, “King of Kings”, will be shown on Monday evening, April 11, at 7:30 o'clock in Trucksville Methodist Church. Yellow Ripe Bananas 2 Ibs. 20c Large Fresh Eggs 48c doz. Ripe Tomatoes 2 pkg. for 25¢ Large Potatoes $1.98 bu. basket California Carrots 5¢ bunch Pascoe Celery 10c bunch THIS IS NO SALE—]JUST EVERYDAY VALUE AT THE PRODUCE CENTER LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY Large Parking Space speech so wandered out to the kitchen to see for themselves what was cooking in what. They pro- ceeded to lift the lids off every pot on the stove making possible the escape of most of the precious vita- mins we had been hearing about; not to mention the odor of re- bellious cabbage; which up to that moment had been a carefully guarded secret. The salesman cut his talk short and gave the hostess a very desperate “let's dish up the dinner” look then tore out to the kitchen. By that time Norm and “Gloves” were sampling the coffee and © voluntered the information that it was as good as Salvation Army coffee any day. * To give credit where credit is due I will say that both Norm and Gloves bought their unhappy wives a ricer and then they suggested that we all go down to the diner for hamburgs. The brush demonstrations will not be discussed here for the ob- vious reason that they always re- mind some one of a joke. Suffice it’s to say there is a brush for every oc- casion but not necessarily an occa- sion for every brush, —Phyllis M. Smith “The Bookworm PAGE SEVEN (Continued from Page Two) : = : . Ani g ' now one of their main industries. | Cultured pearl necklaces I havn't told you about the ar-| tists who never tire of painting its lovely scenery and the summer .- twinkling little scat-' stock companies who inhabit every | ter pins . . . quaint Old- old barn. Summer stock was borr English earrings . . . . on Cape Cod. scintillating rhinestones I hope I have aroused your in- terest enough so that you will get bracelets. Just a smatter- ing from our wide dis- the book and read the rest of it play of beautiful cos- yourself. tume jewelry pieces to Some beautiful spring day I am add a capricious note going to back the old Chevrolet out of the garage and gather my nice husband, who doesn’t mind stopping at antique shops, borrow “Down Cape Cod” from Miriam (I won't stay over two weeks) and follow its map on places to see on the Cape and return to find some places we have missed. Better come along. Anyway, do read the book. So here’s hoping, Your friend, Jean D. Hutchison PS. Maybe we could get some new ideas for the Auction Sale. to your spring attire! CENTER STREET All Your Spring Needs Ladies’ and Children’s DRESSES BLOUSES GLOVES CANNON HOSIERY The SHEWAN SHOP Open Friday Evening until 9 HENRY'S | JEWELRY SHOP MAIN ST.—DALLAS - SHAVEREOWN enh See The Live Eaalern Lunnied EVANS DRUG STORE Bugs Bunny Wrist Watch SPECIAL FOR EASTER $4.98 - Plus Tax Swiss Movement Leather Strap Fully Guaranteed Polished Chrome Case Regular Price $6.95 $1.00 All sizes and different shades In our machine GRASS for Baskets—I10c FE < fopn EES Lom EASA ae IN THE NEW Half Gallon $1.05 Two For $2.05 easy to pack. Oblong Half Gallon Package Each carton contains recipes for making ice cream novelties—it’'s easy to dip and ~ eos JELLY BEANS 25¢ eas NYLON SToBKINES BREYERS ICE CREAM FISHING LICENSE FOR Names on Eggs “pop” F b i E Put one : in his Fish Basket ORDER NOW—we are being $2.10 rushed with orders. Don’t be disappointed — Spring Colors ppo They’re Delicious EGG DYES i0c CIGARETTES $1.91 CARTON Evans Drug Store ~ SHAVERTOWN, PENNA. The Rexall Store REA 3