THE POST, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1949 PAGE FIVE In The Interest Of Purebred Dogs By Margaret McLuckie Cottle (Continued from last week) Then there is the “Specials Only” class (open to both sexes) all of which animals must be champions of record and any undefeated dogs which have competed at the show. only in classes other than the reg- ular classes are brought into the ring to compete against the male or female which has been chosen “Best of Winners”. From this group the judge selects the best one in his opinion and awards the title “Best of breed” or “Best of Variety of Breed” to the one selected. Some breeds have 2 varieties (beagles) 8 ome have three (spaniels). Then each Best of Breed or Best of Variety winner competes against the others of the group to which that breed belongs and the winner in this “Best of Group”. competition is These winners, meet for competition for the title “Best in Show.” The foregoing is a bare outline of what goes on. If anyone is inter- ested in further information, the Ay K. C. publishes a booklet, “Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows”, copy of which may be had by writing to the American Kennel Club, 221 Fourth Ave., New York, 3, N. Y. (No charge is made for the booklet). If you are interested in dogs from any angle a dog show can be a great deal of benefit, pro- viding you understand how to eval- uate and use the knowledge which may be acquired there. If you have Calendar of Coming Events APRIL Dallas Township Band Concert, Auditorium, April 8 Senior Class, “Bunny Hop,” sport dance, Kingston Township High School, Friday night, April 22. “Picturesque Follies”, Women’s Clubs’ Glee Club. High School, April 28. Dallas Borough MAY Sweet Valley Parade, Memorial Day JULY Library Auction, Friday and S Regular aturday, July 15 and 16 Meetings American Legion, Daddow-Isaacs Post, first and third Monday. Legion Auxiliary, first Thursday. Back Mountain Kennel Club, third Wednesday night. Back Mountain Memorial Library Board, third Tuesday night Library Book Club, third Wednesday afternoon. every Saturday morning. Back Mountain Playground and Boy Scouts, Dallas Cub Pack, Dallas Borough Council, first T Dallas Business Association, first Story Hour, Park Association, fourth Tuesday. second Tuesday. uesday Monday. Dallas Borough P. T. A., third Monday. Dallas Borough School Board, Dallase Junior Woman's Club, f third Friday. irst Tuesday. Dallas Methodist Church: Sunday school 10 A. M.; Morning worship 11 A. M.; Youth Fellowship Meeting, second Monday. fourth Friday. J. A. Bricke Friday. Official Board, first Monday. Tuesday. St 6:30 P.M. Brace Bible Class Social Durbin Bible Class Social Meeting. 1 Bible Class Social Meeting, fourth Board of Education, second Therese's Church, Shavertown: Altar and Rosary Society first Wednesday; Court Our Lady of Fatima, No. 147, Catholic Dau- ghters of America, third Thursday. Dallas Senior Woman's Club, second Wednesday. Dallas Kiwanis Club, every Wednesday evening. Dallas Kiwanis Women’s Club, Fourth Wednesday. Dallas Rotary Club, every Thursday evening. Dallas Township School Board, first Tuesday. Dallas Township P.T.A., third Monday. Daniel C. Roberts Fire Company, Harvey's Lake, first Monday night. Henry M. Laing Fire Company, Daughters of America, Mt, Vale Council, second and fourth Friday. | Dr. second and last Friday. Past Councilor’s Club, third Wednesday. Harvey's Lake Camp, United Kingston Township Band Associ Sportsmen, last Monday. ation, fourth Monday at High School. | Kingston Township School Board, first Monday. Kingston Township Supervisors Masonic Lodge, George M. Da , first Monday llas, third Thursday. Odd Fellows, Oneida Lodge, every Monday. Rebekah Lodge, Lady Dallas Chapter, second and fourth Wed- nesday. Trucksville Firemen’s Ladies Auxiliary, second Monday at Fire Hall. Lake Township School Board, first Friday. Intermediate Girl Scout Troops 149 and 54 Wednesday P.M. at 4 o'clock, in the Dallas Church Brownie Girl Scouts, Wednesday P.M. at 4, in the Dallas Church Senior Troop Girl Scouts, Monday evening 7:30 P.M. Shavertown Fire Company, second Monday. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS on everyth GAS and COAL ing in stock COMBINATION RANGES HARO Plumbing, Heat TELEPHONE 409-R-7 < LD ASH ing, Bottled Gas SHAVERTOWN, PA. in turn,’ “an eye for a good dog”, even though you have had no real exper- ience previously, you will readily acquire the ability to see the desir- ability of owning a purebred rather than a mongrel if you're going to have a dog, for you will soon see that dogs in each of the breeds are very similar and tend to follow a definite pattern, however they may differ from each other in minute detail. This means that if you buy a fox terrier puppy, for instance, you can be sure that he will grow up to look like a fox terrier and will have those charac- teristics which are typical of the breed. The more you can learn about the breed in which you are or intend to become interested be- fore making purchase, or choosing breeding stock or stud services, the smaller chance there is that you can be cheated into accepting an animal which is a poor value for the price which you intend to in- vest. I don’t mean that you should expect to go to a kennel and ask for the best they have to offer with | the expectation of getting it for | what you would pay for an animal | from a pet shop, but experience has taught most of the serious minded | breeders that the best one can | afford is the cheapest in the long [= If you have an abundance of | what it takes and are in a show dog already in training | or possibly one which has already made his championship, these are | obtainable, but you must expect to pay for all the hard work and expense which has already gone in- to making the dog what he is. On | the other hand, there are many | reliable kennels which offer ex- cellently bred dogs which are typey but not of show quality at very fair prices. If you are interested in breeding, it is even more important that in order to know what it is all about and be able to select your founda- tion stock wisely that you go to a number of shows. Many a novice breeder has wasted years of time and much more money than any- and learn his breed before he plunged headlong into expense and heartbreak by buying and becom- ing attached to a dog or bitch without first giving careful thought posed breeding program. Then he can’t bear to part with his pet, nor bitch or using his dog at stud in | the nearly always futile hope that | Secinse the bloodlines are fair, or good, or even very good, that “like” | will, this once, for him fail to | produce “like” and that by some miracle - he will get good stock from animals which, to be brutally frank, never should have been | permitted to reproduce themselves. The experienced breeder, even after years of experimenting with the best the breed has to offer, and with the records of his own successess and failures in his files, still goes to the shows to size up the get of the leading stud dogs he may have in mind to use with his own brood matrons, or with the idea of purchasing another matron. He is always interested in following up promising stock which he has sold to other breeders or exhibitors, or to look for young stock which has been sired by his own studs. And last—though by no means least—dog shows are-important be- cause they have brought into being many friendships which last a life- time. A common interest is the soundest basis for friendship, and dog people—with a few exceptions, are a friendly, democratic lot, us- ually willing to go out of their way to help each other or a really in- terested newcomer. | Dog shows really are worth while | —may we hope to see you all around once in a while? | | Lehman Birthday Party Mrs. Russell Ide is chairman of the | Community Birthday Party to be | held by members of the W. S. C. S. | of Lehman Methodist Church on | Tuesday evening, May 3, at 8 | o’clock. Tables will be decorated accord- ing to the seasons. An interesting program has been arranged by Mrs. Arthur Major. Everyone is cordially invited. — Back Mt. Market — BOWMAN'S CREEK Route 309 OPENING —APRIL 10— FOURTH SEASON The finest in— ® Fruits ‘® Vegetables ® Groceries '® Fresh Eggs Phone Harvey's Lake 3479 PAUL COOLBAUGH, Prop. body can afford by failing to study | to the animal's value in his pro- | can he refrain from breeding his | interested | | P.T.A. Card Party At a meeting Monday evening, members of Trucksville Elementary P. T. A. made plans for a card party to be held Saturday even- ing, April 23rd at 8:00 P.*M. Mrs. Carl Bradbury was selected as chairman of the affair. Luncheon will be served and prizes given. 2 bake sale will be held on Saturday morning April 23 at 11 A. M. at the Hose House in Trucksville. Mrs. James Grose is in charge. Business session was in charge of Dr. Carl Bradbury. Miss Marion Young was appointed chairman of the nominating committee. Rev. William Parsons of Kingston Pres- | byterian Church spoke on “The Re-| service at 11 o'clock Sunday morn- lationship of Child and Parent to| ing. Seats will be reserved for those At- | being taken into the Church. The Church, Home and School”. DALLAS CHURCH NOTES be received in the Dalals Metho- | tendance banner was won by pupil: of Miss Burgess’ first grade. First grade mothers served. Express Appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Andre Thevenon, Center Hill Road, wish to express their appreciation to their former Church Street neighbors who have donated a book to Back Mountain Memorial Library in memory their daughter, Helene. Seventy-eight new members will dist Church at the Palm Sunday] Make Your Selection Early From Our Large Variety Easter Cut Flowers = for the West Side. * Hill - the - Florist SHAVERTOWN Corsages We invite you to visit the Flower Headquarters * Plants * PHONE 213 2 | sacrament of baptism will be ad- ministered. Thursday evening at 7:30 the traditional sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed and there will be a brief meditation by the minister, Honored On Birthday Miss Pauline Besteder of Main Road, Trucksville, was honored re- cently at a birthday party held a‘ her home. She received many lovely Rev. Frederick Reinfurt. other boys, Present were: Mr. and Mrs. | Hemstead, L. I William White, sons Billy, Gerald and Bobby, Mrs. Ruth Bonning and Miss Besteder. Three In A Raut Mr, and Mrs. Alfred, Gibbs of Huntsville Road have annokinced the birth of an eight pound, six ounce” baby boy at General Hospital Mon- day, April 4. The Gibbs have two Todd and Jeff. Mrs Gibbs is the former Joan O’Brien of Whether it's New Construction or Repairs Call Dallas 457-R-3 building plans. with you. is no obligation, of course. We'll be glad to go over your new Perhaps we can give you many valuable suggestions that will enable you to save money. There Free estimates, cheerfully given PAINTING Spray or Brush Let us give you an estimate on both interior and exterior work. We redecorate sand finish walls. R. S. PICKETT NO JOB TOO SMALL OR LARGE— Call us to take care of those troublesome little repair jobs. General Contractors ! STAR ROUTE — DALLAS, PA. ever pray for a miracle? Her husband’s out in the waiting room now. Waiting to see if they can stop Cancer from eating out her life. Trying to believe she has a chance. Praying for a miracle. This time they discovered Cancer iz time and he’ll be able to take her home. They’re performing many a miracle like this one in hospitals all over the country. But the great miracle millions are praying perhaps yourself. for is that science will find a cure for all cancer. Last year Cancer killed more than 188,000. Sooner or later it reaches, on the average, into every other home in America. It takes the young as quickly as the old — the rich as surely as the poor, Giv @ co conquer Cancer American Cancer Society, Ine. Next time you see a Cancer donation box, remember it’s your chari€e to buy pro- tection for your friends, your family or Your dimes and dollars help buy more X-Ray and surgical equipment. laboratory projects to study Cancer... help speed hundreds of scientists in the race to conquer Cancer. wart or mole. ® Persistent habits. CANCER’S DANGER SIGNALS ® Any sore that does not heal, particu- larly about the tongue, mouth or lips. ® A painless lump or thickening, espe- cially in the breast, lip or tongue. ® Bloody, discharge from the nipple or irregular bleeding from any of the natural body openings. ® Any change in the color or size of a ® Persistent indigestion. hoarseness, cough, or difficulty in swallowing. ® Any change in the normal bowel unexplained cancer control. Name. Address. CY anaismissnmmsgores ere meee suet see + Here's my contribution to aid the cause of