The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 01, 1949, Image 4

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NM Nchboriond Notes And News Of L
Mrs. Fred Dodson, Mrs. D. P.
_ Honeywell, Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs.
‘Stella Isaacs, Mrs. Ann Richards
and Jackie Dodson spent a couple
~~ days at Elkland, Pa. last week vis-
iting Mrs. Jennie Norton, an old
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davenport and
daughter, Margo, spent Sunday in
Sunbury visiting Mr. and Mrs.
James Zeiser. :
Mr .and Mrs. Leonard Harvey and
Karen of Woodlawn drive spent
Sunday with Mrs, Harvey's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Weintz
at Meeker.
Lee Eckert of Shavertown spent
the weekend with his cousin, Don-
‘nie Eckert at Lake Catalpa.
Mrs. Stanley Culp has returned
to her home at Huntsville after
spending a week with her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
Anthony Mauro at Dover, N. J.
Mrs. J. G. Hadsel has been ill
at her home on Franklin street this
Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Young and
family of Huntington, Indiana, have
purchased and moved into the
Dearolf house on Norton Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph of
Norton Avenue will have as guests
at Easter time their son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Jo-
“seph of Chicago. They will fly in.
. have been occupying the
Punchy Smith is ill at his home
at Huntsville with the measles.
Mr. and Mrs. James Haley who
brant apartment on Norton avenue
moved last week to West Pittston
where Mr. Haley has been trans-
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kistler of
Harvey's Lake spent the weekend
in New York City where they bid
bon voyage to some old friends
who left for Europe.
Mrs. Harry Ohlman and son, Lee
of Machell avenue spent the week
end in Philadelphia visiting Mari-
lyn, student at Temple University.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rutherford
of Machell avenue have returned
from Florida where they spent
several weeks.
Jim Besecker who was confined
to his home with the flu is able to
be out again.
Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant who
has been ill at her home on Nor-
ton avenue is able to be out again.
Mrs. Leslie Covert of Colfax,
‘Wash., former Dallas resident, has
been ill for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Ford Johnson of Trucksville
is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital
where she is suffering from an
infected ear.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie and
son, Bobby of Druid Hills returned
Sunday from Daytona Beach, Flor-
ida and Louisiana where they spent
the past six weeks,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross. of
Huntsville entertained at dinner
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Muley, and Mr. and Mrs. William
Cutten. The Grosses were celebrat-
ing their wedding anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titman
‘have returned to their home on
Lake road after spending several
weeks in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gross of
Huntsville spent several days this
week in New York City.
Grace Ferry and E. L. Truitt of
Philadelphia spent the weekend |
with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis
of Lehman. Saturday evening Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Dodson and Bonny
Lou of Muhlenburg were guests of
the Lewises and Mr. and Mrs. John
Sidler and family of Danville visited
them on Sunday.
Sherwood Wilson of Kingston
spent the weekend with Barry Ed-
wards at his home on Orchard
street, Trucksville. Sherwood’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Wilson
will return from Florida where
they have spent the past few weeks
next ‘weekend.
“Hills of Home”
1 in technicolor with Tom Drake,
| Janet Leigh, “Lassie”, Edmund
{ Cartoon—News
“June Bride”
| with Robert Montgomery,
Bette Davis
‘You Gotta Stay Happy’
with James Stewart, Joan
Louise Schooley Hazletine, stu-
dent nurse at Cornell Medical Cen-
ter will represent the Collegiate
Schools of nursing and be a guest
speaker at a nurses meeting to be
held at New York University on
March 30th.
Howard Harrison, son of Rev. and
Mrs. Howard Harrison, is spending
the week with his parents. He is
a student at Wesleyan University
at Middletown, Conn,
Mrs. Kate Moore, Sweet Valley,
Miss Roberta Quaill
Is Guest At Shower
Miss Roberta Quaill, bride-elect
of Church street, was guest of
honor at a variety shower given
by Mrs. Donald Bulford Monday
Present were: Mrs, M. J. Brown,
Mrs. Russell Shaver, Mrs. Edward
Stair, Mrs. A. J. Misson, Mrs. Don-
ald Davis, Mrs. Edwin Roth, Mrs.
Harold Brobst, Mrs. Robert Brown,
is spending some time with her | Mrs, Lewis Reese, Mrs. Frances
niece, Mrs. Clyde Faatz of Brook | Quail, Miss Rita Cummings, the
Street. "| guest of honor and the hostess.
Emma Ruth Shaver of Pioneer
Avenue has returned from Pitts-
burgh where she took part in the
Women’s International Bowling
James Hutchinson, student at
Jefferson Medical College in Phila-
delphia spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Hutchinson of Orchard Street.
Mrs, Albert Williams of Lehigh
Street is recovering from a recent
Clarence Jones of Woodridge, N.
J. spent the weekend with his wife
and daughter at the home of Mrs.
Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl’
Luther Powell of Lehigh Street is
a patient at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Irving Winter of Shaver-
town celebrated her 85th birthday
anniversary on Sunday at the home
of her son, Paul M, Winter, Cease
Drive. Celebrating with her was
her granddaughter, Mary Winter,
whose birthday was March 23, A
‘family = dinner, prepared by her
daughter-in-law was enjoyed by the
following members of her family:
Mr, and Mrs. Paul M, Winter and
children, Shirley, Paul Jr. Mary,
Dorothy, William, and Alfred Win-
ter. Other members of her family
unable to attend were Richard Win-
ter of Pittsburgh and Allen Winter
of Bath, Pa., also grandchildren of
Mrs. Winter, :
Mr. and Mrs, Burton Gordon of
New Jersey were weekend guests
of the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Calkins of Roushey
John Blaze, student at Pennsyl-
vania State College of Optometry
at Philadelphia, and his wife vis-
ited the former's parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Albert Blaze of Trucksville
over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. James Huston of
Harvey's Lake spent the weekend
in Haddonfield, N. J. visiting the
latter's sister and brother-in-law,
‘Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Felton and
her Mrs. John
Lois Warriner, student at Dick-
inson College, will arrive this week-
end to spend the spring vacation
with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Warriner of Demunds Road.
Jim Huston, member of the
freshman class of Brown University
will arrive tomorrow to spend the
spring vacation with his parents,
mother, Wesley
Mr. and Mrs. James Huston of
Harvey's Lake.
. Earl Payne of Loyalville sub-
mitted to an eye operation at Wills
Eye Hospital on Tuesday. His wife
and brothers were with him.
Peter Clark, student at Prince-
ton University, arrived this week-
to spend his spring vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Clark of Baldwin Street.
Edgar Williams has been ill for
the past week at his home in Ide- |
town, but he was cheerful Wed)
nesday morning when he called to
tell us that three large flocks of!
wild geese were just then flying
over. That's enough to cheer any-
one's spirits. Missed Edgar at the
Outpost dinner at the Country Club
on Tuesday night. He seldom misses
Masonic affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey,
Mrs. William Baker, and Mrs. Ster-
ling Machell drove to New York
City over the weekend to see Mrs.
Edward Lewis and her son and
daughter-in-law and family sail for
Europe on the Queen Elizabeth.
They also attended the Flower
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stock of Leh-
man Road and children, Jean, Holly
and Fred will spend the weekend
in Washington D. C.
Thomas Atkinson has returned
to his hime in Trucksville after
service with the U. S. Army for
three years. His brother, Bruce,
is serving in Alaska.
Eleanor Ann, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert J. Williams, West Dal-
las, has returned home from Gen-
eral Hospital where she submitted
to a tonsillectomy.
Mrs. Marshall Dounes is ill at
her home on Shaver avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes,
Goss Manor, have returned after
spending severs’), weeks at Fort
Lauderdale, Fla.
Ronald Bruce Whitesell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Whitesell
of Fernbrook road, Fernbrook, an-
nounce the birth of a seven pound
baby boy, Ronald Bruce at General
Hospital Friday, March 25. Mrs.
Whitesell is the former Dorothy
Harmond. The Whitesell’s have an-
other boy, Garey, age three. Garey
is staying with Grandma Harmond
while his mother is in the hospital.
James Arthur Thomas
Mr. and Mrs, Irving A. Thomas
of Newark, N. J., have announced
the birth of a son, James Arthur
in St. Michael's Hospital on March
27. Mrs. Thomas is the former
Wedding Anniversaries
By happy coincidence Mr, and
Mrs. George Whitesell of Sweet
Valley, parents of Howard White-
sell of Fernbrook, and Mr. and
Mary Rose Shields of Fernbrook. | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Franklin, Mrs.
i Mr,
twenty-eighth wedding
Entertains Board
tie Culver.
Sunrise Service
Friendship Circle of
Zigmond Harmond of Fern-
brook, mother and father of Mrs.
Howard Whitesell, celebrated their
saries on Wednesday, March 30.
Due to the arrival of Ronald
Bruce, the anniversaries were spent
Mrs. Jack Loucks of Terrace drive
entertained members of the Calen-
dar Board of Durbin Sunday School
Class at her home Tuesday even-
ing. Present were Mrs. H. M. Strub
Mrs. A. J. Pruett and Mrs. Let-
Methodist Church will sponsor a
Sunrise Service Easter morning at
6 a. m. The program will consist
of Easter music and a message by
Rev. Roswell Lyon, District Super-
Rolls and coffee will be served
following the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breslin of
Druid Hills have returned after
spending a month in Florida, Cuba
and Mexico City, travelling by
American Air Lines. The distance
covered was a radius of 6,000 air
Mrs. John Steele has returned
to her home at Sweet Valley after
being a patient at General Hos-
pital. She is getting along nicely.
John has also improved after a re-
cent illness.
Mrs. Earl Hess of Carverton Road
entertained the following guests re-
cently: Mrs, William Thomas, Mrs.
Cecil Poynton, Mrs. Harold Lewis,
Mrs. Russell Alvidge, Mrs. H. S.
| Daron, Mrs. Ted Struthers, Mrs.
William Nelson and Mrs. Hess.
Mrs. Fritz Kammler has returned
from New York after visiting her
son, Fritz,
Mrs. Howard Hontz of Franklin
Street has accepted a! position at
Fernbrook Park Mill.
And Finishing
19 Years Experience
No job too large or too small.
Estimates Cheerfully Given
Phones — Dallas 368-R-9
Entertained At Shower
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chambers of
Mehoopany entertained at their
home Friday honoring Miss Roberta
.Quaill and her fiance, Edward Kel-
ler. Present were Mr, and Mrs.
William Kiel, Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
Liem, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holleran,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lipfert, Roberta
and Ed and the host and hostess.
Mrs. Dewey Edwards Is
Hostess At Luncheon
Mrs. D. L. Edwards entertained
a number of friends at luncheon
at her home on Orchard street
Thursday. Present were Mrs. Clin-
ton Ide, Mrs. Paul Gross, Mrs. Nor-
man Smith, Mrs. David Bradbury,
Mrs. John Doane, Mrs. Alfred Boy-
son and Mrs. Wesley Steelman.
Mrs. Russell Shaver Is
Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Russell Shaver celebrated
her birthday anniversary with a
number of old friends and relatives
at her home on Main road Satur-
day evening. Present were: Harry
Shaver of Laketon; Miss Bertha
Hudson and Pearl, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaver,
Ethel Shaver, Norma June Shaver,
and Mrs. Russell Shaver and
son, Willard.
Mrs. George Stolarick
Entertains Card Club
Mrs. George Stolarick entertained
members of her card club at her
home in Lehman Thursday evening.
Prizes were won by Mrs. Francis
Lewis and Mrs: Lewis Ide. Others
present were: Mrs, Clyde Cooper,
Mrs. Lester Squier, Mrs. Alfred
Bronson, Mrs. Edward Elston, Mrs.
Bryce Major, and the hostess.
Lake Women Are Named
Convention Delegates
At the meeting of Harvey's Lake
Woman’s Club held in the Fire
Hall last Thursday evening Mrs.
Fred Swanson, Mrs. Walbridge Lein-
thall and Mrs. Harry Allen Sr. were
named as delegates to the Hazle-
ton Convention.
Othgrs attending the meeting
were: Mrs. Dean Kocher, Mrs. Har-
vey Kitchen, Mrs. Joseph Rauch,
Mrs. Carl Swanson, Miss Bethia Al-
len, Mrs. Carl Swanson, Mrs. Al-
bert Armitage, Mrs, Robert Haines,
Mrs. H. B. Allen Jr., and Mrs.
James. Garey.
Girl Scout leaders and committee
women of Dallas District will have
a supper meeting on Monday, April
4th at 6:30 p.m. at Trucksville Meth-
odist Church. The subject of the
training program will be “Outdoor
Games and Activities for. Camp-
—Grand Opening—
Route 309 Tunkhannock
(Right next to the Tunkhannock
“April Showers”
Starring Jack Carson and
Ann Southern
Also News and selected
Short Subjects
“King’s Row”
Brought back by popular
with Ann Sheridan and Robert
Cummings—Also News
“Buck Privates”
That laugh hit of the year—
with Abbot and Costello
at their best.
E. O'Brien
“Fighter Squadron”
in Technicolor with
Special Matinee Saturday, April 2, 2 P. M.
“Five Little Peppers And How they Grew”
Tickets may be purchased at the box office.
Robert Stack
r {Ras
Local Girls Attend
Convention At York
Several girls and their advisers |
will attend the fourth annual state |
Future Homemakers of America in
1 and 2. They are Grace Barall,
voting delegate and Mary Alice
Lewis of Lehman and Marjorie
Wolfe, voting delegate and Treva
Traver of Lake Township. Their
advisers, Miss Ruth Shellhamer and
Miss Margaret Lukasavage accom-
convention of the
York today and tomorrow,
panied them,
This year an “all-state”
It is expected that approximately
500 FHA members wil attend the
convention. They will represent the
9,000 members in the 270 chapters.
Highlights of the program, plan-
ned by FHA girls will include the |
following: the first performance of |
the State FHA Chorus; a talk by |
Walter C. Trout, Art Supervisor in
who will give “An Historic Sketch
and a talk by Beryl
Water, Home and Food Editor of
Hannah Penn High School,
of York”;
“Seventeen’’ Magazine,
speak on the topic,
and Influence People.”
The general sessions will be de-
voted to business and discussions
concerning state and national pro-
earning degrees of achiev-
ment, and the election of officers.
The annual banquet on Friday even-
ing will be followed by a jamboree.
The Saturday luncheon will feature
Ann Dellafield and her models from
the Hudnut Beauty Salon, who will
give a cosmetic demonstration. The
fashion revue will feature June
Hamilton Rhodes of the Hand Knit-
ting Institute, New York City. Miss
Rhodes will use FHA girls for mod-
els in the fashion show which is a
closing feature of the convention.
Entertains Board
Mrs. Dan Meeker entertained
members of the Board of Education
of Kunkle Methodist Church at her
chorus will be organized with mem-
bers from every part of Pennsyl-
vania. Treva Traver of Lake Town-
ship and Mary Alice Lewis of Leh-
man Township will have the honor
of being charter members of this
“Parties Win
| - -
‘Family Night Supper
Over one hundred and fifty mem-
bers and friends of the Church at-
tended a covered dish supper fol-
lowed by a worship service at Dal-
las Methodist Church Wednesday
Mrs. Clark Hildebrant was chair-
man of the affair. Peter Clark
acted as master of ceremonies.
Talks were given by officers of the
The Reverend Leighton Pitkin,
pastor of Luzerne Methodist church,
gave a splendid talk at the Lenten
Service following the supper.
Community Birthday
Lehman Methodist Church W.S.
C.S. will hold a community birth-
day party at the church May 1.
Anytime — Anywhere
Howard H. Woolbert
Ferguson Avenue
home at Kunkle recently. Present |
were Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs. Thom- |
as Landon, Mrs. Allen Brace, Mrs. |
William Eckert and the hostess.
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