The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 11, 1949, Image 4

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Veighborhood Notes And News Of Local Church Doings
uf Purely
by Personal
| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay and
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Brace of Orange
returned last week after spending
two weeks in Florida.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sands of
Tunkhannock are spending some
time in Florida.
Janice, infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Oliver of Lake road
is steadily improving at Nesbitt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul LaBar enter-
tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Woodrow Ruth of Baltimore,
Md., Mrs. Sterling Machell and son,
Jerry. David LaBar returned with
the Ruths to Baltimore for a short
Lv visit,
Mrs, Ralph C. Antrim Jr. and
son left Saturday by plane for Co -
umbus, Ga., to join the former's
husband, Second Lieutenant Ralph
* ‘who is in an officers’ special train-
ing school at Fort Benning.
‘Mrs. H. H. Zeiser and Mrs, W.
J. Smith who have been spending
the winter at St. Petersburg, Fla.,
returned this week to their homes
in Dallas.
Mrs. Charles Gates of Shrineview
| will leave tomorrow by plane for
Los Angeles, Cal, where she will
visit relatives.
Mrs. E izabeth Moore of Union
street, Kingston, spent the weekend
Qin her brother, Harvey Moss at
Mrs. Elva Warmouth and family
of Huntsville spent Sunday after-
noon at Bear Creek with Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Anderson. Mrs, An-
derson, her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Hoke
of Drums and her niece, Mrs. G. O.
Ellifritz of Boonton, N. J., attended
the funeral of Richard Warmouth
at Ithaca, Mich., last week,
Mrs. Sara Baker of Lehman ave-
nue is visiting relatives in West
Pittston for a few days.
Little Judy Rowlands, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Row-
lands of Main road, Trucksville, has
been ill with pneumonia,
Jim Fink, member of the fresh-
man class alt, Mansfield State
Teachers’, College, spent the week-
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chiford Fink of Lehigh street,
| Shavertown. He celebrated his
birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fergusen of
Lawn avenue, Shavertown, had as
weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Char-
les Nodder of Tuckahoe, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones and
children Beth Ann and Edward Jr.,
of Baltimore, spent the weekend
with the latter’s parents; Mr. and
Mrs. William Niemeyer of Daven-
port street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albert of
Pioneer avenue have been spending
“sesometime in Miami, Florida, and
will stop off on their way back at
Pinehurst, N. C. for a few days of
golf. After their return they will
go to New York to meet their son
who has been in Arabia.
. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hope and
Mr. and Mrs. John Mackinrow left
on Friday for a tour of the south-
ern states and Florida.
~ Mr. and Mrs, Harold Titman left
Friday for Florida.
Mrs. Clarence Laidler has return-
ed to her home on Pioneer avenue
after undergoing a serious surgical
~ operation at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robbins
have returned home after spending
a month in Florida,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frick and
daughter, Nancy of Merchantville,
N. J., and Earl Frick of Doylestown
were recent guests of Rev. and Mrs.
C. H. Frick of Sweet Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Root of
Franklin street had as guest several
days last week their niece, Bonnie
Bechtold of Harding.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Weaver of
Franklin street spent the week end
Bo York City.
; rie Clark, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Donald. Clark ; of Huntsville Road
has been ill the past week.
“Julia Misbehaves”
with Greer Garson, Walter
Pidgeon, Elizabeth Taylor,
Peter Lawford
14 ~ Cartoon—News
“River Lady”
; in technicolor with
Yvonne DeCarlo, Dan Druyea
‘Letter from an
Unknown Woman”
Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan
Miss Pearl Hopple Is
Bride of Allen Biggs
Mrs. John Hopple of Davenport
street announces the marriage of
their daughter, "Pearl, to Allan
Biggs, son of yMr. and Mrs. Bert
Biggs of Lehigh street, Shavertown.
Rev. Fredgrick Reinfurt performed
the double ring ceremony in Dallas
Methodist, Church Sinday, Febru-
ary 20.
Attendants were Miss Doris Wan-
dall and David Kitchen, friends of
the bride and groom.
Following the ceremony a dinner
was held at Dalons Inn, Wyoming
avenue in Kingston and the couple
left for Cranbury, N. J. where
they were guests of the bride's
brother and sister-in-law.
Mrs. Biggs is a graduate of Dal-
las Borough High School and is
employed at Natona Mills. Mr.
Biggs was graduated from Kingston
Township High School and is em-
ployed by Sordoni Construction
The couple will reside tempor-
arily with the bride’s mother.
Mrs. Mary Hardisky of Lehman
Heights is improving after a siege
of illness.
Attending the Spring Convoca-
tion of the Grand Lodge of Penn-
sylvania, F. & A. M. in Philadelphia
last Tuesday and Wednesday were:
Arlean Bowman, Granville Sowden,
Stanley Moore, Ernest Caryl and
Algert Antanaitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flack of
Goss Manor attended the Gover-
nor’s Reception for the members of
the General Assembly at Harris-
burg on Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William Templin
and their two infant daughters left
Tuesday morning for their farm at
Lake Norden, N. D. after spending
four months with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. W. Templin.
Mrs, Herbert A. Smith has re-
turned to her home on Machell
avenue after spending several weeks
at Lake Sebring. Her granddaugh-
ter is spending some time with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Richards have
left for Florida where they will
spend the next month.
Richard Lutes of Lutes’ Corners
has accepted a position with the
Pitometer Company of New York
Mrs. Edith Weaver, Noxen R. D.
is a patient at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mr. .and Mrs. W. Rodman Derr
of Center Hill road will move this
month to their newly purchased
home at 413 Redleaf Road, Wynne-
wood, Pa. Rod Jr. will finish the
school year as a boarder at Wy-
oming Seminary. Kenneth who at-
tends Dallas Borough School will
transfer to the Lower Marion
E. R. Kurlin, district representa-
tive of Miller Chemical Company
for ten northeastern Pennsylvania
counties is having a busy season
doing field work with orchardists
throughout the area. Mr. and Mrs.
Kurlin now make their home in the
Devens house at Kunkle. Their
daughter, Mrs. David Lunger is
Home Economist in Bucks County.
Ralph Parsons, Bill Clewel, Le-
roy Updyke, Mrs. Maude Bevan
and Mrs. Locke of Trucksville are
patients at Nesbitt Hospital.
Mrs. Herbert Williams, Jessie
Hughes, Mrs. Wesley Bellas and
Leo Shotwell of Trucksville are pa-
tients at General Hospital.
The following have returned to
their homes in Trucksville after
being patients in hospitals: Gerald
Warner, Bill and Jimmie Strausser,
Marian Stookey, Lou Roushey, Glen
Bulford, Mrs. Jake Harrison and
Natalie Jones.
Warren Yeisley is getting along
nicely at his home on Overbrook
road after submitting to an oper-
ation at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCusker of
Yeager avenue spent the week-
end in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Neubert
who have been living with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Felix
Webber on Elmcrest avenue have
purchased and moved into the
house next to Dr. Malcolm Borth-
wick on Pioneer avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. William Camp,
formerly of New York State, took
up residence on Elmcrest avenue
last Friday. Their Elmecrest neigh-
bors dropped in to welcome them
on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks, formerly
of St. Louis, have purchased and
moved into one of the new homes
on Elmcrest avenue. This leaves
only one unoccupied house in the
neighborhood, >
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Griesing of
Franklin street visited friends and
relatives: in Weatherly over the
weekend. « Lois, student nurse at
University of Pennsylvania Hospi-
tal, spent the weekend at her home,
Mrs. Gerald Dettmofe of. Leh-
man avenue entertained at tea
Denmons and McCartys
Enjoy Birthday Party
Five generations of Denmons and
four of the McCarty family enjoyed
a party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Lester McCarty February 18
when little Virginia Lee McCarty
celebrated her first birthday anni-
versary. Great Great Grandma Den-
mon of Tunkhannock is eighty six.
The only member of the family ab-
sent was Great grandpa Walter
A huge birthday cake decorated
with one candle was the apple of
Virginia's eye.
Present at the party were: Great
Great Grandma Denmon, Great
Grandpa and Grandma Kirk Me-
Cary of Lehman, Gus Denmon of
Beaumont, Grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Denmon of Beaumont,
and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood McCarty
of Dallas, Beverly and Shirley Den-
mon, Virginia Lee and her par-
Kathy Lynn Dorn
Mr. and Mrs. William Dorn of
Mill street have announced the
birth of a seven and a half pound
baby girl, Kathy Lynn, at Nesbitt
Hospital February 27. Mrs. Dorn
is the former Therese Sedler. This
is their first child.
Kunkle Ladies Meet
At Fred Dodson Home
Mrs. Fred Dodson entertained
members of the Kunkle W.S.CS.
at her home in Kunkle Wednes-
day afternoon. Assisting her was
Mrs. Lewis Nulton.
Plans were made to serve a
creamed chicken dinner April 20,
and Mrs. Lewis Wilson was named
Present were: Mrs, A. C. Devens,
Miss Mildred Devens, Mrs. Ann
Richards, Rev. and Mrs. James Hil-
bert, Mrs. Ray Henney, Mrs. Vic-
tor Rydd, Mrs. Calvert Birnstock
and Jo Carol, Mrs. Russell Miers,
Mrs. James Kerlin, Mrs. Gomer
Elston, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs.
Gideon Miller, Mrs. Julia Kunkle,
Mrs. Philip Ellsworth, Mrs. William
Brace, Mrs. Arthur Tredinnick, Mrs.
Charles Wertman, Mrs. William
Eckert, Mrs. Lewis Wilson, Mrs.
George Landon, Sheila Hilbert, Mrs.
Ralhp Ashburner, Mrs, Stella Isaacs,
and the hostesses.
Weekend At Cabin
Donald Frantz, Huntsville, was
host to several friends at the Frantz
hunting cabin, Lopez, over the
weekend. Friends included: David
Shafer, Paul Wasserott, Dallas;
Jack Evans, Wilkes-Barre; and Bob
A lovely candlelight service in-
itiated fifteen new members of
Harvey's Lake Woman's Service
Club at the second birthday dinner
held in the Rex Dining Room last
Thursday evening. Mrs. James Gar-
ey, in charge of the ceremony, pre-
sented each with a corsage.
Miss Pauline Davis, club histor-
ion gave a brief history of the or-
ganization. Business consisted of re-
ports from Martha Price, auditing,
committee, Avis Kocher, service
chairman, Helen Scouten, housing
chairman, Virginia Swanson, jpro-
gram, Mary Zorzi, treasurer. he
Bethia Allen, financial chairman,
reported that the club would spon-
sor a dance, card party, bake sale,
rummage sale and minstrel during
the year.
Program consisted of a spring
hat show put on by J. F. Ortmann,
manager of Pomeroy’s millinery de-
partment with club members as
models. A ten dollar hat, door prize,
was won by Mrs. Raymond Grey.
Following the formal fashion
show, members staged a fashion
parade of funny hats, old hats,
pretty hats, and prizes were won by
Mrs. Harold Fisk, Mrs. Robert
Payne and Mrs. Clarence Shaver,
Fifteen New Members Taken In
Harvey's Lake Service Club
New members present were: Mes-
dames Charles Williams, Henry But-
ler, Clarence Moledor, Hattie Wes-
ley, Fred Dodson, Clyde Hoyt, Fred
Merrill, Mable Murphy, Myron Wil-
liams, Stanley Gregg, Henry Wolfe,
Carl Schreiner, Jr., and Kate
Old members and guests: Mes-
dames Donald C. Smith, John
Stenger Jr., Earl Payne, Jasper
Kocher, Ferne Smith, Clarence Ob-
erst, Phyllis Honeywell, Eleanor
Humphrey, Raymond Grey, C. E.
Shaver Jr., H. E. Payne, Elwood
Donald D. Smith, Carl
Swanson, Harry B. Allen, Walbridge
Leinthall, Dean Kocher, Bethia Al-
len, Jdmes Grey, Fred Swanson,
Albert Armitage, Joseph Rauch,
John Zorzi Jr., Harry H. Allen, Cal-
vin McHose, Robert Payne, A. G.
Kistler, G. N. Carpenter, Eva Al-
len, Cornelius Smith, Carrie Rood,
Jane Harron, Pauline Davis, Ruth
Williams, Alice “Williams, John
Stenger 3rd, Stephen Evans, Vida
Comstock, Bud Scouten, David Mor-
ris, William Deets, Raymond Gar-
inger, Harvey Kitchen, Joseph
Rauch, Guy Scouten, George Taylor;
Misses Bethia Allen, Edna Miller,
Mary Delaney.
Mrs. Russell Race Is
Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Russell Race of Demunds
was guest of honor at a birthday
party given by her daughters re-
The party table was attractive
with pink and white tapers and
colorful birthday cake.
Present were: Mrs. Henry Phil-
lips, Mrs. Ira Frantz, Mrs. Horton
Bell, Mrs. Willard Race, Mrs. Byron
Kester, Mrs. George Berlew, Mrs.
Fred Drake, Ricky and Virginia
Drake, Mrs. Russell Eyet, Mrs. J.
J. Voitek, Mrs, Joseph Voitek, Mrs.
Harry Sweppenheiser, Alberta Bar-
bara, Dorothy and Beatrice Race,
Joyce and Harry Sweppenheiser Jr.,
Mrs. Carol Smith, Carol Mae Smith
and Mrs. Race.
Capped In Philadelphia
Carol Githens, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Githens of
Ridley Park, Pa., former Dallas res-
ident, received her/cap recently at
Philadelphia General Hospital.
Carol, who graduated from Rid-
ley Park High School with honors
received a scholarship to General
Walters, Trucksville.
Monday and Tuesday
Linda Darnell
Bud Davis
Friday and Saturday
Gary Cooper
“Forever Amber”
In technicolor
Wednesday and Thursday
SHOWS START AT 6:30 and 9.
Cornell Wild
Robert Montgomery
Ann Sheridan
* 206 Lehigh Street
Tuesday afternoon Irs. Henry
PN »
Peterson and cub repogter, Joe.
For Health and Charm . . .
For Appointment Call 462-R-11
‘Marjorie Huey, proprietor
Just see how healthy and
charming your hair looks and
feels . . . after one of our
invigorating scalp treatments
and with an expertly cropped
hair-do. Don’t delay. Greet
the spring season with verve!
“Call for an appointment now!
Mrs. David Jones Is
Hostess To Joy Class
Mrs. David Jones of Pittston en-
tertained members of the Joy Class
of Kunkle Methodist Church at her
home Tuesday evening. Assisting
+ her were Mrs. Carl Lamoreaux and
Mrs. Corey Besteder.
Present were: Mrs. William Eck-
ert, Mrs. Warren Rogers, Mrs.
James Miers, Mrs. Dan Meeker,
Mrs. Robert Bachman, Mrs. Leon
Race, Mrs. Paul Hilbert, Mrs. Thom-
as Landon, Mrs. Allen Brace, Mrs.
Edwin Shoemaker, Mrs. Ray EI-
ston, Mrs. Ida Jones, Mrs. John
Hastie, Mrs. William Haddle, Mrs.
Calvert Birnstock, Mrs. Gomer Els-
ton, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt, Mrs. Fred
Dodson, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs.
Gene Elston, Bonnie Lou and the
Huntsville Class Meets
With Carlton Hadsall
Men’s Bible Class of Huntsville
Christian Church met last Wednes-
day night at the home of Carlton
Hadsall. Mr. Hadsall presided. De-
votions were led by Milton Culp.
Present were Burton Roberts,
Wilbur Davis, John Roberts, Stan-
ley Culp, Rev. C. H. Frick, Milton
Culp, Hayden Richards, Charles El-
ston, and Dale Warmouth. Refresh-
ments were served by Mrs, Hadsall,
Mrs. Frick and Mrs. Elston.
Have New Baby Girl
Mr. and Mrs. William O’Malley
of Trucksville have announced the
birth of a baby girl, Kimberly
Anne at Nesbitt Hospital on Feb-
ruary 25.
Mrs. Constanza Weir who has been
so critically ill at Goodleigh Farms
is somefhat improved.
Mrs. Harry Snyder Is
Guest At Farewell Tea
Mrs. O. L. Harvey and Mrs.
Thomas E. Cease of Franklin street
entertained at a tea at their home
Wednesday afternoon, in honor of
Mrs. Harry J. Snyder, who moved
from Claude street to Bloomsburg,
this week. : :
Mrs. Eugene Lazarus poured.
Centerpiece was a large bouquet
of daffodils and blue iris in a crystal
bowl, and yellow candles in silver
candle holders.
Present were: Mrs. ‘Bugene R.
Lazarus of Kingston; Mrs. Frederick
W. Reinfurt, Mrs. Raymond E. Kuh-
nert, Mrs. Sterling Williams, Mrs.
Wesley Himmler, Mrs. Richard J.
Sowden, Mrs. Louise Davies, Mrs.
Jack Loucks, Mrs. Wesley Oliver,
Mrs. Harold Payne, daughter San-
dra, Mrs. Grover Anderson, Mrs.
Harry J. Snyder, Mrs. Thomas E.
Cease, son Allan Jonathan, Mrs. O.
L. Harvey.
Have you
visited this new
Women's Shop?
our selection of
Open Friday Evenings
You'll be delighted with
“Just a step from the postoffice”
«A Little Bird Told Me” |
To Dress Smartly . . .
Buy Artley!
—————— al Caimi