THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1948 PAGE SIX May the coming year bring you all the luck, happiness and health The bells are ringing out our § wis Bare. suey wished bor. , message of good cheer, good for- tune and happiness for you in "49! Hapoy Yaw ro "gs Castle Inn Idetown, Pa. Make your holiday reservations now Telephone Harvey's Lake 3642 Brown & Fassett : George B. Harvey, Manager Fernbrook Corners—Phone Dallas 330-R-2 ERASER So many thanks to you—for - -~ } | | We hope your New Year will DI, your wonderful patronage. And be as full of good cheer as a glass a HAPPY NEW YEAR! ; of champagne—and even more sparking! HAD MEW Ll ; Fernbrook Inn Mickey Haslinsky Make Your Reservations Now For New Year's Eve Fernbrook Builders’ Supply Telephone 124-R-2 a Around the Corner at A ! Huntsville a a crn We take greatest pleasure in Ring out the old, ring in the extending our best wishes for a New T. new. But before the New Year # joyous New Year. gets underway, we'd like to ex- tend our best wishes. Dallas—Shavertown Water Co. Jaks Be Dallas Harvey's Lake Light Company Dallas, Pennsylvania a TS TESS ESET TTI 4 Dallas May the ship of 1949 sail you We're marking 1949 off ~as "along in health, peace and happi- our happiest, most prosperous ness. Our very best wishes to you! : ve prow year. LS SEN SS EAS AA Ee Huntsville Nursery Harry Edwards, Prop. Huntsville, Pa. Telephone 51-R-10 Heatrite Sales & Service Stanley D. Shewan CENTER STREET AND ROUTE 309 y ~ SHAVERTOWN, PA. # TE EO i 0 OT i 2 THE TE TEE TET cn PLETE TEE ETE TE TE ETE RRR EE RE RE TE BE BR SE BR EAE BE GR rh hs 28 28 May the sun rise on a bright Linike the spwman, we hope; New Year with peace and under- your happiness® 49 grows Rr standing towards all mankind. larger! Happy mdings— Dodson’s Fairlawn Store Fred And Dorothy Dodson KUNKLE, PENNSYLVANIA D.L. Edwards Insurance Agency Our New Location 211°S. FRANRIIN STREET, WILKESBARRE, PA, As the New Year dawns, we The horns will toot, the bells will ring, and we'd like to say Happy New Year before they be- 1 want to wish ox and all a future JAMES R. OLIVER INC. DALLAS, PA. OLIVER MOTORS INC. KINGSTON, - PA. H a DISTRIBUTORS Smith's Economy $tore Harry And Dorothy Smith DALLAS, PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE DALLAS 39 Tr ucksville = 5 = & QU g. = a La ~ eZ i$ ri 2 N 3 ) 0Q $ = i . = o SE SS RES SE RS g Dallas Dairy Home of Goodleigh FarnGolden y Guernsey Milk ; 3 a N. Sannser, 30 Lake 1 Phons 189. # Bames' Fairlam (at the crossroad A. C. Devens Milling lompany Feeds, Fertilizers and Afgricultral Supplies Pennsylvania i David Deater AA KARR SSR) DeRemer's Ra io Clinic May the N Year bring peace ‘and. prosperitto all the world. . and oery Happy New Year to you ! Plus a promise! To continue gng you the finest buys possible roughout '49! May the hieshoe of luck be § with you thrgh all the New ¥ Year. Best Whes! the lucky brea. Besecker Service 3 Adsniic Products Tel. 555 % Here's hoping jou find it every- where! you go—1 healthy happy A : New Year! | Ha i | ! Pennsylvania | | With Father Time almost out of the! picture we'd like to wish you each the beit in "49. Penna. Here's wishig you a Happy New Year andmay you have all | BEAUMONT Happy 1949 to all! Plan en see- ing the “New Year” in at the Beaumont Union Church where the evening services will be preceded by a “Fellowship Supper” at seven o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to everyone to attend these “Watch Night” Services. Floyd Jackson who is employ- ed at a Philadelphia hospital spent Christmas with his mother, ‘Mrs. Ada Jackson. The - William Downs family and the Victor LaBruns family spent Christmas with the Charles Good- wins. Mr. U. Chatles Weeks of the School Lunch Division of the Dept, - of Public Instruction inspected the school cafeteria and checked all accounts recently. This past week Wililam A. Aus- tin, supervising principal, received a letter stating ‘congratulations on your most excellent school lunch program.” The missionary societies of the Free Methodist Church and the Union Church are to be congratu- lated for doing local missionary work—spreading Christmas cheer to shut-ins and the needy. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dress are spending the Christmas holidays with their son, Ned, at Canton, Ill. The high school basketball team will play Meshoppen High here . Monday night, January 3 at eight. Please support your team! Re- freshments will be sold. , The Paul Nultons had Mw: Nul ton’s parents, the Gilson’s of Forty-Fort, and George Blossom of Beaumont as Christmas dinner guests. Incidentélly the new funer- al parlors at ‘Nulton’s are an addi- tion of which the town can be proud. 2 The Christmas vacation at school started December 23 and termin- ates’ January 3. The town. basketball team, the Béaumont Barons, beat Spring- ville here last Thursday by a score 33-32. Springville was last year’s champions, so you see we made a good beginning after cleaning up Meshoppen the week before by 29-28 too. The Lend-A-Hand Club had its Christmas party at the ILO.O.F. gifts were exchanged. If you want to taste wvenison, rcall or the following, who shot their deer. “Tippy” Dymond, Al- fred. Dymond, Warren Dymond, Oscar Corby, Nile Clark, Clifford Denmon, Lloyd Payne, William Smith, Frances Mulnix, and “Stub” Crispell, Jr. Dick Kresge of our fourth grade sang at the Dallas Jr. Women’s Club’s last meeting. Mr. Jacob Andrews was given a surprise birthday party at his home last Wednesday night. The sum for the Salvation Army Drive was added to, this past week, by Mrs. Charles Smith who sub- mitted $9.50 for her section of the town and by Mrs. Raymond Denmon who submited $5.50 for | her section. Thanks to those who wish to help the less fortunate. The Job Dietz’s were recent visitors at Wyalusing where they visited the Claude Dietz family. Trucksville PTA Meets Rev. Bernard Grogan spoke on “Why Christmas” at the meeting of Trucksville PTA last Monday evening.’ Following a short business meet- ing at which adult recreation class- es were discussed, a musical pro- gram was presented, by students of Miss Margaret Gordon; Patsy .| Shaver, Nancy Jones, Patsy Carey, Ruth Ellen Hammond, Marian Gob- el, Martha Jackson, and Mary Try- on. Carol singing was led by Wil- liam Burnaford. A farmer dance in the youth Center closed the evening. Hall last Thursday at which time. SHAVER THEATRE SHAVERTOWN FRI-SAT. \ “Duel in the Sun” in technicolor, with Jennifer Jones, Gregory Peck MON.-TUES. “Man From Texas” with James Craig, Lynn Bari cartoon Cotton Bowl Football Reel WED.-THUR. “Tender Years” wit Joe E. Brown, Noreen Nash cartoons and sport