8 { Ne YER We sincerely hope the New ; A t el Year will be a bright one for you 9 : h Aefe and yours. 8 ' ; Johnson's Nursery : Next To Ike Brace’s Atlantic Station 3 MAIN HIGHWAY = Shavertown, Pa. I TE EE a TE TO TE SE TE PE SRST [ Lundy's “one of Wyoming Valley's nicer places” Make your New Year's reservations now Telephone Dallas 9020 A SS RR ES May the joyous bells ring out the mews of a New Year and greetings of joy and success. Let's make this New Year a banner year with the utmost in health, happiness and success. R. L. Brickel Dallas Penna, As the hands on the clock strike twelve, know that we are wishing you the happiest New Year ever. Henry W. Goodman Florist : Plone | HL fan We Deliver Anywhere ARAN REA RA RETEST ETAT ATAR PN What does our cyrstal ball see? Our hopes that you enjoy a New Year brimming with unending success! ny Earl's Drug Store Phone 110 Main Road Tiuchsville Lehman RA 3 S&E4 We're tootin’ our hom too! Loud and strong with sincerest wishes that the only horn you blow on throughout '49—is the horn of plenty! Whitey's Shoe Repair Main Street Dallas oF ; I | | : send to all our best wishes for a bright and shining New Year On this joyous occasion [5 Norman's Kiddie Shop 79 Main Street Luzerne ec ¥ | A New" Year full of joyous tidings—dreams come true— that is our wish for all our many friends! Dallas Floral Shoppe Veteran owned and operated Memorial Highway Phone 551-R-2 Dallas, Pa. X E: ¥. Time to get the little chap out of bed. Almost time for him to start work as our Happiest New Year ever! SEASON'S GREETINGS Mahoney's Fairlawn Store Fernbrook Corners $ NN y $ * May you greet the New Year % : KA 1949 = in the best of spirits and reap * oi 8 SI every joy in the days to come. Irem Temple Country Club Dallas Penna. And as the New Year dawns may your joy be unbounded and your success constant. Wesley Moore h Wea Z 0 o 5 8 ® | . with our deepest hopes for your good fortune and well- ‘being. And a pledge—to repay your patronage with even great- er values in "49! dC al THE NEW YEAR! "a, r “EN Better Tailor and Furrier Dial 7-2562 or 7-7126 147 Main pitest Luzeme EAE DETR RE REER RGE FE RE PE TE Gh RE RE CE REG PE Gl BR Hg 1 May your every dream come true—your every wish be fulfilled in the days ahead. Happy New Year to one and all. Luzerne-Dallas Highway Luzerne Pennsylvania SS I A A SRA REAR RE RERE TERR RRE REZ Wilkes-Barre Farm Center : May you and your family en- joy a bountiful New Year filled with uninterrupted happiness! Hauck the Florist Memorial Highway Dallas Phone $35 A RE We Deliver a ° 3 on It is our sincere wish that, the ! esd! New Year hatch many joys for fo you and yours. The best of luck Eo hid bm 1949. Trucksville Mill Stanley Moore, Prop. Main Road Trucksville The season's best to all our friends. May the blessings of joy and contentment be with you through the year. Alfred Bronson “Bs near as the telephone” Funeral Director Phons 3 JesR- 4 Swot Yalloy Our New Year, wishes for you are filled with warm, heartfelt greetings and the best of luck. Dallas Portable Welding Gus Walters, Prop. : MEMORIAL HIGHWAY, DALLAS is i Luzerne Plu Sam W 340 Union Street GREETINGS Bulford's | “The big frier i Highway Bowman’: “The home’ Main Street Ta Pa a A CA FESS PS EES ESS 1 a x L LE Dodge-Plymouth Pho Chrysler - ~ G. E. Ap ~ Trucksville \ E | Howa