- weekend with relatives and friends * remainder of the winter. ‘Dallas, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Traver and son Clayton, of Ruggles, and ~ Mrs. Bruce Williams. Others who oming. weekend with his sister, Mrs. Es- ther daughter Janice, and Bud Davis. tained at a family dinner on Christ- ~ mas Day. Those present were Mr. * Kingston. ~ Jersey spent the holiday weekend and Judy. They were dinner guests . Norman and Charlotte Hawk of Jack Hislop of Main Road and Ray- the wedding. WETOWN Mr. and Mrs. Willard Griffiths and sons, Daniel and Richard of ; Syracuse, N. Y. spent the weekend with Mrs. Claire McKenna and Mrs. Frank Wright. Miss Dorothy Fritz of New York City spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newberry and daughter Beatrice of Fern- brook and Richard Ide spent Christ- mas day with Mr. and Mrs. John Garinger. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood McKen- na and daughter, Joan, of Wash- ington, D. C. spent the holiday in the Back Mountain Area. Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline re- turned with the McKennas for the Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Reilly spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rice of Jer- sey Shore, Pa. Clifford Weintz and Eugene Mul- ligan of Kingston were recent cal- lers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Howard Reilly. Miss Lulu Williams of Larksville spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Casterline.! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar George spent the holiday weekend with their family at Ashley. Atlee Kocher and son Millard, of Mr, and Mrs. Emory Hadsel spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hadsel. Marilyn Williams, student nurse at the General Hospital, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and spent Christmas Day at the Wil- liams home were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carpenter, Mrs. Matthew Carey and daughter Helen, of Wy- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore of Simsbury, Conn. spent the holiday Davis. Others who spent Christmas Day at the Davis home were Mr. and Mrs. Al Rinken and Mrs. Naomi Lyons returned to her home on Friday after being a! patient at the Nesbitt Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Ide enter- and Mrs. Thomas Brink of Sweet Valley, Mrs. Della Parrish, Bess ‘Cooke, D. Lutis Ide, Ethel, Harold, Bruce, and Glenn Ide. Mr. and ‘Mrs. David Ide. The Callers at the Ide home were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Parrish and son Billy of Albert London of Raway, New with his wife and children, Janice on Christmas Day of his mother, Mrs. A. W. Weid of Dallas. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hilbert spent Christmas with Rev. and Mrs. George Roberts and family of “Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux and sons, Earl Jr. and Lee were dinner guests on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Hendershot. Dorothy and Allen Fritz spent Christmas Day with their sister, Mrs, Albert Kamon of Nanticoke. Mr. and Mrs. Charels Hawk and Bear Creek spent Christmas Day with Mrs. A. A. Neely and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Montross and children, Edward and Carol of Shavertown spent Christmas Day ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mont- TOSS. Announce Engagement Announcement has been made of the betrothal of Miss Nancy Lorene Hislop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ‘mond Daring, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lenzi of Elizabeth street, Dallas. No date has been set for YOUR PRIVATE SAFE A Safe Deposit Bex in our Fire-and -Theft-Preof Vaults Protects valusbles at less than te & day. 5 First Floor == Street Lovel —Ne Stains & IWYOMING KAT'L BAN Kor WILKES-BARRE | SHOP Und E's EASY TO: GET Here's a toast from all of us to all of you. Best wishes for the A grandest New Year ever. Luzerne Paint and Wallpaper Store 121 Main Street RASS SANE i ¥ L Luzerne i i We'd like to extend the Sea- ; many Grectirges friends wherever they may be. =I son’s Greetings to our Woolbert's Funeral Service Mr. And Mrs. Howard Woolbert Shavertown, Pa. Phone Dallas io) WRT : GE REPEL We sincerely hope the New Year will prove to be the grand- est one ever. | | The Shewan Shop : Clothes For All The Family Center Street Shavertown, Pa. : IRS cst LETS 4 We express our Happy New i" w hm Year to you aloud just once a year—but our best wishes are with you always! Joe's Men's Shop Main Street Dallas SS SS a SS SNS SS SE SAT is as SS SS SS SaaS TANS i ai FEREREBRER ¥ We've got the angels playing our merry tune! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Bolton's Sunset Inn Shawanese Harvey's Lake Ss SS SSSR | ERE TREE TET BE TE TELE TEETER TEE TE TEETER Zk NEW YEAR Ris, NY Y/ 9 49 A throng of healthy, happy, lucky New Year wishes to you! K-T Luncheonette Main Road Trucksville, Pa. TT TT I I SI Trucksville Radio Service Met Road THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1948 Bill Guyette - John Hart Just a mote to tell you we're wishing you a Happy New Year! Trucksville, Pa. The New Year is on its way, and we'd like to take this time to Oliver's Used Car Lot Main Street EE 100 Main Street Hall s Pharmacy The Place to Buy Artley Shop "The Home of Fashion” different way. Shady Side Dairy Phone Dallas 216-R-0 Kunkle, Pa. you! Caddie’s Sunoco Service Station Memorial Highway Palas Pa. Ts wish you a happy 1949. | : ; Kingston The very best wishes for a bright New Year and may 1949 give you a horn of plenty. Shavertown SS A SE NESE REIS Sorry we can’t give you a horse- shoe or 4-leaf clover—but, we can wish you a Happy New Year. Luzerne We're up in the air, want to say Seasons Greetings in a Ring out the old! Bring in the new! It's a Happy New Year for Guy Dunham - Eddie Simpson 576 Mafle: 3 Street ¥ RESALE IE IEIN 2 ‘cause we Sse PAGE THREE ILLITE TE PELE TELE IEE RIE ITE TERI TE BERGE 2 A real, year bang-up Happy New ; wish from us—to resound & through your entire year. Ken Grose's Service Station Luzerne-Dallas Highway Trucksville, Pa. RTA AREA y § ¥ : Worth crowing about—the vol p ued patronage you have shown us. 3 May you and ‘yours spend a glor- ¥ “~~ pn ious New Year. CREETINES of jue pn. Orchard Farm Dairy Phone Dallas 348-R-2 Dallas , Pa. 2 ETINGS Peace on Earth—Good Will to ; George Tum All types of insurance Lake Street, Dallas Phone 581-R-2 EA Greetings, for a “happy New’ : Year and may 1949 hold all the ’ fulfillment of all your dreams. WISHES] i Parker's Texaco Service Station Route 309 Shavertown, Pa. REZ We're booking you solid, for a 3 year of good health and prosper- 2 ity. we | Ni TF Allen's Luncheonette “In the Gosart Building” Center Street Shavertown, Pa. : PS SS spree gg JERE AARA RAR RRR R RRR BERRI PAR aR AS AE AEA a § Uppermost in our minds and 3 hearts are best wishes for a 1949 ; unexcelled in health, happiness ? and good fortune—to all our : a § SIE TET TE TE IE TEE TEL PETE TR PETE TRIE TETRA BEB friends—eld and new! Shav-Lee Company Electric Hot Water Heaters Shavertown, Pa. oo BE SNES ESE, 9