PAGE TWO | : THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1948 Purely Personal Professor and Mrs. T. A. Wil- liamee of Millville, former Dallas residents were callers at the Ralph Rood home on Lehman avenue last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Garrahan of Hatfield, former Dallas residents, visited relatives and friends in Dal- las last weekend. Russell Honeywell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honeywell, Lake street, has returned home from the Nes- bitt Hospital where he has been under treatment for the past two weeks, Rus was shot in the stom- ach with a .25 caliber bullet on Saturday, December 11. Mrs. Paul Warriner has returned to her home on Demunds road after being a hospital patient. She is getting along nicely. Lois War- riner, student at Dickinson Col- lege, is spending the holidays with her parents. Dana Lee, student at Cornell University, is spending the holi- days with his aunt, Mrs. Lettie Culver. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee of Bound Brook, N. J. spent the holiday weekend at the Culver home. Peynton Lee, student at Lehigh University, is spending the Christ- mas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee of Machell avenue. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Frick of Sweet Valley had as Christ- mas guest Mrs. M. C. Frick of West Pittston. Their son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frick and Hollace and Glen of Milford, Del., will be their guests this week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fink of Shavertown and Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Henning of Trucksville had as guests for the Christmas weekend their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henning Jr. of Buff- alo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huey of Lehigh street, Shavertown, will have as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hitchner of Collings- wood, N. J. While here they will also wisit Mrs. Hitchner’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Albert Blase of Trucksville and Mr. Hitchenr’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hitch- ner of West Pittston. Mrs. S. H. McKenzie Jr. has been ill this week at her home on Leh- man Avenue, Her mother, Mrs. . Martha Evans of Kingston is with her. Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph of ~ Norton avenue had as Christmas weekend guests daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. John their son and Joseph of Chicago, Ill. John is a student at the College School of Chiropody. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Barbot and Grandma Barbot of Scarsdale, N. Y. spent the Christmas weekend as guests of Mrs. Barbot’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of Norton avenue. Mr.' and Mrs. Clinton Ide of Huntsville will have as New Year's weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeGrand of Bethlehem. Mr. and Mrs. Grayden Mayer of Philadelphia = are spending the Christmas vacation with the for- mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mayer of Lake road. Women of Kiwanis Enjoy Christmas Dinner Party Members of the Dallas Kiwanis Woman’s Club were pleasantly en- tertained at their meeting last week by ‘Mrs. Clyde Cooper who spoke on the origin and customs of Christmas in other lands. She also reviewed briefly the story of the “Littlest Angel”. Mrs. Frank Werner played the role of Santa Claus in a delight- ful fashion and distributed gifts. Group carol singing was led by Mrs. David Joseph. Birthday gifts were given by Mrs. Leroy Troxell and Mrs. Walter Elston and won by Mrs. H. A. Smith and Mrs. Robert Hale, Committee members for next meeting, when installation of offi- cers will take place, are Mrs. Sher- man Harter, Mrs. George Mont- gomery and Mrs. Howard Isaacs. Present at the party were: Mes- dames Robert Hale, Clyde Cooper, Earl Hess, Fred Anderson, David Joseph, Harold Flack, H. A. Smith, Frank Werner, Herbert Griesing, Kenneth Rice, Leroy Troxell, Mel- vin Mosier, J. W, Reardin, Walter Elston, Sherman Harter, and Al- bert Shafer. Sisters Hold Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson of Main Road were pleasantly sur- prised Friday evening when the latter's sister, Mrs. George Puras, flew in from California to spend the holiday with them. The sis- ters had not seen each other for thirteen years. The reunion was completed Christmas night when Mr. Thompson's brother, Bill, from New Jersey walked in. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith of Lake road had as Christmas week- end guest the former’s sister, Miss Lyda Smith of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scureman en- tertained them all at dinner Christ- mas day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey of Lake Road had as Christmas week- end guests Mrs. Eva Pace of Kings- ton and Mrs. Maude Clark of Scranton. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Strunk and son, Allen and Miss Jean Dougherty of Kingston were their dinner guests. Mrs. M. A. Wilcox of Lake Road is, spending the holidays with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr .and Mrs. William Lynch of Harrisburg. Joe LeGrand who has been working in Richmond, Indiana, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LeGrand Sr. of Baldwin street. Pfc. John Nulton who is stationed at Scott Field, Ill. is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Nulton of Lehman. This is his first furlough since entering the service in June, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of Shavertown had as Christmas din- ner guests the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson of Wilkes-Barre. David Schmerer, = student at Syracuse University, arrived last Friday to spend Christmas with his MAYTAG WASHERS Sales and Service REBENNACK & COVERT 265-267 WYOMING AVENUE, KINGSTON Phone 337-R-49 KUNKLE, PA. 1948 WAS A MOST SUCCESSFUL TURKEY YEAR. Safeguard your 1949 turkey program— ~ Feed TIOGA TURKEY BREEDER — Mash or Pellets . Produce quality sturdy poults. * * DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner * Phone 200 DALLAS, PA. Alfred D. “As near as your telephone” 363-R-4 Bronson FUNERAL DIRECTOR SWEET VALLEY, PA. Celebrate Anniversary | Mr. and Mrs. George Belles Mr. and Mrs. George Belles of East Dallas celebrated their forty first wedding anniversary with a family dinner on Christmas Day. The Belleses who have made their home in the Back Mountain Area for the past twenty five years were married in Edwards- ville by the Rev. H. M. Kelly on December 25, 1907. Mrs. Belles is the former Cora Knecht, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knecht of Edwardsville. Mr. Belles is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Belles of Wanamie. He is employed by Ruggles Lumber Com- pany. They have three sons, Harry of Claude street, Edgar of Tunkhan- nock R. D., Arthur of Kingston, and a daughter, Mrs. Fred Lam- oreaux of East Dallas; also nine grandchildren. Mrs. Ann Weaver Is Honored at Dinner Anna Weaver, retiring president, was presented with a lovely gift at the Silver Leaf Club Christmas dinner held at Lundy’s last Tues- day evening. Present were Mes- dames Forest Kunkle, Ralph Hess, Stanley Elston, Frank Hess, Ralph Elston, Tom Landon, Frank Boston, Olin Kunkle, Ralph Ashburner, Allen Brace, Clyde Hoyt, Palmer Updyke, Victor Rydd, Oliver Ells- worth, Florence Klimeck, Jim Traver, Gideon Miller, William Weaver, Owen Ide, Ann Weaver, and Fred Dodson. Entertains for Husband Mrs. Alan Kunkle entertained members of her family at a party last Friday honoring her husband who celebrated his birthday anni- versary. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Heck, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sut- ton and Patsy and Bonnie, the guest of honor and the hostess. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sch- merer of Parrish street. Tuesday he left to spend a few days in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith of Huntsville will entertain a number of friends at a New Year's Eve party. Bob Jewel, student at Blooms- burg State Teacher's College, is spending the holidays with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jewel of Parrish street. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Carichner had as Christmas guest their daugh- ter, Mable of Philadelphia. Warren Browns, Hosts On Christmas Eve Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brown en- tertained at a Christmas Eve party at their home on Pinecrest avenue. Jolly old Santa Claus distributed gifts and good cheer. Present were Mr. and Mrs. N. E, Nelson, Buddy Nelson, Miss Audrey Ashton, Mrs. Fred Drake, Virginia and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Williams, Carol Ann, Mrs. Forest Roese, Nancy and Phyllis Brown, Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Brown and the host and hostess. Silkworth Farmer Dance For a real treat in Farmer Danc- ing, take a jaunt to Lake Silkworth where Lake Silkworth Firemen con- duct a dance every Saturday even- ing, in the Fire House. Take the old folks along and give them a New Year’s treat. 1949 Pennsylvania Fishing Licenses are now here No. 1 Carolina Yams " Solid Ripe Slicing Tomatoes To Bring You America’s Finest Foods At The Most STORE HOURS Open Thurs., Dec. 86, to 9 p. m. Open Friday, Dec. 81, to 6 p. m Closed All Day Sat, Jan. 1 Thin Skin, Seedless, ' GRAPEFRUIT - 5¢ gg we em With A Gontinued Pledge Florida FLA. ORANGES 2 «-- 49: ANJOU PEARS 2 »- 25: Eating or Cooking 19c 3 = 29c Apples 3 ® 29c| Solid Heads, Danish Cabbage Ib. 3: Outstanding Meat Department Values Tender, Fresh, Medium Size PORK L OINS RIB HALF Smoked PORK SQUARES Lean, Cello Wrapped SLICED BACON Standing, Prime RIB ROAST Fancy, Stewing KENS 0: nu 41 lbs. i». 3% i. hc iv. 65¢ = Ble -39¢ Tender, Smoked, Skinned HAMS Whole or Shank Half 59c Cold Meats or resh Lebanon Meat Loaves Ib. 49¢ * BOLOGNA QYSIERS % 1b. 30¢ Bologna, sing "490 pnt 59¢ Sea Foods Pollock Fillets 1b. 298 Haddock Fillets . 3%¢ . SHAVERTOWN, PA. Immediate Installation 3 Years To Pay Shavertown, Pa. — HEATING OIL BURNER UNITS STOKERS—STEEL ASH PITS HOT WATER HEATERS WINTER AIR CONDITIONING AUTOMATIC DAMPER REGULATORS FREE HEATING SURVEY and ESTIMATES J. J. BRENNAN — I Year Guarantee Reasonable Prices Phone Dallas 199-R-7 ERROR REO RO RCE RRR EC RO C2 QUALITY PLUS SERVICE EQUALS HR oll Old Toll Gate Feed Service JIM HUSTON, Prop. Luzerne-Dallas Highway—Phone Dallas 520-R-2 RADIATORS CLEANED and REPAIRED Removed and installed in our Radiator Hospital at the new location on Memorial Highway. Dallas Portable Welding Co. MEMORIAL HIGHWAY, DALLAS — ww PHONE 551-R-7 Coffee Excellence! "deal—Vacuum Sealed COFFEE - ore Me COFFEE Rob Roy, Club Soda or GINGER ALE Ideal Maraschino Cherries Bachman’s Pretzels Wincrest COFFEE 51c » 4c % 10¢ Plus Tax and Dep. Sor 21 12-0. 330 2,5, 25¢ pkg. Nabisco Twist Pretzels = 26¢ Ideal Sauer Kraut Nabisco Premium Crackers > 25¢ | Ideal Stuffed Olives Oscar Mayer WIENERS - can Joan of Arc—Red thc! KIDREY BEANS ° e Taste The APPLE Party Rye Bread Ajax Cleanser Octagon Laundry Soap 3‘ 28: Octagon Cleanser Octagon Soap Powder Octagon Soap Powder "vc 24c 2 cans 9% » 2 eans { a uN small 8c Bakery Delights New, Delicious VIRGINIA LEE PIES CHERRY ~*49c > 55¢ “*6Y¢ Fresh Daily—Price Includes Metal Plate Gold "N Snow Layer Cakes Fruit-Filled Coffee Cakes ae (Be each 30¢ loaf 15¢ 4-07Z. pkg. FRITOS Corn Ribbon Chips 1 1 MINIT Complete Lemon Pie Mix we 210 BEECHNUT Chopped Junior Foods ’ 6" 8lc 6-0z. bot. 49¢ 5 : Ly Palmolive Toilet Soap A ne VRE Ociozon Soap Flakes lar, pk. Je med. 13¢ Famou Toilet Soap 2° Be acai IE Super Suds For Whiter Duds = dle RRR RY VR Palmolive Toilet Soap bath size 262 TN IRN, Ar RRR VEL Instant Lich Suds