PAGE TWO And how true that observation. The safest way to be sure of having money is to save part of what you get, Open a savings account in The Kingston National Bank. : “Ye KINGSTON NATIONAL BANK AT KINGSTON CORNERS FOUNDED I3vw~ Member F.D.IC. Christmas is a family aff, So give them all a De Luxe ~ FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator — with larger, colder Super-Freezer Chest MO DEL SHOWN: 1s DELUXE DJ-9 - $339,% Other Modejs from 6to 1 1% cu. fr. Ask about €onveniens terms Make this ‘Christmas last for years, for the whole _ family! Do it with a Frigidaire De Luxe Refrigerator. It’s pow- ered by the famous Meter-Miser mechanism with 5-Year Protection Plan—and has all these other features: Full-width Super-Freezer Chest—Quick- ube trays—All-porcelain, glass-topped Hydrator —Rust-proof shelves—Basket-drawer for eggs and small packages—Tall-bottle space—and many other features you should see. 02mm 0 Also ask about the Frigidaire Electric Range, &=(o)= Automatic Washer, Electric Clothes Dryer, Home Freezer REBENNACK & COVERT . Kingston, Pennsylvania ° OPEN EVENINGS TIL CHRISTMAS INCOME TAXES INSURANCE PREMIUMS EDUCATIONAL TUITION - * MEDICAL-DENTAL BILLS = : “ _HOSPITAL- OPERATION CHARGES Ra Quick + Courteous * Confidential Service! WYOMING BEPONAL BANK 2 / 2 THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1948 CHURCH PROGRAM Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux has been appointed chairlady of the Christ- mas program of the Idetown M. E. Church, to be given Christmas Eve in the Church, All Sunday School departments will take part. The program will start promptly at 7:30 p.m. Committee members are: Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Mrs. Glenn Spencer, Mrs. Loren Keller, Miss Ethel Ide, Miss Mary Claire Mec- Kenna. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and daughter Betty of Wilkes-Barre spent Sunday with the latter’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith. Robert Welsh who was on a hunting trip last week at North Mountain shot an 8 point buck. Mr. and Mrs. James Morton have returned to their home in Forty Fort for the Winter. The Confidence Class will have its Christmas party at the church house on - Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, December 14. Mrs. Ken- neth Bonning wil have charge. Mr. and Mrs. John Garinger and children, Lois, Jackie, Elizabeth and Gilroy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Newberry of Lake Silkworth. Mrs. William Weaver is spend- ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Atherholt of Wilkes- Barre. Plans Christmas Party For Tuesday Evening Alter and Rosary Society of St. Theresa's Church has completed plans for its annual Christmas party to be held Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock in the auditorium of the church. A complete turkey dinner will be catered bythe Kingston House after which there will be a short dramatization of “Julia” given by members of the society. Last but not least, Santa will be there to distribute gifts and group singing will be accompanied by Al- ice Laux, pianist. Every one plan- ning to attend should bring along a little 25 cent gift. All reservations should be made no later than to- day with Mrs. Robert Williams of West Dallas. Mercersburg in Franklin County was the home of Revolutionary War hero General Hugh Mercer. THE DALLAS POST “More than a newspaper, a community institution” ESTABLISHED 1889 Member Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers’ ‘Association A non-partisan liberal progressive newspaper pub- lished every Friday morning at the Dallas Post plant Lehman Avenue, Dallas Pennsylvania. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Dallas, Pa., or the Act of March 3, 1879. Subeerip- tion rates: $2.50 a year; $1.50 six months.. No subscriptions assppid for less than six months, ut-of state subscriptions: $3.00 a year; $2.00 six months or lees. Back issues, more than one week old, 10e single copies, at a rate ot 6c each, can he ohiained every Friday morn ing at fhe following newsetimids: Dallas— Tally-Ho Grille, Bowman's Restaurant; Shavertown, Evans’ Drug Store; Trucksvitie—Leonard’s Store; Shaver's Store; lIdetown— Caves Store; Huntsville— Barnes Store; Alderson—Deater's Store; Fernbrook—Reese’s Store. When requesting a change of ad- dress subscribers are asked to give their old as well as new address. Allow two weeks for changes of ad- dress or new subscription to be placed on mailing list. We will not be responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and editorial matter un- less self-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed, and in no case will we be responsible for this material for more than 30 days. National display advertising rates 80c per column inch. Local display advertising rates b50c per column inch; A eifted position 60c per inch. Classified rates Sc word. Minimum charge ~60c. Unless paid for at advertising rates, we can give no assurance that an nouncements of plays, parties, rummage sales or any affairs for raising money will appear in a specific issue. In no case will such items be taken om Thuredavs. Preference will in all instances be given to editorial matter which has not previously appeared in‘ publication. Editor and Publisher HOWARD W. RISLEY Associate Editor MYRA ZEISER RISLEY Contributing Editor MRS.-T. M. B. HICKS per D. of A. Christmas Party Mt. Vale Council, Daughters of America “will meet at 1.O.O.F. Hall tonight at 7:30. There will be elec- tion of officers followed by a Christ- msa party at which 50 cent gifts will be exchanged. ORDER Phone 337-R-49 KUNKLE, PA. WE RECOMMEND Feed CONDITIONTINE PELLETS at noon. } Maintain body condition of your laying flock. Be ready for cold weather. DEVENS MILLING COMPANY A. C. DEVENS, Owner TODAY Phone 200 DALLAS, PA. Better Buy ALLOWANCE! Water Heater. 1948. Electric Range Or Water Heater Now! AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1948, | CAN'T PAY THE WIRING Allowance is 14 the wiring cost up to $30 for an Electric Range and up to $20 for an Electric Wiring allow- ances will be discontinued on purchases made after Dec. 31, A See Your Dealer At U Once If You Want ; To Get The Benefit Of The Wiring Al- lowance! That 7 77 =) _ AND Z| LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. SAFETY VALVE Rev. Lewis Button of Bud Lake spent several days this week visit- ing his parents, Reverand and Mrs. Ira Button. Rev. Lewis con- ducted the revival services at the Church Monday and Tuesday even- ings. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Irving and Joan of Dalmatia, Pa., spent the weekend with Mrs. Stella Rouseing. Mr. and Mrs. James Devens and Mrs. Mary Wheeler of Nanticoke were Friday dinner guests of Miss Bess Klinetob. Mrs. Wheeler re- mained with Miss Klinetob for the '| week, Mr. and Mrs. David Culver of Carverton were Sunday guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holcomb. Janet Kitchen is recovering from a bad case of tonsilitis. Miss Iona Holcomb and Miss Bess Klinetob visited relatives in Ber- wick on Thursday. Mrs. Hattie Edwards who re- cently broke her hip in a fall is still a patient at Nesbitt Hospital. A number of Sweet Valley people gave Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole of Shickshinny a surprise on their silver wedding anniversary. TRUCKSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pri- deaux and son, Lance of South Bound Brook, New Jersey spent the weekend with Mrs. Prideaux’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Willard Par- sons of Main Road. Mrs. Maude Sutliff has returned home from General Hospital. W. J. Robbins, Sr. is a patient | in Mercy Hospital . Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carey and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams of Kingston. Mrs. Robert Slaff and infant daughter, Susan Ann have returned home from General Hospital. Lois, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Averett of Binghamton, N. Y., granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carey of Cliffside Ave. fell while on a visit here and cut the interior of her mouth. She was treated at Nesbitt Hospital. Jimmy, her brother is ill with the measles. Fritz Urbanovitch, former resi- dent of Main Road, was injured while at work in the mines on Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. William White, and family of White's Ferry visited the latter's sister, Miss Pauline Bes- teder on Sunday. Bob Gardner of Easton visited here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Raynour and daughter of Philadelphia vis- ited relatives here last week. Mr .and Mrs. George Shaver and son, Skippy visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Lehman on Mon- day. Mrs. Gerald Cragle Entertains W.C.T.U. Mrs. Gerald Cragle entertained members of the Sweet Valley W. C. T. U. at her home last Tuesday. A huge Santa Claus and holiday greens were used as a party center- piece. Gifts were exchanged. Present were: Mrs. Della Hann, Mrs. Lewis Williams, Mrs, Ira But- ton, Mrs. Stella Rouseing, Mrs. E. J. .Waterstripe, Mrs. Charles Long, Mrs. McKinley Long, Mrs. Frank Oliver, Mrs. Freas Morris, Mrs. David Benscoter and the hostess. WANT TO BUY Something Nice? Twenty Acres Land in Dallas Township Not far from schools and convenient to Dallas shop- ping district. Has good barn 30x30. An ideal spot for some one who likes ‘the land. Barn can be converted. An ideal weekend retreat for family. Double Lot Lehman Avenue, Dallas 80x160 feet $2,500 One of the best residential streets in Dallas and one of the best locations. Lot 100x120 feet Overbrook Avenue $1,250 A nice lot in one of the most desirable sections of the Back Mountain Area. D. T. SCOTT & SONS Established 1908 Dallas Representative DURELLE T. SCOTT, JR, Real Estate and Fire Insurance TELEPHONE Dallas 244-R-13 or W-B 3-2515 Residence 54 HUNTSVILLE ROAD Dallas, Pa. AUDITORS’ REPORT ; DALLAS BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT For Year Ending July 5, 1948 4 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 7, 1947 oo... id $ 35289 Property Tax, 1947 Duplicate 20,959.87 Per Capita Tax, 1947 Duplicate ..........o.. oo 20 3,507.65 Delinquent Tax, prior to 1947 a 1,638.17 State Appropriation 19,632.83" Interest: oo. nn Wee ON 12.50 | Bond Sales (First Nat'l Bank, Dallag) li 0 aid 12,500.00 Supplies sold and Refunds... ." 148.70 Reimbursement for School Lunch Program . 190.08 Total Receipts... iis. ull divas Gig RTs $ 58,942.69 DISBURSEMENTS A. Expenses of General Control: oh Secretary's: Salary... nS EES $ 300.00 Secretary's ‘Office. Supplies... 0000 jak od ese le 30.04 Secretary's Office, Other expense .. 94.50 Treasurerls Salary... [.. 5 ccd soi on ils hos ] 50.00 Tax Collector's Commissions .................. LALA 1,287,76 Auditors’ Fees 50.00 Legal Serviee: i... ce. Loo dnl ln mn UE as 200.00 Census: Enumeration... CLL 00 it enti di 20.00 Other Expenses of General Control ..._...._....._..__._.__.__.._. 150.63 Total Expenses of General Control ............._. $ 218293 B. Expenses of Instruction: ; ; Salary of Supervising Principals, (2/3 of Total) .... $ 2211.04 Supplies: of Principal's’ Office... 5.410 19.49 Other Expense of Principal's Office 52.30 Salaries of Teachers (includes 1/3 salary of Principal) = 26,779.72 Text and Library Books =... a lei pa ails sn is 1,196.12 Supplies for Instruction’. 7 Lia lion Loins 1,196.71 Teacheérs’ ‘Institute’... er dm fi deri en 104.00 Commencement Exercises Expense .........._...._._._._.._ 82.08 $ 31,641.46 Total Expenses of Instruction C. Expenses of Auxiliary Agencies: Public Library -Appropriation _.._.._. 300.00 Expense of Compulsory Attendance . 10.00 Nurse Serviee 0000 Lo ait Gin nl pal 415.00 Other Bxponse 0... 00s iad) Dinas GU ian fee 19.19 School! Lunch "Program Expense... ‘= .“° 190.08 Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies ......._.._ $ 934.27 D. Operation of School Plant: Wages’ of Janitors: ioe de pony adie a $ 3,410.00 Pael - cilin bo RR LA ee ie Dee 1,532.70 Water 00000 000 120.00 Light! and: Power. si oo 8 i oti i 772.36 Janitors Supplies... lit pc a ne Sn ee . 416.66 Telephone Rental ..._......_... ._. _ _... 49.33 Other Expenses of Operation 8.29 Total Expense of Operation |. tlio cis $ 6,354.34 E. Maintenance of School Plant: : Repair of Buildings Jl. i 0. flee si so 732.36 Repairs of Heating, Lighting & Plumbing ......_ 1,048.30 Repairs of Instructional Apparatus ..................... ..;: 144.78 Repairs of Furniture 115.10 Repair of Other Equipment. ....0 Go: joa soe ins 16.00 $ 1,956.54 F. Fixed Charges: s State. Retirement. Board... 0.000 Lie TRG IST6193 Insurance—Fire and Workmans Compensation. (First year of Budget Plan) _..._. | Ll BS9.85 Total Fixed Charges .... . 0... dies iad vie $ 1,466.08 G. Debt Service: Uo Transfer from General Fund to Sinking Fund for ... payment of Bonds and Interest '..._.._... $ 3,150.00 Redemption of Short Term Loans ..............._......_.._._._. 3,000.00 Interest on Bonds .. ......... © 9.40 Interest on Short Term Loans 250.00 Total Debt Service... oe S icone no h$ 6,409.40 H. Captial Outlay: Alteration of Buildings (Improvements) $ 2,465.23 Heating, Lighting, Plumbing and Electrical Equipment 1,517.82 Instructional’ Apparatus -<..... Lo.o ld EaEeD 2,715.93 Other: Equipment... cour. int nS i ss 90.00 $ 6,788.98 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS Total Receipbs Gish tor oi ys isiona sili, Sia ie ian pn ie $ 58,942.69 Total Disbursements, as above ..._._..._.. .. ST Lie BT 734.00 Balance ‘on Hand July 5, 1948... Ci oi. ~$§ 1,208.69 SINKING FUND Balance on Hand July 7, 3927: lL None Received From General Fund... il boi ii dibs $ 3,150.00 Disbursements: (x), "Bonds Redeemed: 0. ovis $3,000.00 Interest on "Bonds... 0... ol cd 150.00 $ 3,150.00 Balance ‘on. Hand (i. oon Lo $ 00.00 (x) Completes Redemption of 1928 Bond Issue. ASSETS School Buildings and Sites ....... A SE . $104,202.25 Text ‘Books ‘and. Equipment —... llc Bosinen ole 22,257.39 Belcher Trust Fund (Series of “G” U. S. Bond) ............... 500.00 Unpaid Taxes: Property Taxes Returned ................ $12,996.96 Per Capita Taxes’ ...... co. ie aiid Lie 467.25 $ 13,464.21 Tuition ‘Receivable... 5 ol moos le 321.56 Balance on Hand, General Fund .._...._....._ 1,208.10 Total "Assets "lo nd Be Wa LL a $141,954.10 LIABILITIES Bonded Indebtedness (New Bond Issue) $ 12,500.00 Teachers Salaries Payable (July and August) ............ 4,848.82 J i a LS Ch $ 17,348.82 Total Liabilities TAXATION Assessed Value Taxable Real Estate (Net) $635,347.00 Mills’ Levied ‘on Real Estate ........._.... ni. 35 Por Capita Assessments 000 A000 un bl Li no 848 Per Capita’ Rate 0 i 5.00 Exonerations and Erroneous Assesments 475.00 Penalties Collected 181.56 Discounts Allowed . 381.98 J Property Taxes Returned to. County i... .C...._._...L.i. $1,071.79 We certify that we have audited the above accounts and that they are correct to our best knowledge and belief, and that the securities of the officers of the Board are in accordance with law. HENRY W. PETERSON R. B. LEWIS R. W. OWENS * August 20, 1948 #7 i B i 4 #& -