PAGE EIGHT THE POST, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 The TRADING POST A POST CLASSIFIED AD IS THE PLACE TO GET RESULTS QUICKLY AND CHEAPLY z PHONE DALLAS 300 @ THREE CENTS PER WORD @® 50c MINIMUM For Sale— i 63 FEET of new 3-inch galvanized | pipe. 15 Harris Hill road, Trucks- Phone 264-R-10. he ville. Beaumont, BABY. CHICKS, Pennsylvania and U. S. Pullorum clean. Orders for ( fall and winter. Hilbert’s Hatchery, TWO USED WASHERS, $20 each. _ Lazarus Electric Center, 59 Main St. Luzerne. Phone 7-1127. JOHNS-MANVILLE blown pert crews. - COMBINATION STOVE, washer, bed room: suite, high chair, stroller, living room suite. Excellent Boehme. Phone 174R10. spin-dry | ton 8-1275. rock wool insulation installed by ex- Up to 36 months to pay. Phone W.-B. 2-0580 or Kings- condition. Mrs. Harry Lawrence BE. Wolfe. FLOOR SANDING and Resurfacing, expert workmanship, moderate rates. Dallas 361-R-3. i SEVERAL TONS good hay. Reason- i able. ville. George Stolarick, Loyal- o & PRACTICALLY NEW CINDER block machinery; block machine; mixer; 700 pallets; motors, switches, etc. Cheap. 40 Dilly St. Forty Fort. Phone Kingston 7-2284. Dead Stock Co. Clarks one twin vibrator |p. phone 929-R-2. one 12 cu. ft. scales up to 19 tons. tain Lumber and Coal Co. HATROLA. Phone Dallas 360-R-14. CASH FOR DEAD HORSES, mules or cows. We pay $2 cash when we load if the animal is not dragged Dragged animals half price. Ward Summit, CUSTOM WEIGHING, anything, any time on new Howe heavy duty Back Moun- TWO USED WASHERS. $20 each. Lazarus Electric Center, 59 Main Street, Luzerne. Phone 7-1127. ston. 338-R-13 HAPPY COOKING GAS RANGE; Bendix Washer.” Phone Dallas 404- -R-13, FLOOR SURFACING, sanding, finishing, waxing and polishing. H. W. King, 224 Pierce St., King- Kingston 7-7264 or Dallas re- your home and taste. 1937 PLYMOUTH SEDAN with 1946 motor, 4 tires. Excellent running service. Wilkes Barre. VENETIAN BLINDS tailored to fit One week J. T. Elias, 119 Dana St., Dial WB 3-9369) For PERFECTION in machine, ma- condition. Phone Harvey's Lake 3202. chinless, or cold permanent wav- og ; ing, finger waving or dyeing—see KERRY BLUE PUPS. Sherman | Marguerite, Main Road, Fernbrook Phone 397. : Wardan Farm, Kinkle, Pa. ) ROUND WALNUT. TABLE, legs, extra . leaves. 3067. eight Real Estate For Sale— Phone H.L. TWO USED WASHERS, $20 each. | Lazarus Electric Center, 59 Main ‘Street, Luzerne. or summer place. Zarephath, N. J. | HOUSE and 10 ACRES near Beau- i mont, cheap. Ideal hunting lodge Alvin Bartlett, Phone 77-1929. FLUSH-O-LET keeps toilet bowls J ; scrupulously clean without un- pleasant scrubbing.’ $$3.75 at all [. better stores. ] Hardware Drug Store, or write Box 35, Dallas, Ce . Pa. ABOUT 40 ACRES timberland. W. S. Kitchen, phone H. L. 3206. Farmer Dances— Locally at Dallas & Supply or Evans be Supply Co.,, Phone Muhlenburg 9- R-716. Address Shickshinny R.D.1 MODERN and Farmer dances will held in Kunkle Community Hall every Saturday night. Ber- . wick orchestra, Abe Bellas caller. TURNER ROLLER BEARINGS, Saw; Door prizes. Mills, Edgers, Hay Driers, Hardie . = Sprayers and Equipment. Rural Dressmaking— Lost— R-13. BETWEEN IDETOWN and DALLAS, black and white male speckled: legs and chest. number 1739. LADIES’ COATS, suits, dresses re- modeled. Ann Stahl, 3rd house from Fernbrook Dairy. Phone 490- hound, License Palmer Updyke, Whom To Call— old. Call Dallas 410-R-9 Electrical Contracting— Palmer Updyke, ELECTRICIAN. House wiring a specialty, new or HEADQUARTERS for TOYS, gifts, candy. Stolarick, and George 9002-R-2. Coal And Hauling— Supply, Dallas Lehman Phone freight, etc. LIFE INSURANCE for you your family. Fire and other in- surance Dallas 581-R-2 or, 336-R-13. ice. and {* GENERAL HAULING—wood, Ashes and garbage removed. Prompt, dependable serv- Norti Berti, Dallas 277-R-2. coal, written. © George Turn, Dallas 458-R-4 CRUSHED BLUESTONE, highways broken flagstone for walks and ter- Coon Certified Concrete, Kingston “7-3177 ‘or the quarry at Pike's Creek, Dallas 465-R-9 for races. SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL, coal, fill dirt, excavating. Bud Mitchell, all sizes| and driveways; Sanitary Service— buy the best. run. ton 7-5348 or your local FUEL OILS, gasoline, lubrics. Meter service. To insure you of accuracy. Montross Oil Co., 436 Main -St., | 7-2361. dealer. SEPTIC TANKS, reinforced concrete Costs less in long C. E. German and Son, Kings- supply kerosene, Muhlenburg, 19-R-4. Luzerne. Phone DEAD ANIMALS removed promptly, free of charge. Call Carl Crockett, CALL DALLAS 597-R-2 for quality dry cleaning and fast service. Circle Dry Cleaning and Dyeing, Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort. cleaned. Ji A, vaults Wilkes-Barre. Dial 3-4529. SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools and privy Singer, City Scavinger, 137 Dagobert street, Piano Turing— BOTTLED GAS, prompt service to your home or business place. It’s cheap, clean and convenient. Complete line. gas ranges, and space heaters. Shavertown, Phone 409RT7. PIANO TUNING and Muhlenburg 18-R-61. repairing. Oscar Whitesell, Hunlock’s Creek, RFD 1. water Harold Ash, Welding— FURNACES WELDED. For stationary baling, and bulldozing, call James Pell- am, H. L. 4003. threshing, we can weld it. Welding anytime, anywhere. If it’s metal, Dallas Portable Welding Co., Dallas 551-R-7. re They are on the way | 443 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES "HAVE BEEN SHIPPED TO— FIRST NATIONAL BANK DALLAS, PENNA. Member. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ' Will Be Installed and Available SOON \ Private Instruction— | ¢ Wanted To Buy— INSTRUCTION piano, band orchestra instruments. Alfred Milli- ner-Camp, Lehigh street, Trucksville. Phone Dallas 304-R-8.\ . Position Wanted— WOMAN desires position, day times care of adult patient, Mon- day through Friday. Available December 7. Write Box I, Dallas Post. and WRECKED AUTOMOBILES, regard- less of condition, parts and junk. Andrew Zosh. Phone Dallas 362-R-8. FRESH COWS and close springers. Must be T. B. and blood tested; also all kinds of beef cattle and calves. If you have any livestock to sell, write or phone me and I will call on you at once. I am in the country everyday in the week. I buy direct, I sell direct and there- SHAVERTOWN, PA. BET YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF LOOKING HERE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS! A GIFT FOR YOUR HOME? COMBINATION DOORS IRONING BOARDS—Eubank Swivel Type MEDICINE CABINETS—VENETIAN GLASS PLANK, TILE, and SPANISH LEATHER For the Recreation Room Beautiful tile board for kitchens and baths Cromar Flooring for that new floor in your home Heatform—the superior heat circulating fireplace Shavertown Builders Supply Co. 10 E. CENTER STREET WHY NOT PHONE DALLAS 42 fore pay you more money. Ike Mellner, 114 Second Ave., Kingston. Phone 7-2746. Furniture Repairing— Make your fine old furniture NEW with its original wear and comfort— Beautiful wide range of fabrics. Low prices— Guaranteed workmanship. Write or phone John Curtis. 7-5636— 210 Lathrop street, Kingston. Female Help Wanted— WOMAN for house work, noons, 5 days a week. Dallas 124-R-7. after- Phone Coming Event— BEFORE YOU GO BY STOP AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY AT The W.S.C.S. of the Evans Falls | M. E. Church will serve a baked The seat of Pennsylvania's State| sausage supper Friday evening, De-, Government was moved from Lan-|cember third in the church base- caster to Harrisburg in 1812.—PNS.' ment, serving to begin at 6 P.M. PE The BIG €G523 PLACE ON SOUTH MAIN ST., WILKES-BARRE Continues To Shatter Prices COMPARISON PROVES! OUT THEY GOI NOTE: Our prices are | Red Book | lower than Official Average | OUR National Red Book [ Retail [Ze | PRICE "48 Ford Super 4 Dr. Sed | $2160. | $1795. Bh Shri dT Tow. Tass. 48 Chev. S. M. Club Cpe. | "$2295 Ts1725. [8 717 Olds. Conv. 3. P98". °. | $9685 “$2345. & ’47 Ford Super 4 Dr. Sed. | 31085 T $1665. "47 Plymouth S/DIx. 4 Dr. Sed. | 7 $1910 "$1645. jE 6 Chev SM IP 8d 0 TT TEE "$1295. |W ’46 Ford Super 2 Dr. Sed. | © $1590 $1295. [iE 46 Plymouth S/DIx. 4 Dr, Sed. | _ $1635 “$1395. 48 42 Plymouth ¢ S/Dlx. 2 Dr. Sed. | © $1125 $1025. ; ’41 Buick Spec. 4 Dr. Sed. $1250 $ 995. "41 Chrysler Royal 4 Dr. | 81188 Tg 995. ’40 Dodge 4 Dr. Sedan $ 885 £925." 4 ’39 Buick Spec. Club Cpe. | $735 $ 525. ¢ OPEN EVENINGS 6 OTHERS—ALL MAKES AND MODELS | REMEMBER: Our Selection Is Bigger Our Prices Are Lower at no extra cost. “Gur PLUS our famous written guarantee good for one year Terms Are Easier NO PARKING PROBLEM—DRIVE RIGHT ON OUR LOT IMOTOR TWINS} . 240 'S. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre "Dial 2-2144 ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS TREE AND WINDOW DECORATIONS GAFTS ror ve WHIDLE FAMIILY- A small deposit will hold your purchase until wanted. Grand Opening of Dallas Hardware Toyland Largest Stock of Toys in Back Mountain Area Famous Name Toys ERECTOR SETS LINCOLN LOGS AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS BUDDY-L TRUCKS FLEXIBLE FLYER SLEDS VIKING ICE SKATES GILBERT TOOL CHESTS WYANDOTTE TOYS Dallas Hardware & WE DELIVER Supply PHONE DALLAS 121 SEV NVO_DE_DO_JO_ DF _DE_ DEDEDE DECIDED DE EVANS “THE REXALL STORE” LADIES SHICK RAZOR A beautiful gift $3.95 Gold and Ivory %2 gallon $1.25 PINT VACUUM BOTTLES Keeps hot or cold $1.79 OLD FASHIONED HONEY & HOREHOUND DROPS ib. 38¢c SPECIAL BABY. BROWNIE CAMERA $3.16 tax included RONSON ® LIGHTERS $6 to S14 5 DuPONT HYLONS S1-gauge $1.95 45-gauge $1.39 individually phane wrapped. Each cello- PENNSYLVANIA GAME NEWS Makes a nice gift | year $1.00 2 years $1.50 3 years $2.00 LADIES HANDKERCHIEFS 3 in a box 49c Evening In Paris Sets In beautiful Christmas packages. $1.50 to S10 CHILDREN'S LUNCH KITS with Y2-pint vacuum bottle $2.69 — BOY'S and MEN'S GUARANTEED WRIST WATCHES $7.50 to $13.50 . SHAVERTOWN, PA. yr