i | i i | _— PAGE FOUR Newghborhood Notes A NT THE POST, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1948 Purely . Personal Rev. and Mrs. C. Rolland Cromp- ton, son Wesley and daughter, Patty, were the guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Crompton of Harris Hill over the Thanksgiving weekend. Rev. Crompton is president of Penn- ington Seminary. Wesley is a senior at Syracuse University. James Hutchison, a senior at Jefferson Medical College, spent the Thanksgiving recess with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hutchison of Trucksville. Mrs, Hattie Stevens is seriously ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Rolland Evans, New Rochelle, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Walter King and Mrs. Morgan Wilcox spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynch in Harrisburg . Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Edwards of Orchard Street had as Thanksgiving Day guests the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards of Williamsport. The Donald Simon family who have been living at Geneva N. Y. have taken up residence on Route 4, Pensacola Heights, Pensacola, Fla. James Besecker, student at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, spent the holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Besecker of Norton avenue. \ Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nulton en- tertained over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Keithline and Beverly of Binghamton, N. Y.; Lillie Peters of Mehoopany; Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher, Mrs. Perry Rob- bins, Beverly Hirner and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harris of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nulton and Sherry of Lehman; Mrs. Ida Wrislar,® El- wood Nulton, Mary and Lois Nul- ton, and Alfred Nulton. Mr. and Mrs. . dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Alva Eggleston and Bobby and Nancy of Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler. Mr. and Mrs. Sandel Hunt and Sandel Jr. of Norton avenue were Thanksgiving guests of their daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Craeger at Princeton, N. J. ‘Miss Eloise Hunt, student at Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, joined them there. Mrs. Craeger and dau- ghter, Jo Ann returned with the Hunts and is remaining until the weekend when her husband will drive up for her. Murray Scureman Jr. has been home from school this week with bronchitis. Elwood Nulton left last week to spend some time in Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johns of Goss Manor are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Chester Buckowitz of State College. ' Bob Hislop of Franklin street entertained a number of hunters at his cabin at Lovelton this week. Miss Margaret Czuleger has been ill this week at her home on Rice street. & The Herring family have moved from Franklin street to Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Reese will move into the Franklin street house shortly. Mr. and ‘Mrs. Robert M. Scott of Mt. Greenwood road had as guest several days recently their nephew, Lee Tracy. Miss Miriam Lathrop of Main road had as Thanksgiving dinner guests her mother, Mrs. H. B. Lathrop, her aunt, Miss Emily Av- ery and her brother and family, "Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lathrop and Mary Elizabeth of Springville. Mrs. Viola Schassman spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cairl © of Woodlawn drive. She came home to help her mother celebrate her belated eightieth birthday anniver- sary November 16, Mrs. Cairl wish- James Oliver of Lake road had as Thanksgiving Story Hour Will be Resumed on Saturday Mrs. Janet Smith announced this week that she will start the child- ren’s story hour in Back Mountain Memorial Library this Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Mothers will find it handy to bring their children to the library to hear the stories while they dof their-market- ing and early Christmas shopping. es to thank all her friends and neighbors who sent cards and gifts, also the WSCS for the lovely flow- ers. Mrs. Emil Greyer of Taylor is visiting with the Cairls. Durelle and Paula Scott have been ill at their home on Hunts- ville road this week. Myrtle Martin and Hazel White were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Blake Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Millard and Miss Martin were recent shoppers in Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henney and son, Bob of Kunkle spent Thanks- giving with Mrs. Henney’s mother, Mrs. Otto Stompler at Langhorne. Mrs. Francis Lewis of Lehman has returned from Philadelphia where she was guest of her sister, Grace Ferry and Dr. Daniel A. Poling. Mrs. Wilbur Edmondson and son, Ralph have returned to their home at Rockville Center, Long Island, after spending ten days with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Handley of Shavertown. E. L. Truitt of Philadelphia is spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lewis at Lehman. He came here to hunt. Mr. and Mrs. William N. Sorber entertained over the Thanksgiving holiday Mr. and Mrs. James Hum- mel and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mil- brodt. Miss Norma VanTuyle of Mt. Zion, teacher in the schools of Abington, a suburb of Philadel- phia, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Charles VanTuyle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell of Shavertown spent the holiday and weekend at Rutherford, N. J. visit- ing the former’s sister, Mrs. G. M. Tamblyn and at Westhaven, Conn., as guest of Mrs. Howell's cousin, Miss Anna Gagel. : Mr. and Mrs. William Lambert and son, Craig of Dover, N. J. were “ weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Kunkle at Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Fioyd Bogert of Church street spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Culp at Dover, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. James Hilferty and family of Baldwin street visited Mr. and Mrs. Francis McMurray in New Canaan, Conn., over the Thanksgiving weekend. * x 0% Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of Lehman entertained at supper Sun- day evening the former's _ sister, Mrs. John Johnson and children, Rose, Eddie and Kathleen of High Bridge, N. J., Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Fox and children, Bobby/and Dor- ithy’ Ann of Hampton, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver Jr. and son, Skippy of Fernbrook. Supervising principal George Tay- lor will be host to supervising prin- ciples of the Back Mountain area at his home at Laketon Saturday evening, Mrs. Margaret McL. Cottle and son, John and Edward Meneeley of Shavertown will attend the dog show at Binghamton, N. Y. on Sun- day. Marjorie and Clifford Howell re- y turned to their homes in Mineola L. L. and Bloomingdale, N. J. re-{ 3 t i | Speatively Sunday after spending i the holiday weekend with their { mother, Mrs. Ziba Howell of i Shavertown. |. Patricia Ferry, member of the junior class of Mansfield State Teachers’ College, and Miss Virginia Ferry, teacher of sciences at Reho- beth Beach, Del., spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferry of Machell avenue. Patty has been selected assistant editor of the Mansfield \ SHAVER THEATRE © SHAVERTOWN FRI-SAT “Summer Holiday” in technicolor with Mickey Rooney, Gloria DeHave Cartoon—News MON-TUES “Eagle Squadron’ with Robert Stack, Diana Barrymore Cartoon WED-THUR DOUBLE FEATURE “Boston Blackie and the Law” with Trudy Marshall “Dangerous Years” Year Book. ents Friday saying he was leaving Saturday for Germany. He will land December 7 or 8 and be sta- tioned at Bremerhaven, about thirty miles from where Neal Kocher is stationed. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Squier of Lehman had as Thanksgiving guests Mr. and Mrs. H. Austin Snyder and Austin and Dianne of Sayre. Charles Bolan, teacher of sciences at Lehman High School, left for service with the U. S. Navy last Wednesday. Mrs. Ellen Moore Lip- ski of Edwardsville will take his place for the remainder of the school term. Mrs. Paul Warriner is a patient in General Hospital where she ! with William Halop underwent an operation on Wed- nesday. Miss Ruth Lozier Becomes Bride of Austin Wertman : Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Lozier daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Emery Lozier of Alderson to Austin Wert- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wertman of Kunkle. Rev. James HilBert.performed the double ring ceremony in the Alderson Metho- dist Church Saturday, October 23. Miss Alice Lozier, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and Rob- ert Miller, best man. The bride wore a gray gaberdine suit with shoulder bouquet of red roses. Miss Lozier chose gray pin- stripe suit and red roses. Estus Family Dinner Mr. and Mrs. David Estus of Huntsville street, Dallas, entertain- ed at a family gathering on Thanksgiving Day. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Velletri, Mrs. Helen Moone and daughter, Jayne, Miss Betty Si- mone, all of Providence, R. I.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris, Ray Jr., Lucy, Pvt. Dennis Ferry called his par- | 3 and Marilyn of Baltimore, Md., Mr. | and Mrs. Gerald Sullivan and Bar- | bara of Wilkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. George Stolarick of Lehman; and the Estus children, Jeanne, John, Davy, Ethel, Tommy, Paul, and Bobby. The guests from Provi- dence spent the holiday weekend with the Estus family. Have Baby Girl Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kozem- chak of Overbrook road have an- nounced the birth of a five pound, 8 ounce baby girl on Thanksgiving Day, November 25. This is the Kozemchak’s first child. Mrs. Koz- emchak is the former Olga Cisco. Entertain Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Kunkle, entertained the following at a family dinner on Thanksgiving Day: Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Job Dietz, Gary, Lynn and Cheryl Louise Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haas, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Conden, Jennie Lee and Charles Conden, Goodwin Hilbert and Louise Kunkle. Susan Ann Slaff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Slaff of Main road, Trucksville, have an- nounced the birth of a daughter, Susan Ann in General Hospital, Friday, November 26. This is the Slaff’s first child. Mrs. Slaff is the former Esther Shapiro of Wilkes-Barre. To Confer Degrees Oneida Lodge 371 I.0.0.F. will confer the First Degree Monday evening, December 6 at the regular meeting. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held for members of the immediate families and a few friends at Bennett street, Luzerne. Local people attending were: Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs. Russell Honey- well, Mrs. Russell Myers! Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Thomas, Mrs. Fred Dod- son, Mrs. Calvert Birnstock, Nelson Harris and Walter Kitchen. Mrs. Wertman attended the Lake Township High School. Mr. Wert- man was graduated from Dallas Township High School. He is en- gaged in the milk business with his father. Entertain at Idetown Mr, and Mrs. David Ide of Ide- town entertained at a family din- ner on Thanksgiving Day. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide and Jane, Donald, Dale, Carl of Kunkle; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Andrews and Delphine of Shavertown; Mrs. An- drew Wilson of Trucksville; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton and daughter, Phyllis; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton and Calvin; Buddy, Billy, D. Lutes Ide, Ethel, Harold, Richard, Bruce and Glenn Ide, the host and host- ess. Brrives From Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. William Parks of Lehman received a telephone call from their daughter, Mrs. C. A. LeCours Jr. Francisco from Honolulu and would arrive home next week. Mrs. Le- Cours, the former Lenora Parks, has spent the past four years in Honolulu as electronic inspector with the Civil Service. She will remain here until February. Mr. LeCours will holidays. Dallas Seniors To Give “Antics of Andrew” Senior Class of Dallas Borough High School will present ‘Antics of Andrew”, a rollicking farce, in the High School auditorium Friday, December 17 at 8:15. Taking part are: Millie Lyons, Jack Monka, Gail Shaver, Bill Waters, Mickey Hazel- tine, Clara Grose, Milly McNeel, Barbara Brown, Herb Dreher, Dick Harris, Claire Griesing, Paul Sedler, Arnold Price and Leon Broken- shire. WEDDINGS Candidly Photographed Beautifully Mounted Xe B.C. HubpsonN Darras 168-R-9 Davis Street, Trucksville le n IN SECU ro CHRISTMAS SER MAIN STREET HALLS PHARMACY THE PLACE TO: BUY ‘Shavertown XMAS CARDS 39¢ - 59c¢ - 79¢c Boxes Tags and Seals 5¢, 10c pkg. Large Assortment of Candles YARDLEY—Desert Flower COTY—Friendship’s Garden A MAX FACTOR—Evening in Paris SETS FOR THE LADY | WRIST WATCHES $4.95 to $8.95 Alarm Clocks $2.95 to $10.95 OLD SPICE FOR MEN Cr See Our Display A Jewelite Brush & Comb Sets Manicure Implement Sets $5.00 to $12.50 Don’t Fail To See Our Display | : Manicure Sets $1.00 to $5.00 | : i BILLFOLDS—$1.00 to $12.00 Ronson Lighters, $4.95 to $10.00 3 Tobacco Pouches—98c ELECTRIC & SAFETY RAZORS SHAVING BRUSHES 1.00 to $7.50 i Wednesday evening | saying she had just flown to San' join her after the - ews Of Local Church Doings Meeting Date Changed Dallas district W. C. T. U. will meet at Idetown Church House on December 14 and not on December 21 as previously announced. Art- icles for the Christmas box will be collected at this meeting. Each one “attending is asked to bring a small amount of cookies. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS - TURKEYS AND HAMS DIXONS FAIRLAWN MARKET MAIN STREET — DALLAS » o gesture NORMAN'S KIDDIE SHOP 79 MAIN STREET Luzerne James Huston, a freshman at Lois Warriner, returned to classes Brown University, Providence, R.Il, | at Dickinson College at Carlisle on spent the four-day Thanksgiving | Sunday after spending the Thanks- recess with. his parents, Mr. ‘and | giving recess with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Lake. James Huston at Harvey's |and Mrs, Paul Warriner of De- munds. Lois is a sophomore, SANTEE DR) : Give Bulova—America’sGreat- est Watch Value in America’s newest gift package! The Bulova Christmas Bell is de- signed in the color and bright- ness of gold—is lined with luxurious velvet and satin. stl, yy bile tg (Uvistmas (ifr Bell His / HM pile i If \ nyu FINKELSTEIN’S CREDIT JEWELRY STORE 72 MAIN STREET, LUZERNE Over 40 years on Main Street Everything in fine jewelry, watches, diamonds, radios, electrical appliances, silverware, dresser sets, wallets, com- pacts, baby silver and baby jewelry. Open Your Account Todav N ABH BBB BBB HB-B BB EDB DHL NNN ZTE TINT TTL I TINT TN TMB LTH TIM IL IB IEE TET TAS BE 2 +00@+00 00: . Joblpe Gifis to make her feel cherished! Slips, panties, half-slips, gowns . . . blush pink, cloud white, heaven blue . . . and some midnight black . .. beautifully lace trimmed. Tailored styles, too! w 0 AE ERE EN a RNR RNS erm? <9ae SHpS rans $2.39 to $6.99 Half Slips... 80 $1.00 to $2.99 — Panties... GNA 39¢ to 89¢ | Robes ind a $6.99 to $12.99 SPECIAL! Wallets ....79c & $1.00 | 0 Main Street, Luzerne—Phone 7-6318 ATT TEE TIEN NNN RNS NSw A A RRR |RW®_R