THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1948 PAGE FIVE [¢] COTE HHH AE * QUALITY FEEDS d SERVICE Old Toll Gate Feed Service JIM HUSTON, Prop. uzerne-Dallas Highway—Phone Dallas 520-R-2= LTT es Today ana Saturday ONLY Special Group Children’s and Women's - DRESSES Buy one at the regular price and for $1. more get another of the same value. ALL SIZES Come early while there is still a good selection. * k % The Grace T. Cave Shoppe Main Street Dallas, Pa. Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny ALARM CLOCKS $2.95 WRIST WATCHES $6.95 Evans Drug Store Shavertown, Pa. KUEHN’S DRUG STORE Christmas Savings Specials Value Price Dresser Set $2.98 $1.59 Note Paper a5 59 Pen & Pencil Sets 2.50 1.95 Real Toy Cash Register 5.00 3.98 Playing Cards a5 59 Powder Jars 2.50 1.98 Men’s Comb and Brush Sets from .99 to 3.98 Billfolds from 199 to 10.00 KUEHN’S DRUG STORE Dallas Call 147 TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST ETE CETTE TL YOUR PRIVATE SAFE A Safe Deposit Box in our Fire-and-Theft-Precf Vaults Protects valuables at less than le o day. “First Foor = Street Level — Ne Stain & “WYOMING F € Superior-Cadillac Ambulance Dedicated to the comfortable and safe transportation of the sick and injured. Believing that this community deserves the best to provide for the com- fortable, and immediate transportation of those who are ill or injured, we have now put into service this modern, completely equipped Cadillac Supe- rior Ambulance. It is ready to come to your aid at a moment's notice, - for Bronson’s Ambulance Service is as near as your telephone. 363-R-4. Keep that number in mind day or night for any émergency. This is a beautiful ambulance, painted a cheerful blue and equipped with all comforts for long-distance traveling. There is pressing about it. It is used only for the transportation of patients either to Yiospitals near at home or in distant cities. There are comfortable seats for two attendants. The patient’s compart- ment has controlled heating for winter and fans provide fresh air during Driver’s compartment is completely separated. summer. For emergencies there are two compartments completely equipped with first aid supplies, splints etc., and facilities are available to care for two patients. Our number is Dallas nothing sombre or de- ALFRED D. BRONSON Ambulance Service “as near as your telephone” L.. Dallas Methodist Church Choir To Present Sacred Cantata, “Ruth” The sacred cantata, “Ruth” by A. R. Gual will be presented by members: of the Senior Choir of Dallas Methodist Church under the direction of Ruth Turn Reynolds, minister of music, Sunday after- noon at 4 o'clock. The cantata, a harvest home one, tells the Biblical story of Ruth and Naomi in two parts, Joy and Sorrow. The part of Ruth is taken by Mrs. John Roberts; Naomi by Mrs. Henry Kraybill; Orpah by Mrs. Laurence Peirce; Boaz by Sam Dav- is, guest soloist from Trucksville Methodist Church. Members of the quartet are Mrs. A. N. Garinger, Mrs. Wiley Veitch, Dick Oliver and Ralph Templin. Chorus members: Alice Brown, Al- berta Cross, Laverne Race, Anna Roberts, Hilda Robbins, Peggy Gar- ris, Janet Garinger, Margaret Brace, Georgina Welch, Rita Cum- mings, Beverly Cundiff, Mae Ide, Lydia Kraybill, Sylvia Kuhnert, Ethel Oliver, Florence Peirce, Phyl- lis Veitch; Dick Oliver, ‘John Rob- erts Sr., John Roberts, Jr. Allan Haughwout, Floyd Ide, Raymond Kuhnert, Ralph Templin and Z. E. Garinger. Louie Weigand Ayre, organist and director of music at St. Clem- ents Episcopal Church, Wilkes- Barre, will be at the piano. Thanksgiving Tea Is Held At Welsh Home Idetown W.S.C.S. in form of a Thanksgiving tea was held on Wed- nesday at the home of Mrs. Ralph Welsh and Mrs. A. A. Neely and Mrs. Della Parrish, president had charge. The group presented two flags to the Honor Roll, and paid forty-five dollars on the.parsonage furnace. Those present were: Mrs. Claude Agnew, Mrs. Edgar E. George, Mrs. John Garringer, Mrs. Roy Garinger, Mrs. Hayden Wil- liams, Mrs. Walter Kitchen, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Harold Don- nelly, Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mrs. Della Parrish, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. R. B. Shaver, Mrs. Howard Reilly, Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux, Mrs. W. H. Nevel, Mrs. Loren Keller, Mrs. Homer Middleton, Mrs. Rose Anderson, Mrs. Corey Meade, Mrs. Wesley Hilbert, and the hostess. RADIO NEWS More On FM Antenna Automobiles may be a boon and and blessing in one form but they sure can cause a lot of noise in an FM receiver. This ignition noise can ruin the reception .in some localities but be not dismayed, the situation is not hopeless. times moving the remedy the situation, sometimes it may take another type of lead-in wire, other times it may require a shield on the underside of the an- tenna. For those who appreciate the fidelity of the. FM receiver, all of these things are worth trying. Some- antenna will .We will be glad to lend our exper- || ience and help. AM Radio During the past week, we have had a couple of experiences that should be worth a thought or two. A certain party has a well known and certainly one. of the better makes of radio. A hum developed in this set in the past 6 or so The hum was not bother- some so nothing was done about it, until this week when a filter condenser went out throwing a short circuit on the power trans- former and a heavy duty resistor; smoke and sparks came from the set. In this case a five dollar re- pair job soon enough would have saved him ten dollars. MORAL, “a little maintenance now and then can save time and money later.” In another case, a man called us weeks. with ‘a small noise complaint, we found a shorted resistor. Repair bill one dollar, money saved—10 dollars. Record Players Yes, we can help you there, too; be something on that next week. GUARANTEED SATISFACTION C. L. CONGDON BACK MOUNTAIN RADIO SERVICE Fernbrook-Demunds Road E. Dallas PHONE 317-R-8 | Woman's Club Meeting Paul Fredericks, A.B.C. news commentator and assistant to H. R. Buckage addressed the Wyoming Valley Woman’s Club at the No- tending from Shavertown were: Mrs. Theodore Poad, Mrs. Percy Hart, Mrs. Fred Howell, Mrs. Le- roy Troxler, Mrs. Z. R. Howell, Mrs. John Henninger, Mrs. Thomas .| held at 11 AM. vember luncheon. Among those at- | Last Saturday night 177 mem- bers and friends of St. Pauls Church enjoyed a delicious sauer- kraut supper prepared by the men of the Brotherhood, assisted by the Dorcas Class -and other inter- ested ladies. St. Paul's Lutheran Congregation of St. Paul’s Luth- eran Church, has been asked by its pastor, the Rev. F. W. Moock, Jr., to mark its calendars for the following Church events. A Thanksgiving Service will be ; held: in the Church at 7:30 on Thanksgiving Day. At the conclu- sion of the Vesper Service a stew- ardship motion picture entitled, “Salt of the Earth,” will be shown. Friends of the congregation are cordially invited to attend. Visitors are welcome at St. Paul’s to share our joy, our glory, and our burdens for Christ. Mrs. Paul Warriner Is Hostess To Card Club Mrs. members of her bridge club at her November 28—Holy Communion Paul Warriner entertained will be administered on the First Sunday in Advent. December 2—Annual Congrega- tional Meeting. A dinner for the congregation will preceed the bus- iness ‘meeting. December 5—A service of reded- ication for all members will be home on Demunds road last Mon- day evening. Present were: Mrs. R. J. Breslin, Mrs. Louise Colwell, Mrs. Ray Evans, Mrs. Henry Peterson, Mrs. M. J. Brown, Mrs. J. H. Hauck, Mrs. Florence Phillips and the hostess. 3 Gn Tr Galvanized Furnace Pipe FURNACE “ELS” 5° — 6" STOVE PIPE BROWN Ba PARES FLOUR FERD of GRAIN Maurer, Mrs. Donald Hutchinson, Mrs. G. H. Keller, PLUMBING SUPPLIES NEW — USED STEAM BOILERS RADIATORS FURNACES SINKS BATHTUBS TOILET-OUTFITS * WATER HEATERS SEPTIC TANKS COPPER TUBING FITTINGS BRASS PIPE PUMPS PIPE CLEANER SEPTIC TANK CLEANER WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL YOUR PLUMB- ING NEEDS. ’ Luzerne Plumbing Supply Co. 340 UNION STREET Luzerne—Phone 7-4415 HOT-SHOT—DRY CELL ELECTRICAL BATTERIES SUPPLIES 4D — 6D — 8D — 10D — 16D — 20D NAILS 12 - 16 - 20 GAUGE WINCHESTER SHOTGUN SHELLS 30-40 Krag—32 Winchester Special —35 Remington 30-30 Winchester—303 Savage Cartridges BROWN and FASSETT FERNBROOK, PA. PHONE DALLAS 330-R-2 NOW IN OUR NEW BUILDING AND IN OUR NEW LOCATION ON MEMORIAL HIGHWAY. Just BEYOND CADDIE LA- BAR'S SERVICE STATION. Call us anytime, anywhere for prompt service. “If it’s metal, we can weld it” Ee, DALLAS PORTABLE WELDING COMPANY GUS WALTERS, Prop. PHONE DALLAS 551-R-7 REMEMBER, WE WELD FURNACES A Change From Turkey TRY QUICK-FROZEN DOMESTIC RABBIT % MORE ECONOMICAL % ALL WHITE MEAT TOMMY ANDREWS T-Bar-A Rabbitry 74 Terrace Drive, Shavertown AVAILABLE AT DIXON’S FAIRLAWN STORE : Dallas HONTZ’S FAIRLAWN STORE Shavertown AMERICAN STORE Trucksville FIRST ON MOM'S SHOPPING LIST! Tasty, health-giving products from our dairy are first on her shopping list! Creamery-rich butter, delicious cheeses, flavorsome salad dress- HUB AUTO SUPPLY ¥ Main Road Trucksville 4 188 MAIN STREET LEAN BOILING BEEF RIB-END PORK LOIN LARE’S SUPER MARKET SHOP HERE AND SAVE FRESH GROUND HAMBURG CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST MEATY COUNTRY SCRAPPLE AMERICAN MIXED CANDY = ~ MIXED NUTS — WALNUTS Open Friday and Saturday Till 9 P. M. LUZERNE 53c h5¢ 35¢ 43c 19¢ 45¢ lb. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Ib. Keep Healthy with milk products: ings. AT YOUR DOOR OR AT YOUR STORE FORTY FORT DAIRY STORE FERNBROOXK, PENNA. ONE STOP SERVICE Pull up before one of our gaseline We'll fill the tank, check the radiator, clean SPECIAL Srey pumps and let us do the rest! Firestone Air Chief AC-DC-Portable Radio $65.75 Value— Special price $55.00 now. the windshield, test the tires plus any Drive in other service you desire. SNAPPY SERVICE WITH A SMILE JACK HAZELTINE’S AUTO SERVICE MAIN STREET DALLAS