Norbaineme ‘use of buildings, THE POST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1948 __ PAGE SEVEN Legal— "AN ORDINANCE Regulating the location, con- struction and use of buildings, the size and width of lots and streets, and the use of land in the Borough of Dallas; pro- viding for the enforcement of said regulations; and prescrib- ing penalties for violation of the same. BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAIN- ED by the borough of Dallas in council assembled, and it is here- by enacted and ordained by auth- ority of the same, that in pursu- ance of an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved the 10th day of July 1947 empowering Boroughs to regulate and restrict the height, number of stories, and ‘size of buildings and other struc- tures, their construction, alteration, extension, repair, maintenance, and all facilities and services in or about such buildings and structures and percentage of lot that may be occu- pied, the size of yards, courts and other such open spaces, the density of population, and the location and structures and land for trade, industry, residence or other purposes, and to estab- lish and maintain building lines upon public streets, the Borough of Dallas is divided into districts as hereinafter described; and no building shall hereafter be erected reconstructed, altered or used, or any land used in either of said districts except in conformity with the regulations herein contained; PROVIDED, however, that no reg- ulation herein contained shall be construed as applying to any build- ing which is now erected or used, ‘or is in the course of erection at the time of the approval of this or- dinance, unless otherwise specifi- cally provided herein. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall be known as the ZONING ORDINANCE. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. Cer- tain words and terms used in this ordinance are defined for the pur- pose thereof as follows: A building or structure is any- _ thing erected or constructed, the use of which demands a location on the soil or attach- ment to something located on the soil, A dwelling is any house or budding or portion thereof which is occupied in whole or in part as the home, residence or. sleeping place of one or more human beings, either per- manently or transiently. A garage is any structure or part thereof in which one or more motor vehicles are housed, kept or repaired, not including exhibition or show rooms or storage of new cars for sale. A private garage is a garage not designed for the use of transients or for the accom- modation of the traveling pub- lic and not containing power- driven machinery for repair work. A community garage is a group of garages, not more than one story in height, divi- ded into stalls for single motor vehicles, arranged in rows or ‘surrounding a common means of access and erected for the use of tenants. A public garage is any garage not a private or community garage. A detached garage is one not attached to any building or dwelling and erected at a distance there- from. The word street includes all lands established by dedica- tion, ordinance, or council, user, or laid out upon the Bor- ough plan of highways, or up- on plots or plans of existing or proposed developments, and shall be synonomous with ‘roads,’ ‘avenues,’ ‘highways,’ ‘parkways,” or other terms commonly applied to public highways. An ‘alley’ is a highway for pedestrians or vehicular traffic of a width of twenty (20) feet or less. The term ‘street line” means the line dividing the street from private property. The term ‘street width’ or ‘width of street’ means the distance be- tween the street lines meas- ured at right angles to the center line of the street. The ‘building line’ is the line beyond which no enclosed building or enclosed portion of any building may extend. CLASSIFICATION SECTION 3. USE DISTRICT CLASS- IFICATION AND REGULATIONS. For the purpose of regulating the location and use of buildings, struc- tures and land for residence, trade industry and other purposes, the Borough is hereby divided into two (2) districts, which shall be known as RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS. SECTION 4. In RESIDENTIAL DIS- TRICT® no structure shall be erect- ed or used and no land shall be used, except as otherwise herein provided, for other than one or more of the following uses or for purposes necessarily or ordinarily accessory to such uses: Dwellings (either one or two) family; Clubs; Social, Recrea- tional and Community Center buildings (except those the chief activity of which is car- ried on as a business); Church- es; Schools, Libraries and Mu- seums; Private and community garages. SECTION 5. In RESIDENTIAL and COMMERCIAL Districts no struc- ture shall be erected or used and no land shall be used for other than one or more of the following uses or for purposes necessarily or ordinarily accessory to such uses: All uses permitted in RESIDEN- TIAL DISTRICTS. Farming, Gard- ening, Green Houses; Nurseries, Railroad Passenger Stations; Freight Stations; Bus Terminals; Garages, Service Stations, Grist Mills, Wholesale and Retail ‘Stores and Markets; Warehouses, Milk Dairies, Theatres; Motion Picture Houses, Multiple Dwellings. SECTION 6. PROHIBITED USES. In RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS and RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, structures and land may be used for the purposes set forth in Sections 4 nd 5 hereof, and the following uses are pro- hibited: The manufacture of chemicals or substances of any sort which may cause or omit odor, dust, smoke, gas, vibration or noise; . abbatoirs; slaughter houses; blast furnaces; rolling mills; smelters; coke ovens; fish smoking or curing; storing or baling of junk, scrap; metal, rags, waste paper, rubber or waste; the manufacture or storage of gunpowder, fire works or other explosives or explosive substances; the in- cineration, reduction or stor- age of garbage, offal, dead ani- mals or refuse; the refining of petroleum and manufacture of petroleum products in excess of an amount necessary for use on the premises; the manufac- ture rendering or refining of fats, soap, tallow, greases or lard; the manufacture or re- fining of asphalt; iron or steel factory; the tanning, curing or storing of raw hides, skins, leather or hair; the refining of potash; the manufacture of dis- infectants or insecticides; the manufacture of gasoline or its storage in excess of an amount necessary for use on the prem- wises or for supplying. retail trade at service stations; auto- mobile wrecking yards; black- smith or horseshoeing shops; carpet or bag-cleaning establish- ment; contractor’s plant; dye- ing or cleaning establishment; lumber yards; stone or monu- ment works; Storege ware- _ houses. SECTION 7. GENERAL USE REG- ULATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS. Any lawful use of a building or land existing in any district at the time of the adoption of these regula- tions, although such use does not conform to the provisions hereof, may be continued therein or there- on; provided, that no building or premises shall be extended or en- larged unless the use to which it is to be put shall conform to the use permitted in the district. Any building vacant at the time of the adoption of these regulations shall be used only as permitted in the district in which the same is loca- ted. In the district where the same are permitted, gasoline service sta- tions may be established or ex- tended and enlarged; provided that no portion of the same or any of the equipment for service is placed nearer than twenty (20) feet to the street line nor closer to other buildings than permitted by the fire laws of the Borough. In the districts where the same are permitted, public garages may be established, erected or enlarged; provided, that no repair facilities are maintained in the front portion of the building within twenty (20) feet of the street line; that no por- tion of the building is within twen- ty (20) feet of the street line and the selling facilities and equipment are kept. within the walls of the building; that the said building is within the area bounded by two streets within which there is, at the time, no public or parochial school, playground, hospital, church or public library. No permit for the establish- ment, extension or enlargment of any public garage or gaso- line station shall be granted unless there is filed with the application for such permit the written consent of not less than seventy-five per cent. (75%) of the owners of oc- cupied property within two hundred (200) feet of the pro- posed structure. Billboards or signs, or structures intended for advertising purposes, shall not be permitted in any dis- | trict of the Borough, either as ac- cessory use or otherwise, except that “for rent” and “for sale’ signs not exceeding eight (8) feet square in area, and signs indicating the name and occupation of the tenant and not exceeding one (1) square foot in area may be permitted as accessories. No solid fence exceeding three (3) feet in height shall be permit- ted in either district, nor between buildings or lots used for dwelling purposes. Open or ornamental fences may be erected to a height not exceeding eight (8) feet pro- vided that the rate of the solid portion to the open portion shall not exceed one to four. SECTION 8 AREA REGULATIONS. IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS no dwelling or structure shall here- after be erected on any lot with a frontage of less than fifty (50) feet. (This provision applies to those sections of the Borough which are already laid out into building lots and wherein dwellings have been erected on the lots as plotted). Whenever new plots or develop- ments are to be made or laid out, the size of the lots for building purposes shall be not less than six- ty (60) feet, and no dwelling or structure shall thereafter be erected on any lot having a frontage on any street of less than sixty (60) feet. No - building shall be erected nearer than ten (10) feet to the line dividing the lot whereon the same is erected and the adjoining lot; and no detailed garage shall be erected nearer than sixty (60) feet to the street line. On corner lots buildings and garages shall not be erected nearer than ten (10) feet to the cross street, the build- ing line hereinafter stipulated to prevail. In RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS no dwelling shall be erected on any lot nearer than thirty (30) feet to the street line, except that on streets where dwellings and struc- tures have already been erected, the present buildings line shall be maintained in the erection of new dwellings of structure or additions and extensions to existing buildings. SECTION 9. GENERAL RESTRIC- TIONS AND REGULATIONS. No dwelling or other structure shall hereafter be erected, altered or extended unless a septic tank or sump shall be installed for the dis- posal of sewage therefrom. The character of the septic tank or sump, and the location thereof, shall first be approved by the President of the Board of Health of the Borough, who shall examine the premises and shall, by permit, issued to the owner or builder, signify his approvals of the same. 3 No excavation for building pur- poses shall hereafter be made, nor shall any building or structure of any kind be commenced, erected, altered or changed, unless there shall have first been obtained from the Building Inspector a permit in accordance with the provisions of an Ordinance of the Borough duly adopted on February 11th., 1930, which said Ordinance is hereby re- ferred to and thereby, for such pur- pose, made a part of this Ordin- ance. In all districts of the Borough the fire laws, as defined by the Ordinance of February 11, 1930, shall be observed and maintained, and violation thereof shall be punished as provided in said Or- dinance. SECTION 10. AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES. The Council may, on its own initiative or on petition, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal any of the regulations, re- strictions or district boundaries herein or hereinafter established. In case, however, of a protest against such change, signed by the owners of twenty per cent, or more, either of the area of the lots in- cluded in such proposed change or of those immediately adjacent in the rear thereof extending one hun- dred feet therefrom, or of those directly opposite thereto, extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such amendment shall not become effec- tive except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all of the mem- bers of the Council. No action for the change, amendment, modifica- tion or repeal of any of the pro- visions of this ordinance, and the regulations and restrictions herein contained, shall be taken until after hearing in relation thereto, at which parties in interest and citi- zens shall have an opportunity to be heard, and no such hearing shall be held except after at least fifteen (15) days’ notice of the time and place of such hearing shall have been given in a paper of general circulation in the Borough. SECTION 11. ZONES, The fol- owing streets and parts of streets, lane and alleys shall be included in RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: Center Hill road; all streets in the Friedman and Dattner Plot, known as “Fairview’’; Machell Avenue; Lehman Ave- nue; Spring Street; Pinecrest Avenue; North Terrace Street; East Terrace Street; all streets in what is known as “Parrish Heights;” all streets in the “Wallo Plot,” Huntsville St.; Franklin St.; Baldwin St.; Par- sonage St.; Cemetery St.; Pioneer ave.; all streets in the plot of “Dale Ralty Co.”, known as “Birndale”, all streets in the plot of Sterling Machell; Lake Street from the Richardson Garage to Center Hill Road. The following streets and parts of streets, lanes and alleys shall be included in RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS: Main Street; Lake Street from the State Highway to Richard- son’s Garage; Church Street to the Brown Residence; Mill Street; and the State Highway leading from Dallas to Harvey's Lake. SECTION 12. BOARD OF AD- JUSTMENT: A Board of Adjust- ment is hereby established. The board shall consist of three mem- bers, one of whom shall be ‘desig- nated to serve until the first day of January following the adoption of this ordinance, one until the first day of the second January thereafter, and one until the first day of the third January there- after. Their successors shall be ap- pointed on the expiration of their respective terms, to serve three years. The members of the board shall be removable for cause by the appointing authority upon writ- ten charges and after public hear- ing. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term of any member whose term becomes vacant. The board shall have such duties, rights and powers as are specifically outlined in the Act of Assembly of July 10, 1947 above referred to, and shall, in the per- formance of its duties and powers, proceed under the provisions of said act and any supplements there- to. SECTION 13. REMEDIES. In case any building or structure is erected, constructed or reconstructed, alter- ed, repaired, converted or main- tained, or any building, structure’ or land is used in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance or amendments thereto, or in viola- tion of any of the regulations made under authority of this ordinance, the Borough may institute appro- priate action or proceedings to pre- vent such unlawful erection, con- struction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance or use, to prevent, restrict and re- strain, correct or abate such viola- tion, to prevent the occupancy of said building, structure or land, or to prevent any illegal act or use in | or about the said premises. SECTION 14. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of his Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not to exceed One Hundred ($100.- 00) Dollars for any one offense, recoverable with costs, together with judgment, or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days if the amount of said judgment and costs be not paid. Each day such a violation is permitted shall con- stitute a separate offense. ENACTED AND ORDAINED at a regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Dallas, held on the 7th day of April, 1948. JOSEPH H. MacVEIGH, President of Council ATTEST: J. F. BESECKER, Secretary of Council. APPROVED this 30th day of Oc- tober, 1948. GEORGE W. WILLIAMS, Burgess Don't sell your antiques before calling LEIDINGER'S., Rifles, Revolvers, Guns, Furniture, Glass, Silver and Coins. En- tire Estates Bought. LEIDINGER’S 117 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.—Phone 3-9459 IN ONE-POUND CANS Guaranteed Fresh PEANUT BRITTLE CASHEW BRITTLE ALMOND BRITTLE Evans Drug Store Shavertown WEST SIDE BUILDING MATERIAL CO. G. HOWARD LEWIS, Prop. Plasterer and Mason Materials Brick—All Kinds Calcium Chloride “‘Heatilator™ Fireplaces Septic Tanks— Drain Tile Sewer Pipe—Flue Lining Roofing—Insulation Steel Windows “Everything But Lumber” DIAL KINGSTON 7-1312 262 Union Street, Luzerne Arthritis Pain For quick, ip gomiofting help for aches and pains of atism, Arthritis, Neuritis, Lumbago, anon Cr a ay Romind, Works through the blood. First hy usually starts alleviating pain se you can in enjoy life and Sletp mon more comfortably. Get Romind at druggist today. Quick, com- plete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. a TACIT SAE Harms EE TN A ET rh Ve ETI ET YOUR NAME PRINTED ON EACH CHECK *NO REQUIRED BALANCE +NB CHARGE FOR DEPOSITS OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT WITH ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TELLERS WINDOW IN 9, WYOMING NATIONA OF WILKES-BARRE L BANK 114 YEARS OF BANKING SUCCESS AT Corner Markst & Franklin Streets Member Fed. Deposit Insurance Corp'n. 40 QT. MILK CANS $9.75 ‘12 QT. MILK STRAINERS... 1.98 MILK FILTER DISCS 6%"—79; 7°—.89; 8°—$1.35 DAIRY RATION 17%; Protein Lb. 0x $3.65 20% Protein... ll] 3.75 24% Protein’ . a... .in 3.90 Cracked ‘Corn ..........: $3.80 Corn: Meal... Lx 3.80 Laying: Mash... ol 4.15 Scratch Grain’... 5... 4.05 Delivered AT YOUR DOOR BROWN an FERNBROOK, PA. d FASSETT PHONE DALLAS 330-R-2 The PERMA SEPTIC TANK Made of Reinforced Concrete Manufactured by C. E. GERMAN & SON 74 DILLEY STREET, FORTY FORT, PENNA. For Information Call Your LOCAL SUPPLY DEALER or KINGSTON 7-5348 BACKACHE ‘Por quick comforting help for Backache, Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, strong cloudy urine, irritating passages, Leg Pains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organic and non~systemic Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cystex. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. Ask your druggist for Cystex today. INL el FIRST 1X0 (X0) | BEhg 00) GET Lf flty | vocto know that your cows have 3 UNIFORM MILKING... EVERY DAY! 3 There are many kinds of milking—hand and machine . « « but there is only one “magnetic” milker — the De Laval Magnetic Speedway « « o that assures uniform, fast and regular milking at all times. It is a wonderful feeling to know that your cows are being milked in the same uniform, correct way day after day. And the re- sults of De Laval Magnetic Speedway fast, uniform milk- ing are wonderful, too. Why not talk it over with us today? John Deere Quality Farm Equipment & Service SHICKSHINNY, PA. Phone: Muhlenburg 9-R-716 RURAL SUPPLY CO. Muhlenburg-Harveyville Road BULNT OL 4 RirUgp 7 buaranoed by % hors Jovoamso Eg NEE made fo operate Survey today. (=<1>mx SHAVERTOWN, Good Housekeeping ’YORK-H EAT SYSTE MS can't be beat Buy automatic York-Heat in a complete oil-heat- ing "package’—a handsome, self-contained unit '. . . made by one famous manufacturer . . . economically and efficiently. ® York-Heat Systems are available for immediate installation with hot water, steam, vapor or warm air hesting systems. Let us make a FREE Heating J) HAROLD ASH PA. DALLAS 409-R-7 v 3/4 x 8” Storm Cello Tex and Paints and :!? FLASH COLD WAVE DUE REPAIR NOW Rockwool—Loose and Full Thick Batts Clear White Pine ALSO 6” CLEAR SIDING Fir and Y. P. Flooring 3/4 10" | Doors Ceiling Blocks Hardware Back Mt. Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE—DALLAS 215