PAGE SIX Meeker W.S.C.S. will hold an old-fashioned turkey supper Wed- nesday evening, November 10. Somerset, County is a leader in oats, buckwheat and fine maple syrup.—PNS. TAX WARNING Tomorrow, October 30th, is the last day to pay your 1948 Taxes, without paying the 5% penalty, which will be added November 1st. Tax office will remain open all day Saturday, October 30th. ARTHUR R. DUNGEY TAX COLLECTOR DALLAS BOROUGH EEA e112 (h wy ACCURATELY! SPOTS TROUBLE INSTANTLY == LESS CHANCE FOR ERROR! KEN GROSE'S ‘friendly service” MEMORIAL HIGHWAY AT THE OLD. TOLL GATE (Near the Piedmont) !! FLASH ! ¢! COLD WAVE DUE REPAIR NOW { The Green and White fresh from Rockwool—Loose and Full Thick Batts Clear White Pine Fir and Y.P. Flooring Storm Doors Cello Tex and Ceiling Blocks Paints and Hardware Back Mt. Lumber & Coal Co. PHONE—DALLAS 215 : BILL'S BITS By Bill Hart = Both the Kaytees of Kingston | Township and the Tigers of Tunk- hannock meet up with unbeaten teams this weekend . . . . Tunk- hannock travels to Avoca today, in a game which finds Coach Ken- nedy’s Green and Gold a slight fav- orite, but with an outside chance that the Tunks may spring an up- getra he Tunkhannock, possessing the best team in the Back Moun- tain, should be one of the strongest challengers Avoca will face during the remainder of the season. Another unbeaten squad, Coach Lew Shook’s West Pittston eleven, meets the Katies on their home grounds tomorrow afternoon . .’ their overwhelming victory over Exeter will run up against Coach Ted Sxela’s squad which ison the rebound and anxious to prove that it is a better team than the records seem to show . . . . If the Orange and Black can stop West Pittston’s star back, Jack Kirby, they have a better than even chance of hand- ing West Pittston their first set- back . . . But Kirby, coupled with a substantial array of Green and White reserves, seems to hold the necessary balance of power needed for West Pittston to continue on their victory path. The Red Rams from Factoryville proved stubborn in the clinches and held , the larger Dallas Township eleven at crucial moments, so that the three touchdowns favorite was barely able to squeeze by 12-6.... At times Dallas lived up to its ex- pectations, but a severe case of fumbilitis plus a number of severe penalities and some costly inter- ceptions slowed the Redskins at- tack to a walk. Ferm Wilson, subbing for the in- jured Dick Wallace, performed like a veteran and sparked the team... Rosser Cooke made a number of long gains on his plunges and scor- ed both the Redskin’s touchdowns . . . . The Dallas line played a nice game with the majority of Factory- {- ville’s first downs coming via the aerial route Ostrum and Bloomer again led the way on the defensive and repeatedly stopped the Factoryville ballcarriers before they could cross the scrimmage line. (Continued on Page Seven) ’ SHORT OF OIL? SEE US The new 1948 Winkler Low Pressure Oil Burner is here. It burns less Oil— 25 to 50% It burns most any Oil Less Service HEATRITE Sales & Service Co. | Route 309 & Center Street SHAVERTOWN, PA. DALLAS 579-R-7 — 158-R-8 HARVEY’S LAKE 4088 For Good Elect Albert J. Crispell STATE TREASURER GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 2, 1948 Vote Straight Prohibition ny } Government At President Former Lake Watson - Learn - Palmer - Crispell Vice-Pres. and Veteran Aud. Gen. Treas. Township Teacher # SOLD BY |, o EXTRA ENERGY : Good food helps your ; PR dog's spirit for hunting, stamina OLD TOLL GATE FEED SERVICE LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY Delivery Service — Dallas 520-R-2 HEATING OIL BURNER UNITS STOKERS—STEEL ASH PITS HOT WATER HEATERS WINTER AIR CONDITIONING AUTOMATIC DAMPER REGULATORS Immediate Installation — 3 Years To Pay Shavertown, Pa. , Fi I Year Guarantee Reasonable Prices FREE HEATING SURVEY and ESTIMATES J. J. BRENNAN Phone Dallas 199-R-7 ROOFING & PAINTING CO. ANNOUNCES A NEW BACK MOUNTAIN SERVICE IN RESIDENTIAL ® Rooting ® Gutters ® Painting - ® Carpenter Repairs ® Septic Tank Installations NO. FOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL 25 Years Experience DOUGLAS J. KULP Kingston 7-1716 controls. 7 \ i ee ea NN NANAN RAILROADS MUST OPERATE around the clock every day and night of the year. Although they know this, leaders of 16 rail- road unions are demanding a five-day, Mon- day, through Friday, week for one million railroad employes. \ They want 48 hours pay for 40 hours work —in itself a 209, wage increase. They also demand a minimum of 12 hours pay for any work performed on Saturdays, and 16 hours pay for any work performed on Sundays and holidays. On top of all this they want an additional increase of 25¢ an hour for every employe! You'd Pay the Bill! Summing up these demands, they mean that these union leaders seek to force the railroads to give one million employes an annual raise which would average $1500 per employe! The total cost of this would be no less than 1% billion dollars per year, which is more than twice the expected net income of the railroads this year. : You'd pay the bill, because if these in creased costs are forced on the railroads, pr A2 48 tours pay _E3%an hour they must have still further rate and fare increases. Demands Unreasonable These employes have had substantial raises during and since the war. Their average week- ly earnings are higher than the average weekly earnings of workers in manufacturing indus- tries. They have more job security than the average worker in American industry. They also enjoy paid vacations, a retirement sys- tem and other advantages more generous than the average worker receives. In contrast with the demands of these 16 unions, which add up to the equivalent of 48c an hour, the Conductors and Trainmen recently settled their wage request for an increase of 10c an hour. Tor 40 hours work Penalty pay Tor weekends holly inerezse "1% BILLIOW Dou 4p % Billion Dollar Road Block! Heat your home this moderwe way Here is the Master Kraft Warm Air Conditioner. With this unit installed in your home you are assured of nature’s finest weather brought indoors and harnessed by science to make your days healthful and invigorating, your nights restful and comfortable. All winter long it warms the air to exactly the desired degree—adds just the right amount of humidity—filters the air—removing dirt and dust, and gives circulation in every rqpm. During the summer, at the flick of a switch you « get a complete circulation of fresh, filtered, pure air throughout the house. Electronic Control — the eye that never closes. Master Kraft oil heating units are first to have this marvelous new control. Works six. times as fast as ordinary Master Kraft WARM AIR CONDITIONER THE HUGHES CORP. 245 CHARLES STREET—LUZERNE, PENNA. KINGSTON 7-5258 2 SN > a "4 ’ a PN Railroads Run for Everybody— Not Employes Alone The railroad industry must serve not one but many groups—producers, businessmen, ship- pers, passengers and the general public— night and day, every day of the year. These unions are proceeding in utter disregard of this important difference between railroads and other industries. Industrial plants can be shut down over weekends and holidays, but freight, mail, express and passengers must continue to move. Everybody who enters rail- road employment knows this. ~ Strike Threat On September 18, 1948, the leaders of these 16 unions began taking a strike vote. But the threat of a strike will not alter the opposition of the railroads to such unreasonable demands! ROOM 214 e 143 LIBERTY STREET ee NEW YORK 6, N. Y. We are publishing this and other advertisements to talk with you Rn about matters which are important to everybody. 0 at first >