PRACT REXALL ORIGINAL ents 2 HB October 20, 21, 22, 23 Evans Drug Store SHAVERTOWN, PA. | Pot Luck Dinner Ladies’ Auxiliary of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church will hold a pot luck dinner and bazaar on Tuesday. Railroad workers achieved the 8- hour day in 1916, by an act of Congress making it effective on raii- roads engaged in interstate com- merce. MAKE REPAIRS NOW ! MATERIALS AVAILABLE Cedar and Hemlock Siding Buff and Red Brick Siding White Asbestos Siding Yellow Pine and Spruce Roofers Yellow Pine Flooring Fir-Spruce and Y. P. Boards Fir Porch Flooring Fir and Y. P. Ceiling Fir Plywood %4” to 3%” Windows—Doors and Frames Cement Lime Plaster White and Color Tile Board Ladders and Boat Oars Plumbing Supplies Electrical Supplies House Paint all Colors CLARK LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. 367-373 WEST MAIN STREET PLYMOUTH, PA. PHONE 9577 No Charge for Delivery Car and Truck Owners Attention! tl Ae ENGINEERED AND BUILT BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION T—— ALL BRAND NEW PARTS ASSEMBLED AND BLOCK- TESTED AT FACTORY All Lares? /mprovements: FOR Plymouth DODGE 7. TRUCKS BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE L. L. Richardson DODGE—PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE 50 Lake Street Dallas, Penna. Heat your this moderne way : home Here is the Master Kraft Warm Ase Conditioner. With this unit installed in yous * home you are assured of nature's finest weather brought indoors and harnessed by science to make your days healthful and invigorating, your nights restful and comfortable. All winter long it warms the air to exactly the desired degree—adds just the right amount of humidity-—filters the gives circulation in every room. During air—removing dirt and dust, and the summer, at the flick of a switch you get a complete circulation of fresh, filtered, pure air throughout the house. Electronic Control — the eye that never closes. Master Kraft oil heating units are first to have this marvelous new control. Works six. times as fast as ordinary controls. Master Kraft WARM AIR CONDITIONER THE HUGHES CORP. 245 CHARLES STREET—LUZERNE, PENNA. KINGSTON 17-5258 i IDETOWN Lorraine Keller of Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College spent Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( Loren Keller. James Kreiger and son Madara spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Smith of Pottsville, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood McKenna and daughter Joan of Washington D. C., are spending some time with relatives and friends in the Back Mountain Area. Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline have returned to their home after spending several weeks at Wat- kins Glen, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen were on a fishing trip in Canada last week. Elizabeth Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shaver has returned to her home after being a patient at the General Hospital for three weeks. Mrs. Joseph Seida and daughters Irene and Dorothy of Clifton, Ari- zona arrived on Monday to spend two weeks with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Reilly spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rice of Jersey Shore, Pa. C. P. O. Hugh B. Evans is under treatment in the St. Albans Hospit- al, Long Island, New York. His wife and daughter are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mor- ton at Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hendershot and children Russell Jr., Shelma, and Jean of Luzerne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamoreux. SWEET VALLEY Miss Bess Klinetob returned to her home on Sunday after spending several days visiting Rev. and Mrs. Burton Lyons at Nichols, New York and John Austin at Caroline Center, 1 New York. Mrs. Howard Jones and Edward of Baltimore, Maryland visited Mr. Jone’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holcomb on Sunday. Mrs. Ann Hoover spent last week with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Naugle of Forty Fort. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Hontz of THE POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, Mooretown visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheldon and Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Holcomb Saturday evening. Mrs. Olin Mullison, summer Har- vey's Lake resident called on Miss Bess Klinetob Monday afternoon. Sweet Valley firemen will spon- sor a shooting match and coon chase at the Leslie Harrison farm tomorrow, Saturday, at 1 o’clock. Tickets can be purchased from George Bronson or other committee members for the firemen’s enter- tainment by the Shawnee Warblers to be held in the Church of Christ Hall Thursday, October 21. BEAUMONT Those interested in Soil Conser- vation should plan to attend the meeting at the High School Tues- day October 19, at 8. Thé Donald Millards have moved into the Clarence Hilbert house. The community joins the Der- hammer family in mourning the loss of husband and father, Walter Derhammer. Teachers’ Institute will be held at Tunkhannock High School Thurs- day and Friday, October 21 and 22. Frank Bittenbender and family of New Jersey spent the weekend with the Charles Hilberts. Walter Pigler Sr. is employed at Rochester, New York. The Mulnix home at Lute’s Cor- ners is nearing completion. TRUCKSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Atkinson, formerly of Main Road, are now making their home at the corner of Carverton and Main Road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conklin, Charles Jr. and David of Bethle- hem are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver for a few days. Miss Joy Lamoreaux is a patient in General Hospital. Toby Creek Lodge No. 1078 in- stalled new officers at the Lodge Hall on Tuesday evening. The Lady Toby Rebekah Lodge No. 514 Degree Team put in its first degree on Wednesday evening. Two new members were welcomed into the lodge. Dr. Richard Crompton of Kings- ton is taking over the patients of Anthony Jackowski, Owner GLIA Hal ER $ Sales-Parts-Service Mini. HOLLOW REO 610 Union Street, Luzerne - - Dial Kingston 7-6653 - Doc Burger, Sales Mgr. SPECIALLY For The Ladies We drivers! cater to women That’s why you'll always find our attendants courteous and obliging. Drive in—we’'ll clean your wind- shield, check the radiator, tires, service your car effici-- ently. SNAPPY SERVICE WITH A SMILE JACK HAZELTINE’S AUTO SERVICE MAIN STREET — SPECIAL Get your WILK Radio Album at Hazeltine’s. TS ERS DALLAS Kulp ® Rooting ® Painting ROOFING & PAINTING CO. BACK. MOUNTAIN SERVICE IN RESIDENTIAL ® Septic Tank Installations NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL 25 Years Experience DOUGLAS J. KULP Kingston 7-1716 ® Gutters ® Carpenter Repairs 1948 Dr. Howell while he is a patient in Nesbitt Hospital. Leo Carey of Cliffside avenue is phia. recovering at his home after a fall causing broken ribs. Miss Joan Thomas is a patient | Harold Brace were Mr, and Mrs. at the Jefferson Hospital, Philadel- | Paul Brace, Edith Brace, and Mr. land Mrs. Jay Kintz. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Coolbaugh | is able to attend ball games since Tunkhannock and Mr. and Mrs. | home. his arm was broken. JACKSON Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snyder en- tertained on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gladffelter and daughter, Mrs. Sara Nuss and Mrs. Mary Sroll of York, Pa., also Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolbaugh and children. Mrs. Lena Cosgrove of Wilkes- Barre spent Saturday with Mrs. Walted Coolbaugh. Mrs. David W. Youlls turned home after spending a week at Philadelphia. Jackson Grange will hold a Mas- querade Party at the Grange Hall on Saturday night, October 16. Each Grange member is requested | to bring pumpkin pie and dough- ORANGE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Risch have returned from visiting Col. and Mrs. Harold Newman at Falls Church, Virginia. “MY STOCK IS THE BEST FED IN TOWN" . Our feed ‘insures a bal- anced, scientifically blended diet . Order now. is low priced. for prices and information drop in. at the .'. . . OLD TOLL GATE FEED SERVICE Jim Huston, Prop. Next to O’'Malia Laundry Luzerne-Dallas Highway Delivery Service—Dallas 520-R-2 [1S Mobil Tires MY CUARANTEED by the makers of Mobilgas-Mobiloil AT I PROVED IN MILLIONS OF MILES OF USE! ‘Built to quality standards with famous high-compres- sion tread, maximum non- skid design. Get this top tire quality where you get your tire service. See us today! KEN GROSE'S “Friendly Service” MEMORIAL HIGHWAY LAT THE OLD TOLL GATE. (Near the Piedmont) See Us For ; HEC Mobilgas @ GE Diy on g SOCONY-VACUUM has re-! | Donald Jones of Forty Fort. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.! from a recent illness. Miss Barbara Brace, a student entertained on Sunday, Mr. and|at Bloomsburg State Teachers’ Col- Bud Carey is recuperating and | Mrs. Frederick Risch and family of| lege, spent the weekend at her Mrs. John Perry has recovered | | | | REMODELING REPAIRS CARPENTER WORK Cement Floors, Walks, Drives, Foundations L. W. LeGrand, Jr. PHONE DALLAS 254-R-9 Why not step up a year or two? Insure yourself of greater trade value in the future. Buy a per- sonally endorsed used auto- mobile : at Oliver Motors Ine. USED CAR LOT 576 MARKET STREET Kingston, Penna. Dial 8-0478 ROOFING SALE 2A N a LOGAN and LONG NATIONALLY FAMOUS ROOFING rics Reduced 10 to 15% ON ALL 3-IN-ONE STRIP SHINGLES Both and Pound Per Square 10 to 15% REDUCTION ON ROLL ROOFING 45 Pound Roofing per roll $1.85 53 Pound Roofing per roll $2.30 BACK MOUNTAIN LUMBER AND COAL CO. Phone 215 Shavertown, Pa.