The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 15, 1948, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lavelle Jr. of
New Brunswick, New Jersey, spent
and Mrs.
Wilson Honeywell of Trucksville.
Mrs. Lavelle remained for the week
visiting friends and relatives in
is the
former Mildred Price of Shaver-
the weekend with Mr.
Shavertown. Mrs. Lavelle
niversary Tuesday.
Mrs. Irvan Miller has returned
to her home’ in Shavertown after
spending a week visiting relatives
in Hazleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowlands
of Trucksville entertained cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Blandford of
Blandford, England last Wednesday
and Thursday. Other guests of the
Rowlands’ were Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Matey and daughter of Central
City, and Ben Lear of Cincinnati,
Ohio. Callers at the home of the
Rowlands’ to visit with the English
Spare and family of Hazleton, Dillys
relatives were Mr. and Mrs.
Rowlands, Mrs. Mary Rowlands,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Rowlands, Edward
. Blandford, Edward Connell, Mrs.
William Blandford, Thomas
Mrs. William Blandford went to
New York City Friday to see the
Alfred Blandfords sail for home on
the Queen Elizabeth.
Mrs. W. B. Risley of Lehman Ave.
is spending the week at Nicholson
visiting her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Boston.
Mrs. D. L. Edwards has returned
to her home on Orchard street,
Trucksville, after spending two
weeks in Philadelphia.
Mrs. W. J. Smith has been ill at
her home on Mill street this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith of Brain-
tree, Mass., were recent visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peterson of
Norton Avenue.
Mrs. Anna Richards of Kunkle is
a patient at General Hospital where
she submitted to an operation last
Thursday .
Miss Dorothy Culp of Harrisburg
spent the weekend visiting her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Milton Culp of
Huntsville. Sunday, another daugh-
ter, Mrs. Joseph Mattern and
daughter Marie Dianne of Forty
Fort visited the Culps.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bogert of
Church street spent Sunday and
Monday in Dover, N. J., where
they went to see their new grand-
daughter, Linda Jean Culp.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Evans have
returned after attending the con-
vention of the Rexall Drug Com-
pany in Syracuse.
_, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fish have
sold their home in Trucksville and
will leave shortly for Williamsport
where they have purchased a new
home. Mr. and Mrs. Fish have
lived in Trucksville for the past
sixteen years. In Williamsport he
will be general manager of Eck’s
Garage, White Truck distributors.
Their son Layton will remain in
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Rosegrant
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright
of Waterbury, Conn., spent several
days recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Z. E. Garinger of Lake street. The
Garingers spent several days at
the shore last week.
Miss Dorothy Weaver of Kunkle,
will spend the weekend at Boston!
as guest of Miss Mary Jones, a
former Fernbrook resident. Mary
is dietician in the Boston Hospital. :
Mrs. Otis Stompler and daugh-
ters, Winifred and Virginia of Lang-
horne, Pa., spent the weekend with
Mrs. Stompler’s ‘daughter and son-
in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Henney
of Kunkle. Sunday they all went
to Harrison . Park, Wellsboro.
“Emperor Waltz”
in technicolor with
Bing Crosby, Joan Fontaine
“Smoky River
Ruth Terry, Hoosier Hot Shots
“Speed to Spare”
Richard Arlen, Jean Rogers
“April Showers”
Jack Carson, Ann Sothern
Cartoon and Sport Reels
and Mrs. Albert H. Parrish
celebrated their 23rd wedding an-
Elmer Blandford, Frances Miller and
Sandra. Mrs. Richard Rowlands and
Miss Joan Baur Is
Honored At Shower
Price residence, Roushey
Shavertown, recently.
town; Betty Stoner, Doris Diamond,
Doris Brobst, Anna Manzoni,
Bellas of Dallas; Carrol Weatly
Kingston; Dorothy Klug,
Keen of Trucksville; the guest of
honor and the hostess.
Miss Thelma Gregory
Engaged To Plains Man
engagement of their daughter, Thel-
ma, to John J. Gildea, son of Mrs.
Margaret Gildea and the late John
J. Gildea of 106 East Carey street,
Harris Haycox of Main road has
been a patient at General Hospital
this week.
Mrs, Frank Morrison has return-
ed to her home at Shavertown after
being a patient at General Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Anderson
and family of Carverton have pur-
chased a home in Shavertown jand
will move there shortly.
Miss Phyllis Kunkle of Kunkle
was elected to the Board of the
School of Business.
Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Flack have
returned to their home at Trucks-
ville after visiting friends in Vir-
ginia for several days.
Dale Warmouth is able to be out
again after being confined to his
home at Huntsville with the flu.
Henry Peterson of Norton ave-
nue spent the week in Coudersport
on a business trip.
Ralph Rood who has been
at his home on Lehman avenue
for the past few weeks is improv-
ing and able to sit up for a few
minutes each day.
Robert Moore Sr. of Franklin
street has recovered from a recent
illness and is able to be out again.
Laurence Bestwick was one of
the lucky winners to receive a gift
through the Traveling Mike Radio
Program held at the Dallas Town-
ship schools recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Swingle of
Harvey's Lake and Mr. and Mrs. H.
J. Major, Miss Mildred Major, and
Miss Patricia Clark of Huntsville
visited Miss Elma Major at Allen-
town Sunday. Elma is teaching
in one of the Allentown schools.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Kear of
Lake street, had as guest last week-
end, the latter’s mother, Mrs.
George Ball of Minersville, Pa.
Mrs. C. A. Booth formerly of Leh-
man avenue, was the dinner guest
last Saturday of Mrs. Lloyd B. Kear
of Lake street.
Mrs. C. B. Henry who has been
spending the summer with her son,
Robert and family at Laureldale,
Pa., will spend the winter at
Whitesboro, N. Y., with her son,
Clinton and family. While at
Laureldale she celebrated her
eightieth birthday anniversary with
her three sons, Clinton of Whites-
boro, Robert of Laureldale and Neal
of Camden, N.J., and their families.
Mrs. John C. Atwater has gone
to Orange, N. J., where she has
Miss Joan Baur of Shavertown
was guest of honor at a shower
given by Mildred Price Lavelle of
New Brunswick, New Jersey at the
Present were: Jane and Frances s
Lohman, Marte, Culitins, of Shaver. 00 faculty members 2¢ a, dinner
of principal was honored on his birth-
Beverly |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Gregory, |
Mill street, Dallas annqunce the | Economics instructor, prepared the
Faculty Dines
New Teachers
James A. Martin Is
Honored On Birthday
Kingston Township faculty and
employees recently entertained the
! party in the Home Economics room.
James A. Martin, Supervising
| day and was recognized for his loy-
j alty during his seventeen years of
| service in the Kingston Township
i Schools.
Mr. Martin received a gift of
appreciation from the teachers and
employees. Walter Mohr was toast-
Miss Anna Paglianete, the Home
| dinner, assisted by Miss Margaret
: Davis, Miss Soffia Morris, Miss Dor-
| othy Teresinsky, Miss Esther Saxe
. and Miss Pearl Averett.
Present were:
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Martin,
{ Mr. and Mrs. Krank Trimble, Mr.
Theodore Laskowski, Kathyrn Bry-
an, Anna Mae Paglianiti, Margaret
| Davis, Rita Aubrey, Helen Mills,
Florence Matura, Joe Park, T. A.
Czela, Ruth K. Novy, Mrs. Rachel
Porter, Mrs. Eva. McGuire, Bertha
Sutliff, Marian E. Young, Georgina
L. Weidner, Lenora C. Wardan,
Adaline Burgess, James A. Good-
win, Thomas H. Jenkins, Mrs. Ed-
ythe P. Kromelbein, Robert Som-
.merville, Sophia Morris, Eleanor
Jones, Dorothy Teresinski, Sara
“Opinator”, weekly magazine at'Freedly, Esther Saxe, Joseph W.
Wyoming Seminary, last week. Rakshys, George McCutcheon, Ver-
Phyllis is enrolled in: the Dean sus Weaver, Warren S. Taylor, Wal-
| ter Mahr, Florence Hughes, Pearl
M. Averett.
| Linda Jean Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Culp of
Dover, New Jersey, have announced
| the birth of a seven pound, six
| ounce baby girl, Linda Jean, at
! the Dover General Hospital, Dover
| N. J., Saturday, October 9. This
"is the Culp’s first child. Mrs. Culp
Jean Bogert of
Church street, daughter of Mr. and
‘Mrs. F. W. Bogert. Linda Jean is
i the Bogert’s only grandchild and
land the fifty-fourth grandchild of
Mrs. Bertha Jenkins of Huntsville!
Woman's Club Glee Club
Meets At Fred Eck Home
| Second meeting of the Senior
and Junior Woman's Clubs Glee
Club was held at the home of Mrs.
| Fred Eck Monday evening when
plans were made for the coming
season. =
The club, reorganized last year
after a period of suspension during
the war years, is composed not
necassarily of talented and exper-
ienced musicians but of any one
who enjoys singing. Last Friday
evening it made its first pub-
lic appearance of the season at the
talent show sponsored by the Har-
vey’s Lake Service Club.
Present at the practice meeting
Monday evening were: Mrs. Nor-
man Patton, director, Mrs. Wil-
liam Purcell, Miss Mary Bennallack,
Mrs. John Jewell, Mrs. Leonard
Harvey, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs.
Bernard Whitney, = Miss Adeltha
Mahler, Mrs. Kenneth Grose and
Mrs. Eck.
is the former
Junior Woman's Club
Sponsors Farmer Dance
taken an apartment for the winter
| after spending two weeks with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr." and
Mrs. George Turn of Shavertown.
While she was here the Turns en-
Lee, Mrs. Hugh Murray and Mrs. |
tertained at dinner Mrs.
Harold Turn.
Mrs. R. J. W. Templin of Wood-
lawn drive is spending several days
in Northampton, Pa., visiting her
sister and" brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, Lester Yeager.
Mr. and Mrs. Welton Batey have
returned to their home in Shaver-
town after spending a week in At-
lantic City.
Dorcas Bible Class will sponsor a
square dance at Kingston Town-
ship High School Saturday night,
October 23.
The Dallas Junior Woman’s Club
will hold a farmer dance at Dallas
Township High School tonight.
Chairman for the affair is Mrs.
Otis Schoonover. Mrs. Samuel Mar-
gelina is co-chairman. Committee
chairmen are Mrs. John Jewell, Mrs.
Charles Mahler, Mrs. Wilson Gar-
inger, Mrs. James Oliver, Miss Alice
Shafer and Miss Alice Austin.
W. C. Roushey who was stricken
ill several weeks ago is improv-
ing at his home on Franklin street.
Neighborhood Notes And News Of Loca
Mr. and Mrs.
Kunkle announce the marriage o
formerly of Kunkle.
bert performed the" ceremony.
Miss Nancy Parsons Becomes
Bride of Lawrence Smith
John Parsons of
their daughter, Miss Nancy-Parsons
to Lawrence, Smith,.sofi of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Smith of Beach Haven,
The wedding took place Saturday
in the Parsonage of the Alderson
Methodist Church. Rev. James Hil-
Miss Marion Parsons, sister of
the bride, and Donald Smith,
f.|-brother of the bridegroom were in
Miss Parsons is a graduate of
Dallas Township High School, Class
of ’47, and for a time, attended
College Misericordia. Mr. Smith is
also a graduate of Dallas Township
High School and is now employed
in Ohio.
Miss Jacqueline Dunham
Weds George Warmouth
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dunham,
Church, Wilkes Barre.
black accessories.
was best man.
Forty Fort High School, is em-
ployed at Natona Mills. Mr. War-
mouth was graduated from Ed-
wardsville High School and is em-
ployed by Packard Lackawanna
Automobile Company at Kingston.
Mrs. Lewis Reese Is
Hostess To Card Club
Mrs. Lewis Reese entertained
members of her card club at her
home on Pioneer avenue, Wednes-
day evening. Present were: Mrs.
Dean Ide, ; Mrs. Edwin Ide, Mrs.
Donald Bulford, Mrs. Ralph Antrim,
Miss Rita Cummings, Miss Roberta
Quaill .and. the hostess. :
Borough Parent-Teachers
To Have First Meeting
Parents and teachers will discuss
the feasibility of joining the Na-
tional Congress of Parent Teacher
Association at the organization
meeting of Dallas Borough Parent
Teacher Association, the first in
charge of the new president, Mrs.
W. E. McQuilken, Monday night at
8 in the high school auditorium.
There will also be reports by the
following committee chairmen;
membership, Mrs. Daniel Waters;
grade mothers, Mrs. Charles James;
ways and means, Mrs. Allen Root;
library, Mrs. Harry Ohlman; pro-
gram, Mrs. Robert Van Horn.
All parents, especially those who
have recently moved into the com-
munity and have not yet had an
opportunity to get acquainted with
the schools and teachers, are in-
vited to attend.
act as hostesses.
J. A. B. Class To Meet
Evan London today.
Machell and Genevieve Meade.
on Tuesday.
Silver Leat Meeting
bring lunch in a paper bag.
Jacqueline Dunham, daughter of
Demunds Road, Dallas, became the
bride of George Warmouth, Jr. son
of George Warmouth, Sr., of De-
munds Road, Dallas, Saturday, Oc-
tober 2, at noon in St. Stephen’s
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a wine
colored suit with gray accessories
and a yellow corsage. Mrs. Jack
Dowd of Newark, New Jersey, mat-
f honor, wore gray suit with
accessories and corsage of
yellow roses. The bride’s mother
was._ attired In a gray dress with
Richard Jones of Wilkes Barre
Dinner was served for the fam-!
ilies at the bride's residence after |.
which the couple left for New York
City. They will reside on Demunds
Warmouth, a graduate of
Junior and Senior mothers will
J.A.B. Class will meet with Mrs. 3
On the serving comittee will be
Ruth LeGrand, Peggy Lewis, Eva
Officers of the Class will meet at
the home of Mrs. Richard Robbins,
Silver Leaf Club will meet at
the Kunkle Grange Hall Tuesday
Members are reminded
to dress for a poverty party and
Mrs. Russell Miers Is
Mrs. Russell Miers entertained
members of the Kunkle W.S.C.S. at
her home Wednesday evening at
which time plans were made for
the bazaar to be held in the Com-
munity Hall, November 10. Mrs.
Lewis Nulton was appointed chair-
lady of the affair.
Assisting Mrs, Miers at serving
were Mrs. George Landon, Mrs. A.
C. Devens, and Mrs. Charles Wert-
Others attending were: Mrs. D.
P. Honeywell, Mrs. Lewis Nulton,
Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Victor
Rydd, Mrs. Calvert Birnstock and
Jo Carol, Mrs. Ruth Kunkle, Mrs.
Gideon Miller, Mrs. Julia Kunkle,
Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Mrs. Owen
Jones, Mrs. Kerlin, Mrs. Fred Dod-
son and Miss Mildred Devens.
Hallowe'en Party
at the Loyalville
Thursday, October. 28. Any one not
masked will be fined. Refreshments
will be sold.
“Formally” Yours—
She’ll be when you let us
create her corsage! Our
flowers are first-grade,
fragrantly fresh.
Dallas Floral
Dallas, Penna.
Hostess To Kunkle WSCS |
l Church
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Plackett of
Washington, R. I. came by plane
on Friday to visit Mrs. Plackett’s
brother and family, Mr. and Mrs:
Harold Bestwick of Elmcrest for
the weekend. Returning on Mon-
day they were accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Bestwick who have
been spending their vacation with
their son and family.
See us for
Weddings, Funerals, Anni-
versaries, Birthdays, Special
“The Best In Flowers”
Memorial Highway—Dallas
Now Is The Time To Say
with your fall housecleaning
Harvey’s Lake 4256
Always Plenty. of Parking
A Hallowe'en party will be held |]
Church Hall
We have a complete line of Hallowe'en
novelties; masks, party plates, napkins,
favors, and delicious Hallowe'en candies.
A thousand and one other handy items
Dallas 3, 10 to $1.00 Store
Center Street -
For Business
® A full lineof
A line of men’s wear will be added later
Candidly Photographed
Beautifully Mounted
E. C. HubpsonN
Darras 168-R-9
Davis Street, Trucksville
way to buy.
Located in Hazeltine’s Garage
Next to the Bank on MAIN ST., DALLAS
advantage of our lay-a-way plan. Any mer-
chandise in the store can be had on this easy
In Gabardine and Covest
$1.00 to $2.99
Rayon . . . Pure Silk . . . 00% Wool
A —
100 Main St.
Luzerne—Phone 7-6318