i i i EE——e BE / ) Re “FARM TOPICS Provide Poultry Range—Poultry extension specialists of the Penn- sylvania State College say that an acre of good range will carry 500 to 600 pullets up to; 22 weeks of age. From 100 to 200 turkey poults can be carried on a like area until pasture conditions indicate a larger area to be more desirable. Protect Livestock—Pasture areas infested with water hemlock and poison hemlock should be fenced off to protect livestock from being poisoned. Snakeroot and bracken fern also will poison livestock. Pont SPARE THE GREASE . or you'll spoil the car. Drive in to our service station today. We'll ready your car for winter with light-weight grease. Change. the oil, too. Stop by now. SNAPPY SERVICE WITH A SMILE HAZELTINE’S AUTO SERVICE MAIN STREET Control Bean Insects—Dust or spray with rotenone to control the second-generation Mexican bean beetles. For control of black aphids on lima bean flower clusters, spray with 40 per cent nicotine sulphate according to directions. Prepare Show Cattle— Experi- enced showmen know that proper training and fitting pay dividends in the showing. Careful feeding and grooming are important in fitting, while patience and practice are required in training animals to pose as well as lead. Turkeys Need Water—Turkeys drink a lot of water during the ranging season, at 13 weeks of age 100 birds will drink 7 gallons a day. By market age the same number of birds will drink 20 gallons a day. Chop the Straw—For use as bed- ding, straw will be improved by running it through an ensilage chopper and blowing it into the mow. Chopped straw takes about the same space as baled straw, but is more easily handled and absorbs twice as much liquid. Order Roses Now—Place orders promptly for roses for fall planting. This will assure best selection of varieties. Save Garden Moisture—Maturing vegetables need available moisture. Kill weeds and apply mulch if available. SHORT OF OIL? SEE US The new 1948 Winkler Low Pressure Oil Burner is here. It burns less Oil— 25 to 50% It burns most any Oil Less Service HEATRITE Sales & Service Co. Route 309 & Center Street SHAVERTOWN, PA. DALLAS 579-R-7T — 158-R-8 Dallas, Pennsylvania HARVEY’S LAKE 4088 -oil-heating ‘industry. new Electronic Control . . fuel “oil. Honeywell trol as stop 2S len Yoo eee YOU can have ‘the best in oil heat... Change 20 the MEW : oil-fired boiler in your home. Takes up only .a small: - space, only 4G” high," 21" © rooms with ease. Employs new “‘Sun-Blaze’’ principle; originally developed in compact aircraft. heaters for: Uncle Sam's’ Air’ Forces. Gives more heat, quicker; on less oil. ‘Manufactured by Harvey -Whipple, Inc.; Springfield,’ Mass., one of the ol FIRST TO HA VE THE ELECTRONIC eo) i108 . The new Master Kraft ‘Sun:Blaze Boiler is the first * boiler-burner ‘unit to be equipped with the LETTS . watches ‘the fire ‘every moment it burns — gives instant safety control—saves on both electricity and The: ‘manufacturer Harvey - Whipple, ‘Inc., is burner ‘maker to adopt the Minneapolis- |S tronic Safety Con- Bj: hi equipment; one - for details or Master in and THE HUGHES CORP. 245 CHARLES STREET - KINGSTON 17-5258 SUN-BLAZE - Boiler Unit \4=0% carry on year Lo TYRE TAT 3 RE CT RT moded heating ©’ plant? Why. not: have this ‘marvel- ous, new compact : wide, yet heats up to 12 dest pioneers in the “'the eye that never closes” of this burner — the . first oil + ITE HEAT LUZERNE, PA. THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1948 Plant Good Wheat—Since much wheat is of poor quality, farmers |’ are urged to clean out the light kernels and use the plumper grains for seed. Where old wheat is available it may be better seed than the new, but a germination test should be run. Save Hay for Poultry— Be sure to make some hay for feeding the poultry flock. Good leafy hays provide essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Chop the hay in lengths of 1 to 4 inches and feed on the floor or in racks. Run Tractors Right—Tractors op- erate most efficiently when run near full load and at rated max- imum governor speed. Greatest economy can be achieved by utiliz- ing as much of the power as possible in pulling full loads. —XKill the Rats—Conserve grain by killing the rats which eat and waste large quantities. Cleaning up the hiding places, trapping, and poisoning with Red Squill bait. Prune Young Trees—Pruning of young forest trees assures clear, straight trunks and a better timber crop. Harvest Legume Seed— Because legume seed is low in supply and high in price, farmers are urged to harvest for seed purposes any promising crops of alfalfa, red clover, or Ladino clover. Even light crops usually pay for harvest- ing. ....Order Trees Early—Farmers plan- ning to plant Christmas trees are urged to order their seedlings early. The demand still , exceeds the supply. Some growers already have placed their orders. Building Shows Slump In State By Pennsylvania News Service Building activity in Pennsylvania — both residential and non-resi- dential—showed an over-all slump of 9 per cent in June, according to the State Department of Labor and Industry. This is based on the number of building permits issued in com- munities throughout the State, a spokesman said, noting that new residential construction alone drop- ped 24 per cent over the previous month while non-residential con- struction declined 29 per cent. In June a total of 1796 permits were taken out for home construc- tion, while in the preceding month of May the number of such per- mits issued numbered 2405. How- ever the June figure is still above the same month last year, which had only 1543 permits for new home construction issued. Even non-residential permits dropped from 988 in May to 696 in June (634 in June 1947), the department said. Similarly and in line with the decrease in the number of building permits issued, the over-all esti- mated costs declined. It was es- timated that 1796 home construc- tion permits taken out in June of this year represented construc- tion costs totaling $15,733,600, as compared with $20,705,355 in May | when 2405 such permits were is- sued. This represents a decline in estimated construction costs for home building of 23 per cent. The one bright light on the building horizon in construction reflected in the fact that permits is- sued for improvements increased 2.6 per cent—with expenditures de- creasing 17.9 per cent. £ i 7 / ; pl i 7’ &F by Margaret "In The Interest of Purebred Dogs” McL. Cottle Special to The Dallas Post Harrisburg, September 16— (PNS)—Joseph A. Hughes, of Saginaw street, Goss Manor, has been listed as one of three in- corporators of The Hughes Corp- oration, 245 Charles street, Luz- erne, according to a State Charter approved for that concern. The firm has been chartered for plumbing and heating engineering and contracting; dealing in plumb- ing and heating and building supplies; electrical household appli- ances and hardware. With a capitalization listing of $250,000, other incorporators are listed as Paul M. Walsh, Wilkes- Barre, and Marian H. Mack, King- ston. ILL Plumbing Firm Chartered | PAGE SEVEN BACKACHE ‘For quick comforting help for Backache, Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, strong cloudy urine, irritating passages, Leg Pains, circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, due to non-organic and non-systémic Kidney and Bladder troubles, try Cystex. Quick, complete satisfaction or money back guaranteed, Ask your druggist for Cystex today. ’ 0 HILT ER CET TO Arthritis Pain For quick, delightfully comforting help for aches and pains of Rheumatism, Arthritis, Neuritis, Lumbago, Sciatica, or Neuralgia try Romind, Works through the blood. First dose usually starts alleviating pain s0 you can work, enjoy life and sleep more comfortably. As more and more families are moving from crowded, noisy cities into the suburbs or the country, a greater interest is seen in dogs, and they are an integral part of many homes where. they give love, companionship, sport and protec- tion worth much more than their cost. There are now one hundred twelve distinct breeds of dogs re- cognized by the American Kennel Club (commonly called “The A. K.C.”). These are divided into six groups, each group embracing all of the breeds which have a similarity in purpose or use for which they are bred. These groups are des- ignated ‘Sporting Dogs’ (22 breeds); “Hounds” (18 breeds); ‘Toys” (15 breeds); and ‘‘Non-Sporting Dogs” (8 breeds). Some of these are very popular; others are un- known except to an interested few, and of course the degree of pop- ularity of any breed varies over a period of years. Each officially recognized breed has a certain ‘“Standard’’—spec- ification outlining details of phys- ical makeup and type, and des- cribing the character and temper- ament of the dog and the uses to which he is adapted. Of the various groups, ‘Terriers’ are probably the most widely known, and each breed has its own enthusiastic admirers. The Schnauzer— Standard and Miniature The Schnauzer is of German ori- gin and is said to be recognizable in pictures dating from the 15th century. However the modern breed is probably derived from the crossing of black poodle and wolf grey spitz with the old German pinscher stock. The breed is char- acterized by a stocky build, harsh wiry coat and fairly abundant wiry to the breed. The “Miniature” was aggressive typical miniature ranges and from 12 to 15 pounds. and a good ratter. panion on a long hike. dogs. Tribute” as youngsters. at Cleveland and was Specialty Show. by Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, Ohio. scaled down to his small size by early crossings of smaller “standard” in- dividuals with the Affenpinscher, a small black German breed, and has been a distinct breed from 1899. He is usually more varied in color than his larger relatives and is less in temperament. The in the neighborhood of 12 inches in height He is hardy, active, intelligent, adaptable, His small size makes him a suitable dog for town life and confined quarters, but he is also very much at home in the country and makes a fine com- Miniatures have been bred in the United States since 1925 and have gained steadily in popularity. They are popular entries at most dog shows and are often “Best in| Terrier Group” and “Best in Show” The cut shows ‘Champion Dorem High Test” and “Champion Dorem Test” was “Best of Breed” at Mor- ris & Essex (82 dogs competing) and “Tribute” took the same award “Best Show” at the American Miniature | They are sons of the famous “Champion Dorem Dis- | play” and are owned and shown Phil Meldon of whiskers. The “pepper and salt” of Pennsylvania. The name of the county seat! of Armstrong County—Kittanning— | is derived from an old Indian name. | Erie County is one of the leading | industrial and agricultural counties’ Get Romind at druggist today. Quick, com- plete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. | color caused by a mixture of light | and dark banded hairs, is peculiar Radio Service Do not miss the fine programs on the air - have your radio checked over - now! GUARANTEED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED PARTS! GUARANTEED WORK! C. L. CONGDON Back Mountain Radio Service PHONE 317-R-8 Demunds Road, E. Dallas NOTICE TO Jordan Beauty Shop Patrons Because of improper heat- ing facilities, the shop will be moved to Trucksville Gardens after October 1 until a more desirable lo- cation is available. Call resident telephone, Dallas 318-R-3 for appointment. Elizabeth Jordan, owner 3 a IC : N\ \ \ i 0 4 \ N\ 1 i Al ] I 2 J ; » YET EVERY AMERICAN YOUNGSTER, BORN TO A HERITAGE OF FREEDOM, HAS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT IN PROPORTION TO THE USE HE MAKES OF HIS TALENTS AND THE EFFORT HE PUTS FORTH. BUT TO REALIZE IN FULL THESE ADVANTAGES, HE MUST BE PREPARED TO MEET THE RESPONSIBILITIES THAT GO WITH THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING A UNITED STATES CITIZEN AD aS NNEC AANA N NN < REGLAR FELLERS 372 nian ighti A NS — RE Ny American News Features, Ine, By GENE BYRNES @3 he... RENTER WELL, CANFIELD, YOU OLD REPROBATE.!-- DAME FORTUNE HAS SEEN FIT TO GIVE YOU A REPRIEVE FROM THE BREAD-LINE! fT 7 AA ee ——— y i > J aN] SE ARY WORTH’'S FAMILY ~ DISPENSED! Ny N {8% 2 9% S74 N 5 N a THAT MRS.WORTH 15S A SMART OLD CRUMPET!- «BUT NO WOMAN EVER GETS SO OLD,OR SO WISE., THAT SHE LOSES HER TASTE FOR FLATTERY «IF [T'S EXPERTLY 7 IT'S VITAL, OF COURSE , THAT L SHOULD MAINTAIN MY POSITION AS A MAN OF MEANS «++ AND, WITH NO CASH, THAT WILL CALL FOR A BIT OF STRATEGY! THOSE CERTAINLY AREN'T THE TROUSERS OF A BB GENTLEMAN!-