g v PAGE FIVE TRUCKSVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Earl S. Gregory Jr. of Cliffside avenue have purchased the home of Max Leonard on Grove street. They expect to move in shortly. Mr. and Mrs. George Shaver Sr. motored to Bethlehem on Monday to attend the second birthday party for their grandson, David Conklin. David was thrilled with the large cake with two candles that his Grandma and Grandpa Shaver took to him. He also received many lovely gifts. Mrs. George Shaver Jr. and son Skippy and Mrs. Charles Snyder and daughter Irene visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Harrison of Kingston on Tuesday. ... Now is the best time to RESTYLE or REPAIR your fur coat. @® Skillful Work @ Master Craftmanship ® Free Estimates @® Free Storage ® Very Low Price ® No Job Is Too Big . . . Nor Too Small We are also relining and remodeling cloth coats. BETTER TAILOR and FURRIER 147 Main St., Luzerne, Pa. Call 7-2562 Or Residence 7-7126 Open until 8 o'clock evenings SEAR AERATOR HH Mrs. Gwilym Evans is vacationing in Atlantic City for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Elder Lorah and Mr. and Mrs. Eli Roberts and daughter Betty Ruth motored on Sunday to Reading. Jackson Grange will sponsor a farmer dance at Kunkle Community Hall on September 30th. Refresh- ments will be served. The committee in charge are: Anna Manzoni, Mrs. Russel Ruble and Janet Wright. Te Hold Minstrel The Odd Fellows Lodge No. 1078 and Rebekah, Lady Toby Lodge No. 514 of Trucksville, will hold its second annual minstrel in Kingston Township High School on September 23 and 24th. The soloists include, Barbara Hope, William Archard and daugh- ter Shela, Dianne, Ralph Lee Martin, Mathilda Croom, William Clewell, Arlene Siglin, Dorothy Culver, William Lohman and the end men and two end women. The committees in charge prom- ise that this years minstrel will be even better than the last one. Mrs. Alice Boice and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Boice and children of Tunkhannock ‘ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wright of Lehman. Dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wright were Mrs. Claire McKenna, and children, Jo Ann, Patsy and Eleanor, of Ide- town, Miss Marie Wright of King- ston and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wright, sons Dale and Woody of Forty Fort. Mrs. Jennie Johnson is seriously ill at her home. Philadelphia was the great edu- cational and cultural center of early America.—PNS. IN A JIFFY It takes us no time at all to fix or change a tire— jobs we do TIRES CHANGED saves you the time and trouble. We're experts on all auto service ‘em quickly, efficiently, inexpensively. Drive in SNAPPY SERVICE JACK HAZELTINE’S AUTO SERVICE MAIN STREET = — SPECIAL With Every 25¢ CASH PURCHASE ONE CHANCE ON A BARRE WAGON Will Be Given FREE WITH A SMILE DALLAS Heat your home this moderne way Here is the Master Kraft Warm Air Conditioner. With this unit installed in your home you are assured of nature’s finest weather brought indoors and harnessed by science to make your days healthful and invigorating, your nights restful and comfortable. All winter long it warms the air to exactly the desired degree—adds just the right amount of humidity—filters the air—removing dirt and dust, and gives circulation in every ropm. During the summer, at the flick.of a switch you get a complete circulation of fresh, filtered, pure air throughout the house. Electronic Control — the eye that never closes. Master Kraft oil heating units are first to have this marvelous new control. Works six. times as fast as ordinary controls. Master Kraft WARM AIR CONDITIONER THE HUGHES CORP. 245 CHARLES STREET—LUZERNE, PENNA. KINGSTON 7-5258 | | with over 20 heating plants and "BEAUMONT The first fall business meeting of the Lend-A-Hand Women’s Club was held at the I1.O.O.F. Hall where it was voted to contact members who had not attended for six months to ask their pleasure on re- instatement. The group also voted twenty dollars to the school for film strips. The following officers were elected: president, Mrs. Alden Dietz; vice-president, Mrs. Paul Nulton, Sr.; secretary, Mrs. Warren Johnson; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Smith. The October meeting will be a masquerade party with each member bringing a “hobo lunch”. The school enrollment has twen- ty-five pupils more than last year. Mrs. George Hayner was hostess at a shower for Mrs. Ralph Taylor Tuesday night. Mrs. Emma Mae Sutton is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stout. Mr. Stout is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. David Mowry of Wyoming took Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Denmon to visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder at Selinsgrove. The Jack Johnsons had Mr. and Mrs, Bert Decker of Conklin road, Binghamton, N. Y., as guests over the past weekend. The Edward MacDougalls spent last Sunday with Mrs. MacDougall’s mother, Mrs. French of Mehoopany. The Cannery did a total of 4,285 cans in August. Bazaar and Supper Ladies Aid of Huntsville Chris- tian Church will hold a bazaar and cafeteria supper in the church Friday evening, September 24 start- ing at 6 o'clock. Aprons, fancy work, fruits, vegetables, and baked articles will be sold. STORE TALK While we are reluctant to brag about it, the days of “Take it or go without” are gone. You can make a choice in styles of Bath- rooms, linoleum, sinks, washing machines etc. You'll enjoy a visit to our second floor. Cover a 9 x 12 ROOM — $2.60 Check our wide choice of pat- terns for floors and walls. 6 ft. wide—9 ft. wide—I12 ft wide. Frigidaire Refrigerators are still on allotment, but conditions are much improved—the new Frigi- daire Home Freezer in 18 cubic foot size is rolling in. Looks like there's no reason to buy an un- known make—you can get FPrigi- daire. Things are booming in the shop dozens of repair jobs scheduled. Should you need repairs or re- placements, give us your order now—Or better yet, we can supply you reasonably for the jobs you do yourself. September is the time to repair your roofs. We can help you do the job well, and reasonably with 45 1b. asphalt rolls @1.95— 55 Ib. @225 and 8 in 1 asphalt shingles @$6.50 per square. We're also all set with right prices on coating and plastic cement. (MAPLE CITY BARN EQUIPMENT AGAIN) Woodlined Stancions Steel Stall Portions Arch Stall Less Stancion __.. Straight Line Stalls Less Stancion Tie Stalls Comfort Stalls SEE US AND MODERNIZE YOUR DAIRY GAY-MURRAY CO. TUNKHANNOCK, PENNA. THE POST, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1048 | ~ BILL'S BITS By Bill Hart = SN As the chill of autumn steals through the air, baseball, king of the spring and summer seasons, starts taking a back seat to the sport of fast action and bruising contact, football . Of the “big three”, basketball, football and baseball, only football is term- ed a contact game . . . . Matte: of fact, football is the only team- played contact game which is popu- lar throughout the country. Tom Edwards, Dallas Township mentor, is speculating on what « little added tonnage would do for his boys . . . . The Red and White squad looks fit for all comers, but lack of experience and any larger size players will seriously hamper their chances . . Edwards has a light but capable backfield com- posed of Wallace, Cooke, Bellas and Redmond . . . .. Dick Wallace is the captain and ‘veteran of the team, he’s now playing his fourth year of varsity football . . . . . The Terriers line is light but eager, anchored around capable pivotman Jay Bloomer . . . Also a standout in pre-season work is Flanagan, an end, who recently moved here from Detroit. Edwards is receiving some valu- able assistance from Bernard Rockovitch, Dallas Borough teach- er, who played pro-football with the Shenandoah Presidents in the Penn State League. Dallas Township’s first game is September 25 against the Wyoming Seminary JV’s . . . . . Fans will see a number of familiar faces on the Seminary squad, among them Jack Roberts, Dallas, who is playing there after a hitch in the Army. Unmindful of its competition, baseball blissfully rolls on towards its seasonal conclusion . . . . The playoffs in the Bi-County Loop are definitely settled with Orange, victor in two straight over Beau- mont in the sem-finals, meeting Noxen, winner in two out of three games with East Dallas in the semi’s . . . . This best out of three series should be quite a battle putting Noxen’s * skillful mound staff of against Orangé’s “Murderer’s Row” of Fronzek, Kunkle, J. Smith, W. Smith, Sickler and Company. Noxen gained the finals last Sunday when, with a game apiece, it knocked East Dallas out of the running with a 5-1 victory It was Noxen all the way with Granville Scouten shackling East Dallas batters time after time . . . East Dallas bid for victory in the seventh when the score was 3-0, but effiicent infield work by Noxen nullified the Dallas chances . . . . Fine stickwork for Noxen was con- tributed by Scouten and. Van- Campen with long well hit triples and Session with a solidly hit double . . . .Art Bellas pitched a good game but those extra base hits combined with a few costly errors gave the Wyoming County lads all the runs they needed . . . Scouten was in top form and was backed by a tight defense which helped him over the rough spots with ease . . . . Mike Kozich, Pete Austin, Harry Martin and Tex Wil- son played well for East Dallas, with Kozich connecting for two consecutive hits in the early part of the game. Dallas Legion has definitely and absolutely withdrawn from the Susquehanna League, reports Ken Grose, Legion manager . . . . The move was voted on by all players and all were in favor of the with- drawal . . . . This action was pre- cipated by the disputed Miners Mills game two weeks ago .... In this game the Legionnaires were given such raw deals that they walked off the playing field in the ninth inning . . ... Grose tells us that it has beeen like that all year round and since they can expect nothing better in the future, it was a very reasonable withdrawal tees Dallas has been in the first four teams all season and ‘held down the top spot for a number of weeks . . . . They have been par- ticipating in the controversial “playoff for position” the last four weeks. The Legionnaires would like to play a three game series with Ted Wilson's East Dallas team... If Scouten = and Blizzard |. this goes through, the games should provide a good drawing card and give answer to the ques-! tion of whether the Susquehanna | League is any better or faster than | Bi-County Circuit. The State Board of Censors, which reviews all motion pictures in Penn- sylvania, was created in 1915 and has been in full operation ever since' that time. —PNS. Every Housewife Should Know About Acme LOWER FOOD PRICES Compare Them Yourself Yes, there's quite a difference. fr 5 Acme Markets are determined to i do everything possible to keep meat and other food prices at a reasonable level. Its popular today to shop the Acme Way. Extra Fancy, Snow-White CAULIFLOWER = 23 Serve With Delicious Cheese Sauce for a Rare Treat Sweet Potatoes 23c Large, Sweet Idaho Farmdale No. 1 Penna. ros 406 FRESH PRUNES 3 29¢c| POTATOES ORANGES ‘zine «= 33¢ | POTATOES nuvi. » 5c etn =e APPLES =z. 3 29c| ONIONS -..-'coo Quality Meats at Reasonable Prices Tender, Smoked, Skinned—Large Size Shank ’ Half GC 1b. ‘A Favorite Meat for Every Occasion—Fry, Bake, Boil Tender Smoked — 8 to 12 lbs. Avg. PICNICS Delicious Ham Flavor I> Makes Meals Economical C large head * Golden Yellow Round, Sirloin, Porterhouse . STEAKS Serve Swiss Steak 1 Oc For Sunday Dinner CHUCK ROAST “ci = 5% | HAMBURG co. ™ 9% RIB ROAST S:no== »G8| CHICKENS so. 4% SHORT RIBS "=" 45 | SLICED BACON 6% Exciting Taste In Bakery Foods Virginia Lee Pineapple Iced LAYER CAKES each Ritter’s Catsup | Cinnamon Twirls hi 1 or. 20¢c A Tempting Breakfast Pastry and Coffee Cake a a Here’s Top Bread Value! WILSON'S SUPREME— Enriched MO Beef . | or Pork PB H EA D large 1 3c a 45 - 9 FRITOS cos32Ees ARMOUR’S Corned Beef 19¢ Ideal — Flavor Sealed AS COFFEE '>49c| = oh 1 43 Wincrest CHOPPED he 5 Be Coffee 12 40c SWANSON BORDENS Wilbert’s—No Rub toner: 59¢| | HEMO seve = gsc | | Fumifure Polish Boned Chicken *== 59 | |Imtant mot sege| | ei 290 . KM A CRISCO oicviiie 1% Alc Zn $1.13 RESELEIFIIR 4 oz. bag CALO DOG FOOD 1m 95 SF Ft ms iis 33 KIRKMAN’S GRANULATED ee 930 KIRKMAN’S SOAP POWDER we eo KIRKMAN’S COMPLEXION SOAP 3 cakes 23¢ KIRKMAN’S BORAX SOAP 3 cakes 25¢ GILLETTE 25% 2% 10¢ 24% 25 SMART..BEAUTIFUL eR tnd 1 3:0 SAVE ABOUT 40% ON OUR CARD PLAN 16.- = SET 4 PLATES 4 SAUCERS 4 SAUCE DISHES 4 CUPS Without Card $6.99 only $ OQ ‘Come in...see our display...ask * u bi about our Card Plan...start your GUARANTEED NOT TO CRAZE Card, today. 30 DAYS’ TRIAL SATISFACTION GUARANTEED