| hi i | | } Ps’ i i v i - Forest County contains more than 200,000 acres of forest land. PAGE SIX was born in Darby. The noted botanist John Bartam ITS SIMPLE The letters spell just one word —ATLANTIC—the name for high quality, economical petroleum prod- ucts ... Call on us for Atlantic HI-ARC Gasoline, Atlantic lubricating oils and greases, Atlantic kerosene, Atlantic Furnace Oil. We “deliver the goods” promptly. : BESECKER’S | iTV Tie Atlantic Service Station CHURCH and LAKE STREETS DALLAS mm Agr og re Why goats prefer New, Smaller-Size Pellets New Beacon Goat Ration is more economical for you, too For some time, the Beacon Milling Company has be- lieved that goats would prefer a smaller size pellet. We thought also that it would have other advantages in feed- ing and economy. So—we tested the small pellet on numer- ous goat farms . . . and found that without exception, goats preferred it. ‘ 1. The new Beacon Goat Ration with smaller size pellets does not separate nearly as much from. the rest of the ration. 2. The entire ration is eaten. Even the “fussy” goat does not leave the new Beacon Pellets. 8. You can feed larger amounts of feed. 4. Beacon’s new Goat Ration is more economical to use. save moxert Sicherman Feed Co. Order Your Beacon Feed 1070-72 Wyoming Ave., Exeter Today! Telephone Pittston 2147 SWEET VALLEY | Mr. and Mrs. Becker and son for the first day which is Tuesday, September 7. Mrs. Violet Ruff of Noxen was and daughter of New York State | elected as high school substitute visited Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith over weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bonning and family and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hattie Edwards and | in Math. the | Bender who | leave of absence. and Health for W. 8S. is taking a year’s Last week a Kingston car went over MacDougall’'s embankment Irby and Son of Sayre visited | while this week two out-of-town relatives here over the weekend.’ Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams cars collided intersection. at the Lake Hill Fortunately damages of Scranton have returned to their | were to the cars and not the home after visiting the former’s sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shaw and other rel- atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Hayden Tinsley of Allentown and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Houser of State College visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Newton on Sunday. Miss Barbara Carmen is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey at Shickshinny. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and Robert visited friends at Red Rock Mountain on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Forred of Bryantville, Mass., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long last week. The Forreds are spending their vacaiton with friends and relatives in the Back Mountain area. Mr. and Mrs. George Bronson spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wardan of Shavertown. Mrs. Loren Kitner and son, Paul of New York State visited Rev. and Mrs. Ira Button on Sunday. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Keller were Martin Markson of Reading, Mr. and Mrs. Rineheimer of Wilkes- Barre, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steele of Wyoming. Friends in Sweet Valley are pleased to learn that Mrs. Stanley Keller of Pikes’ Creek is getting along so nicely afer submitting to an operation at Nesbitt Hospital last week. Miss Bess Klinetob spent Satur- day in Dallas visiting Mrs. Ella Harvey who has been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Edwards of Endicott, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ,Lewis and son, Junior of Wilmington, Del, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holcomb on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wolfe of Pike’s Creek entertained at dinner on Sunday Mrs. John Graham of Lake Silkworth and Miss Bess Klinetob. BEAUMONT All pupils entering school for their first grade term should be six years of age before February 1, 1949. Each child must bring his birth certificate and vaccination papers. Pupils entering from other districts should bring promotion certificates and health records. When must you have these? Why Lowery Benny, ! occupants both times. The con- census of opinion states that speeding was the cause both times. What can we local people do to cope with it? Be careful. Mrs. George Clark is a patient at General Hospital where she will undergo surgery. The Ladies’ Aid Picnic at Perrin’s Marsh was attended by twenty-one members and guests. Plans for a full fall program were laid and the first date set was the second Thursday of October at which time a quilt will be tied for a member. The Earl Johnsons Johnsons were weekend guests of Mrs. Earl Johnson's brother, Walter Saxe at Canton. Again said correspondent thanks Rosemary Kozak for a job well done while the Austins were on their trip up the Gatineau River in Quebec, Canada where some afternoons of excellent fishing were well forgotten by the “Mrs.” who held “school” at the request of five twelve year olds or there abouts who wanted to learn to write their names. You see these youngsters had never been to school and just couldn't believe some youngsters here dreaded the thoughts that vacation was at a close; for their fondest and most cherished dream was to be able to read, write, and be with other children. “Sport News” is nil because of interference by the Weather Man. Sad News teachers; School starts September 7th Be prepared! Mrs. Hope Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Clayton Taylor and Mrs. Leona Brace, spent Friday in Tunk- hannock. The local cannery is being well patronized these days. If you have any canning to do, don’t fail to call Dot Johnson in Harvey's Lake, and you will be well taken care of. By all means ladies, get your next perm at Mildred Lutes new Beauty Solon located at Lutes Corners. g Florence Newberry, formerly em- ployed by the “Cross Country Restaurant”, is now employed at the Tunkhannock Keystone Shoe | Company. D. Of A. Meeting Mount Vale Council 224 Daugh- ters of America will meet in the LO.O.F. Hall this evening, Friday, at 8 P.M. for drill team practice. If You're Thinking About Buying An ELECTRIC RANGE or WATER HEATER Bsk Us Or Your Electric Dealer Bbhout Qur Liberal WIRING ALLOWANCE WE WIRING WILL COSTS PAY Not to exceed $30 for an Electric Range or $20 for an Electric Water Heater. LUZERNE COUNTY GAS AND ELECTRIC CORP. Kap ® Roofing ® Painting ROOFING & PAINTING CO. ANNOUNCES A NEW BACK MOUNTAIN SERVICE IN RESIDENTIAL o Gutters ® Septic Tank Installations NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL 25 Years Experience DOUGLAS J. KULP Kingston 7-1716 ® (Carpenter Repairs Now On Display Economy Traetor Engineering Products Corp. ® FOUR WHEEL GARDEN TRACTOR @® STANDARD TRANSMISSION ® AUTOMOBILE TYPE GEARED | 3 Speeds Forward—Reverse ©® COMPLETE LINE OF IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE “Seeing Is Believing” Also In Stock CASE FARM IMPLEMENTS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS | 8 IN. HAMMER MILL | 2 BOTTOM TRAILER PLOW | BRUSHLAND DISC HARROW See Them All At The Wilkes-Barre Farm Center BLAZES GAS STATION, LUZERNE-DALLAS HIGHWAY Post Office Box 206, Luzerne Jack Quackenbush and Don Innes, Proprietors | and Jack | THE POST, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1948 | L em mm tm A tn A et en ere eA ote tt tte ttn i me Here Are Prices That FIGHT INFLATION Leads The Way No wonder people are turning by the ; thousands to Acme, where their money consistently goes further. No week-end specials but low prices every day. U..S. No. 1—New POTATOES Fancy California Table GRAPES : Fancy Nearby Sweet Juicy California ORANGES = 33¢ | CARRO rurah hg = 2.29. Large Meaty California Cooking Apples 3 25¢ | PLUMS. Fancy Large California I$ 2~-1T¢ Here’s Reason For Meat On Every Table—Compare Sirloin STEAKS - Center Cuts—Tender, {ST CHUCK ROAST Swift Premium—Skinl FRANKS Lean, Tender SHORT RIBS SLICED BACON >: Style Freshls Ground Porte house Ib. C ding Prime—Western Beef ~ 59¢ | RIB” ROAST Swift Premium—Long or Ring = 30¢ BOLOGNA y Stewing—31% to 414 I = 45¢ | CHICKENS Bakery Delicacies Virginia Lee Jelly-Cocoanut LAYER CAKES =a §0¢ COFFEE CAKES Supreme Pan Rolls Cracked Wheat Bread Sandwich Bread SUPREME—Enriched BREAD aa 300 pkg. 19¢ loaf 15¢ “15g 3 Pillsbury, Large Loaf PREM-TREET-MOR OLEOMARGARINE FLOUR Gold Seal—All Purpose, Family FLOUR Low Prices 12 oz. can PARKAY » 30¢ Gold Medal, King Midas > $1.99 bag 25 1b. bag $1.69 Hershey Bars Milky Way, Oh Henry, Ete. Heat-Flo Roasted asc GANDY BARS COFFEE ™ = 43c Rich—Full Bodied EG 98¢ 6 i 25¢ at gk Chewing Gum COFFEE > 40c 3 pkgs. 10c Mild—Mellow Blend Box of 20—67c Ideal : 0 COFFEE ™ = 48¢ Superb—Extra Flavor A Rich Coffee Flavor for Every Taste for Greater Satisfaction GHARGE DOG CANDY 2%; oz. 10¢ pkg. 2 wn 2% DOG FOOD an Te CALO | | | 1 MINUTE Lemon pie Mix Bie. REECHNUT Me Strained Foods 6 # 53¢ Beardsley Codfish Cakes "C0" 19¢ | American Toilet Tissue ri 10c | “Nabisco Ritz Crackers ane, 30C | Speedup Ammonia Je 0c ‘SWIFT'NING > 37¢ = $1.11 | £58 Mason uses 3 PINTS BOSCUL COFFEE ~~ 58¢ we B60 QUARTS 2 PIECE CAPS doz. %5¢ LIDS 2 doz. 25¢ Chopped Foods 6 = T9¢ INDEPENDENCE SAFETY MATCHES 2 »e {lc PUSS °N BOOTS GAT FOOD oe ~3 8 oz. cans JHE OCTAGON TOILET SOAP . New Giant Size 0XYDOL « = Jig FELS NAPTHA LAUNDRY SOAP 2 « 1l¢ New Giant Size DUZ me §le pkg. Ib. 15¢ 1 NOS spartan iris ———————